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        The Process of Ideological Implementation of Sustainable Development in Mongolia and Further Approach

        Gungaa Baljinnyam(발진냠) 충남대학교 사회과학연구소 2016 사회과학연구 Vol.27 No.3

        Research work in titled “The process of ideological implementation of sustainable development in Mongolia and further approach” considered Mongolian sustainable development trends and its strategy implementation, International collaboration, World sustainable development strategy reform on the ground of studying origin, evolution and theory of the concept “Sustainable Development”. The research article consists of the Introduction, Historical analysis on Sustainable Development, World sustainable development strategy, Mongolian based on World Sustainable Development strategy, Conclusion and References. Introduction commented rational and necessities of the study issue. The following chapter mentioned about the study of origin, evolution and theory of the concept “Sustainable Development”. The third chapter marked out the World sustainable development strategy and its reforming process. The research on Mongolian sustainable development policy, trends and its International collaboration survey explained in the fourth chapter of this article. Finally Mongol wisdom of living in harmony with the nature becomes one of basic principles of the Global Sustainable Development. Thus there’s drawn a general conclusion that is important to implement through determining collaborative strategy and creating new laugh outs to improve sustainable development level and its successful implementation in Mongolia.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 지식기반사회에서의 지속가능발전교육 방향 탐색

        지승현,남영숙 한국환경교육학회 2007 環境 敎育 Vol.20 No.1

        In spite of the perceived importance of sustainable development in society, we still fails to reflect consistently our best understandings about the sustainable development and education for sustainable development. The purpose of this study is to inquire into the orientation of education for sustainable development in the 21st Century knowledge-based society. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, it is necessary to provide newly defined sustainable development which enables us to transform unsustainable way of life into environmentally sound and sustainable development. Education for sustainable development is defined as a basic education that have a mature understanding among the human, nature and wisdom of life Second, we should emphasis on a system thinking, basic communication in order to encourage education for sustainable development as a learning strategy. Third we should suggest both individual and community learning education for sustainable development. Finally, we develope knowledge system of sustainable development in accordance with the theories of knowledge management.In conclusion, it is necessary to approach education for sustainable development in the context of the knowledge-based society and the information age. It enables us enhance a new awareness and attitudes towards sustainable development. Furthermore, it is expected to deve-

      • 지속가능한 동시베리아 지역공동체 발전전략 연구

        강상인 ( Kang Sang In ),제갈운 한국환경정책평가연구원 2017 사업보고서 Vol.2017 No.-

        본 연구는 동아시아 환경공동체 발전전략 개발 및 협력사업의 세부과제로 진행되며, 2016년 경제인문사회연구회 협동연구로 수행한 「녹색경제 전환을 위한 국가생산자원구조(TPRS) 분석과 한-러 연계 발전전략 연구」와 연계하여 후속 연구로 진행되었다. 2017년 연구는 동시베리아의 환경과 경제 및 사회 중심의 기존 지속가능발전 논의구조에 더하여, 지역이 가진 역사적 경험과 민족적 다양성을 가장 잘 반영하고 있다고 여겨지는 지역공동체의 문화적 측면에 대한 고찰을 추가하였으며, 이를 통해 지속가능한 동시베리아 지역의 지역공동체 발전전략의 도출을 연구주제로 하고 있다. 본 연구는 러시아과학아카데미 산하 바이칼자원관리연구소와 야쿠티아과학센터가 참여하여 국내외 문헌연구 및 현지사례 조사를 수행하였고, 연구기관 공동연구 세미나 및 포럼 등을 통해 맡은 분야의 연구결과를 정리하였으며, 본 원이 최종보고서 집필작업을 수행하였다. 본 연구의 제2장에서는 동시베리아 지역의 지속가능발전 여건에 대한 고찰을 위해 해당 지역의 지리·환경 여건, 사회경제 현황, 주변 국가와의 경제협력을 살펴보았다. 제1절에서는 시베리아·극동 지역의 지리·환경적 여건을 살펴보았는데, 시베리아·극동 연방관구는 아시아와 유럽을 잇는 전략적 위치로 한국, 중국, 몽골 등과 국경을 접하며, 해양을 통해 일본 등 아태 지역과 연결되고, 대규모 운송망 정비를 통해 아태 지역과 유럽을 연결하는 물류의 요충지이다. 이 지역은 러시아에서 가장 큰 면적을 차지하고 있으나, 인구가 러시아 전체의 4.4%에 불과하고, 평균 인구밀도가 m2 당 1명으로 발전에 필요한 양질의 인적 자원이 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 제2절과 제3절에서는 사회경제 현황과 주변국과의 경제협력에 대한 조사 및 분석을 수행하였다. 이 지역의 주요 산업은 광업, 수산업 등에 편중되어 있고, 교역 부문은 에너지, 천연자원, 광물자원에 편중되어 있으며, 주변국과의 협력도 대부분 자원 수출과 관련된 분야에 집중되어 있어 지속가능성의 측면에서 부정적인 것으로 나타났다. 또한 자원 수출 위주의 경제구조로 지역경제구조 내에 지속가능발전 여건 제고를 위해 환경 분야에 대한 고려가 더욱 필요한 상황이다. 제3장에서는 동시베리아 지역의 지속가능발전에 관련된 영향인자를 살펴보았다. 제1절 기후변화 영향에서는 IPCC의 지역별 전망을 통해 전 세계 및 해당 지역의 기후변화 영향에 대한 분석을 수행하였다. 기후변화 영향으로 동시베리아와 극동 북부지역에서는 영구동토대의 해동으로 인해 이탄층의 다양한 온실가스가 대기 중으로 확산될 가능성이 있으며, 이러한 사실들을 반영하여 동시베리아와 극동 지역의 사회경제발전 과정에서 기존에 비해 더욱 강화된 기후 회복력 증진정책의 수행을 요구하고 있다. 또한 극동·시베리아 지역의 경우 기후변화로 인한 고온현상 및 토양의 수분 변화로 인해 천수답에 대한 농업 적응도의 상승이 예상되는 지역에 해당하는 것으로 조사되었다. 제2절에서는 최근 새롭게 부상하는 ‘문화의 지속가능성’과 관련하여 해당 지역의 지속가능성에 대한 고찰을 위해 동시베리아 지역의 전통과 문화적 다양성을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 문화적 요소를 고려한 지속가능발전 개념의 재구성을 통해 자본주의 자유경쟁 시장경제에 한정된 경제적 관점의 지속가능발전 논의가 가진 한계를 극복할 수 있는 지속가능발전의 새로운 축으로 문화가 고려될 수 있다는 점을 제시하였다. 그리고 지속가능발전의 관점에서 부리야트 자치공화국의 문화적 지속가능성에 대한 고찰을 진행하였는데, 부리야트 자치공화국은 민족 구성 및 민족 간 문화의 조화, 불교, 샤머니즘, 기독교 등의 다양한 종교가 공존하고, 과거 문화유산의 가치가 보존되고 있으며, 동시에 새로운 문화적 도전을 진행한다는 점에서 문화적 지속가능성의 잠재력이 높은 지역으로 판단되나, 인구의 유출과 경제적 빈곤 등의 위협요소가 존재한다. 제3절에서는 러시아 연방과 해당 지역의 지역개발계획을 살펴보았는데, 주목할 점은 주요 지역개발계획은 석유·가스전 개발 등과 관련된 프로젝트를 추진하고 있으며, 이 지역에 대한 외국 자본의 투자도 대부분 천연자원 채취와 관련된 분야에 집중되어 있다는 점이다. 또한 동시베리아·극동 지역 개발계획을 살펴보고 앞 절들의 내용을 정리하여 동시베리아 지역 지속가능발전의 영향인자와 잠재력에 대한 고찰이 향후 공동의 역사적 경험과 다양한 자연인문환경을 바탕으로 지역공동체 관점의 지속가능발전 전략을 구상하고 실천하는 데 유용할 것이라는 점을 제시하였다. 본 연구의 결론에 해당하는 제4장에서는 서로 다른 사회경제발전 경로를 걸어 온 역내 국가들이 존재하는 지역 여건에 부합하는 지속가능한 지역공동체 발전전략의 이론적 기반에 대한 고찰 및 해당 지역에서 활용이 가능한 역내 정책연구 협력 메커니즘을 살펴보고, 실질적으로 수행할 수 있는 정책연구 협력 분야와 추진방안을 정리하였다. 제1절에서는 동시베리아 지역공동체 관점의 지속가능발전 논의 확장을 통해 자본주의 시장경제체제에는 기존의 지속가능발전 논의에 문화, 전통, 평화, 인권 등의 주제를 대입하기 힘든 부분이 존재하지만 자본주의 시장경제와는 다른 사회경제발전 경험을 특징으로 하는 동시베리아 지역에서는 지속가능한 지역공동체 발전전략 연구에 기존의 논의와 차별화된 보다 포괄적이고 확장된 논의구조가 필요하다는 것을 제시했다. 제2절에서는 지역공동체 구축을 위한 협력 메커니즘으로 기존에 본 원과 러시아과학아카데미 산하의 바이칼연구소 및 부리야트 국립대학 등이 체결한 MOU를 활용하는 방안과 러시아·중국·몽골 몽골리안플라토 연구 네트워크에 한국(KEI)이 참여하는 방법, 한-시베리아포럼의 추진 등을 제안하였다. 마지막으로 3절에서는 지역공동체 구축을 위한 우선협력 분야로 자연환경, 사회경제발전 경험과 관련된 지역 특성을 고려하여, 농업, 문화 및 관광, 운송 및 기계, 자원 에너지 분야를 제시하였다. This study is conducted as the detailed tasks of development strategies and collaborative projects of the environmental community in East Asia. It is a follow-up study in connection with the 'Study on Analysis of National Production Resource Structure (TPRS) for Transformation into Green Economy and Korea-Russia Interlinked Development Strategy,' was conducted as a collaborative study by the Korea Council of Humanities Social Research Institute in 2016. In addition to the discussion of the environment, economy, and society-oriented existing sustainable development in East Siberia, the study in 2017 add a discussion about the cultural aspects of regional community. The cultural aspects are reviewed to reflect the historical experiences and ethnic diversity of the region. Through this, the study aims to derive a sustainable development strategy of the regional community in East Siberia. This study presents investigation findings of the local and international literature reviews and case studies. The Academy of Sciences of Yakutia and Baikal Institute of Nature Management of the Siberian Branch of the RAS (BINM SB RAS) participated in the research. A summary of the study results in the field through collaborative study seminars and forums is provided. The results content presented is written and produced in the final report by the research institutions and the Korea Economic Institute (KEI). Chapter 2 in this study discusses geography, environment conditions, socioeconomic status, and economic cooperation with surrounding countries in the region in order to review the sustainable development circumstances in East Siberia. Section 1 in Chapter 2 investigates the geographical and environmental conditions of Siberia and Far East Asia region. Sections 2 and 3 conduct an examination and analysis of the socioeconomic status and economic cooperation with the surrounding nations. The main industries in this region are concentrated in mining and fisheries. The primary forms of trade are focused on energy, natural resources, and mining resources. Most of the cooperation with surrounding nations is also concentrated on resource export and related fields, which are regarded negative from the perspective of sustainability. In addition, consideration on the environmental fields is urgently needed more than ever to increase the sustainable development conditions within the regional economy structure, which to date has been resource export-oriented. Chapter 3 discusses the impact factors related to the sustainable development in East Siberia. Section 1 in Chapter 3 conducts analyses on the impact of climate change on the region and the world through regional prospects conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) with regard to the impact of climate change. Section 2 reviews the tradition and cultural diversity in East Siberia to discuss the sustainability in the region in relation to the newly rising issue of 'cultural sustainability.' To do this, this study suggests that culture may be considered as a new axis of the sustainable development. An examination of culture can overcome limitations in the discussion on sustainable development from an economic perspective. Such viewpoints are previously confined to the capitalist-free competitive market economy through re-structure of the concept of sustainable development considering cultural factors. Section 3 reviewesd the development plans in East Siberia and Far East Asia. The section presents a discussion about impact factors and the potential of sustainable development in East Siberia. It will be useful to devise and practice the sustainable development strategy from the regional community perspective. This may be attainable based on shared historical experiences and diverse natural humanity environments in the future by summarizing the aforementioned content in the previous sections. Chapter 4 presents the conclusions of this study. Here, discussions about the theoretical basis of sustainable development strategies for the regional community are presented. The discussion subjects are matched with the regional conditions where regional nations have different socioeconomic development paths. The cooperative mechanism of regional policy studies that can be applicable to the region is also examined. Finally, cooperative fields of policy study that can be executed in practice and promotional measures are summarized.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 발전의 사회학적 고찰

        정대연 ( Dai Yeun Jeong ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2003 환경영향평가 Vol.12 No.1

        The term sustainable development is being used widely since WCED suggested it in 1987. This paper aims at catching up its sociological implications. For doing this, the paper examined some major existing researches on sustainable development.It was found that sustainable development has been defined as an economic development with the preservation of nature as an environment of human life. In this sense, the existing concept of sustainable development is an economic perspective. Sustainable development as an economic perspective is faced with some limitations and/or problems. They are summarized as follows. The human-made environment is excluded from the concept of sustainable development. Its ideology is anthroponcentric in that the sustainability of nature is a necessary condition for economic development. The objective reference which can measure whether the current state of nature is sustainable or not is not proposed. Consequently, sustainable debelopment results in merelt a survivability of economy, a new form of economic utility and/or a successful economy. In terms of sociological perspective, economy and nature can not be sustainable without other social factors being sustainable, because all social factors including economy and nature exist in a causal mechanism. This means that sustainable development should be approached from a multi-dimensional perspective. The multi-dimensional approach can be a framework of sustatinable development in terms of whole society, then can be tremed sustainable society which implies not a sustatainable society which implies not a sustainable development, but a societal development. The factors which should be included in the sustainable society are, at least,economy,population as an aggregate,mode of living existence of people as a cultural actor,thchnology,and social structure.

      • KCI등재

        High School Students’ Attitudes towards Sustainable Development: An Exploratory Investigation

        권혁수 대한공업교육학회 2015 대한공업교육학회지 Vol.40 No.1

        Sustainable development brings many potential dvantages to the society and environment. As such, many educational communities have concentrated on incorporating this concept into their educational programs for the K-12 classrooms. The K-12 technology educators have also exerted efforts to infuse the sustainable development concept into the K-12 national-curriculum level. The purpose of this study was to investigate the high school students’ attitudes towards sustainable development. The study participants were 1,073 high school students from six high schools in Gyeonggi province. A self-reported instrument was used to obtain the students’ demographic information and to come up with an attitudinal scale towards sustainable development. This study employed statistical ways of exploring the attitudinal level of the South Korean high school students and of describing the subcategories of the sustainable development. The findings described the high school students’ attitudes towards sustainable development with regard to three components: (1) cognition of sustainable development; (2) practices in pursuit of sustainable development; and (3) perception of the ducation for sustainable development. The exploratory factor analysis supported three perspectives of the students’ attitudes towards sustainable development. Also, the qualitative data collected and analyzed from the students’ responses to the open-ended question posed to them indicated two domains of the students’ cognition of and practices in pursuit of sustainable development. These findings were made on the bases of several recommendations regarding the research on and implementation of Education for Sustainable Development(ESD). Sustainable development brings many potential advantages to the society and environment. As such, many educational communities have concentrated on incorporating this concept into their educational programs for the K-12 classrooms. The K-12 technology educators have also exerted efforts to infuse the sustainable development concept into the K-12 national-curriculum level. The purpose of this study was to investigate the high school students’ attitudes towards sustainable development. The study participants were 1,073 high school students from six high schools in Gyeonggi province. A self-reported instrument was used to obtain the students’ demographic information and to come up with an attitudinal scale towards sustainable development. This study employed statistical ways of exploring the attitudinal level of the South Korean high school students and of describing the subcategories of the sustainable development. The findings described the high school students’ attitudes towards sustainable development with regard to three components: (1) cognition of sustainable development; (2) practices in pursuit of sustainable development; and (3) perception of the ducation for sustainable development. The exploratory factor analysis supported three perspectives of the students’ attitudes towards sustainable development. Also, the qualitative data collected and analyzed from the students’ responses to the open-ended question posed to them indicated two domains of the students’ cognition of and practices in pursuit of sustainable development. These findings were made on the bases of several recommendations regarding the research on and implementation of Education for Sustainable Development(ESD).

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 주거단지 계획모형 개발

        박원규 한국조경학회 2002 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.30 No.5

        There have been endeavors for sustainable development all over the world after the Rio World Summit and the idea of sustainable development has become common paradigm. Now, Korea has come to a situation where we need to apply the concept of sustainable development inevitably. Especially housing estate development must be preliminary change for sustainable development. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to establish sustainable planning element system of housing estate, and to propose a sustainable planning model compatible with the Korean situation. The scope of this study focused on typical multi-family housing estates in Korea and the environmental sustainable planning model. The model was developed from the evaluation of the important level and extra costs of planning elements for sustainable development of housing estate. The important level of planning principles and elements was analyzed by conducting a survey to experts. As the results of this study, four planning section ('land use and transport', 'pollution and waste', 'energy', and 'natural resource') and twelve planning items were identified. Twenty-one planning principles and fifty-five planning elements were found. Synthetically, the sustainable planning element system is composed of four planning sections, twelve planning items, twenty-one planning principles, and fifty-five planning elements. Based on survey to experts, $\ulcorner$The short-term strategic model$\lrcorner$ was developed for the social implosion of sustainable development, which is composed of ten basic elements, eighteen necessary elements, twelve optional elements, and seven arbitrary elements. $\ulcorner$The long-term future model$\lrcorner$was developed for application to from 10 to 15 years later. It is composed of fifteen basic elements, thirty-three necessary elements, and seven optional elements. The planning model proposed by this study can be used as a prototype for the development of a sustainable housing estate and can provide a practical tool for developers and planners who are not familiar with the concept of sustainable development.

      • KCI등재

        생태적 근대화, 지속가능발전, 그리고 우리나라에서의 함의

        고철환(Chul-Hwan Koh) 인제대학교 인간환경미래연구원 2008 인간 · 환경 · 미래 Vol.- No.1

        This essay is intended primarily to enhance understandings of ecological modernization and sustainable development for general readers who are interests in issues of environments in relation to economic growth in the Korean society. It is well known that ecological modernization is an empirical theory developed by highly industrialized european countries. It describes the technological developments and environmental policy in terms of the precautionary principle for pollution prevention from the very onset in the early 1980's. Ecological modernization emphasizes the institutional reform which can prevent the devastation of the environment. Sustainable development was often seen as a further developed practice of ecological modernization. Ecological modernization was considered as a necessary, but not sufficient condition for sustainable development. Meanwhile, the reinforcement of international environmental politics and global environmental agendas introduced in ecological modernization could lead the theory almost to the level of sustainable development. However, sustainable development is a stronger concept than ecological modernization in terms of human 'needs' and 'limits' of nature being minded by the economic development. Ecological modernization decouples the economic growth from its pollution problematics, but not sufficient to keep the economic growth within the limits set by nature. Sustainable development would eventually violate ecological limits in the long run and is also problematic in this view, but it stresses the awareness of limitation of nature more rigorously. An argument of this essay should involve what are the implications of sustainable development for a country like Korea of which the history of science and technology is shallow, and organization reform for the environment is hardly expected due to the strong political orientation for economic growth. Government-driven, technocentric and top-down process of ecologization characteristic to ecological modernization and sustainable development would not be seen in the near future. Balancing economic growth with social equity and environmental protection can be hardly achieved under a political situation centered to economic development. An approach to sustainable development would contribute to the introduction of governance in the process of policy formation and implementation of sustainable development by organization reform. Civil society has played an important role in democratization in Korea and its capacity is indispensable also to the modem, global paradigm of sustainable development.

      • KCI등재후보

        An International Comparative Research on the Structure and Change in Sustainable Development among Islands

        정대연 한국사회과학협의회 2009 Korean Social Science Journal Vol.36 No.1

        The objective of this paper was to compare sustainable development and change among Jeju, Tasmania, and Hawaii, using a set of 33 identical ten-year time series sustainable development indicators (SDIs) from 1996 to 2005. The 33 SDIs were grouped into ten categories as composite variables. The comparison was done in terms of the structure and change in sustainable development as an integrated reality. The structure of sustainable development was compared in terms of the explanatory power of the 33 SDIs on sustainable development as a whole reality and their relative importance as the determinants of sustainable development. The relative importance was compared in terms of both individual SDIs and their categories. The change in sustainable development was compared by category in terms of the process of sustainable development having been determined throughout the ten years, using their change in the position of sustainability on the basis of their relative deviation index. The explanatory power of the SDIs and their relative importance were different among the three islands. However, overall, the factors related to economic development and/or those resulted from them, a priori and/or expost facto policies, and the conservation of nature contribute to sustainable development. Interestingly, the impeding factors were different among the three islands. The sustainability level of the ten categories has changed significantly throughout the ten years in all of the three islands. To determine the structure and change in sustainable development, assumption would have to take into account a long list of more parameters. The results cited in this paper are based on a limited number of parameters in terms of SDI and time-series as well. However, the methods for analyzing the structure and change in sustainable development has been partially developed in this paper. Further development of this model will prove useful for policy formation and management for sustainable development. The objective of this paper was to compare sustainable development and change among Jeju, Tasmania, and Hawaii, using a set of 33 identical ten-year time series sustainable development indicators (SDIs) from 1996 to 2005. The 33 SDIs were grouped into ten categories as composite variables. The comparison was done in terms of the structure and change in sustainable development as an integrated reality. The structure of sustainable development was compared in terms of the explanatory power of the 33 SDIs on sustainable development as a whole reality and their relative importance as the determinants of sustainable development. The relative importance was compared in terms of both individual SDIs and their categories. The change in sustainable development was compared by category in terms of the process of sustainable development having been determined throughout the ten years, using their change in the position of sustainability on the basis of their relative deviation index. The explanatory power of the SDIs and their relative importance were different among the three islands. However, overall, the factors related to economic development and/or those resulted from them, a priori and/or expost facto policies, and the conservation of nature contribute to sustainable development. Interestingly, the impeding factors were different among the three islands. The sustainability level of the ten categories has changed significantly throughout the ten years in all of the three islands. To determine the structure and change in sustainable development, assumption would have to take into account a long list of more parameters. The results cited in this paper are based on a limited number of parameters in terms of SDI and time-series as well. However, the methods for analyzing the structure and change in sustainable development has been partially developed in this paper. Further development of this model will prove useful for policy formation and management for sustainable development.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능사회의 법해석과 사법

        김광수 ( Kwang Soo Kim ) 한국환경법학회 2015 環境法 硏究 Vol.37 No.3

        지속가능사회는 현재의 환경과 산업 그리고 건강한 사회활동이 계속적으로 영위될 수 있는 상태를 의미한다. 번영되고 평화로운 사회는 지속가능한 사회라고 할수 있다. 종래 지속가능성이 특별히 논의되지 않았고, 산업생산과 소비활동이 항구적일 것으로 인식되었다. 그러나 인간의 경제활동으로 인한 자연자원의 고갈과 자연환경의 파괴 및 빈발하는 자연재해는 지금의 경제와 산업이 계속될 수 없음을 경고하고 있다. 그로 인하여 현재 인류는 발전의 방향을 새로운 좌표에 맞추기 시작했으며 그 좌표는 다름 아닌 지속가능발전을 가리키고 있다. 1992년 6월 브라질의 리우에서 개최된 환경 및 개발에 관한 유엔 회의(United Nations Conference on Environment and Development: UNCED)에서는 많은 세계의 지도자들이 참석하여 환경을 보전하고 계속적인 발전을 이루기 위하여 각각의 개인과 각국이 어떠한 노력을 해야 할 것인지 논의하였다. 나아가 환경보전 위하여 행동하여야 하는 원칙을 정하였는데 최상위의 원칙으로 지속가능발전이라는 개념을 채택하고, 이를 실천하는 방식으로 의제 21을 채택하였다. 의제 21을 실천하는 방법으로 우리나라에서도 각 시도 및 시군의 의제가 조직되고, 이를 총괄하는 전국의제가 설치되었다. 지속가능한 사회를 이룩하기 위한 대책법으로서의 지속가능성 이념은 2007년에제정된 지속가능발전 기본법에서 찾아 볼 수 있다. 이 법은 제2조 제1호에서 ‘지속 가능성’이란 현재 세대의 필요를 충족시키기 위하여 미래 세대가 사용할 경제·사회·환경 등의 자원을 낭비하거나 여건을 저하(低下)시키지 아니하고 서로 조화와 균형을 이루는 것을 말한다.”고 규정하고 있으며, 제2호에서 “‘지속가능발전’이란 지속가능성에 기초하여 경제의 성장, 사회의 안정과 통합 및 환경의 보전이 균형을 이루는 발전을 말한다.”고 규정하고 있다. 종래 지속가능사회에 대한 국민의 관심은 크지 않았으나 재해의 증가와 지구온난화 등 기후변화에 직면하여 그 해결을 위한 여론이 점점 크게 형성될 것이다. 이를통해 지속가능발전을 위한 각종 입법이 증가하고, 이를 적정하게 해석하라고 요청하는 압력도 점증할 것이다. 지속가능발전 개념이 국제적으로 대두된 배경을 이해하고, 그 실천을 위한 법체계의 구조를 정확하게 파악한 이후에 지속가능발전법을 바로 해석할 수 있다. 지속가능사회를 유지하기 위한 임무는 입법 행정부와 함께 사법부가 분담하고있다. 지속가능발전법의 실천과 관련하여 본 몇몇의 판결에서 아직 사법부는 종래 개발연간의 관성을 크게 벗어나지 못하고 있는 듯 보이지만 지속가능발전의 의의를 기반으로 이를 실천하는 법해석을 한다면, 사법부야말로 지속가능사회를 가장 올바르고 굳건하게 이끌 수 있는 인적 및 물적 제반 여건을 갖추고 있는 기관이라 할 것이다. A sustainable society means the state where the present environment and industries and healthy social activities can be continuously maintained and managed. A prosperous and peaceful society can be called a sustainable society. It is not until recent years that the issue of sustainability has been particularly discussed, while it has been thought that industrial production and consuming activities will be able to continue eternally. However, depletion of natural resources and destruction of the natural environment due to humanity’s economic activities and frequent natural disasters have sent warning signals to the mankind that it will not be possible to maintain the economy and industries in the future as they are today. Therefore, human beings have started to place the focus of their future progress on a new direction, which points to sustainability. In June 1992, many world leaders participated in the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development(UNCED) held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil and discussed what efforts each of them and each of their countries should make in order to preserve the environment and accomplish continuous progress. Furthermore, they decided on action principles for the preservation of the environment, adopting the concept of ‘sustainable development’as the top principle and adopting UN Agenda 21 as its implementation methods. For implementation of UN Agenda 21 in South Korea, each Korean metropolitan city, province and city/county organized their Agenda 21s, and a national Agenda 21 was established to coordinate them. The concept of sustainability as the countermeasures for building a sustainable society can be found in the Sustainable Development Act (first enacted as the Framework Act on Sustainable Development in 2007 and amended in 2010). Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Act provides that “the term ‘sustainability’ means using economic, social and environmental resources in a harmonized and balanced way without wasting or deteriorating in quality those resources to be used by future generations to meet the needs of the present,” and Paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Act provides that “the term ‘sustainable development’means development based on sustainability that is implemented all the time in the pursuit of economic growth, social stability and integration and the preservation of the environment.” People have heretofore not paid much attention to a sustainable society, but, faced with increase of disasters and climate change such as global warming, public opinion will be increasingly formed supporting countermeasures for solving these problems. And then, a variety of legislation for sustainable development may be realized and pressure calling for proper interpretation of such statutes will also increase. The Sustainable Development Act can be interpreted properly only when the background is understood how the concept of sustainable development has come to the fore internationally and the legal system for its implementation is correctly grasped. The task for maintaining a sustainable society is shared by the judiciary, together with the legislative and executive branches. Judged from a few rulings related to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Act, the judiciary seems to have not yet gotten out of the inertia of the past years of government-led economic growth. If legal interpretations can be made reflecting the true meaning and goal of sustainable development, the judiciary may be called the institution which is well prepared in terms of human resources and necessary infrastructure to lead a sustainable society most adequately and solidly.

      • KCI등재

        역량기반 지속가능발전교육 프로그램개발 연구

        이병준(Yi, ByungJun) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2016 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.16 No.6

        지속가능발전교육(ESD)이 학교교육 차원에서 점차 확산되어가고 있는 추세를 보이고 있다. 학습자층도 초기에는 교사를 중심으로 했으나 이제 점차 학생, 학부모, 시민으로 확대되어가고 있다. 그러나 지속가능발전교육의 개념이 어렵고 지속가능 발전에 대한 내용차원의 지식과 기술의 전달이 이루어지다보니 교육의 성과가 실천적 역량의 제고에까지는 이르지 못하고 있다. 이 때문에 학습자들이 지속가능성 역량을 갖게 하는 것이 지속가능발전의 내용을 습득하고 이해하는 것보다 더 중요하다는 인식이 실천가들 사이에서는 점점 더 확산되어가고 있다. 다시 말해 역량기반의 지속가능발전교육이 필요성이 대두된 것이다. 이에 본 연구는 지속가능발전교육이 좀 더 강력한 실천력을 발휘할 수 있도록 지속가능발전역량 개발을 위한 교육프로그 램을 개발하는데 목적을 둔다. 그 결과 역량기반의 지속가능발전교육 프로그램은 크게 세 부분으로 구성될 수 있다. 우선 DeSeCO을 통해 확산된 핵심역량에 기반한 지속가능발전역량 교육프로그램을 개발되었고, 둘째로는 지속가능발전의 내용을 구성하는 환경, 사회, 경제, 문화 영역의 역량개발 프로그램이 개발되었으며, 셋째로는 지속가능발전의 내용영역 전체를 아우르는 통합적 역량의 촉진을 위한 교육프로그램이 개발되었다. Education for sustainable development(ESD) tends to be spread gradually from an angle of school education. In the first stage, learners of ESD were teachers, but they are expanded to students, their parents and citizens now. However, the concept of education for sustainable development is difficult and knowledge and technology are delivered from an angle of the contents of sustainable development, so outcomes of education cannot approach the improvement of practical competency. Therefore, doers gradually possess the awareness it’s more important to give learners sustainable competency rather than acquire and understand contents of sustainable development. In other words, necessities of competency based education for sustainable development come to the fore. So, the purpose of this study is to develop education program for development of sustainable development capability so that education for sustainable development can display stronger power of execution. As a result, competency based education program for sustainable development can be greatly divided into three parts. First of all, education program for sustainable development based on key competency spread by DeSeCO was developed. Second, competency development program of environment, society, economy and culture areas, organizing contents of sustainable development, was developed. Third, education program for promotion of integrated competency for the whole contents of sustainable development was developed.

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