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        보어에 나타난 한국인 중국어 학습자의 오류 분석- ‘跑得快’의 중한번역 사례를 중심으로

        이경진 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2015 외국학연구 Vol.- No.32

        In this article, we argue for the relationship between two kinds of Chinese complements: state and possibility. It is very hard for Korean students who study Chinese to understand the fundamental concept of these complements due to their ambiguity. Specially, the same form V得C can be translated differently, according to the specific type of complement. The state complement and the possibility complement can both take the V得C form, so that '他跑得快' includes both meanings when it comes to be translated into Korean. In order to resolve this ambiguity, we proposed semantic features for each complement type. Furthermore, we did a survey of these Chinese complements with thirty-six Korean leaners whose fluency in Chinese was above average. Through the survey results, we were able to see that most Korean leaners cannot distinguish between the two complements. We then organized a Chinese-Korean translation questionnaire. This helped to explain Chinese complements concisely to the learner. We also explained why the Korean leaner finds it hard to learn the Chinese complement. After translating it into another language, the constituent complement is changed to the adjunct constituent, and that creates a problem when trying to understand a Chinese complement and when classifying the type of complement. This investigation could provide a method for teaching the Chinese complement without creating ambiguous sentences.

      • 5형식의 보문 연구

        조남호 한국교통대학교 2020 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.55 No.-

        Onions (1904) classified English predicates into five forms according to their structural patterns. The fifth form of the predicate consists of a verb, an object and a predicate adjective or noun. Many verbs take to clauses beginning with infinitives as complements. These nonfinite clauses may or may not have an overt subject. We can identify four types, each of which follows a particular group of verbs. Complements of the four types differ in whether they have an overt subject and, if not, what the subject is understood as being. More specifically they differ with regard to three questions: Is there an NP following the main clause verb? If so, is this NP the object of the main clause verb? What is the subject of the infinitive complement? The first type of infinitive complements is that of persuade verbs. A large number of verbs, such as advise, cause, compel, order, persuade, and tell belong to this type. These verbs are transitive, and, therefore, must have an NP object. The second type of infinitive complements is that of want verbs. This group includes arrange, expect, hope, need, plan, promise, want, and wish. In this type of complement, the NP after the verb want is not the object, but is instead the subject of the infinitive complement. The NP after promise is the object of promise, and the subject to the complement is missing but is understood as identical to the main clause subject. The third type of infinitive complements is that of believe verbs. A number of verbs, including acknowledge, believe, consider, and judge, have an infinitival complement that contains be plus an NP or an adjective. The NP after the verb is the subject of the complement, not the object of the verb. The fourth type of infinitive complements is that of make verbs. A few verbs, such as have, let, and make, take a complement with a bare infinitive. The NP after the verb is the subject of the complement. These verbs only permit passivization of the complement. The verb make is an exception since its only possible passive is closer to that of persuade. A group of perception verbs, including feel, hear, listen to, notice, observe, overhear, see, and watch, can be followed by bare infinitive or present participle complements. When the main clause has a perception verb, there are differences in interpretation between bare infinitive and present participle complements. The present participle complement expresses in-progress action. The activity is already in progress when it is perceived. However, in the bare infinitive complement its action is complete. The sentence with the bare infinitive complement is interpreted as simply a report of an action that took place. If the verb in the complement of perception verbs is a punctual achievement verb (i.e., a verb whose action ends as soon as it begins – bat, blink, hit, kick, shoot, slap, snap, strike, etc.) in a present participle complement its action will be interpreted as happening repeatedly, whereas in a bare infinitive complement, its action is understood as a single occurrence.

      • KCI등재

        ‘술어+得+보어’식을 정도보어와 상태보어로 나누는 것이 어법적 의의를 지니는가에 대한 논의

        안기섭(Ahn, Giseb),정성임(Jeng, Sengyim),鄭輝(Zheng, Hui) 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2017 국제문화연구 Vol.10 No.2

        The core argument of this essay is: Is there any grammatical meaning to differentiate the complements in the pattern of “pedicate+de+complement” as a degree complement and a state complement. In this pattern, both words and phrases can be the complements. According to the part of speech and form of the words to explore the semantic nature, and proves that there is no grammatical meaning to differentiate the state complement from degree complement. Most of the examples in this essay come from the existing works and Beijing University Corpus (CCL) and the conclusions are summarized as follow: First, there is no restricted relation between the predicate and the complement in this pattern and the two components can be combined freely. Second, every “pedicate+de+complement” contains somewhat a degree meaning and sometimes, the result meaning, due to the meaning of “de” before its grammaticalization. Third, the mainly reason for some complements in this pattern are classified as the state complement is because the complement itself contains the state meaning. In the system of complement, it needs clear evidence to re-classify the patterns which share the same grammatical structure and it is insufficient to differentiate the state complement from the degree complement only through the words’ meaning. In a word, the common function of “pedicate+de+complement” is: all of them contain the meaning of “degree”. And even though the concepts of the degrees are not exactly the same, they are congruent overall. No matter what kind of meaning and what kind of form the complement, and no matter what the nature of the predicate is, the common function they share in “pedicate+ de+complement” leads to its grammatical function. Therefore, the author thinks that to classify which is state or which is degree complement grammatically is inappropriate.

      • KCI등재

        On the Notion of Complement - To Advocate Fuzzy Grammar

        Pil-Hwan Lee 한국영어학학회 2008 영어학연구 Vol.- No.25

          This article deals with the notion of complement and, concomitantly, with that of adjunct (or modifier). The main argument of this article is that the notion of complement, and at the same time the notion of adjunct, should be understood in terms of degreehood or gradience. Then we will have a (more) prototypical complement or a (more) peripheral (i.e. a less prototypical) complement. To judge the prototypicality or the peripherality of a possible complement, we should have several distinguishing criteria (or tests or characteristics) for complements. The more criteria are met, the higher the prototypicality of the element will be. Thus the notion of complement shows the so-called Subsective Gradience (gradience within a particular class of linguistic elements), ? la Aarts (2004, 2007). Despite the gradience observed within the notion of complement, however, the lessening of the prototypicality of the element to become a complement does not mean the increasing of the possibility for the element to become an adjunct, since there is assumed to be a clear boundary between the two notions. Ultimately, there is no Intersective Gradience, ? la Aarts (2004, 2007), in the distinction between complement and adjunct. It will be concluded that there is no element which is both a complement and an adjunct in a specific construction.

      • KCI등재

        보절의 사실성에 대한 고찰

        김천학 한국어학회 2020 한국어학 Vol.86 No.-

        This paper aims to discuss factivity of the complement constructions. The complement constructions contain to an NP complement, an VP complement and an argument of complement. Prior studies argue that the difference of the factivity are related to the formative and deformative complement clauses. However, judgment of factivity is affected by the relation between the matrix verb and the complement constructions. In the relationship between matrix verbs and the complement constructions, first of all, factive verbs cannot combine with the ‘-dago’, while non-factive verbs can. On the other hand, ‘-daneun geos’ and ‘-eun/neun geos’ can both express the difference between ‘activity type’ and ‘fact type’ on the complementation strategy. The difference between activity type and fact type is roughly alike to ‘-daneun’ and ‘-neun’ on the NP complement constructions. However, the complement can be interpreted to the counter-factive meaning by informal complement constructions. 본고는 보절의 사실성(factivity)에 대해 논의하는 데 목적이 있다. 보절 구성은 명사구 보절, 동사구 보절 그리고 논항 보절이 해당된다. 기존 연구에서는 보절의 사실성에 대해 완형보절과 비완형보절의 사실성에 초점을 두었다. 그러나 보절의 사실성 판단은 주절 술어와 보절 구성이 서로 밀접하게 관련을 맺는다. 우선, 주절 술어와 보절 구성의 관계에 있어서 주절 술어가 사실 술어이면 ‘-다는 것’ 과는 결합이 자연스럽지만 ‘-다고’와는 결합이 제한된다. 그러나 주절 술어가 비사실 술어일 때에는 이러한 결합 제한이 해소된다. 다음으로, ‘-다는 것’과 ‘-는 것’은 지각 동사와 결합할 때 사실 유형과 행위 유형의 의미 차이를 보인다. 사실 유형은 ‘정보’를 나타내고, 행위 유형은 ‘사건’을 나타낸다. 이러한 사실 유형과 행위 유형의 의미 차이는 명사구 보절에서 ‘-는’과 ‘-다는’이 표제명사와 결합하는 관계와도 상통한다. 그러나 보절은 제한된 구성에서 반사실적으로 해석될 수 있다. 이러한 반사실적 해석은 보절의 정형적 표현보다 비정형적 표현에서 가능하다.

      • KCI등재

        가능보어 구조의 고빈도 출현 동사 및 오류 분석 연구

        김세미 중국어문학연구회 2024 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.144

        This study investigated the characteristics of structures used as potential complements in modern Chinese and conducted statistical analysis on verbs and common structures that appear with high frequency in each potential complement structure. In addition, a survey was conducted on Korean Chinese learners to identify error points in potential complement learning. The potential complement structure is generally divided into three forms such as ‘de(V得)/bu(不)C’, ‘de(V得)/bu(不)了’, and ‘de(V得)/bude(不得)’. It can express the meaning of possible and impossible, but as it is mainly used in the negative form, in Chapter 2, we looked at the characteristics of each structure, focusing on the negative form. First, the ‘V不C’ structure has two meanings simultaneously: “願而不能(yuanerbuneng)” that means ‘desire’ and ‘impossibility.’ Pragmatically, it was often used in a semantic framework consisting of ‘wish + cause + V不C’. The potential complement structure we looked at next is ‘buliao(V不了)(liǎo)’. ‘Buliao(V不了)’ could be divided into ‘buliao(V不了)1’ and ‘buliao(V不了)2’ depending on the meaning of ‘了’. ‘了’ in ‘buliao(V不了)1’ is used as a result meaning ‘wan(完)’, ‘diao(掉)’, etc., and ‘buliao(V不了)2’ means it represents the syntactic meaning of ‘can’t do …’. ‘Bude(V不得)’, the potential complement structure that we examined lastly, could also be divided into ‘bude(V不得)1’ and ‘bude(V不得)2’. ‘Bude(V不得)1’ has a very low frequency of use in modern Chinese with which the subject-object conditions do not allow the realization of the action. ‘Bude(V不得)2’ is used in situations of advice or warning, meaning ‘should not do …’. In Chapter 3, statistical analysis was conducted on verbs and common structures in which the positive and negative forms of the three potential complement structures are combined at high frequency. In this process, we managed to confirm the asymmetry in frequency of use between positive and negative forms. That is, ‘V不C’, ‘buliao(V不了)’, and ‘bude(V不得)’ are more frequent than ‘de(V得)C’, ‘deliao(V得了)’, and ‘de(V得)’ in terms of frequency of use. Even if one verb was used in both positive and negative forms, the frequency of occurrence showed a significant difference. Lastly, in Chapter 4, a survey was conducted targeting intermediate level learners, dividing potential complement error types into five types. The first is the item of distinguishing between ‘buneng(不能)V’ and the potential complement negative forms ‘V不C’ and ‘buliao(V不了)’, and we found that learners were more likely to choose the more familiar ‘不能’ when given both modal verb and potential complement forms at the same time. The second was the item with word order when a potential complement structure consisting of a compound directional complement entails an object. It was confirmed that many learners are not aware that the object comes between compound directional complements. The third was the item on whether the complement was selected appropriately for the meaning of the verb and sentence. The correct answer rate was high for potential complements that were frequently used in a fixed structure, but in other cases, the correct answer rate was half or less. The fourth is the item of whether they can distinguish between ‘buliao(V不了)’ and ‘bude(V不得)’ in the potential complement structure, and we found that Korean learners were very unfamiliar with the use of ‘bude(V不得)’. The fifth is the questionnaire item of whether they can distinguish between ‘buhui(不會)V’ and ‘buliao(V不了)’. Again, when the potential complement and modal verb are given at the same time, it was seen that there was a much greater tendency for them to use familiar modal verbs. The analysis in this study explained in ...

      • KCI등재


        장옥방,최규발 중국어문연구회 2019 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.92

        In this paper, we discussed the situation of modern Chinese Mandarin resultative complement and Shanghai dialect resultative complement, focusing on the analysis of five special dynamic structures such as “V+快”、“V+着”、“V+牢”、“V+脱”、“V+杀/煞” in Shanghai dialect, and their usage and some related problem. Through comparative analysis, we found that the “V+快” structure of Shanghai dialect has two uses of homomorphism, one is the resultative complement, meant to describe “Some action speed is faster than before”; the other is not the result complement, but a special structure similar to degree complement, equivalent to the “快……了” structure in Mandarin. And it is a special use of Shanghai dialect different from Mandarin. Those sentences often appear together with positive verbs such as ”要” and “就要”. The “V+牢” structure of Shanghai dialect can be seen as the corresponding form of the “V+住” structure of Mandarin, and the Shanghai dialect does not use the “V+住” structure of Mandarin. The “牢” in the “V+ 牢” structure of Shanghai dialect was slowly reduced to an auxiliary component by the adjectives of the “fixed” meaning of the table. From the state of the subject to the state of the mind and facial expression, produced the meaning of “keep a certain state lasting”. The usage of “V+着” in Shanghai dialect is more extensive than that of Mandarin. The “着” of Shanghai dialect contains the meaning of “achieving a certain purpose and entering a certain state”. In the collocation with verbs, typically psychological verbs can not be matched in Mandarin. “想着” in Shanghai dialect is a common example for this. Nowadays, young people in Shanghai often use “V+到” instead of “V+着” because of the influence of Mandarin, but some of the original Shanghai dialects, such as “寻着”, “睏着”, “踏着” etc. cannot be replaced by “V+到”. This is the characteristic of Shanghai dialect. In addition, the structure of “V+脫” is a unique structure in Shanghai dialect. There is no such form in Mandarin. The “脫” of the complement in Shanghai dialect can be used after the verb or the supplementary phrase to indicate the action result. It can also be attached to the predicate component to indicate the completion and implementation of the action behavior or state, similar to the “了₁” in Mandarin, so it can be regarded as a kind of aspect marker. The “杀/煞” in Mandarin is the methodology of the usage of verbs to extend the use of adverbs. As a complement sometimes written as “杀”, and sometimes “煞”. in The “V+杀/煞” structure in Shanghai dialect, “杀/煞” can be used as a result complement or as a degree complement, and when it is the resultative complements, it means true death, generally written as sa “杀”; As degree complement, it is generally written as “煞”, often in the form of “V+煞快”. Sometimes even the homomorphic “V+杀/煞” structure will appear in different sentences and have different interpretations. We think that in the five Shanghai dialect verb-resultative complement structure, in addition to the “V+快” structure, the other four structures “V+牢”, “V+着”, “V+脱”, and “V+杀/煞” can all be regarded as grammatical resultative complements. Its development and evolution process has a very similar consistency with the grammatical resultative complements in Mandarin, which also reflects the commonality of semantic development.

      • KCI등재

        교육문법항목 ‘정도보어’의 현황분석과 표준화를 위한 제언

        위수광 중국어문학연구회 2019 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.115

        For Chinese education in Korea, the ability to produce grammatically correct sentences is an important indicator for evaluating communication skills. Cultivating grammatical competence not only helps to improve conversation ability, but also is a necessity for the improvement of reading and writing skills. The communicative teaching system centered on ‘function-usage’ and the grammar education system centered on ‘structure-knowledge’ should coordinate with each other in the process of cultivating learners’ grammatical competencies. At present, the Chinese grammar education in Korea lacks a clear system, and even the standardization of educational grammar items has not yet been completed. It is frequent to see that educational grammar books and teaching materials use different terms to describe the same grammatical phenomenon, and these authors have different opinions. The standardizations of grammar system and grammar items of Korea’s Chinese education need to be solved urgently. Due to the large difference between the two languages, it is quite difficult for Korean learners to acquire Chinese degree complements and they are prone to making mistakes. This paper, taking degree complement as the research object, inspected the terms, categories and descriptions of degree complements in Chinese educational grammar syllabus and educational grammar works in China and Korea, and analyzed their shortcomings. First of all, in Chinese education, most of the degree complements (collective), state complements, and degree complements (differential) are called “degree complements”, which confuses learners. Secondly, some treatises call ‘state complements’ as ‘modal complements’ or “pattern complements”, all of which refer to almost the same category. In the process of grammar teaching, the inconsistency of terminologies has intensified the confusion of teachers and learners. Then, almost all treatises and books describe the semantic function of Chinese complement as: added after the predicate (verb, adjective) to reflect the degree of action or state. This kind of literal translation of Chinese grammar works brings about some problems. It is very difficult for Korean learners to correctly understand and express the concept of “degree of action”. Finally, when pointing out the adjectives, verbs, and psychological verb predicates that can be used to match degree complements (collective) and degree complements (differential), authors never come to an agreement. Some skip the expression of “predicate” at the syntactic level, but directly mix the concept of “verbs, adjectives (phrases)” at the morphological level with the “complement (sentence elements)” at the syntactic level, making learners at a loss. In addition, when explaining the structure of ‘verb + object + verb + ‘de’ + degree complement/state complement/pattern complement’, different authors use different expressions such as ‘degree complement (collective)’, ‘state complement’, and ‘modal complement’, which causes a confusion of concepts. This inconsistency in the expression and interpretation of concepts has confused teachers and students both in the actual teaching and ability evaluation process, and also led learners to make a large number of mistakes. Such problems can be solved effectively through the standardization of Chinese educational grammar. This paper points out that the standards and principles are ‘correctness, system, universality, appropriateness and relative hierarchy’. It is hoped that the scope of application of the above-mentioned standards and principles can be extended from degree complements to the establishment of Chinese educational grammar system in Korean, and become the research basis for the formulation of Chinese grammar education syllabus. At the same time, the early realization of the standardization of Chinese educational grammar items is also expected.

      • KCI등재

        한국인의 ‘得’자 보어 구문의 오류 분석 ― HSK 동태 작문 말뭉치를 중심으로

        서형규,김현철 중국어문학연구회 2022 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.134

        This is a study on how Korean learners use ‘de’ complement, which is classified into ‘potential complement’, ‘degree complement’ and ‘stative complement’. Potential complement written by Korean learners include confusion with modal verbs sentences, auxiliary word errors, confusion with adverb phrases, incorrect use of complements, errors in ‘ba’ phrase, word order errors, and predicate omission or replacement errors. Degree complement written by Korean learners include incorrect use of complements, auxiliary word errors, redicate replacement errors, and confusion with adverb phrases. Stative complement written by Korean learners include auxiliary word errors, incorrect use of complements, errors in sentences with objects, errors in adverbs of degree, descriptive errors, and confusion with adverbial phrases. In order to reduce errors in potential complement, prior learning on resultative complement and directional complement, which are the basis for forming potential complement structure, is necessary. In order to distinguish between potential complement phrases and sentences using modal verbs, it is necessary to practice various situations with contexts such as ability, subjective or objective conditions, and permission. It is also essential to learn that potential complement is not used in ‘ba’ phrase. Since degree complement is not familiar to Korean learners, learners need to learn the detailed characteristics of each form to use what is appropriate for the context. It should also be emphasized that the words that can become term are limited, and in particular, action verb and degree complement cannot be used together. In the case of stative complement, it should be emphasized that the adverb of degree is used when adjective is used as a stative complement. In many cases, ‘de’ complement phrase and adverb phrase are easily confused. However, even if it has the same meaning in Korean, it should be taught that the sentence should be expressed differently depending on where the speaker's meaning is focused, whether it is completed or not, whether it is described or narrated. In addition, in order to minimize errors in response to predicate, word order errors, Chinese character errors, and auxiliary word errors, it is necessary to learn that the Chinese word order is different from that of Korean, to learn words that express correct term, to emphasize the practice of distingguishing auxiliary word connecting attribute, adverbial or complement.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 보어의 현실성과 문장 종결 기능 ― ‘得’자 상태보어와 결과보어의 문법화 경로를 중심으로

        김혜경 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2023 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.80

        In modern Mandarin, the '得' complement of state can represent the realization of results and has a sentence ending function, while the resultative complement cannot form a complete sentence without the help of aspect markers or other grammatical markers. In this paper, it was shown that the sentence ending function in modern Mandarin is difficult to grasp simply with the presence or absence of ‘modality meaning’ or morphological markers, and should be analyzed based on the purpose of communication and delivery of information. Considering the purpose of the sentence, the '得' complement of state and the resultative complement can only form legitimate sentences if they imply the realization of the situation and related result. Therefore, the difference in the sentence ending function depends on whether the sentence can imply realization of the situation(realis). This paper argues that the difference on whether the '得' complement of state or the resultative complement can imply realization of result lies within their grammaticalization process. The '得' complement of state originates from 'V得X' and 'V得' structure, which represent the meaning of the achievement of certain action or the result caused by the action. This form has further developed into the mean to provide specific description of the result caused by the action in realis context. This still remains true in modern Mandarin, therefore '得' complement of state can imply the realization of result that follows the action the predicate depicts. On the other hand, the resultative complement is originated from the 'VV' structure, which is related to verbs that can form cause-and-effect relationship and the double-syllable phenomenon. Originally, the 'VV' structure could contextually represent the action and the realization of its result. However, due to the influence of combination of ‘了’‘s grammaticalization, ’了’ began to take over the function of representing realization. Therefore, predicate-complement structure developed from the ‘VV’ structure lost the meaning of realization and began to require other markers to form a legitimate sentence. Grammaticalization process of Mandarin complements is still ongoing in modern times, and the changes are reflected on sentence ending functions of those forms. It is hoped that more research will be conducted on the direction of grammaticalization and the resulting new language phenomena of modern Mandarin complements.

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