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      • 조선의 유람문화 공간으로서 강원지역에 정체(正體)된 장소적 표상 - 지역학에서 역사적 문화원형 찾기의 일례 -

        이상균 ( Lee¸ Sang-kyun ) 강원대학교 강원문화연구소 2019 강원문화연구 Vol.40 No.-

        지역에서는 지역학을 통해 문화원형을 발굴하여 대표적 지역문화로 상정하기 위한 연구가 진행되고 있다. 강원학에서도 다양한 주제를 대상으로 강원도에서 파생된 문화의 실체를 찾아내는 연구 성과들이 축적되고 있다. 본 연구는 기존 연구들과 시각을 조금 달리하여 역사적으로 파생된 문화의 실체들이 과연 강원도라는 공간을 어떻게 상징화시켰는가를 주목했다. 강원문화의 형성을 논하는 데 있어 가장 대표적 요소인 자연경관을 대상으로 유행하였던 조선시대 유람문화 속에서 강원도가 획득한 장소적 표상을 고찰하고자 했다. 조선 지식인들 사이에서는 강원도를 유람하고자 하는 열풍이 일었다. 금강산과 관동팔경 등의 수려한 산수명성이 확산되고 찬미되었다. 고려후기부터 조선 전 시기에 걸쳐 많은 지식인이 유람하고, 또 유람하길 소망한 지역이었다. 강원도는 조선의 유람문화 속에서 전국제일의 유람명소로 그 명성을 얻었다. 또한 자연에서 성정을 도야하여 시문 등을 창작하고자 했던 조선 지식인들의 문풍의식 속에서 강원도는 최적의 심미적 창작공간으로서 새로운 장소적 표상을 획득하게 된다. 이러한 강원도의 문화원형은 오늘날 금강산 관광재개 등 남북강원도의 교류협력 전망 속에서 여전히 유용한 문화로 제고 하여 적용할 가치가 있다. Local studies are trying to reveal the identity in order to find cultural archetype. Gangwon local studies are now doing research of studies of cultural archetype. When it comes to discussing formation of culture of Gangwon, the representative element is natural view. This thesis studies how Gangwondo Province acquire images of go sightseeing culture during Joseon Dynasty period. There were fevers of go sightseeing Gangwon-do Province among intelligentsia during the Joseon Dynasty period. Beautiful picturesque scenery in Gangwon-do Province was the talk of the town and was praised. Gangwon-do province is the great region where intelligentsia wish to go and go sightseeing during the period from late Goryeo to Joseon Dynasty. Gangwon-do Province was the attraction of go sightseeing. There were many historical figures marks in the Gangwon-do Province. There are also numerous poetry and prose and pictures of Gangwon-do Province during the Joseon Dynasty period. Gangwon-do Province was spotlighted as landscape of go sight seeing and it also had acquisition of a new model of the space of esthetic creation. The culture of go sightseeing of Joseon Dynasty had a big importance of detailed identity establishment and it is branch of application pending issue in region. Today Gangwon-do province overbearingly promotes the service industry of sightseeing and it also applied to resume sightseeing of Mt. Geumgang. The model of go sightseeing culture can apply to the model of cultural space(Gangwon-do Province) and it had a big value of applying to the cooperation between South and North Gangwon-do Province.

      • 西漁 權常愼의 초기 산문 연구

        홍진옥 개신어문학회 2017 개신어문연구 Vol.42 No.-

        This study examines the prose collection of 『Seoeoyugo』 and the life of Seoeo Kwon Sang-Shin(1759~1824), a distinguished bureaucrat and a writer during the late Chosun Dynasty period. It then analyses his earlier prose works and discusses its literary features. Having concentrated on writing literary works from his twenties to thirties, Kwon Sang-Shin halted prose-writing throughout his 13 years of government service, starting from October 1788 to 1801. After resuming literature-writing since 1801, he mainly focused on producing official writings such as appeals(上疏) and jinhyangmun(進香文). Thus, this research reviews his prose during his ‘initial’ period, by defining this term as his lifetime prior to serving as a government official. It can be speculated that the reason for the noticeable increase of his public writings, contrary to his previous active creation on literary works, attributes to the continuous death of his family members that eventually led to decline of his prose-writing. There are mainly three literary features in his early prose, using 『Seoeoyugo』. The first is ‘change of conception and pursuit of novelty'. <A record on Ilhongdang(日紅堂記)>, <A story on changing names from Soogyo to Soogyo (水橋變名睡覺 說)>, <A story on a donkey and a cow(驢牛說)> and other works make existing perceptions unfamiliar, thereby show one’s differentiated thoughts in a persuasive way. The second is 'conformity to death and expression of grief', which is related to Kwon Sang-Shin's personal affairs. In <A letter sent to brother Choeihu(與戚兄趙而厚書)> and <A forward written for a concubine celebrating Choi Han-Chu’s 60thbirthday(崔漢樞世壽帖 序)>, where his viewpoint on death is shown, the attitude of accepting the death of a family member with expressions of deep sense of sorrow can be seen, unlike the general appearances of showing skeptical reactions toward Heaven’s will after the loss of one’s child, or denying the child’s death. In particular, <Cemetery for daughter Giwan(女琬壙誌)>, a piece he wrote after the death of his nine-year-old daughter, is a highly literary piece that concentrates the sorrow to the inscription at the end after narrating calmly on the benevolent and dutiful images of the daughter through several episodes. The third is 'pursuit of roughness and flatness and introduction of absurd theories'. Kwon Sang-Shin enjoyed landscape sightseeing throughout his life and left many works on the theme including, <Namgo’s spring promise on sightseeing(南皐春約)> and <A record on sightseeing Jeongneung(貞陵遊錄)>, which show the proprietary characteristics that break from the formality of traditional essays on landscapes. In addition, there are works that on the one hand follows the tradition of essays on landscapes, but on the other hand show novel characteristics of essays on landscapes during this period. Such works include, <A record to go sightseeing from Dowon towards Suraksan mountain(在道院將遊水落山記)>, <A record of crossing Nowonchun creek(涉蘆原川記)>, <A record from Nowonchun creek to Chungjulsa temple(自盧川至淸節祠記)>, <A record from Chungjulsa temple to Sukrimsa temple(自淸節祠至石林寺記)>. In these works, rough walks are not avoided for the journey to search for eccentric yet magnificent sceneries. This goes in line with the tendency of landscape sightseeing in the late Chosun Dynasty, where sightseeing was desired to be differentiated from the previous generation literary persons. In addition, its characteristic can be found in that human affairs realized through the process of sightseeing are expressed through novel arguments. The former generation essays on landscapes perceived landscape as the object to which cultivated souls are indwelled, and expressed the political reality or personal deprivation through their discussions. In contrast, through small episodes during sightseeing, Kwon Sang-Shin originally narrated the enlightenment on the attitude and way of life including, reflection on vanity or chasing power.

      • KCI등재

        품산(品山) 이수암(李壽암)의 삶과 문학 세계

        박영호 ( Young Ho Park ) 동방한문학회 2011 東方漢文學 Vol.0 No.48

        품산 이수암은 1844년에 경상북도 영덕군 영해읍 저곡리에서 태어나 1924년 6월 7일에 81세를 일기로 서거하였다. 삶의 궤적은 거주지에 따라 楮谷里·興邱里·乾坪洞 거주기 등으로 나눌 수 있다. 품산은 家學으로 가르침을 받았고 붕우들과 강습을 통해 학문을 익혔다. 학덕이 일찍이 이루어졌지만 세상에 나아가려는 뜻을 접고 초야에 거처하며 학문 연마와 후진 양성에 힘썼다. 집안사람과 자제에게는 엄정하였고 종족에게는 화목하였으며 붕우에게는 공경하고 정성스러웠다. 사람들에게는 화합하고 공손하였으며 세상일에는 신중하고 침묵하였다. 『품산집』에 수록된 품산의 시문은 시가 247제 320수, 서간문이 72편, 제문이 9편 등이다. 품산의 시는 칠언율시를 중심으로 하는 근체시가 대부분이며, 그 내용은 교유, 애도, 한정, 유람 등이다. 그의 시는 붕우, 친족, 향린 등 많은 사람들과의 관계 속에서 창작된 것이 특징이다. 세속적인 영리나 부귀를 초탈하여 자연 속에서 일상적으로 생활하면서 느낀 정회를 읊은 생활시이다. 서간문은 대체로 상호간의 안부를 묻는 내용이 중심이며, 제문은 운문체와 산문체가 혼재하고 장편으로 작성된 것이 특징이다. Pum-san(品山) Lee su am(李壽암) was born on 1844, in Jeogok-Ly, Yeonghae-Yeb, Yeongdeok-Gun, Gyeongsangbuk-Do, Korea. On June 7, he passed away the 81-year-old. His life was divided into three seasons, which are Jeoguk-Ly, Henggu-Ly, Geonpyeong-Dong residence season. Pum-san(品山) learned by his family, and brushed up on his study with his friends. He early creates an academic ability. But he gives up the idea of his future success, goes into seclusion for his life in a remote village, and try to polish up his study and to train the younger generation. He is hard on his children, kind on his family, and he put his heart into his friends. But he is deliberate in the ways of the world. In a collection of Pum-san`s works, was included 320 Poems, 72 letters, and 9 funeral odes. The greater part of Pum-san`s poem is made up of a composition in classical Chinese verse which has seven characters to the line. The contents are friendship, condolence, a life of leisure, going sightseeing, etc. The features of his poems are to create by relationship with others, and an idyll about his everyday life. Most contents of his letters are enquiring after other`s health. The features of his funeral odes are a mix of a poetical style and a prose style, and a long piece.

      • KCI등재

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