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        현대시조 창작교육의 실천적 연구―묘사와 진술을 중심으로

        이경영 ( Kyung Young Lee ) 현대문학이론학회 2013 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.53

        이 논문은 묘사(description)와 진술(statement)로 현대시조를 창작할 수 있는 실제의 몇 가지 방법들을 제시하였다. 이를 위하여 우선 묘사와 진술의 특징적 요소를 살폈다. 묘사에 치중한 시는 산뜻해서 보기는 좋지만 깊은 맛이 덜하기 마련이다. 묘사는 언어를 회화적인 방향으로 명료화시킨다. 가시적, 제시적, 감각적이다. 그러나 진술은 언어를 사고의 깊이로 체험화시킨다. 사고적, 고백적, 해석적)이 묘사의 효율적 창작 방법은 시적 대상이 추상이냐 구상이냐에 따라 다르다. 추상의 경우는 구상으로, 구상의 경우는 추상으로 형상화시키는 것이 보다 쉽게 시적 대상에 접근할 수 있다. 아울러 시적 대상이나 상황을 묘사로 표현할 때 그 대상이 정태이냐 동태이냐에 따라 작품에 미치는 영향이 적지 않음도 살폈다. 아울러 이 방법을 잘 활용하면 학습자가 더욱 개성적인 작품을 창작할 수 있는 적극적인 동기를 부여할 수 있다. 정태 묘사에서는 시적대상에 대한 특성을 파악하는 것이 다른 무엇보다 중요하다. 동태의 묘사는 정태의 묘사보다 시적 분위기를 활기차게 바꾸는 장점이 있다. 이미지의 선택원리가 자의적이 아니라 시인이 표현하고자하는 주관적 정서에 좌우됨을 알 수 있다. 아울러 이 방법을 이해하면 시인들이 자신의 개성을 보다 바람직하게 바꿀 수도 있을 것이다. 진술의 효율적 창작 방법은 해석과 성찰을 활용하는 경우와 역설과 반어를 활용하는 방법이 있다. 해석과 성찰은 진술이 갖는 시적 특징이 사고적이며 해석적 이라는 점에서 쉽게 연결이 가능하다. 설명이라는 언술 형식이 묘사를 차용한 설명적 묘사(expositional description)라 할지라도 그 내용이 단순한 설명이 아니라 깨달음을 동반하고 있다면 진술적 효과를 가져온다. 진술의 효율적 창작 방법의 다른 하나는 역설과 반어를 잘 활용하는 것이다. 역설과 반어는 겉으로 보기에는 모순되고 부조리한 것이지만 곰곰 생각해보면 올바른 얘기거나, 겉으로 드러난 말과 드러난 바의 진의 사이에 괴리가 있는 경우에 해당되는데 이는 형식적 제약이 있는 시조와는 잘 호응되는 수사법이라고 볼 수 있다. 오히려 고시조에서는 이 수사법이 잘 활용되었지만 오늘날은 이에 대한 활용도가 오히려 약화된 면이 없지 않아 있다. 전승의 측면에서도 역설과 반어 기법을 적극적으로 활용하는 자세가 필요하고, 이 수사법이 현대의 모더니즘 기법과도 잘 어울린다는 점에서 적극적으로 창작에 활용하는 자세가 필요하다고 판단된다. 시가 그러하듯 좋은 시조 또한 묘사와 진술의 절묘한 조화에서 탄생됨은 물론이다. 묘사와 진술이 따로 분리되지 않고 한 작품 안에서 융화되면서 주제를 심화시킬 때 보다 높은 수준의 감동 있는 좋은 시조가 창작될 것이다. This thesis suggests a few practical methods in composing modern Sijo, traditional three-verse, with description and statement. To do this, we first investigated characteristic factors of description and statement. A poem focused on description sounds refreshing, but the depth in meaning tends to be lacking due to descriptive language simplifying in a pictorial way, which is visual, representative and sensational. However, the statement takes language into the depths of consideration, which means conceptual, confessional and interpretative. The effective-creative method of description is different, depending on whether poetic objects are abstract or conceptual. When it comes to the understanding and approach to poetic objects, it is better to imagine abstract into conception and conception into the abstract. We also researched the noticeable impact on works, whether the object is static or active, when it comes to expressing the poetic object or situation. If this is used wisely, it will give learners positive motivation to create fully portrayed works. In the static description, the most important aspect is to apprehend the characteristics of the poetic object. Active description has a valid point in changing the atmosphere of the poem to be more dynamic than the static description. Through this, it is noticeable that images in the poems are not produced by chance, but by depending on the poet`s personal emotions. If poets fully understand this method, they will be able to express their own portrayed characters in a more advanced manner. The effective-creative way of statement is either in using interpretation and introspection, or paradox and irony. Interpretation and introspection can easily be connected in the sense that poetic characteristics are analytical and conceptual. Although the enunciation form of description is borrowed from expositional description, which is borrowed from description, if it does contain realization, not only mere description, and thus it provides the effects of statement. Another effective-creative method of statement is to apply paradox and irony in a useful way. Paradox and irony appear to be contradictory and absurd, yet, if taken further, it makes sense, or there is just an invisible gap between the visible words, or things, and the true meaning, therefore it is good rhetoric in response to Sijo which has many rather formal limitations. This rhetoric has been used a great deal in ancient poetic three-stanzas, however, in the modern day, its use appears to be lost. We do need to use the method of paradox and irony actively, both by considering the aspect of transmission and by ensuring that the method matches with modern technology. Sijo, as well as poems, blooms in a magical harmony of description and statement. When description and statement are not segregated, but mingle in a work to deepen the theme, then it will really be the creation of a high quality and touching Sijo. I hope this paper helps to set the standard for teaching-learning in the education of modern Sijo, and to encourage discourse on developing effective-creative education.

      • KCI등재후보

        1920년대 한국 자연주의 담론에 나타난 에밀 졸라의 표상과 자연주의적 묘사

        박성창(Park Sung-chang) 한국현대문학회 2006 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.20

        Description is based on the representation of reality. Thus, as the description does not exist to ornament rhetorically, we have to consider both the described reality in the work and how that reality is described. During the first half of the twentieth century, discussions and arguments about description were progressed in many different ways. When Dae-jin, Baek introduced the naturalistic novels for the first time in Korea in 1915, he mentioned that we should describe the dark side of life in an unreserved and a straightforward way. But he didn't mention the name of Emile Zola, representative figure of French Naturalism. Emile Zola and the naturalistic description became the main themes of criticism in the discourse of Korean Naturalism of 1920s. This paper investigates the theory of 'naturalistic description' advocated in the discourse of Korean Naturalism of 1920s : description of the dark side of life, excessive description. The critics of that time didn't figure out the positive side of naturalistic description but they had a very negative view of it. With the starting of the modern novels and the growing interest of the theory of novels, Dong-in, Kim organized a theory focused on the plot of novel. In his conception of plot, the description (excessive description) had no place and was closely linked to the negative image of French naturalist, Emile Zola. Young-hee, Park objected to excessive description because ha thought description as individualistic taste of the bourgeois. He considered the description of Naturalism as only a critic element of bourgeois, negated the description fundamentally. After turning from KAPF, however, he came to face the ironic situation that he should acknowledge the description for the literary truth in the theory of description, as in Ki-jin, Kim's.

      • KCI등재

        기술description과 기술의 텍스트 분석에서의 가치: 기술 시퀀스를 중심으로

        김휘택 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2016 외국학연구 Vol.- No.38

        This article aims to illustrate the particularity of description as one of the types of text and study the conditions under which description becomes the narrative sequence. As we saw in the first half of the article, there was "almost unanimous rejection" of description in the field of literature and rhetoric. Description is not simply an enumeration of the properties of an object. However, we cannot deny that enumeration is a privileged way for description. So, in order to clarify the distinctive features of description as a type of text, for text linguistics it is necessary to find the characteristics of enumeration that can be applied exclusively to description and to establish a model able to explain systematic description. Even though it is only a partial presentation, we traced the various criteria of enumeration as it relates to description: four seasons, five senses, alphabetical or numerical order, cardinal or simple temporal succession, frontal spatial plans (up-down), side (left-right) and flying (front-back). In any case, all the empirical criteria for enumeration cannot also become those for description. So from the point of view of the study of description, we must look at the enumeration features that allow us to realize a descriptive sequence. Finally, in this article, we propose the features of descriptive sequence as follows: operation of anchoring, of aspectualization, of relating and of sub-theming. From these characteristics, we can examine the values ​​and pragmatic roles of descriptive sequence.

      • KCI등재

        사건 전개에서 등장인물 기술(description)의 역할에 관한 연구: 텍스트 언어학을 중심으로

        김휘택 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2019 외국학연구 Vol.- No.47

        In this paper, we examined the role of character description in event development. A study on the description of text linguistics led by Jean-Michel Adam focuses primarily on identifying the qualities of the description in text. Adam also tried to explain the role of description through the relationship between the descriptive sequence and other sequences. In this paper, we focused especially on character description. The description of characters should be seen in the overall characteristic dimension of description, rather than dealing with the description itself. However, portraits have a great impact on the overall meaning of text. Most of the research on description deals with this portrait. In this regard, It seems that more research for the character description is needed in the field of text linguistics. In this paper, I analyzed structurally the anecdotal part of Jeong Myung - soo in Kim Hun's novel Namhansanseong. Through this analysis, we have found that description plays an important role in constructing narrative structure by superimposing on stories. The analysis also revealed that the nature of the description is not just static, but can also act dynamically to lead the development of event.

      • KCI우수등재

        학령기 아동의 인물 묘사에 나타난 거시구조 및 미시구조 요소 사용 능력

        배희숙 한국언어학회 2021 언어 Vol.46 No.1

        This study aims to explore the development of character description skill of school-aged children by analyzing the elements of character description and the relationship of different elements such as cohesive markers, lexical diversity, and grammatical errors. The topic (My Mom) writing data of 118 children in three groups(early graders[1st-2nd], middle graders[3-4th], and upper graders[5-6th]) were analyzed according to grades and gender within 5 categories(character description elements, cohesive markers, text length related elements, lexical diversity, and grammatical error types). For character description elements, there were main effects of grade in DG1, DG3, DG4, DG8, DG10, DG11, and main effect of gender in DG9. For microstructual elements, CM4, T-unit, NTW and NDW were significantly different according to the grade, while CM5, T-unit, NTW, and NDW were significantly different according to gender. For grammatical errors, there were main effects for all variables in grades, but GE3 and GE4 were significantly different according to gender. These results show how Korean school-aged children develop their description skills in a descriptive text quantitatively and qualitatively. Furthermore, the character description elements used for describing the topic can be considered as a description grammar or a macrostructual pattern of descriptive text, especially for character description. To verify the corpus representativeness and the credibility of description grammar, this study needs to be continued by expanding the description objects and the participants.

      • KCI등재

        소설(小說) 읽기를 위한 묘사(描寫) 교육(敎育) 내용(內容) 연구(硏究) -현덕(玄德)의 '노마 연작(聯作)'을 중심(中心)으로-

        이인화 ( Lee In-wha ) 한국어문교육연구회 2015 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.43 No.1

        이 硏究는 描寫가 단순하고 脫脈絡的인 命題的 智識으로 취급되고 있는 現況을 비판적으로 檢討하고, 묘사에 대한 이해가 소설 이해에 도움이 됨을 밝혀 묘사 교육 내용을 具案하는 데 있다. 이 연구는 묘사는 作家가 讀者에게 전달하고자 하는 메시지를 담고 있는 媒介이고, 독자는 묘사의 意味를 적극적인 의미 推論의 대상으로 認識해야 한다는 疏通論的 觀點에 터하고 있다. 묘사가 가능하기 위해서는 묘사의 主體와 條件, 묘사의 客體가 필요하다. 소설 속에서 묘사의 주체인 敍述者는 對象-人物, 對象-人物 外, 視空間에 대해 敍述하게 되는데, 이때 스토리 시간이 遲延되고 事件으로부터 거리감을 갖는 동시에 사건과의 聯關性을 유지하고 있어야 한다. 묘사를 통한 소설 읽기의 實例를 보이기 위해 玄德의 노마 聯作을 分析하였다. 그 결과, 묘사는 場面化를 통해 사건을 綜合하고, 낯설게 하기를 통해 倫理的 感覺을 提高하며, 情緖 表現을 통해 독자의 共感을 이끈다는 사실을 確認했다. Description is a familiar concept but, it is not a great deal of weight on the Korean education research. As a result of review the present state of education, it is clear that description education is in disorder. Accordingly, it is necessary to prospect description in novel education. In this research, description is set up as a thing of reception and inference. Enhancing the value of description in reading novel is intended. In a communicational point of view, description is a kind of mediation for delivering messages from an author to readers. Readers have a obligation to inference the meaning of description. From a dimension of communication, description is not a concept for defining, but a target of interpreting to understanding novels. To describe, the subject of description(narrator), conditions and the objects of description is needed. The narrator narrate object-characters, object- non-characters, time and space in novels. At this time, ⑴ story-time is delayed, ⑵ description put sense of distance with narrative events, simultaneously ⑶ description has relevance to narrative events. To show importance of description in reading novels, a series of 'Noma' written by Hyun-Deok are analyzed. After analysis, description ⑴ synthesize narrative events through scene making, ⑵ raise ethical sense through defamiliarization, and ⑶ induce sympathy of readers through expression of emotion is revealed. Such a thing of this results prove that description is a agency for communication between author and readers.

      • KCI등재

        你道와의 연계로 구성된 《三俠五義》 직간접 상투적 서술의 기능과 그 의미— 說唱本 石派書 《龍圖公案》과의 비교를 중심으로

        박현곤 한국중국소설학회 2021 中國小說論叢 Vol.64 No.-

        This paper aimed to consider the process in which the cliched description of 《三俠五義》organized in direct and indirect speech, is set in connection with 你道. The cliched description of Vernacular Novels generally appears in the important part of each episode asa form of 你道, and it is definitely true that the fundamental discussion of the formation process is difficult because most of the text scripts of performance have been lost. However, it is possible to conduct a fundamental study on the formation of 你道 in that 說唱本 石派書 《龍圖公案》, the performance script of 《三俠五義》, a representative work of the Xiayi(俠義) and Gong'an(公案) Novels made in the middle part of the Qing Dynasty, remains in arelatively complete among previous performance scripts. The cliched description of 《三俠五義》 was set in other descriptive forms other than 你道. There is a close descriptive relation with the related plot, and a direct and indirect descriptive method was also used at the end of plot. The form is found in a specific way in <Episode 2>, and it also has common characteristics even in <Episode 1>. However, unlike the single form in <Episode 1> and <Episode 2>, it is based on the connection with 你道. The 你道 of 《三俠五義》 is usually set at the beginning of the main plot to make readers naturally check the next plot. However, the 你道 of <Episode 1> is that their eyes are upon the cliched description, organized in direct and indirect description, within the plot in which 你道 is set. This is to make the readers focus on the contents of the plot in which 你道 is set just before shifting their eyes to the following part. Therefore, as the 你道 allows readers to focus on the direct and indirect cliched description that subsequently unfolds instead of the following part, the main point of the cliched description in <Episode 1> can be said to be the one constructed by indirect description. So, for the analysis of the description, there is a need to first look at any process of connecting with 你道 because the description is set with the main functions exposed if it is connected with 你道. If the process takes place, it will also be possible to have a cultural discussion of why direct and indirect cliche description is set, followed by 你道, and, furthermore, whether it can induce an aesthetic response from readers 본 논문은 직간접화법으로 구성된 《三俠五義》 상투적 서술이 你道와의 연계를 통해 설정되는 과정을 고찰하는 데 있다. 보통 백화소설 상투적 서술은 你道 형태로 매 회 중요 대목에 설정되는데 텍스트 공연본이 대부분 유실되어 형성과정의 근원적 논의가 어려운 상황이다. 하지만 청 중엽 협의공안소설의 대표작 《三俠五義》 공연본 說唱本 石派書 《龍圖公案》이 역대 공연본 중 비교적 완성된 형태로 남아있어 你道 형성에 대한 근원적 고찰이 가능하다. 《三俠五義》 상투적 서술은 你道이외 다른 서술적 형태로도 설정되었다. 관련 줄거리와 밀접한 서술관계가 이뤄진 상태로 줄거리 말미에 직간접서술로 설정되기도 했다. 이러한 형태는 <2회>에서 구체적으로 드러나며 <1회>에서도 공통된 특징을 지니고 있다. 하지만 <1회> 는 <2회>의 단독된 형태와 달리 你道와의 연계를 기반으로 한다. 일반적으로 《三俠五義》 你道는 주요 줄거리 첫머리에 설정되는데 이는 독자 시선이 다음 줄거리로 이동하도록 하기 위해서다. 하지만 <1회> 你道는 그들 시선이 你道가 설정된 줄거리 내 직간접서술로 구성된 상투적 서술에 집중하게 한다는 점이다. 이는 독자로 하여금 바로 다음 대목으로 이동하기전 你道가 설정된 줄거리 속 내용에 집중하도록 하기 위해서다. 따라서 이러한 你道는 기존 你道처럼 독자로 하여금 다음 대목에 집중하게 만들지 않고 이어서 전개되는 직간접 상투적 서술에 그들의 초점이 맞춰지게 한다는 점에서 <1회> 상투적 서술의 핵심은 직간접서술로 구성된 상투적 서술로 볼 수 있다. 따라서 해당 서술을 분석하기 위해서는 해당 서술이 你道와의 연계가 이뤄져야 설정됨과 함께 주요 기능이 드러나기에 你道와 어떠한 연계과정을 거치는지 우선 살펴봐야 할 것이다. 이러한 과정이 이뤄질 수 있다면 직간접 상투적 서술이 你道에 이어 설정된 이유와 나아가 독자의 어떠한 심미적 반응을 유도할 수 있는지에 대한 문화적 논의 역시 가능할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        국어교육에서 묘사의 개념과 방법 연구 -사고 작용의 관점에서-

        김종률 ( Jong-ryul Kim ) 청람어문교육학회(구 청람어문학회) 2015 청람어문교육 Vol.55 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 선행 연구에서 이루어진 묘사의 개념과 방법을 검토한 후, 이를 바탕으로 사고 작용의 관점에서 묘사의 개념과 더불어 그에 적합한 묘사의 방법을 모색하는 것이다. 선행 연구에서 보여준 묘사의 개념은 대체로 회화적 차원에 머물러 국어교과의 특성을 보여주지 못한 한계를 드러내고 있다. 묘사의 방법 또한 그 개념의 연장선에서 크게 벗어나지 못할 뿐만 아니라 단순하게 이분화되면서 대립적 관계에 놓여 있는 것을 볼 수 있다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 먼저 묘사의 개념 속 의미망의 하나인 ‘그리다’를 언어 행위로서의 ‘표현하다’로 변용하였다. 다음으로 ‘무엇을 어떻게 표현하는가.’에서 ‘어떻게’에 해당하는 용어의 중요성을 고려하여, 사고작용의 관점에서 ‘사실적으로’, ‘형상적으로’, ‘정서적으로’를 설정하였다. 이러한 논의를 기반으로 묘사의 개념은 다음과 같이 설정될 수 있다. 묘사란 사물이나 풍경, 현상, 현실, 인물 등으로서의 대상을 사고 작용에 의한 언어사용을 통하여 사실적으로, 형상적으로, 정서적으로 표현하는 것이다. 이 개념과 관련하여 묘사의 방법은 사실적 묘사, 형상적 묘사, 정서적 묘사로 설정될 수 있다. 그리고 이들 묘사가 맞물려 있는 복합적 묘사가 설정될 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to seek concept and method of description in the perspective of operation of thinking, based on review about concept and method of description made in previous study. The concept of description made in previous study is described generally in the pictorial dimension. So the concept does not show characteristic of Korean Language. The method of description made in previous study also does not deviate significantly from extension of the concept. As well as the method is divided into two simply, it is set to confrontational relationship. Therefore in this study, first changed the draw set in the concept of description to ‘express’ as language act. Next set ‘realistically’, ‘figuratively’, ‘emotionally’ in the perspective of operation of thinking, considering importance of theoretical term corresponding to the How in ‘How to express.’ Based on this discussion, concept of description can be set as follows. Description is to express realistically, figuratively, emotionally the subject as object, landscape, phenomenon, reality, character etc. through language use by operation of thinking. with respect to the concept, method of description can be set to realistic description, figurative description, emotional description. And complex description can be set by the engagement of these description.

      • KCI등재

        모션그래픽의 복합적 서술과 서술 형식 체계 탐색

        이병주 (Lee Byoungju) 한국디지털디자인학회 2010 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.10 No.4

        본 논고인 모션그래픽의 복합적 서술을 구조 분석 차원에서 형식을 구분하면 형식의 내용인 표현 재료 요소(언어 시각 영상 음향) 기본 요소(공간 시간 움직임 시점) 그리고 형식의 형식인 영상 서술 양식(프레이밍 미장센 몽타주)이 통합되고 복합적인 서술 형식 체계 구축 가능성에 대한 연구이다. 연구 방법은 모션그래픽의 서술적 특성과 서술 형식의 체계 구축을 위해 학문적 연구 성과가 많은 영화서술학(Andre Gaudreault Françis Jost 1994)의 주요 개념들을 고찰하고 동시에 모션그래픽 측면의 서술성과 형식 체계의 쟁점을 서술적 관점에서 비교 연구를 통해 면밀히 분석해 보았다. 연구의 주요 논점은 모션그래픽과 서술 서술자와 서술행위 표현 재료의 범주화 기본 원리 요소 코드화 서술형식체계로서 서술 방법과 전개 방식이다. 요지는'모션그래픽 서술은 상징적 코드인 표현 재료와 은폐(隱蔽)된 서술자가 단시간에 함축적이고 복합적 서술을 하며 수용자는 생성된 메시지를 해독이라는 과정을 통해 적극적인 참여로 설득하는 서술 형식이다.' If the types of complex description of motion graphic which is the main issue in this study are divided from the viewpoint of structural analysis this study deals with the possibility to build the integrated and complex description formal system of the expression material element(linguistic) visual static image moving image sound and basic elements(space time motion viewpoint) that are contents of the types as well as moving image description(framing Mise-en-scene composite) that are patterns of types. As the study methods it looked into main concepts of'Movie Description(Andre Gaudreault Françis Jost 1994)' with great academic study results in order to build the system of descriptive characteristics and types of motion graphic and at the same time examined thoroughly descriptive properties in terms of motion graphic and issues of the formal system from the descriptive perspective through the comparative study. The study focuses on motion graphic and description narrators and descriptive behaviors categorization of expression materials coding of basic principle factors and descriptive methods and development methods as the description formal system. In short,'motion graphic description' has a descriptive type that expression materials that are the symbolic code and concealed narrators describe implicatively and complexly in a short time while acceptors persuade the created message by participating actively through the process of decoding'.

      • KCI등재

        ‘자산어보(玆山魚譜)’를 활용한 초등 예비교사의 과학 관찰 묘사법 교육을 위한 프로그램 개발

        김동렬(Dong-Ryeul KIM) 한국수산해양교육학회 2023 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.35 No.2

        This study aimed to develop a marine life-focused scientific observation and description method program, reflecting the observational and descriptive characteristics of Jasan-eobo, and find out the applicability of this program in the actual education field for pre-service elementary school teachers. Jeong Yakjeon’s Jasan-eobo is still considered as the first encyclopedia of marine life in the history of Korea, and it describes marine life vividly and minutely in writing without drawings. Thus, this study attempted to develop an observation and description method based on this book and had the method subdivided into different items for viewpoint description, sequential description, objective description and subjective description. Through these items, learners can write for observation and description and even analyze the contents of relevant writings. This observation and description method program was developed on the basis of marine life that appears in marine life-related chapters from elementary school science textbooks, and this program consists of three phases, ‘Observation and Description Method Mini-workshop’, ‘Looking into Jasan-eobo and Analyzing according to the Observation and Description Method’ and ‘Observing and Expressing Marine Life in Writing and Evaluating Writings of Observation and Description’. After experiencing this program in person, some pre-service elementary school teachers were made to evaluate its effectiveness from viewpoints of both learners and teachers.

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