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      • Standardization Roadmapping

        Jae-Yun Ho 과학기술정책연구원 2014 STI Policy Review Vol.5 No.1

        Despite a commonly held belief that standards obstruct innovation, recent research shows that they can actually play critical roles in supporting various activities of technological innovation. Thus, providing an innovation-friendly environment through standardization has been gaining much attention in recent years; however, there is as yet limited understanding, due to complex dynamics and high uncertainties associated with innovation, as well as a variety of different types and functions of standards with various stakeholders involved. The problem becomes even more challenging for standardization in highly complex systems, such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems, where a large number of domains and components are involved, along with various types of stakeholders. In order to deal with such complexity and variations, a systematic approach of standardization roadmapping has been used in many technologyleading countries as a strategic policy tool for supporting effective management of standardization. Despite its wide adoption, the current understanding of standardization roadmapping is somewhat limited, leaving significant challenges for policymakers and standards organizations in terms of how to structure and manage roadmapping exercises, and how the government should get involved. In this regard, the current research explores existing standardization roadmaps in various contexts related to ICT systems (ICT in Korea, Smart Grid in the US, and electromobility in Germany), as there is a particular need for systematic development of strategies for such complex systems of ICT. Focusing on various aspects of standardization roadmapping exercises such as their structures, processes, and participants, their common features and key characteristics are identified. Comparing these roadmaps also reveal distinct differences between standardization roadmapping approaches adopted by different countries in different contexts. Based on lessons learnt from existing practices, the study finally provides insight for the Korean ICT standards community on the ways in which their standardization roadmapping approach can be improved to support anticipatory management of standardization activities more effectively. It is expected that the current research can not only provide increased understanding of standardization roadmaps, but also help policymakers and standards organizations to develop more effective strategies for supporting innovation through the systematic management of standardization.

      • KCI등재

        Marketing Standardization and Firm Performance in International E-Commerce

        Wolfgang Fritz,Heiko Dees 한국마케팅과학회 2009 마케팅과학연구 Vol.19 No.3

        市场营销的标准化已经成为有关国际市场营销的硏究中最为关注的焦点之一。 全球营销这个术语常被定义为以国外市场的共同性为前提的国际标准化的营销战略。 营销标准化仅在传统的实体市场交易场所的背景中被讨论。 自从上个世纪90年大起, 联网上的电子市场交易场所开始兴起, 并成为全球化过程中为全球营销活动准化开拓新机会的最重要的动力之一。 另一方面, 消费者由于更大程度的接受互联网而可能产生与标准化相比更高水平的定制化和产品的差异化, 这样的观点也很流行。 考虑这个分歧, 在全球电子商务的背景下关注营销标淮化的 综合的硏究不能达到一定高度的这种情况值得注意。 在这个背 景下, 本硏究提出了两个基本硏究问题 : (1)在国际电子商务中公司多大程度标准化了他们的营销? (2)营销的标准化对公司的表现 (或成功) 有没有影响? 根据文献回顾提出了下列硏究假设 : H1 : 从事国际电子商务的公司为营销标准化做了更多的淮备。 H2 : 营销标准化在帮助公司在国际电子商务中获得成功的方面发挥积极的作用。 H3 : 在国际电子商务中, 营销组合标准化在公司获得经济的和非经济的成功方面比营销过程标准化发挥更积极的作用。 H4 : 国际电子商务公司获得非经济的成功越大, 获得经济的成功也越大。 本硏究的数据是通过在2005年2月到4月间进行问卷调查获得的。 本调查查包括了德国各种产业中的国际电子商务公司和国外电子商务公司驻德国的所有总部和分公司。 801 家公司中的 118 家回㚆了问卷。 本硏究了问卷为结构方程模型,使用PLS-Graph3.0版本中的偏最小二乘法。 数据分析结果支持所有的4个硏究假设。 结果表明, 从事国际电子商务的公司在商标, 网页设计, 产品定立和产品项目上的标准化很高。这些公司打算未来左营销组合标准化方面加大努力。 另外, 他们想提高营销控制程标准化的水平, 尤其是和信息系统, 企业语言和在线营销控制程序一起。 在本硏究中, 营销标准化对企业在国际电子商务中的表表现起了积极全面的影响。 营销组合的标准化对在非经济的成功方面比营销过程的标准化发挥更积极的影响。 相反, 营销过程的标准化在经济的功方面发挥了较积极的作用。 另外, 我们的结果明确的支持了在国际电子商务中非经济的成功和经济的成功是高度相关的这一假设。 实证结果表明, 国际电子商务公司的成功与营销标准化高度相关。 但营销组合和销售过程标准化以不同的方式帮助企业的经济和非经济的成功。 結果表明, 公司在互联网上使营销组合的众多因索标准化。 这种做法在一定程 The Standardization of marketing has been one of the most focused research topics in international marketing. The term "global marketing" was often used to mean an internationally standardized marketing strategy based on similarities between foreign markets. Marketing standardization was discussed only within the context of traditional physical marketplaces. Since then, the digital "marketspace" of the Internet had emerged in the 90's, and it became one of the most important drivers of the globalization process opening new opportunities for the standardization of global marketing activities. On the other hand, the opinion that a greater adoption of the Internet by customers may lead to a higher degree of customization and differentiation of products rather than standardization is also quite popular. Considering this disagreement, it is notable that comprehensive studies which focus upon the marketing standardization especially in the context of global e-commerce are missing to a high degree. On this background, the two basic research questions being addressed in this study are: (1) To what extent do companies standardize their marketing in international e-commerce? (2) Is there an impact of marketing standardization on the performance (or success) of these companies? Following research hypotheses were generated based upon literature review: H 1: Internationally engaged e-commerce firms show a growing readiness for marketing standardization. H 2: Marketing standardization exerts positive effects on the success of companies in international e-commerce. H 3: In international e-commerce, marketing mix standardization exerts a stronger positive effect on the economic as well as the non-economic success of companies than marketing process standardization. H 4: The higher the non-economic success in international e-commerce firms, the higher the economic success. The data for this research were obtained from a questionnaire survey conducted from February to April 2005. The international e-commerce companies of various industries in Germany and all subsidiaries or headquarters of foreign e-commerce companies based in Germany were included in the survey. 118 out of 801 companies responded to the questionnaire. For structural equation modelling (SEM), the Partial-Least-Squares (PLS) approach in the version PLS-Graph 3.0 was applied (Chin 1998a; 2001). All of four research hypotheses were supported by result of data analysis. The results show that companies engaged in international e-commerce standardize in particular brand name, web page design, product positioning, and the product program to a high degree. The companies intend to intensify their efforts for marketing mix standardization in the future. In addition they want to standardize their marketing processes also to a higher degree, especially within the range of information systems, corporate language and online marketing control procedures. In this study, marketing standardization exerts a positive overall impact on company performance in international e-commerce. Standardization of marketing mix exerts a stronger positive impact on the non-economic success than standardization of marketing processes, which in turn contributes slightly stronger to the economic success. Furthermore, our findings give clear support to the assumption that the non-economic success is highly relevant to the economic success of the firm in international e-commerce. The empirical findings indicate that marketing standardization is relevant to the companies' success in international e-commerce. But marketing mix and marketing process standardization contribute to the firms' economic and non-economic success in different ways. The findings indicate that companies do standardize numerous elements of their marketing mix on the Internet. This practice is in part contrary to the popular concept of a "differentiated standardization" which argues that come elements of the marketing mix

      • KCI등재

        준현용 기록관리 표준화의 평가

        설문원 한국문헌정보학회 2009 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.43 No.3

        In 2005, the National Archives of Korea (NAK) set up the Records Management Standards Plan in the process of public records management innovation and released 55 standards and guidelines based on this plan. This study is to evaluate the standardization for records management so far with a critical view and suggest implications for rebuilding standardization strategies. For evaluation, it analyses records management standardization policies and the status of standard development through NAK's standardization policy documents and interviews records managers in central government agencies via e-mail. The categories of evaluation are the selection for the standardization areas, the quality of standard content, the standardization procedures, and the policies for sustainable standardization. It evaluates qualitatively with criteria set up in each category and then suggests some recommendations for the improvement of records management standardization. 공공기록관리 혁신의 일환으로 표준화 정책이 수립된 이후 지난 4년간 기록관리 전 영역에 걸쳐 55개의 표준화 과제가 추진되었다. 이 연구는 그동안 추진된 기록관리 표준화 정책과 추진내용을 평가하여 중장기 표준화 전략 재구축에 시사점을 제공하고자 한다. 평가는 표준화 관련 정책 문서와 중앙행정기관 기록관리 실무자들과의 면담을 기반으로 수행하였다. 표준화 대상 선정의 적절성, 표준의 질적 수준, 표준화 절차, 표준화 정책 등 4개 영역으로 범주화하여 평가 기준을 설정하고 이에 따라 정성적 평가를 실시하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        표준 연구 연대기: 표준 및 표준화 인식 제고

        박하경,김충환 표준인증안전학회 2023 표준인증안전학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        본 연구는 표준과 관련된 다양한 연구 중에서 표준 및 표준화에 대한 이해와 인식을 제고하는 목적의 연구 동향을 살펴보고, 이를 바탕으로 국가기술표준 경쟁력 강화의 한 방법으로써 표준 및 표준화에 대한 인식 제고를 위해 관련 연구자들에게 필요한 역할을 정립하기 위하여 수행되었다. 연구 동향 분석과 관련된 유사 논문을 참조하여, 연구 특성으로 연구 대상, 연구 목적, 연구 방법, 게재 학술지를, 연구자 특성으로 연구자 구성, 소속, 학문 분야를 분석 준거로 하는 분석 틀을 개발하였고, 1999년부터 2022년까지 학술지에 게재된 59편의 표준 및 표준화에 대한 이해와 인식 제고 목적의 논문을 대상으로 분석을 수행하였다. 먼저, 해당 연구가 시기별로 어떤 경향을 보이는지 살펴본 결과, 2012년 이후 관련 논문 수가 증가하다가 2017-2018년을 기점으로 감소하였다. 이는 국가표준․인증제도 선진화 방안이 수립되고 한국이 ISO 이사국으로 선출된 시기와 맞물려 관련 연구가 증가하였으나 이후 이러한 대외적 요소나 정책적 효과가 줄어들어 연구자들의 표준화 인식 및 보급에 대한 관심이 줄어들었기 때문으로 볼 수 있다. 또한, 연구 특성에 대해서 살펴본 결과, 연구 방법은 양적 연구 중에서는 조사 연구의 비중이 높았고, 질적 연구 중에서는 사례 연구의 비중이 크게 나타났다. 개발 연구와 실험 연구의 비중은 낮았으며, 주로 학생 교육이나 동향 파악 등의 목적으로 연구가 이루어졌다. 마지막으로 연구자 특성에 대해서 살펴본 결과, 2015년을 기준으로 2인 및 3인 이상 공동 연구가 크게 증가하였고 연구자 소속도 대학이 크게 증가한 것을 통해 대학이나 산업체와의 공동 연구가 활발하게 이루어졌음을 알 수 있다. 종합적으로, 표준 및 표준화 인식 제고 관련 연구는 2015-2018년 기간에는 정부 지원 사업 중심으로 활발하게 이루어졌지만, 현재는 저조한 것으로 보아 연구자들이 표준 및 표준화 인식 제고에 대한 동기를 얻는 데 정부의 정책적인 지원이 큰 영향을 미쳤다고 분석되었다. 따라서 앞으로의 연구가 활성화되기 위해서는 대학교, 산업체, 행정기관 간의 연계가 활발하게 이루어지고 다양한 지원 체계가 갖추어지는 것이 우선되어야 함을 알 수 있다. 결과에 대한 분석을 바탕으로, 표준화 연구자 및 종사자들의 표준 및 표준화 인식 제고 관련 활동 적극 참여, 일반인과 산업체를 대상으로 하는 홍보 및 교육 확대, 산학관의 역할 명확화 및 유기적인 협력 관계 구축, 국외 연구 및 사례 분석을 통한 벤치마킹 등을 제언하였다. This study aimed to investigate the research trends in various studies related to standards, with the objective of enhancing understanding and awareness of standards and standardization. Additionally, the study sought to identify the roles that researchers play in raising awareness of standards and standardization to strengthen the competitiveness of national technical standards. To analyze these trends, we developed a framework based on research characteristics such as research object, research purpose, research method, and publication journal, as well as researcher characteristics including researcher composition, affiliation, and academic field. The analysis focused on 59 papers published in academic journals between 1999 and 2022 that aimed to raise understanding and awareness of standards and standardization. The temporal trend analysis revealed an increase in studies related to standardization awareness raising after 2012, followed by a decrease in 2017-2018. This increase can be attributed to the establishment of the National Standards and Certification System Advancement Plan and Korea's election to the ISO Board of Directors. However, the subsequent decline in research activity can be attributed to the diminishing influence of these external factors and policy effects, resulting in decreased interest among researchers in standardization awareness and dissemination. Regarding the characteristics of the research, survey research exhibited a higher proportion among quantitative studies, while case studies were more prevalent among qualitative studies. The proportion of developmental and experimental research was relatively low, and research primarily focused on educational purposes or identifying trends. In terms of researcher characteristics, collaborative research involving universities and companies became more common, as evidenced by a significant increase in two-and three-person collaborations since 2015. Additionally, the number of researchers affiliated with universities experienced a notable rise. Overall, research on standards and standardization awareness raising was active during the period of 2015-2018, predominantly driven by support projects. However, the current state of research in this area is relatively low, indicating that government policy support has played a significant role in motivating researchers to raise awareness of standards and standardization. To invigorate future research, it is crucial to establish active connections between research institutes, universities, and companies, and implement diverse support systems. Based on the analysis results, it is recommended to explore methods to promote and educate the general public and industrial companies, support their participation in related research and standardization activities to enhance their capabilities, and facilitate discussions on utilization through literature and content analysis, development, and case studies.

      • KCI등재후보

        전략적 표준화의 유형별 기업사례분석

        성태경 대한경영정보학회 2008 경영과 정보연구 Vol.26 No.-

        In the knowledge and network economy, standards and standardization become an important factor in determining the competitiveness of nations and firms. This paper analyses some cases of firms' strategic standardization. We defined the concept of standards, standardization, strategic standardization, and standardization management, which have been unfamiliar in the academic society. The standardization strategy can be categorized into four types according to firm's management objectives or benefits, including technological innovation, market creation/extension. cost-down, and accreditation. This classification of standardization strategy is very useful in analysing the various kinds of the cases of strategic standardization implementation. We found that standards and standardization have a positive influence on firm's overall performance. In some cases, for example, Dell Computer, Sun Microsystems, Deere & Company, etc., strategic standardization plays a role as a key success factor(KSF).

      • KCI등재

        구조방정식 모형을 활용한 표준화 장애요인과 기업의 장애극복방안에 관한 실증연구

        정명선(Myoung-Sun Jeong) 한국산학기술학회 2018 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.19 No.3

        기업은 자사의 제품과 기술의 상호운용성을 확보하기 위하여 연구개발과정에서 표준기술을 적용하게 되는데, 이 과정에서 다양한 종류의 장애요인이 발생하게 되며, 활발한 표준화 활동을 통해 이를 극복하려고 한다. 연구개발과정에서 기업의 장애요인과 장애 극복전략 간의 연구는 다양하게 진행되어 왔으나 표준화 과정에서의 장애요인과 장애 극복전략에 관한 연구는 미흡한 상태이며, 표준화와 관련된 장애요인의 유형과 기업의 장애 극복활동에 대한 유형에 대해서도 부족한 상황이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 기업이 표준화 관련 장애요인의 유형을 도출하고, 이러한 장애요인들이 기업의 표준화 활동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 분석을 위해서 한국표준협회가 국내의 전기전자․정보통신 분야에 종사하는 기업을 대상으로 조사하였던 "국내표준실태조사"의 자료를 활용하였으며, 표준관련 장애사항과 필요성 그리고 표준화활동간 관계는 구조방정식 모형을 통하여 검증하였다. 분석결과에 의하면, 표준관련 장애사항은 표준화 활동에 일정한 영향을 미치고, 표준의 필요성에 의한 매개효과가 있는 것으로 조사됨에 따라 많은 기업들이 표준활동에 의한 장애사항이 발생하게 되면 이를 극복하기 위해 다양한 노력들을 수행하고 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 기업은 장애사항을 극복하기 위한 전략적 행동을 스스로 수행함으로써 표준화 활동은 활발해지고 표준관련 연구개발로 인해 발생하는 장애요인들은 감소되는 선순환 구조를 구축하게 될 것으로 판단된다. In order to ensure the interoperability of products and technologies, companies apply standard technology in R&D but encounter various obstacles in this process, which they try to overcome through active standardization activities. Various studies have investigated the obstacles and coping strategies of companies in the R&D process. However, studies on the obstacles and coping strategies in the standardization process are insufficient, and the types of obstacles related to standardization, so a variety of studies are also needed on the types of activities. In this study, we tried to determine the types of obstacles related to standardization and to examine how these obstacles affect the standardization activities of companies. The analysis used the data from the "National Standards Survey" which was conducted by the Korean Standards Association in Korea for companies engaged in the electrical, electronic, and information-related fields in Korea. The relationship between standard-related difficulties, needs and standardization activities was verified through structural equation modeling. The analysis results revealed that the standards-related disability issues have some influence on the standardization activities and the mediating effect by the necessity of the standard was investigated. We also found that many companies are making various efforts to overcome the barriers caused by standard activities. This suggests that a company can build a virtuous cycle structure by performing strategic actions to overcome obstacles by standardization activity and reducing the obstacles caused by standard-related research and development.

      • KCI등재

        변화하는 국제표준에 효과적으로 대응하기 위한 우리나라의 민간표준화 활성화 방안 연구

        이강인 ( Lee Gang In ),정재익 ( Jeong Jae Ig ),최순양 ( Choe Sun Yang ) 한국품질경영학회 2003 품질경영학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        The typical reason of the private sector`s increasing share in standardization is that the procedures of official standardization organizations are out of step with the rate of technical development. At today`s so fast pace that the success of a technology is decided in the market even before it is standardized, several industry leaders jointly make their draft standard at the early stage of development, which becomes `De fecto Standard.` To respond effectively to current trends of standardization where the market`s decision is thought much of than official standardization procedures, it is necessary to shift from our current public sector-driven to private sector-driven standardization. Therefore, to vitalize the private sector-driven standardization in Korea, there is a need to: ·Run a standard foundation to secure stable resources for standardization ·Make information exchange between the govertment and private sector active and policy-making on standards consistent by designating a private organization to cover the roles, policies on standards, and support of the national standardization organization

      • KCI등재

        우리말 규범의 어제와 오늘

        김순녀 ( Shun Nv Jin ) 국어교육학회 2011 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.41 No.-

        본 논문은 우리말 규범화에서 제기되는 몇 가지 문제에 대한 견해를 피력한 논문이다. 논문은 모두 세 개 부분으로 구성되었다. 논문의 첫 번째 부분에서는 우리말이 부동한 언어들 사이의 생존경쟁에서 살아남으려면 통일규범이 제정되어야 함을 지적하였다. 두 번째 부분에서는 1945년 이후 한국, 조선, 중국 세 나라에서 진행한 우리말 규범화의 역사를 회고하고 한중수교 이후 중국조선어가 받는 한국어의 영향 및 이로 하여 중국조선어 규범화에서 나타난 문제를 제기하였다. 즉 중국의 조선민족을 대상으로 하는 우리말 교육에서는 중국의 규범을 적용하고 타민족을 대상으로 하는 외국어로서의 우리말 교육에서는 한국어 규범을 적용하면서 중국조선어의 규범이 혼란스러워지었다. 세 번째 부분에서는 중국조선어 규범화가 나아갈 길에는 첫째, 새로운 규범을 제정하는 길, 둘째, 한국이나 조선의 규범을 따르는 길, 셋째, 한국과 조선이 합의하여 제정한 통일규범을 수용하는 길이 있는데 이 가운데에서 중국조선어가 세 번째 길을 택해야 함을 지적하였다. 그리고 통일규범 제정에서 해결해야 할 사잇소리 표기와 두음법칙에 대한 견해를 제기하였다. 끝으로 반만년 역사를 갖고 있는 우리말의 동질성 확보와 민족문화의 창달을 위해서는 남과 북에서 서로가 양보하고 배려하면서 하루 빨리 우리말 통일규범이 제정되도록 힘써주기를 바랐다. 한국어교육에서 학습자의 언어처리 과정에 대한 과학적 탐구는 기여할 수 있는 바가 크다. 컴퓨터 언어처리 모형의 기본 원리 역시 인간의 언어 처리 과정을 기반으로 하고 있는 측면이 많기 때문이다. This paper gives a historical review of various issues brought up in standardization of Korean language. It consists three parts. First, it points out the importance and necessity of standardization of Korean language. The second part reviews the historical development of Korean standardization in South Korea, North Korea and China respectively since 1945 and points out the problems raised in standardization of Korean language used in China. Confusion is mainly caused by applying two different kinds of Korean standardization:one for Korean Chinese which follows Chinese standardization and another one for Korean education targeted foreigners who study Korean. The third part gives the possible solutions, which is either regulating a new way of standardizing, or adopting either South Korean or North Korean standardization, or a unified way neutralizing the standardization of Korean language used in both South Korea and North Korea. This paper argues that Korean standardization should adopt the third proposal;it also brings up two key issues that need to be sovled in this new proposal. At the end, the author urges scholars in both South and North Korea to speed up the process of Korean standardization with the spirit of mutual understanding for the sake of ensuring the identity of Korean language as well as further cultivation of Korean culture.

      • KCI등재

        중등 기술교과 교육에서 표준화 관련 단원 내용 구성 방안

        이상봉,정진우,이상갑 한국기술교육학회 2009 한국기술교육학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 중학교의 기술․가정 과목의 기술의 세계 영역 ‘제조기술’ 단원과 고등학교의 공학기술 과목의 ‘공학 기술의 기초’ 영역 ‘공학적 소양’ 단원의 학습 내용의 구성 방안을 제시하는데 있다. 학습 내용의 구성 방안을 제시하기 위하여 표준화의 개념, 표준화의 목적, 중등 기술교육에서의 기술 표준화 교육의 중요성을 알아보았고, 표준화 관련 단원의 주요 내용을 살펴 내용 체계 구성 방안을 내용 선정과 조직, 내용 구성 방안으로 구분하여 예시를 들어 제시하였다. 이에 따른 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 중학교 ‘제품의 구상과 설계’ 단원은 하위 단원으로 ‘설계의 개요’와 ‘제품의 설계’로 구성하고 ‘설계의 개요’에는 ‘설계의 뜻’, ‘설계의 과정’을, ‘제품의 설계’는 ‘문제의 이해’, ‘연구와 개발’, ‘실현’, ‘평가’의 문제해결 과정으로 구성한다. 고등학교 ‘공학적 소양’ 단원은 하위 단원으로 ‘표준화의 개념’, ‘표준화의 활용’으로 구성하고 ‘표준화의 개념’에는 ‘표준화의 정의’, ‘표준화의 중요성’을, ‘표준화의 활용’에는 ‘연구와 개발 단계에서의 표준화’, ‘설계 단계에서의 표준화’, ‘생산 단계에서의 표준화’로 구성한다. 또한 ‘읽을거리’, ‘보충/심화학습’, ‘체험활동’을 포함하여 학습자의 표준화에 대한 이해를 돕도록 하였다. The purpose of this study is to propose the method of structure to content of standardization related unit at secondary technology education. In order to suggest the structure for the contents of learning, the concept of standardization, goals of standardization and the importance of standardization at secondary technology education were considered. This study also examined the details of units related to standardization and divided into three parts which are a selection, a structure and an arrangement of the contents with list of examples. The unit 'Ideation and Design of Products' in middle school textbooks is divided into 'Design brief' and 'Design of products'. In particular, 'Design brief' includes 'the definition and the process of Design. 'Design of products' is composed of 'understanding problem', 'research and development', 'realization', and 'evaluation' The unit 'Engineering Literacy' in high school textbooks is divided into 'Notions of Standardization' and 'Application of Standardization'. In detail, 'Notions of Standardization' includes 'the definition and the importance of standardization. 'Application of Standardization' classifies into three stages-research & develop, design, and production stage. This study also added 'further reading', 'supplementary/advanced learning' and 'hand on activity' to help learners' better understanding.

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