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      • KCI등재

        2015개정교육과정 『고등학교 일본어Ⅰ』교과서의 말하기 활동 고찰 - 정확성과 유창성을 중심으로 -

        김은정 일본어문학회 2019 일본어문학 Vol.85 No.-

        The present study analyzes eight high school textbooks for “Japanese I” based on 2015 Revised Curriculum in order to classify speaking activities in terms of teacher- governed teaching and learner-led teaching with respect to preciseness and fluency. Out of overall 1,103 activities found in the eight textbooks, 419 speaking activities account for 38 percent, but the percentage of each text varies considerably, raging from 27.2 percent to 65 percent. The percentage of learner-led speaking activities ranges from 11 percent to 45 percent depending on textbooks, and it is possible that learner-centered speaking activities are hardly conducted based on the textbook adopted at each school. There are only 11 fluency-focused speaking activities, and most of activities focus on preciseness. In 2015 Revised Curriculum, the communicative ability, a core factor based on language content, is emphasized, but the contents of textbooks present preciseness-focused speaking activities. “Japanese I” is a subject for those who study the language for the first time, which provides the learners with the basic vocabulary and constructions. The subject is thus not commensurate with fluent- focused speaking activities. Still, since textbooks are supposed to offer various activities to enhance the learners’ preciseness and fluency of Japanese, they are expected to present fluency-focused speaking activities at the beginner stage. Moreover, consideration of the learners’ ability of Japanese would necessitate the development of meaningful practices for sentence patterns (listening and responding, game activity) and practices for communicative interaction (constrained dialogue) at various scenes.

      • KCI등재후보

        병원행정직원의 병원정보시스템 이용만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인

        최준영,고민석,이현숙 보건의료산업학회 2011 보건의료산업학회지 Vol.5 No.3

        This study was designed to identify satisfaction with Hospital Information System (HIS) and the factors affecting them in hospital administrators. The data was collected for 24 days from Mar. 02 to 25, 2011. Among a total of 82 cases of the questionnaires, only 76 cases were used. From the survey, it was made known that there was statistically significant difference in speed, preciseness and stability of environmental factors depending on the type of hospitals while significant difference was found in stability by number of beds. Among the factors of system operation, the administrational method affected speed, preciseness, stability and convenience statistically significantly whereas, however, preciseness, stability and convenience became significantly different depending on the number of staff members. As for the factors that could exercise influence upon satisfaction with administrative service of the HIS, it was revealed that statistically considerable impact could be caused under management of own EDPS expert as well as under comanagement by the medical institution and professional business entity in case of hospital.

      • KCI등재

        『서천견록』을 통해 본 권근의 서경관 : 근엄(謹嚴)과 흠(欽)을 중심으로

        윤상수(YOUN Sangsoo) 한림대학교 태동고전연구소 2021 泰東古典硏究 Vol.46 No.-

        이 글에서는 『서경』의 ‘근엄(謹嚴)함’에 대한 믿음과 ‘흠(欽)’에 대한 강조를 중심으로 권근이 『서경』을 어떻게 인식하고 있는가에 대해 살펴보았다. 권근은 산서설에 근거하여 공자가 산정한 이상 『서경』은 엄정한 필법과 일관된 구성 등을 지니고 있을 것이라고 전제하고, 그 ‘근엄한’ 필법과 구성 등에 담겨 있는 공자의 의도를 읽어 내려 하였다. 또한 『서경』에 담겨 있는 성인의 마음을 ‘흠’으로 파악하고, 이에 근거하여 흠을 『서경』의 전체라고 규정하였으며, 다시 한 걸음 더 나아가서 흠이 『서경』의 전체일 뿐만 아니라 오경의 전체라고 주장하였다. 『서경』의 필법과 구성을 ‘근엄하다’고 생각하고 『서경』에 담겨 있는 성인의 마음이 ‘흠’이라는 생각은 『서경』을 넘어서 오경 전체로 확장되었다고 할 수 있다. 이러한 점에서 본다면 경전의 근엄함에 대한 믿음과 성인의 마음이 흠이라는 점에 대한 강조는 권근의 경학 전반에 나타나는 특징이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. In this article, I looked into how Kwon Geun understood the Book of Documents, focusing on his belief in the ‘geun-eom(謹嚴, carefulness and preciseness)’ and emphasis on ‘heum(欽, reverence)’ of the book. It was thought that Confucius had compiled or edited Book of Documents. In this thought Kwon Geun supposed that Book of Documents would have a strict writing style and a consistent composition and tried to read the intention of Confucius contained in the careful and precise style and composition of the book. In addition, he identified the heart of the saints contained in the book as a reverence, and based on this, defined reverence as the whole substance of the book, and went one step further, insisting that reverence is not only the whole substance of it, but also the whole substance of the Five Classics. The idea that the style and of the Book of Documents is careful and precise, and the heart of the saints contained in the book is reverence has expanded beyond it to the entire Five Classics. From this point of view, it can be said that the belief in the carefulness and preciseness of the Classics and the emphasis on the fact that the heart of the saints is reverence are characteristic features of Kwon Geun s Confucian Classics.

      • KCI등재

        부사 ‘적어도’의 한정의 의미 연구

        이홍매 서울대학교 국어교육연구소 2011 국어교육연구 Vol.28 No.-

        부사 ‘적어도’는 ‘적다+어도’ 즉 수량이나 정도가 일정한 기준에 미치지 못함을 뜻하는 척도 형용사 ‘적다’에 양보의 연결어미 ‘-어도’가 결합되어 이루어진 것으로 ‘아무리 적게 잡아도; 아무리 낮게 평가하여도; 마음에 차지 아니 하여도’의 뜻을 나타낸다. 부사 ‘적어도’는 한도성의 의미로부터 화자 주관적인 양보에 의한 최저기준으로 수량, 시간, 정도, 부분에 대한 한정의 뜻을 나타낸다. 수량에 대한 한정에서 최저기준은 보다 작은 수에 적용되며 이로써 기준을 포함하여 그보다 큰 수를 서술의 범위에 포함시키며 시간에 대한 한정에서는 최저기준이 보다 늦은 시간, 보다 짧은 시간에 적용되기 때문에 기준을 포함하여 그보다 빠른 시간, 기준을 포함하여 그보다 긴 시간을 서술의 범위에 포함시킨다. 전체와 부분의 관계를 나타내는 대상에서는 최저기준이 한 부분에 적용되며 보다 큰 부분이 서술의 범위에 포함된다. 정도의 한정에서는 보다 약한 정도가 최저기준으로 되며 이로써 기준을 포함하여 그보다 강한 정도가 서술의 범위에 포함된다. 이외에도 화자 주관적인 양보로 정해진 최저기준에 의한 한정이 객관적인 수량이나 정도의 충분조건으로 될 경우에는 당위성의 양태적 의미를, 화자의 인지적 경험에 대한 한정을 나타낼 경우에는 확실성의 양태적 의미를 나타낸다. Adverb ‘jeog-eodo’ is made up of adjective ‘jeogda’ and connection ending ‘eodo’, which means concession. The adverb refers to ‘but at least’, ‘at the very least’ and etc. From the meaning of limitation to the meaning of the least standard of the speaker's subjective concession, it usually refers to the limitation of time, number, degree and area. When the limitation involves number, the least standard may usually be a smaller number. Therefore, the speaker can use a bigger number when narrating, which is within the limited range. When the limitation involves time, the least standard may usually be a later time or a shorter time. Therefore, the speaker can use an earlier time or a longer time when narrating, which is also within the limited range. And when the limitation involves the relationship between the whole and its part, the least standard may usually be a certain part. Therefore the speaker can use a bigger part when narrating. When the limitation involves degree, the least standard may usually be a weaker degree. Therefore, the speaker can use a stronger degree when narrating. Besides, when the limited least standard complies with objective number or degree, possibility is quantified. When the speaker's cognitive experience is limited, certainty is quantified.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        신용장거래에서 비서류적 조건의 인정여부에 관한 사례검토 - ICC유권해석, 미국 및 한국법원의 판례를 중심으로

        강원진(Kang Won Jin),김동윤(Kim Dong Yoon) 한국무역상무학회 2007 貿易商務硏究 Vol.33 No.-

          A non-documentary conditions is a condition contained in the credit without reference to the presented document in compliance therewith, thereby causing many problems to all parties involved in letter of credit transactions.<BR>  The purpose of this study is to examine the regulations on the non-documentary conditions under Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits: UCP, International Standby Practices: ISP98, United Nations Convention on Independent Guarantee and Stand-by Letters of Credit: CIGSLC and Uniform Commercial Code: UCC and also the opinions on the effect of non-documentary conditions through the analysis of several cases on the non-documentary conditions.<BR>  The result of this study can be summarized as follows: First, UCP, ISP98, CIGSLC and UCC stipulate that banks will deem non-documentary conditions as not stated and will disregard them. Second, courts used to permit the effect of non-documentary conditions. Finally, all parties should not attempt to put in any non-documentary conditions in order to prevent disputes on the effect of non-documentary conditions.

      • KCI등재

        Precision allocation optimization modeling of large-scale CNC hobbing machine based on precision reliability

        Zongyan Hu,Shilong Wang,Chi Ma 대한기계학회 2023 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.37 No.2

        Reducing manufacturing cost is the main goal of machine tool precision allocation under the condition of meeting precision design requirements. The previous studies generally took "ensuring machining errors completely within the allowable range of design precision" as constraint. Due to the strict constraint, the cost reduction effect is limited. This paper proposes a new method of precision allocation based on precision reliability. The probability that the machining errors are within the design precision allowable range is taken as the measurement index of precision reliability, and the optimization model constraint is relaxed to "that the machining errors are within the allowable range of design precision with predefined precision reliability", so as to obtain lower manufacturing cost under tolerable precision loss risk. The case study of a large-scale gear hobbing machine shows that this method can effectively reduce the manufacturing cost, and the precision allocation is more economical and reasonable.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Study for Medical Precision Control Machine Using AX-12

        Jo, Heung-Kuk The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation 2010 Journal of information and communication convergen Vol.8 No.5

        Control devices perform various works for us in many areas. The device is being utilized for precision movement of certain object. In as much as control devices are activated by means of motors, motor control is important.[1][2] Generally, servo motors capable of precision control are more frequently used than DC motors. Use of 3 motors allows 3- way movement. Medical controllers for surgical operation require high precision. [3][4][5][6] AX-12, a servo motor can realize various types of movement. AX-12 can be easily manufactured in the form of a robotic arm and has features that MCU and its peripheral circuits are simple. For precision movement, 3 motors can be controlled by use of a single joystick and 2 buttons, with movement angles being adjusted by having preset values in the program changed.[7][8] By virtue of this study, we have realized small precision robotic arm system utilizing single joystick and 2 buttons. This system can control the robotic arm in the direction desired by the user. The system has been designed such that a joystick controls 2 motors with the remaining motor being controlled by a button. Single MCU is tasked with both control and movement.[9] We have shown precision robotic arm system in the Figure contained in the conclusion part and made reference to results of analysis in there. It has also been demonstrated that the system can be utilized in the industry.[8]

      • KCI등재

        치과용 3D 프린팅 기술로 제작된 가공물의 정밀성 분석

        최성민 대한치과기공학회 2018 대한치과기공학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        Purpose: The development of the dental technology industry has digitized the dental process. Definition of Digitalization of Dental Implantation Digitalization is the process of model making and prosthodontic processing using 3D CAD and CAM. Currently, it is becoming popular due to the spread of various devices. However, precision evaluation at this stage is an important factor in precision-based dental procedures. Therefore, in this study, we want to analyze the precision of the processed body made with digital dental machine. Methods: The accuracy of digital dental pore devices was evaluated. Specimens were fabricated with 5 types of 3D printers. The external shape was measured with the prepared specimen. The surface roughness was measured. Results: As a result, precision was excellent in order of EP2 specimen, EP1 specimen, and EA2 specimen. The precision of EP3 specimen and EA1 specimen is not excellent. And the precision of the specimen processed with polymer 3D printer is excellent. The accuracy of LCPS type polymer 3D printers is considered to be excellent. Conclusion : 1. Observation of the shape The 3D printer for LCPS system and the 3D printer for SLM 40μm system were found to be precisely processed. 2. Surface roughness results The LCPS system polymer 3D printer has been shown to have a precise surface.

      • KCI등재

        Precision Assessment of Near Real Time Precise Orbit Determination for Low Earth Orbiter

        최종연,이상정 한국우주과학회 2011 Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Vol.28 No.1

        The precise orbit determination (POD) of low earth orbiter (LEO) has complied with its required positioning accuracy by the double-differencing of observations between International GNSS Service (IGS) and LEO to eliminate the common clock error of the global positioning system (GPS) satellites and receiver. Using this method, we also have achieved the 1 m positioning accuracy of Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite (KOMPSAT)-2. However double-differencing POD has huge load of processing the global network of lots of ground stations because LEO turns around the Earth with rapid velocity. And both the centimeter accuracy and the near real time (NRT) processing have been needed in the LEO POD applications--atmospheric sounding or urgent image processing--as well as the surveying. An alternative to differential GPS for high accuracy NRT POD is precise point positioning (PPP) to use measurements from one satellite receiver only, to replace the broadcast navigation message with precise post processed values from IGS, and to have phase measurements of dual frequency GPS receiver. PPP can obtain positioning accuracy comparable to that of differential positioning. KOMPSAT-5 has a precise dual frequency GPS flight receiver (integrated GPS and occultation receiver, IGOR) to satisfy the accuracy requirements of 20 cm positioning accuracy for highly precise synthetic aperture radar image processing and to collect GPS radio occultation measurements for atmospheric sounding. In this paper we obtained about 3-5 cm positioning accuracies using the real GPS data of the Gravity Recover and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites loaded the Blackjack receiver, a predecessor of IGOR. And it is important to reduce the latency of orbit determination processing in the NRT POD. This latency is determined as the volume of GPS measurements. Thus changing the sampling intervals,we show their latency to able to reduce without the precision degradation as the assessment of their precision.

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