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      • KCI등재

        Assessment for Learning to Integrate Multimodality with Academic Presentations in a Multilingual MBA Classroom

        ( Yiboon Chang ) 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2019 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.22 No.1

        This study investigated 34 multilingual MBA students’ attitudes and engagement in teacher and peer-group assessment for learning on academic presentations in an intact classroom. In this teacher research, the assessment rubric was designed and implemented by integrating multimodality into academic presentations. Language, visual, auditory, gestural, and spatial design elements were introduced to the students as a means of meaning representation, followed by in-class practices of peer-group assessment on sample multimodal presentations. The students found both teacher and peer-group assessment strongly helpful to improve their presentation skills. They had strong belief in teacher expertise in response to the teacher assessment, and highly valued the opportunity of evaluating peer-group performance to reflect and improve their own presentation skills. Despite some concerns about inconsistent assessment results from peer groups and difficulties in understanding the new concept of multimodality, the students appreciated various audience perspectives and opportunities of learning multimodal literacy practices through the assessment practice. The teacher and peer-group assessment moderately correlated, showing the strongest correlation in the assessment of multimodality. This study suggests potentials of utilizing assessment for learning to enhance student awareness of designing multimodal texts, and meaningful pedagogical implications to develop and implement multimodal assessment.

      • KCI등재

        참 평가로서의 도덕과 평가

        최신일 ( Shin Il Choi ) 한국초등도덕교육학회 2013 초등도덕교육 Vol.0 No.41

        현대의 철학적 이론을 바탕으로 하는 평가방식의 관점에서 보면, 전통적 객관식 선다형 평가는 한계가 있다. 객관주의인식론에 이론적 근거를 두고 있는 평가의 한계를 극복한 것이 대안적 평가로서의 참 평가이다. 참 평가와 수행평가의 의미를 파악하고 양자 간의 관계를 살펴보고, 참 평가의 의미를 찾아본다. 참 평가의 의미를 충족시키는 조건은, 평가는 학습과 연관이 있고 학생들의 발달에 도움이 되고, 평가는 학습과정 중에 학습과정을 평가해야하며, 학습과정과 관련된 사람들에 의해서 평가되어야 한다. 이 세가지 조건에 덧붙여 도덕과 평가와의 연관성을 살펴보자면 도덕성의 통합적 평가가 되어야 한다. 따라서 본 연구는 참 평가와 도덕과 평가의 연관성을 통해 참 평가로서의 도덕과 평가를 찾아내고, 그 활용 방안을 모색해 본다. In order for moral educational assessment to be properly evaluated, it has to be done by the authentic assessment. The followings are required to meet for Authentic Assessment. First, Authentic Assessment is to be intended for learning. Authentic Assessment is very closely related to learnings. Therefore, Moral Educational Assessments are also closely related to them. Development of students` morality and character should be evaluated by Assessment of Moral Education Second, Authentic Assessment is to be intended for learning process. Authentic Assessment is supposed to happen during learning process, it also should evaluate the process. Also, Assessment of Moral Education is supposed to happen during Ethics classes. Therefore, the evaluations are not temporary, rather, it should be a constant, and repeated process. Also, Assessment of Moral Education should evaluated Ethics classes because this will help observe students` ethical development. Lastly, Authentic Assessment is to be evaluated by the peoplewho are involved with the learning or class. Assessment of Moral Education is also to be evaluated by the teacher, students, and others who are involved in order to closely observe development of students. When the three requirements from the above are met, Assessment of Moral Education as Authentic Assessment will be evaluated with integrative in order to be complete. In other words, the moral ``knowing`` side and moral ``feeling`` side, as well as moral ``action`` should be harmoniously assessed.

      • KCI등재

        디자인교육에서 평가방법이 창의적 인지과정에 미치는 영향

        이희명 한국공간디자인학회 2021 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.16 No.4

        (Background and Purpose) In design education, as creativity is not clearly measured, assessment has not been the subject of considerable research. Moreover, design education adopts assessment methods from other education fields such as science, engineering, and even literature. Design practice is quite different as well and involves both creativity and crafting skills. As in other studio classes, final outcomes are used as the main measure of learning in current assessment. These are guided by teachers’ feedback for learners to reach outcomes. The study began with the question of whether the current method of assessment would help creativity. The research question considered which assessment method is appropriate for basic design education. The purpose was to compare the summative assessments representing the current method to the revised formative assessments focused on cognitive creative skills. The revised formative assessment involves giving feedback with grading on the four cognitive characteristics of creativity and other design processes. In other words, it compares the former, in which the final outcomes receive grades, and the latter, with grading of each design process, including creative cognition. (Method) A case study was conducted with 200 undergraduate students enrolled in design school at a single university. They were divided into two groups. One group received the summative assessment and the other the revised formative assessment with grading. Both groups received verbal feedback on the four creative cognitive processes. The data included 200 students’ surveys and 11 students’ in-depth interviews. The survey comprised 17 questions on a four-point rating scale and three open-ended questions. The in-depth interview focused on two questions: 1) the effect of the revised formative assessment on concept generation and 2) the effect of the revised formative assessment on final outcomes. (Results) The independent t-test compared the means between the two groups. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in terms of the influence of assessment on creativity. Moreover, there were statistically significant differences in the three creative cognitive processes, “Digging Deeper into Ideas,” “Openness and Courage to Explore Ideas,” and “Listening to One’s Inner Voice.” In the interview, the revised formative assessment with grading helped to communicate and manage resources efficiently but created ideation pressure. (Conclusions) The implications of the results were as follows: 1) different assessment methods are needed for each creative cognitive process; 2) the feedback assessment must be supplemented to communicate it clearly; and 3) assessment in design education must be more sophisticated and systematic. (연구배경 및 목적) 디자인교육에서 평가는 창의성과 예술성이라는 정량화하기 어려운 요소들 덕분에 연구가 활발하지 못하다. 그러나 이런 요소뿐만 아니라, 수업진행 과정도 타 분야와 다르기에 일반적 평가와 차이가 있다. 본 연구는 기존의 평가방법이 창의성에 도움을 주는가라는 의문에서 시작되었고, 구체적으로 기초디자인 교육에 적합한 평가방법이 무엇이냐는 연구문제에 도달했다. 그동안 결과에 중점을 두었던 평가에서 벗어나 과정 평가가 창의적 인지과정에 도움이 되는가를 알아보기 위한 사례조사이다. 현재의 평가방법은 수업 과정 중 피드백을 주며 최종 디자인 결과물을 보고 종합적으로 평가하는 것이 일반적이다. 즉, 아트웍의 평가는 최종 결과물로 진행해왔다. 본 연구는 단계별 평가가 디자인 학습에 영향을 미치는가를 알아보고자 한다. 특히 창의적 인지 과정에서 단계별 평가가 영향을 미치는지에 집중했다. (연구방법) 기초디자인을 학습하는 학부생 200명을 두 그룹으로 나누어 한 그룹은 기존의 평가방법인 최종 결과물을 보고 등급평가를 하였고, 다른 한 그룹은 수업과정 단계마다 등급평가를 진행하고 이를 학생에게 알려주었다. 단계별 평가는 창의적 인지 과정인 4가지 단계에서의 평가와 디자인 시각화 작업과정 3단계마다 평가를 진행했다. 즉, 단계마다 피드백과 점수화된 평가를 같이 진행하였다. 최종 수업을 마치고 두 그룹의 평가가 창의적 인지 과정에 영향을 미치는가를 설문조사 하여 두 그룹의 응답의 차이를 알아보았다. 통계적 분석에 이어 인터뷰를 통해 정성적인 내용을 들여다보았다. 설문에 참여한 학생 중 11명을 대상으로 심층 인터뷰를 수행했다. (결과) 평가방법이 두 집단에서 창의적 사고에 미치는 영향이 유의미한 차이가 있는지를 살펴보기 위해 독립표본 T검정을 실시한 결과 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 또한 창의적 인지과정 4단계 중 3단계인“깊이생각하기”, “아이디어 확산”, “내면의집중”과정에서 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 즉, 단계별 평가가 창의적 사고에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 인터뷰를 통해서 단계별 평가가 컨셉트 도출에 미치는 역할은 명확한 의사전달, 효율적 자원관리이다. 그리고 마지막으로 심리적 부담이다. (결론) 본 연구가 주는 시사점은 1)창의적 인지과정의 특징에 따라 다른 방식의 평가를 적용하면 학습자의 창의성 발휘에 도움이 되며, 2)구두 피드백을 위한 명확한 의사전달 방법이 필요하며, 3)잘 짜여진 구조와 평가 시스템이 교육에 효율성을 향상하게 시킬 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 과학 수업에서 지필 평가와 과정중심평가에 의한 학업성취도 비교

        정원준,김용진 한국생물교육학회 2022 생물교육 Vol.50 No.2

        This study compared the achievement of students after conducting paper-assessment and process- focused assessment for the same unit in middle school science class. In order to compare the achievement of paper- assessment and process-focused assessment, the correlation between the score of paper-assessment and those process- focused assessment was calculated. By comparing the grades of all students, correlation was obtained, and correlation was also obtained for male and female students. The correlation between paper-assessment and process-focused assessment scores for all students is .903, boys .858, girls .924. It showed quite high relevance. In addition, the change in achievement grade was also analyzed for each individual. 88% of students had the same achievement grade for paper- assessment and process-focused assessment, and 11% had higher achievement grade for process-focused assessment than paper-assessment and 1% had the opposite. It was confirmed that the achievement grade of the process-focused assessment was improved compared to the paper-assessment in female students compared to male students. Finally, interview analysis was conducted on students who showed a difference between paper-assessment and process-focused assessment. Through this, it was confirmed that it was effective to conduct a process-focused assessment by replacing the current paper-assessment.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 총괄평가 시스템 개발 방향 탐색을 위한 기초연구

        신은진,김수철 사단법인 미래융합기술연구학회 2021 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.7 No.11

        As the 2015 revised curriculum is activated at all school levels, schools are applying continuous assessment and use of various assessment methods to aid the teaching-learning process. However, summative assessment does not stand out due to the perception that it is a result-oriented assessment. Therefore, with a focus on the role of summative assessment in the assessment paradigm for learning, in this study, assessment using an online summative assessment system was proposed. Recently, the Ministry of Education is preparing a plan to introduce and implement the computer-based assessment of academic achievement (eNAEA), the representative overall assessment of Korea. In this context, summative evaluation by school unit was also explored as basic data for online development. Therefore, in this study, the direction for the development of an online summative assessment system that can increase the effectiveness based on the role of summative assessment in the changing assessment paradigm was explored. To this end, based on the current status of the online and domestic online assessment systems and the theoretical and methodical exploration for establishing the online summative assessment system, the researchers discussed the assessment of the online summative assessment system and development plans in theoretical, technical and functional aspects. 2015 개정 교육과정이 모든 학교급에 활성화됨에 따라 학교에서는 학습에 도움을 주고자 교수-학습 중 지속적인 평가시행 및 다양한 평가 방법 활용을 적용하고 있다. 그러나 총괄평가는 결과 중심적인 평가라는 인식으로 인해 두각을 받지 못하는 상황이다. 이에 학습을 위한 평가 패러다임에서의 총괄평가 역할에 초점을 두고 본 연구에서는 온라인 총괄평가 시스템을 활용한 평가 시행을 제안하였다. 최근 교육부에서는 우리나라 대표적인 총괄평가인 학업성취도 평가를 컴퓨터 기반 학업성취도 평가(eNAEA)로 도입 및 시행 방안을 마련하고 있다. 이러한 맥락에서 학교 단위별 총괄평가 또한 온라인으로 개발하는 방안에 대한 기초자료로 탐색하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 변화하는 평가 패러다임에서의 총괄평가의 역할을 기초로 효과성을 증대시킬 수 있는 온라인 총괄평가 시스템 개발을 위한 방향성을 탐색하였다. 이를 위해 국내외 온라인 평가 시스템 현황과 온라인 총괄평가 시스템 구축을 위한 이론적, 방법적 탐색을 토대로 온라인 총괄평가 시스템의 평가 및 이론적, 기술 및 기능적 측면에서의 발전 방안에 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        L2 한국어 말하기 유창성 평가의 신뢰도 검증

        김나미(Nami Kim),김영주(Youngjoo Kim) 한국중원언어학회 2017 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.45

        This study aims to set assessment criteria for speaking fluency of Korean learners and also aims to evaluate reliability of the assessments performed in this study. The assessment comprises three parts: holistic assessment, analytic assessment, and individual assessment of raters, in which each rater uses her own criteria. The analytic assessment includes five factors, such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, speech rate, and speech prosody. Sixty-one intermediate-level Korean learners participated the study and they were asked to summarize the 10-minute maim comedy, ’Mr. Bean’. The recorded summaries were evaluated by five Korean lectures who had over three years teaching experience but had no training on speaking assessment. The evaluation data were analyzed to examine reliability using many-faceted Rash mode. Results revealed that each rater obtained high reliability for one’s assessment, but little reliability was shown in assessments among raters. In particular, the analytic assessment showed the lowest reliability. This study suggests that it is essential to establish criteria for fluency assessment in L2 Korean speaking and that training programs for raters are required.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of Enhancing Reliability of Classroom Self-Assessment in University

        Kyong-Hyon Pyo 한국외국어교육학회 2015 Foreign languages education Vol.22 No.4

        The usefulness of self-assessment for evaluation purposes has been controversial among language testers and teachers, pointing to the long-held psychometric concerns of its low-leveled reliability for assessment. This study aimed at exploring the possibility of enhancing the reliability of self-assessment used in a college English classroom (n=32) by diagnosing a cause of deteriorating the reliability quality of self-assessment and seeking measures to offset the negative factor for future use. In order to achieve the goals of the study, internal consistency reliabilities were obtained before and after an improvement was made in the self-assessment. Students’ feedback on the self-assessment was sought through a focus-group interview. Next, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to see if self-assessment can be a significant predictor in students’ final grades in the course. The independent variables used for this study were final exam, midterm exam, and five self-assessments. The results of the analyses are as follows: 1) from the focus-group interview on the 6th week of semester, a subjectivity problem of self-assessments was found and a new set of items in a quiz format were added for its modified version, 2) Cronbach’s α’s of self-assessments have drastically gone up from its original ones (.514-.546) to modified ones (.614-.850), and 3) four variables were included in the final model predicting students’ final grades: final exam, midterm exam, third and second self-assessments. Based on the findings, a new perspective on reliability issues in self-assessment was proposed.

      • KCI등재

        수학교육의 교수-학습 참평가 모형 및 예시 도구 개발 - 프로젝트법을 중심으로 -

        손정화,강옥기 대한수학교육학회 2012 학교수학 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to develop authentic assessment model and example tools of mathematics teaching and learning. By reviewing literature researches, we set up the definition of authentic assessment in mathematics education, checked the criterian of authentic assessment tasks and mathematical activities. We searched various assessment models of mathematics teaching and learning, project assessment proceeding model, and criterian of project assessment, and checked various project tasks of the authentic assessment. And we developed authentic assessment model and example tools of mathematics teaching and learning. The model is applied project tasks in the form of being integrated with class to high school students, with high school mathematics especially. Furthermore, we carried the test of content validity for a validity of developed tasks for experts in studies of mathematics education. The result is that authentic assessment model and example tools of mathematics teaching and learning has an significance in mathematics education and can be used to judge whether students are doing ‘real’ mathematics or not, keeping the applicability in the form of being integrated with class. 본 연구의 목적은 실제 상황에서 수업과 통합된 형태로 이루어지는 수학교육의 교수-학습 참평가 모형과 예시 도구를 개발하는 것이다. 이를 위해 문헌연구를 통하여 수학교육에서의 참평가를 정의하고, 참평가 과제 준거와 진정한 수학적 활동이 무엇인지 살펴보았다. 참평가 수업설계 모형으로는 상황인지 수업설계 모형, 수학과 교수-학습 평가 모형, 프로젝트 평가 절차 모형을 살펴보았다. 프로젝트법을 적용한 수학과 참평가 과제 개발은 수학과 프로젝트의 유형인 실생활 문제해결형, 타교과 연계형, 수학사 활용형, 신문활용 교육형, 수학적 모델링형, 주제탐구형을 택하여, 수학과 참평가 과제 준거에 맞는 내용으로 선정하였다. 개발한 과제는 수학교육전문가에게 내용타당도를 의뢰하였고, 평가기준의 적절성을 검증받았다. 개발한 수학교육의 교수-학습 참평가 모형과 예시도구는 고등학교 학생들에게 적용해 봄으로써 학생 반응 결과와 시사점을 도출하였다. 그 결과 개발한 수학교육의 교수-학습 참평가 모형과 예시 도구는 수학교육에서 참평가를 실시하는데 의미있게 사용되어질 수 있는 것으로 여겨진다.

      • KCI등재

        상사평가가가 직무만족에 미치는 영향에 있어 평가수준의 조절적 영향

        홍재원,김용재,박승배 사단법인 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2019 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.9 No.3

        In this study, we examined the effects of supervisor assessment on executive assessment and divisional manager assessment on employee job satisfaction. In addition, we examined the moderating effect of part chair assessment on the effect of executive assessment on job satisfaction. The results of this study are as follows: First, director assessment and part chair assessment, which are elements of supervisor assessment, have a significant effect on employee’s job satisfaction. This suggests that organizational culture formation and efficient task processing efforts of director and part chair in the organization have an important effect on improving the job satisfaction of employees. Second, executive assessment is more important than part chair assessment. Third, it was shown that part chair assessment plays a moderating role in the relationship between executive evaluation and job satisfaction of employees. This suggests that the ability of department heads in business affairs complement the role of executives. It is significant that this study provided implications for the hierarchical role of the organization in order to elicit the employee 's job satisfaction. 본 연구에서는 상사평가를 임원평가와 부서장 평가로 나누어 종업원 직무만족에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 또한 임원 평가가 직무만족에 미치는 영향에 있어 부서장 평가의 조절효과를 살펴보았다. 연구결과, 첫째, 상사평가 구성요소로서의 임원평가와 부서장 평가는 직원들의 직무만족에 통계적으로 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 회사 내에서 상사의 업무처리 노력과 조직문화 형성 노력이 직원들의 업무 만족도 제고에 영향을 미치고 있음을 시사한다. 둘째, 임원평가와 부서장 평가 중에서는 임원평가가 상대적으로 더 중요한 것으로 나타났다. 이는 회사차원의 조직문화 형성을 주도하는 임원의 능력이 업무적 관계에 있는 부서장의 능력보다 상대적으로 중요하게 느끼고 있음을 시사한다. 셋째, 임원평가가 직원들의 직무만족에 영향을 주는 관계에 있어서 부서장 평가가 조절적인 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 항시적으로 부서장과 업무상 관계에 있는 종업원들에게 부서장의 능력은 임원의 능력 이상으로 중요하다는 것을 시사한다. 본 연구는 종업원의 직무만족을 이끌어 내기 위한 조직 차원에서의 계층적 역할에 대한 시사점을 제공하였다는데 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        초등영어 말하기 수행평가 프로파일 차트 개발 및 활용 분석

        이여임(Yeoim Lee),심규남(KyuNam Shim) 한국영어평가학회 2022 영어평가 Vol.17 No.2

        The purpose of this study aims to develop a profile chart for speaking performance assessment and implement it in primary English classes. Considering some major theories and principles regarding speaking assessment which are performance assessment and learning-oriented assessment, as well as the teaching and assessment context of primary English teaching, a profile chart of speaking performance assessment was developed. To conduct the research, 24 primary school teachers participated and some of them used the chart and then shared their experiences in using the chart in their English classes. Through this process, the profile chart was revised and confirmed. According to the results of the study, the participating teachers were all satisfied with using the speaking assessment profile chart for in-class assessment. Teachers responded that the chart could be used for assessment purposes as expected, that it could be used within the scheduled time frame in the classroom, and that it was relatively easy to record and manage. They also responded that in consideration of the characteristics of the speaking activity for each class period and the number of students who could be assessed at one class period, another customized chart form should be developed. Other issues for further investigation and examination were suggested in the last part of the study.

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