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        지역농정의 현상과 과제

        김경량 ( Kyung Ryang Kim ),김지용 ( Jee Yong Kim ) 한국농업경제학회 2005 農業經濟硏究 Vol.46 No.1

        N/A With the opening of municipal autonomy era, it is apparent that different regions tend to ad-just their production structures in their own ways, coping with new situations. Inevitably, in the future, competitions among regions will grow much stronger, and agricultures in different regions will thus become specialized according to the comparative priority each region has over the others. This would naturally require that each autonomous municipality get over the regional agricultural policy, currently no more than just a miniature of the central agricultural policy, and design/implement its own vision of, and blue prints for, developing itself to be a special region on the global scale, through its regional planning. In so doing, the following three points are to be noted. First, there should be a new recognition of the importance of regional agricultural policy, and each region should be allowed to perform effectively in its own way. This is because the regional agricultural policy functions as a shield to protect the failure of the central agricultural policy and further helps increase the effect of the central policy by complementing its limitations. Second, all the participants in the agriculture in each region should construct an organically integrated system of labor of division within the frame of a market-friendly agricultural strategy. Actually, production activities are not meaningful at all if consumption is not expected. Third, the central agricultural policy should keep a policy-supporting system that leads and facilitates the regional agricultural policy to continuously develop based on its own autonomy capability. This is because the central agricultural policy can be meaningful only when based on the regional agricultural policy, and because it can be considered the sum or the real substance of regional agricultural policies. Conversely, however, it is not to be ignored that only within the boundary of the central agricultural policy can the regional agricultural policy clarify its value and exercise its dynamics.

      • KCI등재

        중국농업발전은행(中國農業發展銀行)의 현황 및 발전방향에 관한 연구

        서승걸 ( Song Jie Xu ),박송춘 ( Song Choon Park ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2010 유라시아연구 Vol.7 No.4

        The worldwide trend of globalization since 1990 has accelerated Chinese policies for reforms and opening, which started in the 1970s, and resulted in the rapid growth of the financial industry in China. The development of financial policies in China has brought changes to policy related banks, restructuring such banks that supply political subsidies for national economic development. However, rural finance failed to adjust itself to the restructuring. Specifically, despite demand for large amounts of funds in various areas including farmhouses, local companies, and private companies in rural areas, policy related banks are unable to meet the demand and this has become a problem in the utilization of policy based loans. Currently in China, financial institutions are being monopolized and, as a result, financial services are being unified. In this situation, the number of financial institutions supporting urban areas is small, and farmhouses have to rely on ordinary commercial banks for loans. In addition, institutional financial agencies such as Chinese Agriculture Development Bank are applying strict criteria and requirements for loans to farmhouses in order to reduce risk, and this makes it hard for agricultural companies to get loans from institutional financial agencies. As a consequence, policy related banks in China cannot perform their functions of financial service adequately, and even the development of ordinary commercial banks is hampered heavily by the government’s regulations. These problems have been evidenced by various studies. In order to overcome shortcomings of these studies and approach more detailed problems, this study purposed to examine the current state of Chinese Agriculture Development Bank, one of policy related banks in China, and to identify its problems and suggest solutions. Chinese Agriculture Development Bank was founded as a part of rural financial reform in order to take over policy related loans from Chinese Agricultural Bank and to separate agricultural loans from commercial loans. Agriculture Development Bank does not deal directly with individual farmhouses, but its main mis-sions are policy-related finance, the allocation of government’s funds, and the distribution of funds for supporting the agricultural industry. At present, the bank is in charge of policy related loans related to the reserve of important agricultural products including provisions, cotton and vegetable oil for the government, the purchase of crops, agricultural development, etc. In addition, it operates and manages loans from the government’s funds for supporting agriculture, and promotes the enhanced status of farmers in national economy and the growth of rural economy. What should be noted, however, is the fact that economic actors in rural areas use non institutional financial agencies more than institutional ones. This proves that the role of Agriculture Development Bank as a policy related bank is not significant yet. The reason for the ineffective operation of Agriculture Development Bank can be found in the domestic situation of China, namely, urban industrialization that induces the outflow of rural population and the concentration of funds into cities. In order to solve these problems, the works of Chinese Agriculture Development Bank is being adjusted in 2009 in a way of promoting the rapid growth of Chinese agriculture and rural areas. According to the announcement on February 6, 2009, the major duties of Chinese Agriculture Development Bank are classified into credit loan, financing, settlement, and international settlement. This study analyzed the works of Chinese Agriculture Development Bank using the SWOT method. In the results, we found a number of problems that may have a considerable impact on the development of Agriculture Development Bank such as imperfect laws on farmlands, rural communities’ low credit, and the expansion of farming as a side business. This study compared Agriculture Development Bank with policy-related banks in developed countries in order to derive solutions for the problems. Policy related agricultural financial institutions have organization and operation suitable for the country’s characteristic. In this study, we compared using the characteristics and works of Korean National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, which is one of special banks. Based on the comparison, we suggested a number of improvement plans including the expansion of policy-related financial supports to agriculture and farm villages, and settlement of a sound legal system, improvement in the management of rural policy related funds, and improvement in the boards of directors. If Chinese Agriculture Development Bank overcomes its shortcomings through expanding policy-related financial supports to agriculture and farm villages, accelerating the establishment of the rural insurance system and the security system, activating educational supports, settling a sound legal system, opening information, etc. it will become an agricultural financial institution that keeps pace with the world’s agricultural finance. If the Chinese central bank’s policies on agricultural are materialized, it may be desirable to commercialize Agriculture Development Bank by opening its works fully though it may be strongly capitalistic. Current Chinese Agriculture Development Bank should be faithful with its traditional principles of operation. Chinese Agriculture Development Bank is a financial institution with low autonomy supported by the government. Nevertheless, if Chinese Agriculture Development Bank has to achieve its fundamental goals in both the ideological aspect and credit business aspect, it should make efforts to coordinate the two aspects harmoniously rather than separating them from each other. That is, when Chinese Agriculture Development Bank is operated through harmony between its firm ideological base and its business aspect, its identity will be established and its future development will be attainable.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 농업협동조합은행의 농업정책금융에 관한 연구

        김두년 ( Doonyeon Kim ) 한국협동조합학회 2010 韓國協同組合硏究 Vol.28 No.1

        Focusing on the role of Credit Agricole, French agricultural cooperative bank, this paper describes the finance system of agricultural policy. France eliminated the authority of the cooperative bank that had monopolized the financing of agricultural policy until the late 1980’s. Nevertheless, the French agricultural cooperative bank still takes a lead in financing of agricultural policy. Although the Republic of Korea also expanded the agriculture banking system to include general banks, other banks than the Agricultural Cooperative have played minimal roles in dealing with agricultural loans. Some argue that a PublicInstitution that specializes in agricultural financing should be established. However, such a public entity is unnecessary, given the diminishing role of the government in financing agricultural policy. The French Credit Agricole’s advantages in the field of agricultural policy finance maybe found in its historical role in agricultural loan services, a professional system of agricul-tural policy finance, and farmers’ easy accessibility to its loan services. For the purpose of fostering professionalism and the agricultural policy finance system, first, it is necessary to reinforce the loan assessment roles, to provide agricultural management consulting and professional education services to farmers, and to develop and disseminate an agricultural accounting system. The Republic of Korea needs to reform the agricultural loan system that distorts the distributive function of the banking institutions. It is necessary for the Korean Agricultural Cooperative to develop its professionalism for assessing farmers’ capacity for maintaining a good credit record.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 농업 지지 및 보호 정책 변천에 관한 연구

        배성의,김창호 한국국제농업개발학회 2008 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.20 No.3

        This study considered how Chinese agricultural protection policy has shifted, and the agricultural protection policy has changed according to the periodical situation and the kinds and characteristics of the concrete policies. They were as follow. The conversion from the plundering policy towards the agriculture to the protection policy showed under the background in which the economy develops quickly. The political consideration in the range and policy contents of the agricultural protection and support are the main factors together with the financial ability of the country. Chinese government converted to agricultural support and protection policy after renovation and opening from the plundering agricultural policy that presupposed the sacrifice of the agricultural section before the renovation and opening. At the beginning of renovation and opening, the initiative of the food market was in the hands of the farmers, but after the mid-term, the supply of food exceeded the demand, so the initiative passed to the consumers, so it acted as the factor that lowered the productivity of the agriculture, and active agricultural protection policy appeared to unfold. We can see that the protection policy and means of the Chinese government are changing in variety according to the periodical situation, and can see that various policies are settling into the system that can get short-term and long-term effects of the policy according to the situations.

      • 농업보조금 정책의 평가모형 분석 : 화훼 생산ㆍ유통지원 사업을 중심으로

        한원구,박종섭 충북연구원 2007 지역정책연구 Vol.18 No.1

        This paper aims to derive major problems of agricultural subsidy policy by evaluating its economic effect and offer some useful information to policy makers, which will help lead to the improvement into more effective policy. In this paper, several policy assessment models are selected based on the references and former researches to evaluate the policy, and the models are examined regarding mutual relationships among policy assessment models. To support this policy evaluation system, a case region (Jincheon) with flowering production and marketing system is surveyed and analyzed as an example of government subsidy policy. The L1SREL program is used to evaluate assessment models based on surveyed data. The result shows that overall degrees of suitability are good and some indicators have great influences on the suitability of policy planning and the efficiency of policy execution. First, suitability of policy planning is affected by indicators such as consistency of policy, policy provision, suitability of region, contradiction with other policy, and priority of policy. Second, efficiency of policy execution is affected by indicators such as executor's leadership and devotion, division of works, political support, receptivity of external criticism, decision of executive institute, popular support and suitability of executive institute. Third, policy's result is affected by indicators such as efficiency of policy, economic effect of beneficiary and nonbeneficiary, receptivity of policy and achievement degree of policy goal. Forth, effect of policy is affected by indicators such as fairness of pdicy, social balance, contributai degree rf wMe community's productivity and pditical effect. It is show that any plans to support flowering production and marketing in the future needs to be prepared in details in advance, to maintain consistency in policy design and to include business regions with careful selection. Each party that is involved in policy consideration must sincerely take its own role given to them to increase policy efficiency. In addition, political supports are essential for the success of agricultural subsidy policy. The faimess of policy execution and consideration of the nonbeneficiary are additional factors to consider for the success of agricultural subsidy policy.

      • KCI등재

        EU의 공동농업정책과 중ㆍ동유럽국가의 EU가입

        이강용(Kang-Yong Lee),최장우(Jang-Woo Choi) 한국무역연구원 2012 무역연구 Vol.8 No.2

        Common Agricultural Policy and Eastern Enlargement of the EU Since the establishiment of European Community, the Common Agricultural Policy has played important role in integrating the european countries. The increase of the agricultural productivity so important that Europe produced more agricultural products than their consumers needed. To achieve this extraordinary performance, European Community had to spend more than half of its annual expenditure which caused very serious conflicts between big agricultural producers like France, Spain, Italy, Greece and small agricultural producers like Germany, United Kingdom and most of the northern european countries. Uruguay Round negotiation was a good chance to remedy this conflict in Common Agricultural Policy. European Community-by the name of MacSharry-had to give up partly its price-support system io the market by decoupling the relationship between the volume of production and payment and remove the barriers for foreign agricultural products sto be imported in the european market. Target price was reduced and more land had to be let aside(which means abandoned to cultivate). Agenda 2000 followed the basic principle of the MacSharry reform. But it prepared to the enlargement of the EC to the East and Central European Countries. The reform of June, 2003 adopted new concept to the Common Agricultural Policy by introducing rural development plan. European farmers can be paid their money only when they fulfill new duties like environmental protection acts, forest preserve, animal’s welfare etc. Policy focus moved to the environmental protection agriculture. Joining of Ten New Countries to the European Union gives chances and risks at the same time to EU. Historically it’s a great achievement nobody could realize before. The whole Europe has unified peacefully for the first time in its history. But economicaly it will cause big troubles to EU by producing new conflicts between the rich countries and the poor countries, early members and late members. Common Agricultural Policy could no more give a big gift to the new comers. Furthermore WTO urge free trade system of agricultural goods. EU can no more protect their own agriculture behind the Common Agricultural Policy.

      • 논문 : 조선총독부의 밭작물 개량증식 정책

        류정선 ( Jeong Seon Ryu ) 서울대학교 국사학과 2012 韓國史論 Vol.58 No.-

        This thesis explores the background, content, and its implication of how Government-General of Joseon(Joseon Chongdokbu/朝鮮總督府) implementing improvement-proliferation policy on the dry farm products. The main object is to widen the emphasis on the rice centered studies to the area of dry field farming in agricultural history researches. While the Japanese Empire`s effort on improvement of Joseon rice earlier on in order to increase the distribution of Joseon rice in the Japanese domestic market, the concern for one of the main provisions for Koreans, the dry field farming, was neglected. However, the Japanese Empire reconsidered the importance of the dry farm products after experiencing turmoil caused by a dire food shortage including the Rice Riots in 1918 and huge drought in 1919, and the increasing awareness in the degree of food self-support from the World War I. Government-General of Joseon established a Rice proliferation policy, so called Sanmi jeungsik gyehoek(産米增殖計劃) as a result of a food shortage, and the research on dry field farming was started. The Western branch of Agricultural research institute(Gwoneop mobeomjang Seoseonjijang/觀業模範場 西鮮支場), established in 1920, led the research on dry field farming. After the 1920`s, researches including cultivation technique, testing on the system of rotation crop, comparison between domestic and imported crop variety, and extracting the superior genetic variety were initiated at Seoseonjijang, Gwoneop mobeomjang, and Jongmyojang. It was not the Government-General`s attempt, but the local provincial government promoted policy in which supplying the superior rice variety up until the 1920`s. The underlying plan on the improvement-proliferation policy was undertaken under the influences of domestic and foreign situation in the late 1920`s. When the price of rice declined due to the overproduction of rice in the market, Japan boosted the Koreans to consume more rice by restricting imports upon the foreign grains. The overall policy regarding the petty peasant was required. Second, the gold standard and international balance of payment was required to be reformed by reducing the imported Manchu millet. Third, the hardship of lives among peasantry needed to be stabilized in the frequent occurrences of farm tenancy disputes and violations in response of worsening rural economy. Government-General implemented a improvement-proliferation policy on the dry field crops in an attempt to deal with problems in rural economy. By 1929, a proliferation policy was adopted in the Northwestern region of Korea for a good yield with millet. And the Improvement-proliferation Plan of the Dry Farm Products(Jeonjakmul gyelyangjuengsik Gyehoek/田作物改良增殖計劃) was carried out as a nationwide campaign in 1931 for the increasing production of barley, wheat, rye, millet, and bean. The key importance of this policy was underlined for both intensive cultivation and genetically superior grain from 1931 to 1942. Instructional fields(Jeonjak Gyelyang Jidopo/田作改良指導圃) and associations for improvement of dry farm products(Jeonjak gyelyang johap/田作改良組合) were organized in order to extend a newly agricultural improved method, but also the experts of the dry filed farming were fostered and assigned to the local administrative units. Improving method on dry field products was practiced by adopting the traditional method of Joseon. First, a good quality of variety was extracted among the traditional Joseon grain and disseminated to the peasants. Government-General also endeavored the expansion of double crops a year and triple cropping for two years. The system of intercrop was promoted which would increase the degree of intensity in the field. The policy toward mixture cropping method fell into confusion by allowing some regions to practice and prohibiting in other districts. The practice of mixture cropping method rather encourage when the food shortage occurred again in the 1940s. On the one hand, peasants resisted against Government-General`s attempt to introduce the improvement agricultural method, a lack of awareness in the products of dry field farming by the Japanese agricultural expert led to adopting the traditional method for the dry field farming. The structure of rice exporting system had the fundamental problem. The stability of peasant`s food supply was essential for increasing rice export to Japan. While the rice cultivation commercialized rapidly, the tradition agricultural method in the dry field was retained among peasants for their consumption. The dissemination of high quality rice variety, more usage of the dry field, and double-cropping method brought about better crop yield in the dry field farming as a subsequent result. However, the increased yield of rice could not achieve not only the excessively high goal, but also the inflexible instructing method adopted by the officials from Government-General. Also the policy could not be sustained by losing driving force because of lack of support and exterior factors. The beginning of Sino-Japanese War and another food shortage caused by huge drought in 1939, Japan acknowledged the failure of its policy and established the War-Time production increasing policy.

      • KCI등재

        정책성농업보험의 WTO 농업협정 정합성 분석 및 운영 방안

        최창희 ( Changhui Choi ) 보험연구원 2024 보험금융연구 Vol.35 No.2

        본 연구는 우리나라의 농업 부문 지위 격상에 대비하여 정책성농업보험에 개선되어야 할 점이 있는지를 살펴보기 위하여 진행되었다. 이를 위하여 한미 정책성농업보험의 WTO 농업협정 정합성을 분석하였다. 분석결과 한미 정책성농업보험에 WTO 농업협정의 세부 가이드라인을 따르지 않는 부분이 발견되었으나, 무역 왜곡 가능성이 크지 않아 개선이 필요하지 않은 것으로 보인다. 다만 우리나라 WTO 보조금 보고서에 정책성농업보험 및 자연재해 복구비용에 대한 정부의 재정적 지원이 포함되어 있지 않은 부분은 향후 개선이 필요할 것이다. 이를 위하여 정책성농업보험의 보조금 관리체계 수립 및 국회의 감독 기능 강화가 필요하다. 최근 미국 정부는 정부 지출을 줄이기 위하여 정책성농업보험에 대한 보조금 삭감 방안을 검토하였는데, 이는 향후 정책성농업보험에 대한 보조금을 축소해야 하는 우리 정부 당국이 참고할만한 사례이다. This study was conducted to examine whether there is room for improvement in policy-based agricultural insurance programs after the Korean government's declaration of a developed-country status in the WTO agricultural sector. To this end, this paper examined whether policy-based agricultural insurance programs of Korea and the U.S. comply with the WTO Agreement on Agriculture. This paper discovered that some modi operandi of two countries' policy-based agricultural insurance programs do not comply with certain guidelines of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture. Yet this non-compliance would not likely to raise any issues due to little trade distortion. However, this paper discovered that there are missing items in Korea's WTO subsidy report such as the government's financial support for policy-based agricultural insurance and natural disaster recovery. This paper recommends that these items need to be added to the WTO subsidy report in the future. To this end, it is necessary to establish a subsidy management system for policy-based agricultural insurance and strengthen the surveillance of the National Assembly. Recently, the US government is considering reducing subsidies for policy-based agricultural insurance in order to reduce government spending. This would make a good reference for the Korean government, which should reduce subsidies for policy-based agricultural insurance in the future.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 3 : 개방과 보호의 기로에 선 한일 농업정책 -제도화된 지역협동을 향한 통상규범의 모색

        박창건 ( Chang Gun Park ),김용민 ( Yong Min Kim ) 국민대학교 일본학연구소 2014 일본공간 Vol.15 No.-

        본 연구는 개방과 보호의 기로에 선 한일 양국의 농업정책이 어떻게 전개되고 있는지를 분석하는 것이다. 논의의 초점은 협업과 분업을 통해 한일 양국의 공동 농업정책이 가능한지를 검토하고, 제도화된 지역협동이란 통상규범이 동북아 3국의 공동 농업정책으로 확산될 수 있는지를 살펴보는 것이다. 한일 양국의 농업정책은 경제 성장에 의한 산업화 과정에서 이루어졌고, 국제정치경제 변화에 편승하여 보호와 개방이란 정치적 선택에 따라 유연성 있게 대처하고 있다. 하지만 신자유주의적 세계화가 농업 시장의 개방을 다방면에서 요구하고 있기 때문에 한일 양국은 공동 대응 방안을 절실히 필요로 하고 있다. 공동 대응을 위한 제도적 장치 마련의 근간은 이미 양국 농업정책에 융합되어 있어 지역협동을 향한통상규범에서 엿볼 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 의미에서 본 연구는 통상규범의 수단으로 협업과 분업에 대한 논의를 제시하고 있다. 협업을 통한 공동 농업정책의가능성은 제도화된 지역협동이란 통상규범의 기틀이 정착되어 있는 것처럼 보이 지만, 농업의 특성상 이를 응용하고 활용하려는 정치적 논의가 미흡한 것으로 나타났다. 반면 분업을 통한 공동 농업정책의 가능성은 농업이 공업과 달리 수평적혹은 수직적 분업이 구조적으로 어려운 경우가 존재하기 때문에 제한적 범위 내에서 실현할 수 있다는 결론을 도출하고 있다. 한일 FTA 체결의 주요 쟁점이 농업이라는 점을 고려한다면, 양국이 협업과 분업을 통한 공동 농업정책 가능성을 현실적으로 모색하기 위해서는 그 규모와 범위에 대해 기능적으로 접근해야 할것이다. 즉, 한일 양국은 중국을 포함한 동북아 3국이 하나의 지역협동체가 되어 공동 농업정책을 이끌어 낼 수 있는 제도적 대안을 마련해야 한다는 것이다. This research analyzes how agricultural policies in Korea and Japan, which are at the crossroad of liberalization and protection, are being developed. The focus of the discussion reviews whether the two countries can carry on the common agricultural policies through cooperation and specialization and examines commercial norms, namely institutionalized regional collaboration could expand into three countries in Northeast Asia. Agricultural issues between the two countries of Korea and Japan are formed by economic growth in the process of industrialization and liberalization and protection are dealt flexibly depending on political choices piggybacking on the international political and economic changes. However, both Korea and Japan jointly require to have new countermeasures urgently because neo-liberal globalization is requiring the opening of agricultural market in many areas. The foundation of established institutional mechanisms for joint countermeasures, that is already melted in agricultural policies in Korea and Japan, could glimpse of commercial norms towards regional cooperation. In this sense, this research suggests argument about cooperation and specialization as a means of commercial norms. The possibility of common agricultural policies as cooperation seems to be settled the framework of commercial institutionalized regional collaboration but political debate applying and utilizing it showed insufficient in the nature of agriculture. It comes to conclusion that the possibility of common agricultural policies as specialization will be realized within limited range because implement of horizontal or vertical specialization is structurally difficult for agriculture unlike industry. Considering agriculture is the main issues of Korea and Japan FTA, the two countries should approach functionally the scale and scope in order to seek realistically the possibility of common agricultural policies as cooperation and specialization. In other words, three countries in Northeast Asia(Korea, Japan and China) will have to arrange institutional alternatives which can lead to joint agricultural policies as one of regional cooperative body.

      • KCI등재

        현 단계 농업구조문제와 농업구조정책의 방향

        李英基(Lee Yeong-Gi) 한국지역사회학회 2006 지역사회연구 Vol.14 No.1

        The purposes of this study are to clarify the present structural problems and to suggest policy direction of structural reform in Korean agriculture. To achieve this research objectives, the characteristics of structural change and the nature of structural problems in Korean agriculture were analyzed, and the policy direction and major policy measures for agricultural structural reform since 1990s were examined. This study emphasized that the policy direction and measures of agricultural structural reform should be taken variously in accordance with the concrete conditions of regional agriculture, and the reform of agricultural structure should be directed toward organizing a large number of the small and middle farms to use their agricultural resources efficiently as well as supporting a small number of the upper-class farms, so-called the full-time farmers and socio-economic supports for small and old-aged farmers should be enforced.

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