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      • 以文化振兴促进乡村振兴的理论分析与路径探索

        田元盛(Yuansheng Tian),周斌(Bin Zhou) YIXIN 출판사 2024 Journal of China Studies Vol.2 No.4

        乡村要振兴,文化必振兴。本文立足于马克思主义关于文化与经济、社会相互作用的基本原理,探讨了文化振兴在乡村振兴战略中的核心地位与功能价值。结合我国乡村振兴战略的具体实践,本文首先分析文化振兴在乡村振兴过程中的关键地位与作用机理,其次探讨了乡村振兴视域下文化振兴的现实困境,最后,立足于现实国情,针对我国乡村文化振兴面临的挑战与机遇,提出具有针对性的路径探索与优化策略。通过传承中华优秀传统文化,重塑乡村文明风气;疏通人才引进渠道,打造高素质文化振兴队伍;加大财政资金投入,完善公共文化服务体系等路径措施,以期给当前乡村地区文化建设与发展提供有价值的参考意见,切实推动乡村振兴的高质量发展。 To revitalize the countryside, culture must be revitalized. Based on the basic principles of Marxism on the interaction between culture, economy and society, this paper discusses the core position and functional value of cultural revitalization in rural revitalization strategy. Combined with the specific practice of China’s rural revitalization strategy, this paper first analyzes the key position and mechanism of cultural revitalization in the process of rural revitalization, then discusses the realistic predicament of cultural revitalization in the perspective of rural revitalization, and finally, based on the actual national conditions, proposes targeted path exploration and optimization strategies for the challenges and opportunities faced by China's rural cultural revitalization. By inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture, the rural civilization is rebuilt; Dredge the channels of talent introduction, build high-quality cultural revitalization team; Increase financial investment, improve the public cultural service system and other measures, in order to provide valuable reference opinions for the current cultural construction and development of rural areas, and effectively promote the high-quality development of rural revitalization.

      • KCI등재

        중국 감수성 전통마을 농촌진흥 발전전략연구

        유경윤,문정민 한국디자인트렌드학회 2020 한국디자인포럼 Vol.25 No.4

        Background Traditional villages are the carrier of Chinese traditional culture, which have the significance of historical value and cultural inheritance. In the process of urbanization in China, the historic and cultural significance of traditional villages has declined, even some have disappeared. Therefore, central and local governments at all levels have successively issued policies and regulations to support the protection, development and revitalization of traditional villages. But due to the imbalance of urban and rural resources allocation, there are lots of difficulties for the development of traditional villages. The decay and poverty of traditional villages have constituted a danger for the economic development, social stability and ethnic unity in rural areas. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to revitalize traditional villages. Methods In this paper, ten traditional villages of five regions in Gansu Province are started with, the field visit is mainly conducted from the overview, distribution, influencing factors and types of traditional villages. In addition, research results of relevant domestic scholars and various document contents of China’s rural revitalization strategy are used for reference to analyze village issues and carry out the comprehensive assessment, then the relevant rural revitalization policy is put forward, so as to strengthen the safety and habitability of traditional villages, reduce the incidence of poverty and improve the living standard of people. Result In view of the diversity of traditional village types in Gansu Province, rural revitalization needs to be analyzed from the following points: first, start from local uniqueness, agricultural and animal husbandry conditions of traditional villages, continuously explore and realize the rural revitalization through the economic development model. Second, from the perspectives of traditional village ecology and human habitat restoration, think about rural revitalization. Third, rely on agricultural technology and industrialization to perform the strategy of rural revitalization. Fourth, reconstruct historic culture of villages and develop cultural industry to realize rural revitalization. Conclusion It is shown that ecological restoration issue is the first to be taken into consideration in rural revitalization of traditional villages in Gansu Province, second is the poverty issue of villagers. The elimination of poverty needs to be supported by the industry, and the development of industry is inseparable form talents, therefore, it is needed to solve the issue of ecology- industry- talent for rural revitalization. It is hoped that this paper can provide useful references for the improvement of rural revitalization level of traditional villages in Gansu Province. 연구배경 전통 마을은 중국 전통문화의 영역으로 역사적 가치와 문화적 전승의 의미를 지닌다. 중국 도시화 과정에서 전통 마을의 역사와 문화가 쇠퇴하여 일부 전통 마을은 사라지고 있다. 이에 따라 중국 중앙정부와 각급 지방정부들은 전통 마을의 보호와 발전, 진흥을 위한 정책을 속속 내놓고 있다. 그러나 이 과정에서 도시와 농촌의 자원이 불균형해 전통 마을의 발전은 여전히 어렵다. 전통 마을의 몰락과 빈곤은 농촌 지역의 경제 발전, 사회 안정 등을 위협하고 있다. 이 때문에 전통 마을의 진흥이 시급하다. 연구방법 감수성 5개 지역의 10개 전통 마을을 대해 전통 마을의 개황, 분포, 영향요인, 유형을 주요 내용으로 하여 답사를 진행하였다. 또 국내 관련 학자들의 연구 성과와 중국 농촌진흥전략의 주요 내용을 종합해 전통 마을의 문제점을 분석하고 전통 마을의 안전성과 주거환경을 높이고, 빈곤을 줄여 마을 촌민의 생활수준을 향상시키는데 도움 줄 수 있도록 이를 종합 평가해 농촌진흥정책을 제시한다. 연구결과 감수성 전통 마을의 유형 다양성을 고려하여, 전통 마을의 농촌진흥은 다음과 같이 분석한다. 첫째, 전통 마을의 지역적 특수성과 농목업적 여건에서 경제 발전 방식의 끊임없는 모색을 통한 농촌진흥을 실현하다. 둘째, 전통 마을의 생태, 주거 환경의 복원이라는 관점에서 마을 진흥에 대해 생각해 본다. 셋째, 농업의 과학기술화, 산업화에 의한 농촌진흥을 실현한다. 넷째,마을의 역사문화를 재구축하고 문화산업을 발전시켜 농촌진흥을 실현한다. 결론 연구에 따르면 감수성 전통 마을의 농촌진흥은 첫째는 생태계 복원, 둘째는 마을 주민의 빈곤 문제이다. 빈곤의 퇴치는 산업의 버팀목이 있어야 하지만, 산업의 발전은 인재가 떠나서는 안 된다. 그래서 감수성 전통 마을의 농촌진흥은 생태-산업-인재의 문제를 해결해야 한다. 본 연구는 감수성 전통 마을의 농촌진흥 수준을 높이는 데 참고가 되었으면 한다.

      • KCI등재

        중국「향촌진흥촉진법」시각 하의 디지털향촌 거버넌스의 경로 최적화에 대한 검토 - 산둥성 X진(鎭) 디지털향촌의 사례를 중심으로 -

        쩡진량,Wu Wei 한국토지법학회 2023 土地法學 Vol.39 No.2

        향촌진흥 전략은 중국의 삼농문제를 해결하기 위한 전반적인 계획과 행동지침이다. 향촌진흥 전략을 실현하고 디지털향촌 거버넌스를 촉진하는 것은 법치 보장과 불가분의 관계이다. 산둥성 X진은 향촌진흥 시범진으로서 디지털향촌 건설의 성과가 “산둥성 디지털향촌 개발 및 혁신의 모범 사례”에 성공적으로 선정되었으며, X진은 디지털향촌 건설을 추진하는 과정에서 일정한 성과를 거두었지만, 거버넌스 주체, 거버넌스 객체 및 거버넌스 환경 측면에서 특정 문제점이 있다. 거버넌스 주체의 측면에서는 촌양위의 불충분한 인력 및 인식의 한계, 촌민들의 불충분한 인터넷 참여 및 약한 능력, 미성숙한 농촌사회조직 및 낮은 참여도, 부족한 기술인재 및 엘리트의 유출과 같은 문제점이 있다. 거버넌스의 객체 측면에서는 농촌사무의 난이도 증가, 제도적 근거 부족, 농촌정보 공개 부족 등의 문제점이 있다. 거버넌스 환경 측면에는 디지털장비의 낙후, 자금조달경로의 단일화, 표준화된 디지털향촌 거버넌스 절차 미형성 등의 문제점이 있다. 본 논문은「향촌진흥촉진법」의 관점을 기반으로 X진의 디지털향촌 거버넌스에서 발생하는 문제점에 대한 체계적인 사고를 통해 디지털향촌 거버넌스의 개선경로를 제안한다. 구체적으로 말하면, 디지털향촌 거버넌스에 대한 당 조직의 리더십 강화, 촌민들의 참여의식과 디지털기술 향상, 농촌사회조직의 발전 가속화를 포함하여 다방면으로 참여하는 디지털향촌 거버넌스 패턴을 구축해야 한다. 향촌사무 목표관리시스템 구축, 향촌사무 책임관리시스템 구축, 향촌사무 관리프로세스 표준화 실현을 포함하여 디지털향촌 관리시스템 설계를 혁신해야 한다. 다단식 참여의 정부서비스플랫폼 구축, 다원적 투자관리메커니즘 구축, 포인트 인센티브 자체 거버넌스 실현을 포함한 디지털향촌 거버넌스 플랫폼도 조성해야 한다. 위의 조치를 통해 디지털향촌 거버넌스 모델의 혁신을 촉진하고 농촌 기층 거버넌스를 현대화하고 향촌진흥을 실현한다. The 19th Party Congress put forward the rural revitalization strategy, which is a general plan and actor's guide to solve the three rural issues in China. To realize the rural revitalization strategy and promote digital rural governance, the rule of law is indispensable. The Promotion of Rural Revitalization Law provides the top-level design for the comprehensive implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and is the basic general law throughout the rural revitalization strategy. Shandong Province institutionalizes typical experiences and practices in rural revitalization, while solving problems and shortcomings in promoting rural revitalization strategy in Shandong Province by means of rule of law, and formulates and introduces the Regulations on Promoting Rural Revitalization in Shandong Province, which mainly focuses on five major revitalizations, while making special chapters to refine matters such as support measures. As a model town for rural revitalization, X Town in Shandong Province has been selected as the "Typical Case of Digital Village Development Innovation Practice in Shandong Province". Although X Town has made certain achievements in promoting the construction of digital village, there are certain problems in terms of governance subject, governance object and governance environment. At the level of governance subject, there are problems such as insufficient personnel and cognitive limitations of village committees, insufficient awareness and weak ability of villagers to participate in the Internet, immature and low participation of rural social organizations, shortage of skilled personnel and obvious outflow, etc.; at the level of governance object, there are problems such as increasing difficulty of village governance and lack of institutional basis for village affairs information disclosure, etc.; at the level of governance environment, there are problems such as lagging digital equipment, single funding channel, and no standardized information disclosure. At the level of governance environment, there are problems such as lagging digital equipment, single funding channel, and no standardized digital village governance procedure. Based on the perspective of the Rural Revitalization Promotion Law, this paper proposes the improvement path of digital rural governance by systematically considering the problems in digital rural governance in X town. Specifically, building a digital rural governance pattern with multi-participation under the leadership of the Party, including strengthening the leadership of the Party organization in digital rural governance, improving villagers' awareness of participation and digital skills, and accelerating the development of rural social organizations; innovating the design of digital rural governance system, including building a village affairs goal management system, establishing a village affairs responsibility management system, and standardizing the process of village affairs governance; creating a digital rural governance platform It includes building a government service platform with multi-level participation, establishing a management mechanism with diversified input, and realizing self-governance with integral incentive. Through the above measures, we will promote the innovation of digital village governance mode, and then promote the modernization of rural grassroots governance to achieve rural revitalization.

      • KCI등재

        장소기억 기반 문화예술공간의 재생디자인에 관한 연구

        안유미 ( Yumi Ahn ),김주연 ( Jooyun Kim ),백승경 ( Seong Kyung Back ) 한국공간디자인학회 2016 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.11 No.5

        (Background and Purpose)As society evolved from deindustrialization to knowledge industries, cities evolved as new societies by generating relatively underdeveloped cities that incurred slumism. Simultaneously, many idle spaces occurred in underdeveloped cities. Although the government has a variety of policies to regenerate idle space, most of the space is merely being recycled. As such, this study gives meaning to place as a medium that connects people with place using place memory. Further, this study confirms characteristics of place memory to form place identity and analyzes characteristics of revitalization in culture and art space to regenerate space by reviewing cases of culture and art space with social value and place memory from Korea and abroad. (Method)This study reviews and analyzes the concept, meaning, and characteristics of place memory to study the revitalization of culture and art space. Place memory is classified based on experience, memory, and publicness in terms of semantics, and physics, society, culture, and time in terms of space. Regarding the revitalization of idle space, this study determined six key words, including art and sharing, efficiency through cultural, social and economic value and analyzes culture and art space as public value. Further, this study draws 11 elements of revitalization in structure and semantics to analyze revitalization cases of culture and art spaces using place memory. By doing so, this study confirms various revitalization methods of culture and art spaces through place memory. (Results)This study analyzed eight cases on space from Korea and abroad based on the expression of place memory and revitalization value of idle space. The results show that, first, most of the culture and art spaces promote broadening cultural exchanges by utilizing various programs, such as cultural enjoyment and cultural creation. Additionally, this study confirms place revitalization where the past and present overlap visually by having modern reinterpretations of material and expressions from the exterior of a building and frame structure. Second, active communication and sharing between countries and regions promote cultural exchanges. The value connecting people to a place can be represented by using the method of drawing elements of place memory. (Conclusions)This study culturally, socially, and economically classifies the revitalization value of culture and art space using idle space, and finds characteristics of place memory adds to the value of a place. Morphological, temporal, and semantic elements drawn from the structural and semantic characteristics of place memory solidify the foundation of place identity and represent the public value of sharing and communication that connects people to places and people to people. The harmony of individual value can be expanded into more nationally valuable measures that affect both regional and urban revitalization.

      • 乡村生态振兴的云南实践面临的困境与对策研究

        张继聪(Jicong Zhang) YIXIN 출판사 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.1 No.4

        实施乡村振兴战略是推动农村全面发展的重要举措,党的二十大报告指出全面推进乡村振兴,要“加快建设农业强国,扎实推动乡村产业、人才、文化、生态、组织振兴”。作为乡村发展五大振兴的内容之一,生态振兴对于乡村全面振兴发挥着基础性的作用。本文立足于乡村生态振兴的云南实践,全面梳理云南农村在推动生态振兴过程中面临的问题,分析其原因,并探讨在乡村振兴背景下推动美丽乡村建设的具体举措,以期为破解农村生态振兴实践的困境提供一些有益的参考和借鉴。 Implementing the rural revitalization strategy is an important measure to promote comprehensive rural development. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China report pointed out that to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, we must “accelerate the construction of an agricultural power and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations”. As one of the five major revitalization components of rural development, ecological revitalization plays a fundamental role in the overall revitalization of rural areas. This article is based on the practice of rural ecological revitalization in Yunnan, comprehensively sorting out the problems faced by rural areas in Yunnan in the process of promoting ecological revitalization, analyzing their causes, and discussing specific measures to promote the construction of beautiful villages in the context of rural revitalization, in order to provide insights into the practice of rural ecological revitalization. The dilemma provides some useful reference and reference.

      • KCI등재

        Regional Revitalization and Circular-Economy : The Abe Administration’s Experimentations and Evaluations

        Jeon, Youngsoo 한국일본학회 2021 日本學報 Vol.- No.126

        지역소멸의 경고등이 켜졌다. 국토균형발전론의 많은 노력에도 불구, 과소지역의 인구 감소・경제불황・생활악화는 계속된다. 많은 예산을 투입한 것에 비하면 성과는 기대수준 을 밑돈다. 그래서 아베정부는 이른바 2014 년 발표된 ‘소멸리스트’를 계기로 정책을 수정 하는 실험을 시작했다. 지역재생(목적)과 순환경제(방식)를 연결하는 새로운 지역활성화로 방향을 전환한 것이다. 가장 큰 특징은 추진체계를 중앙주도성에서 지역자발성으로 바꾸 면서 기획・예산・평가방식을 그동안의 톱다운에서 버텀업으로 바꾼 것이다. 지역문제를 스스로 풀려는 경쟁방식을 도입해 신형교부금을 신설하고, 구체적인 순환경제 달성여부를 평가하는 KPI 및 PDCA 방법론을 도입했다. 이를 통해 지역활성화의 결과물이 유출되지 않고 지역에 잔류함으로써 생산과 소비, 투 자 등이 순환되는 효과가 확보된다. 주민생활의 향상에 직접적으로 연결되는 실질적인 순 환경제의 실현인 셈이다. 즉 순환경제로 사회・경제적 자본 및 잉여를 축적시킴으로써 재 차 지역내부에 환원・활용하는 지역재생이 중앙주도・전국기반의 하향・일률적인 지역개 발보다 유리한 것으로 기대된다. 한국도 일본과 유사하게 지역활성화의 가성비는 낮은 상 황이다. 때문에 일본실험에서 교훈을 얻는 게 중요하다. 지역재생과 순환경제를 위해서는 △다양한 거버넌스 구축 △추진주체로서 지역주민 △지속가능한 영리모델 △차별화된 지 역자원 활용 △지역특화의 산업정책 △구체적인 평가체계 등이 대표적이다. The Abe administration started an experiment modifying policies after so-called ‘extinction list’ released in 2014. It was a policy shift toward a new regional revitalization connecting regeneration(purpose) through circular-economy(method). The biggest feature was that the government changed its planning, budget and evaluation from top-down to bottom-up by changing the implementation system from central initiative to local autonomy. It established a new type’s grant and introduced KPI & PDCA methodologies to evaluate the specific circular-economy’s achievements. Through these impacts of regional revitalization can remain in the region without being leaked. By accumulating socio-economic capital through the circular-economy and regional regeneration is considered more advantageous than the downward and uniform development of central-led. Similar to Japan, Korea has a low cost-effectiveness of regional revitalization. Therefore, it is important to learn lessons from the experiment of Japan. For regional revitalization and the circular-economy, △Various governance building △Local residents as driving force △ Sustainable profit’s model △Practical use of differentiated local resources △Industrial policies specializing in local communities △specific evaluation systems are typically necessary.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : "지역활성화"의 상징 정치; 일본 유스하라정"삼림테라피로드"를 사례로

        진양명숙 ( Myong Suk Jinyang ) 한국문화인류학회 2013 韓國文化人類學 Vol.46 No.1

        이 글은 일본 유스하라정의 삼림테라로드(森林セラピ-ロ-ド)를 둘러싼 지역활성화 담론을 상징 정치 맥락에서 분석한 것이다. 숲 속의 작은 농수로 하나가 삼림테라피로드로 지정되면서 지역사회에 많은 변화가 일어났다. 필자는 주민들이 삼림테라피로드를 긍정적으로 인식하고 주체적으로 움직였던 메커니즘을 이해하기 위해, 먼저 농수로에 대한 주민들의 시선의 변화와 농사를 짓는 데 이용해 오던 수로조합의 자원이 어떻게 공공 자원으로 변화되었는지를 살펴보았다. 농수로의 공공 자원화는 주민들이 삼림테라 피로드를 공공 이익에 기여하는 자원으로 인식하게 되었음을 의미한다. 공공의 이익이란 마쓰바라 활성화를 뜻한다. 주민들이 삼림테라피로드를 옳고 가치 있는 것으로 받아들이고, 로드 관광을 촉진하기 위해 다양한 움직임을 보인 까닭도 로드가 마쓰바라 활성화를 가져다줄 수 있는``지역활성화``의 자원이기 때문이다. 그런데 마쓰바라 활성화는 모호하고 다의적인 상징의 속성을 띠고 있다. 마쓰바라 활성화에 대한 상징 공감의 추상성이 높을수록 상징적 통합 능력도 강화될 수 있다. 물론 상징 이익과 실제 이익의 충돌현상이 크고 상징을 둘러싼 의견의 불일치와 갈등이 심화될 경우, 상징의 힘은 약화될 수 있음을 간과해서는 안 될 것이다. 지역활성화는 쇠퇴되어 가는 농촌·산촌사회에 강력한 동기부여를 일으키고, 주민사회를 응집시키는 정치적 상징 기제로 작동하고 있다. 지역활성화는 어떤 가시적 실체를 지닌 결과물이 아니라 지역사회 안에서 주민 간의 상호관계를 통해 끊임없이 작동하는 정치적 과정이라 할 수 있다. This paper examines the discourses of`` revitalization`used in the Forest Therapy Road(森林セラピ─ロ─ド) in the context of symbolic politics. When one of farm canals in the forest in Matsubara of Yusuhara-cho was designated as the ``Forest Therapy Road,``many changes took place in the local society. First, I analyze the changing gaze of the community surrounding the canals and the reformation of the resource of farm canals for the public understandings of community recognition of the positive role played by the Forest Therapy Road in tourism. The transformation of farm canals means that the community considered the Forest Therapy Road as a resource of public benefit, locally conceived with the term`Matsubara revitalization.` The local people consider the road as a treasure, because they expect that it will be helpful to revitalize the community. However Matsubara revitalization has ambiguous and multivocal symbolic features. The tension between the different meanings surrounding the therapy road project was diluted under the big picture of Matsubara revitalization. Most importantly, the benefits expected from Matsubara revitalization are symbolic rather than substantial. The high degree of abstractness in the symbolic consensus expressed toward the Matsubara revitalization indicates that the symbolically unifying power of the symbol could be strengthened. Needless to say, the more segregated the symbols are from the reality, and the more intensified the conflicts of opinion surrounding the symbols, and hence the less powerful the integrative capability of the symbols is. The local revitalization is forcefully motivated in the decline of the rural society, and its mechanism is the political symbolism that integrates the local community. The local revitalization is a constantly operated political process through which interactions occur in the local society, without the results as a tangible substance.

      • KCI등재

        Factors for Sustainable Regional Revitalization: Analysis of Cases of Regional Revitalization in Japan

        최지원(Jeewon Choi) 호남대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2024 인문사회과학연구 Vol.67 No.1

        일본은 저출산, 고령화, 인구의 수도권 집중이라는 문제를 안고 있다. 이러한 문제점들은 미래 일본의 지방이 소멸될 수 있다는 이른바 ‘지방소멸’의 위기에 봉착해 있다는 것을 의미한다. 이에 대한 돌파구로서 일본에서는 2016년부터 본격적인 지방창생을 위한 정책을 실행해 왔다. 본고에서는 지방창생을 실현하는데 필수불가결한 요소인 커뮤니티에 초점을 맞추어, 일본에서 지방창생에 성공했다고 평가받는 2개의 지역 사례를 제시하고 실패사례와의 대비를 통해서 분석하였다. 이를 통해 지방창생 프로젝트를 실행해 나가는데 있어서 지역 커뮤니티가 중추적인 역할을 수행하며, 이러한 프로젝트를 지속가능하게 만드는 요인을 고찰하였다. 결과적으로, 지방창생 프로젝트의 실행과정에서 거주 주민들에 의한 방향 설정, 주민이 주체가 되고 관이 보조하는 사업의 거버넌스 확립, 이러한 사업을 지속가능하게 만드는 체제와 강한 조직력이 밑바탕이 되고 있음을 도출하였다. 본 연구는 지속 가능한 지역활성화에 영향을 미치는 요인을 이해하는데 기여하며, 이는 일본과 동일한 인구 위기에 직면한 한국에도 시사점을 줄 것이라고 사료된다. Japan faces issues of low birth rates, aging populations, and population concentration in metropolitan areas. These problems imply the looming crisis of 'regional extinction', where future regions in Japan could face disappearance. In response, Japan has actively implemented regional revitalization policies since 2016. This paper focuses on the community as a crucial element for realizing regional revitalization. It presents two cases in Japan that are recognized as successful in regional revitalization, contrasting them with unsuccessful cases for analysis. Through this examination, the study identifies the pivotal role of communities in executing regional revitalization projects. The research underscores key features such as community-led direction setting, resident-driven project execution with administrative support, and the establishment of sustainable governance systems supporting these initiatives. The findings contribute to a nuanced understanding of the factors influencing successful sustainable regional revitalization efforts, which are pertinent not only to Japan but also to Korea, facing common challenges.

      • KCI등재

        일본 ‘마쓰리(祭り)’의 변용을 통해 본 지방창생

        이창수 한국일본사상사학회 2018 일본사상 Vol.0 No.34

        2014년 9월 제2차 아베내각이 발족하면서 일본 정부는 지방창생(地方創生)정책을 최우선과제로 내걸었다. 도쿄권의 인구 유입 억제를 통해 지방에 새로운 활력을 불어넣자는 것이 핵심내용이다. 이를 구체화하기 위해 일본 정부는 같은 해 11월 ‘마치·히토·시고토 창생법’을 마련하여 본격적인 지방창생정책을 가동하여 올해 4년차를 맞고 있다. 각 지방에서도 지방창생은 사활을 건 생존전략으로 인식하고 독립성, 지역성, 결과 중시의 원칙을 내세우며 매력 있는 마을 만들기를 위해 노력하고 있다. 그 중에서 창생의 모티브를 민속 문화에서 찾으려는 노력이 주목을 끌고 있다. 본고는 일본의 ‘마쓰리’의 변천과정을 살펴보고 지역 공동체 속에서 ‘마쓰리’가 어떤 변용을 거쳐 지방창생에 기여하고 있는지 살펴보았다. 원래 마쓰리는 액막이와 오곡풍요를 바라기 위해 신을 모시는 제의임과 동시에 지역의 정체성을 확인하고 마을의 활성화를 위한 구심점 역할을 해왔다. 통상적으로 ‘마쓰리’를 ‘전통 마쓰리’와 ‘시민 마쓰리’의 형태로 구분하는 것은 야나기타 구니오가 규정한 ‘제례’가 시대의 변화에 맞게 계승되고 변용된 민속문화라 할 수 있다. 마쓰리는 지역주민들에게 정체성의 원천이고 지역 주민 뿐 만 아니라 지역 연계와 지역 사회의 활동에 주체적·적극적으로 참가할 수 있는 촉매제로 새삼 활성화시켜나가고 있다. 최근 ‘마쓰리’의 매력을 재발견하여 경제효과도 고려하면서 유객 수법을 다양화함으로써 참가자와 관람자, 심지어 방일외국인도 자유롭게 수용할 수 있는 마쓰리의 개방성에 지방창생의 호기를 모색하고 있다. 시대의 변화에 따라 새롭게 변용되어가는 마쓰리가 지방 창생의 열쇠로 더욱 주목되는 이유이다. In September 2014, when the second Cabinet of Ministers Abe was established, the Japanese government laid out the policy of regional revitalization as a top priority. The key point is to reinvigorate the province by restraining the influx of population in Tokyo. In order to specify this, the Japanese government established the “Machi, Hito, Shigotto Law for Revitalization” in November of the same year, and it is the fourth year of this year that the full-scale regional revitalization policy was put into operation. In each province, regional revitalization is recognized as a survival strategy and strives to make charming towns with the principles of independence, locality, and consequence. Among them, efforts to find the motif of revitalization from folk culture are grabbing attention. this article examines the change process of ‘Matsuri’ in Japan and also examines the ways how ‘Matsuri’ has gone through change and contributes to the regional revitalization in the local community. Originally, Matsuri was a rite for god in order to pray for preventing misfortune and good harvest, as well as identifying the local identity and playing a central role in energization of the village. Normally, distinguishing Matsuri in the form of “traditional Matsuri” and “citizen events” is the folk cultures that the ‘Sairei’ defined by Yanagita kunio have been inherited and transformed according to the changes of the times. MatsurI is a source of identity to local residents, and they are actively promoting not only local residents but also as a catalyst for participating in linkage between regions and activities of local communities. Recently, Japan has been rediscovering the charm of Matsuri, considering the economic effect, and diversifying the way to attract tourists. Also, they try to find to develop the regional revitalization through the openness of Matsuri that participants, spectators and even foreigners visiting Japan freely participate in. This is why MatsurI, which is newly transformed according to the changes of the times, is the key to regional revitalization.

      • KCI등재

        Efficiency Evaluation of Financial Support for Rural Industry Revitalization in Eastern China

        Lin Lin Zhou,심재연 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2022 Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of financial support for rural industry revitalization in eastern China. Comparative analysis of the efficiency of provincial financial support for rural industrial revitalization in eastern China can provide reference for various provinces to formulate financial policies for rural revitalization. In the research process, 5 evaluation indicators were selected using the panel data of the 2016-2021 "China Financial Statistical Yearbook" and "China Statistical Yearbook", and the DEA and Malmquist index methods were used for calculation. The results show that the average efficiency of financial support for rural revitalization in the 10 eastern provinces from 2015 to 2020 was generally higher, with the efficiency values all higher than 0.8, and reached 0.908 in 2017. The comprehensive efficiency of financial support for rural industry revitalization in Tianjin, Shanghai and Hainan has reached the best. From 2015 to 2020, the total factor productivity of financial support for rural industry revitalization in the eastern region has a "V"-shaped fluctuation. Total factor productivity has the fastest growth. The provinces are Beijing, Hebei and Shandong showing negative growth. It is recommended that relevant provinces improve their strategies for financial support for the revitalization of rural industries. The scope of future research should be expanded to most areas of China and the evaluation indicators should be optimized.

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