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        한국어 말하기 평가 개발을 위한 ACTFL OPIc 분석 연구

        홍종명(Hong, Jong Myung) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2019 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.19 No.20

        본고는 바람직한 한국어 말하기 평가 개발을 위한 기초연구로서 현재 유일한 한국어 말하기 시험인 한국어 OPIc을 분석하고 이를 바탕으로 한국어 말하기 평가 틀 개발을 위한 시사점을 제안한 연구이다. 이를 위해 Bachman & Palmer(2010)의 ‘시험 과업특성 틀’을 바탕으로 시험 환경 특성, 시험 체제 특성, 입력 특성, 입력과 응답의 관계등 네 가지 영역에서 OPIc 시험의 외적 타당성을 분석하였다. 분석결과 OPIc은 인터뷰형식의 준직접평가로서 일방향 과제를 중심으로 구성되어 있었다. 양방향 직접평가가 아님에도 타당성 있는 평가 체계를 갖추고 있었으며 점수화 절차와 채점자 양성도 체계적으로 이루어져 있었다. 분석을 통해 도출한 내용들은 향후 TOPIK 한국어 말하기시험 개발에 유용하게 사용될 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to analyze Korean OPIc, the only Korean speaking test, and suggests implications for the development of Korean speaking test framework. To this end, the external validity of OPIc tests was analyzed in four areas: test environment characteristics, test structure characteristics, input characteristics, and the relationship between input and response, based on the Bachman & Palmer (2010) a framework of language task characteristics . As a result of the analysis, OPIc was a quasi-direct evaluation in the form of an interview, which was composed mainly of one-way assignments. Even though it was not a two-way direct evaluation, it had a valid evaluation system, and the scoring procedure and scorer training were systematic. The contents of the analysis will be useful for the development of TOPIK Korean speaking test in the future.

      • KCI등재

        OPIc-based Speaking Test for English Classes in Korea

        Ji-Eun Kim 한국영어어문교육학회 2011 영어어문교육 Vol.17 No.4

        The purpose of the current study is to analyze a model of OPIc-based speaking test for Korea English classroom. The research questions were (1). What is the English teachers’ opinion on the current speaking teaching and testing? (2). Is the OPIc speaking test appropriate in the Korea English class? and (3). What are the English education students' perceptions of the OPIc-based speaking test for English classes? To answer the first research question, a survey was conducted targeting one hundred and forty-seven teachers. The result of the survey shows that Korea English teachers’ great concern on the English teaching and speaking test are “communicative competence,” “scoring and criteria,” and “condition and need.” To answer the second research question, the OPIc speaking test for the class was analyzed and it was found that in terms of the communicative competence,” “scoring and criteria,” and “condition and need” issues, OPIc based speaking test is appropriate in Korea English class. For the third research question, Q methodology was used targeting English education students and the result shows that most English education students strongly agree to the statements that the OPIc-based speaking test has the advantage to improve communicative competence. This study may provide the information about creating and adopting tests for English classes and relating standardized test and the English classes.

      • KCI등재

        OPIc-based Speaking Test for English Classes in Korea

        김지은 한국영어어문교육학회 2011 영어어문교육 Vol.17 No.4

        The purpose of the current study is to analyze a model of OPIc-based speaking test for Korea English classroom. The research questions were (1). What is the English teachers’ opinion on the current speaking teaching and testing? (2). Is the OPIc speaking test appropriate in the Korea English class? and (3). What are the English education students' perceptions of the OPIc-based speaking test for English classes? To answer the first research question, a survey was conducted targeting one hundred and forty-seven teachers. The result of the survey shows that Korea English teachers’ great concern on the English teaching and speaking test are “communicative competence,” “scoring and criteria,” and “condition and need.” To answer the second research question, the OPIc speaking test for the class was analyzed and it was found that in terms of the communicative competence,” “scoring and criteria,” and “condition and need” issues, OPIc based speaking test is appropriate in Korea English class. For the third research question, Q methodology was used targeting English education students and the result shows that most English education students strongly agree to the statements that the OPIc-based speaking test has the advantage to improve communicative competence. This study may provide the information about creating and adopting tests for English classes and relating standardized test and the English classes.

      • KCI등재

        OPIc-based Speaking Test for English Classes in Korea

        Kim, Ji-Eun The English Teachers Association in Korea 2011 영어어문교육 Vol.17 No.4

        The purpose of the current study is to analyze a model of OPIc-based speaking test for Korea English classroom. The research questions were (1). What is the English teachers' opinion on the current speaking teaching and testing? (2). Is the OPIc speaking test appropriate in the Korea English class? and (3). What are the English education students' perceptions of the OPIc-based speaking test for English classes? To answer the first research question, a survey was conducted targeting one hundred and forty-seven teachers. The result of the survey shows that Korea English teachers' great concern on the English teaching and speaking test are "communicative competence," "scoring and criteria," and "condition and need." To answer the second research question, the OPIc speaking test for the class was analyzed and it was found that in terms of the communicative competence," "scoring and criteria," and "condition and need" issues, OPIc based speaking test is appropriate in Korea English class. For the third research question, Q methodology was used targeting English education students and the result shows that most English education students strongly agree to the statements that the OPIc-based speaking test has the advantage to improve communicative competence. This study may provide the information about creating and adopting tests for English classes and relating standardized test and the English classes.

      • KCI등재

        Predictability of OPIc Levels Based on Oral Proficiency in Textual Coherence, Cohesion and Genre-specific Discourse Features

        Tae-ja Park 한국영어평가학회 2008 영어평가 Vol.2 No.1

        This study attempted to investigate how Korean EFL learners oral proficiency in textual coherence, cohesion and genre-specific features in their discourse production would predict the correct reflection of Oral Proficiency Interview-computer (OPIc) levels. More specifically, its goal was to examine what factor or factors would predict OPIc performance, which is rated according to seven levels. The levels range from Novice-Low to Advanced-Low, according to the ACTFL assessment criteria. This study first investigated correlations between the dependent variable (OPIc) and 24 independent variables, including prononminals, rheme, clause and tokens. After that, stepwise regression analyses were conducted in order to gain some information about possible predictors of OPIc performance. One of the findings was that the more lexical complexity, content and lexical diversity the test takers had and the longer discourse they produced, the more fluently they responded and the better they performed on the OPIc.

      • KCI등재

        A Pilot Case Study of an OPIc Test Oriented Class: The Effect of Providing Formative Assessments

        서미란,장선미 한국영어교과교육학회 2013 영어교과교육 Vol.12 No.2

        This study was conducted as a pilot case study to investigate whether providing a recording assignment as a formative assessment helps L2 adult learners in improving their OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview-Computer)1grades. The class observed in the study was a four week (six hrs./w)intensive course with eight participants working for one of major corporations in Korea. The participants took the class on site with financial support by the company. After every lesson, they were asked to submit an answer for an OPIc question by recording the answer using their smart phones. The improvement was measured by comparing the pre-test grade of OPIc to the post-test grade of OPIc. Half of the learners completed the assignment and three of them showed one or two levels improvement while those who failed to complete the assignment showed no improvement including the two who were not able to report the post test. The results of the study was interpreted and some suggestions for the future research are offered with conclusions.

      • KCI등재

        A Pilot Case Study of an OPIc Test Oriented Class

        Miran Seo,Sunmee Chang 한국영어교과교육학회 2013 영어교과교육 Vol.12 No.2

        This study was conducted as a pilot case study to investigate whether providing a recording assignment as a formative assessment helps L2 adult learners in improving their OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview-Computer) grades. The class observed in the study was a four week (six hrs./w) intensive course with eight participants working for one of major corporations in Korea. The participants took the class on site with financial support by the company. After every lesson, they were asked to submit an answer for an OPIc question by recording the answer using their smart phones. The improvement was measured by comparing the pre-test grade of OPIc to the post-test grade of OPIc. Half of the learners completed the assignment and three of them showed one or two levels improvement while those who failed to complete the assignment showed no improvement including the two who were not able to report the post test. The results of the study was interpreted and some suggestions for the future research are offered with conclusions.

      • KCI등재

        개도국 기후변화 대응을 위한 주요 개발금융기관의 전략적 접근법 분석과 시사점

        임소영 ( Soyoung Lim ) 경희대학교 사회과학연구원 2016 社會科學硏究 Vol.42 No.2

        전 세계 모든 국가들의 참여 아래 전 지구 온실가스 감축을 달성하기 위하여 개발금융기관(DFIs)의 기후변화 분야에서의 역할이 강조되고 있다. 독일투자개발공사(DEG)는 기후변화에 대한 대응력을 높이려는 기업을 직접 지원하는 프로그램을 운영, 현지 기업과 협력하여 특정 사업장의 에너지효율을 개선하거나 재생에너지를 설치하는 활동을 지원한다. DEG의 기후변화 공적개발원조(ODA) 사업은 주로 송배전과 폐기물 처리, 대규모 물공급 및 위생 등 규모가 큰 인프라 지원을 중심으로 하며, 중저소득국과 고중소득국을 대상으로 한다. 미국 해외민간투자공사(OPIC)는 ODA 성격의 사업은 전혀 수행하지 않고 철저히 기타공적지원(OOF) 중심으로 지원한다. OPIC은 기후변화 관련 분야들 중에서 특히 재생에너지 지원 사업에 중점을 두고 사하라이남 아프리카에 재생에너지를 활용한 전기 공급 사업을 확대하는 중이다. 한국수출입은행의 ODA는 거의 대부분 양허성 차관으로 수행되며, 기후변화 관련 섹터의 경우에 대규모 인프라 중심으로 사업을 지원하면서 최빈국에게도 상당한 규모의 지원을 한다. 복잡하고 다양해진 개발요구와 기후변화 대응 수요를 충족하려면 지금까지 사용해 온 무상증여와 양허성 차관 중심의 단순한 지원수단만으로는 한계가 있다. 현재 우리의 여건에서 DFIs의 기능과 역할을 반영한 사업 방식에 대해 고민해야 한다. The role of the Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) to address climate change in worldwide efforts has been highlighted. DEG is running the program which aims at mobilizing additional actors from the private sector for climate protection in developing countries, promoting the introduction of climate-friendly technology. DEG implements mostly large-scale projects, such as in the area of electricity transmission and distribution, waste disposal, forestation, water supply and sanitation. OPIC does not deliver ODA projects, but it supports OOF projects instead. OPIC focuses on the aid of renewable energy projects among climate-related areas. It has increased in the amount of aid for providing electricity using renewable energy in the Sub-Saharan Africa since 2012. KEXIM bank administers ODA mainly through concessional loan. It supports primarily large-scale infrastructure projects in the area of climate change. The OOF provided by the KEXIM bank mostly goes to the energy sector in Vietnam and Indonesia. We have to plan innovative business models into which the function of the DFIs is fed to meet the tremendous demand for development and combating climate change.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Analyzing English Learning Mistakes in Korean EFL Learners’ Speaking Proficiency

        박승원 대한영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학연구 Vol.42 No.3

        Park, Seungwon. “A Study on Analyzing English Learning Mistakes in Korean EFL Learners’ Speaking Proficiency.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 42.3 (2016): 207-219. The present study examines the types of grammatical mistakes or errors that English learners made when they took the OPIc speaking lesson and compared the two test results of OPIc. 21 undergraduates participated and one native speaker helped the researcher to analyze the data. The results were classified into several parts of speech: articles, auxiliaries & modals, conjunctions, prepositions, personal pronouns, noun inflections, verb inflections, and others. Among them, grammatical mistakes or errors of articles were the highest at 42.8%, followed by those of prepositions at 23.9%, others at 8.9%, auxiliaries & modals at 6.8%, noun inflections at 5.4%, verb inflections at 5.0%, conjunctions at 4.1%, and personal pronouns at 3.1%. The OPIc learners were not likely to try to correct their mistakes or errors within the limited time while listening, writing, and speaking in exercises in class. This research suggests that explicit grammatical and communicative instruction based on swift feedback and correction is needed to positively teach spoken English. (Konyang University)

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Analyzing English Learning Mistakes in Korean EFL Learners’ Speaking Proficiency

        ( Seungwon Park ) 대한영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학연구 Vol.42 No.3

        The present study examines the types of grammatical mistakes or errors that English learners made when they took the OPIc speaking lesson and compared the two test results of OPIc. 21 undergraduates participated and one native speaker helped the researcher to analyze the data. The results were classified into several parts of speech: articles, auxiliaries & modals, conjunctions, prepositions, personal pronouns, noun inflections, verb inflections, and others. Among them, grammatical mistakes or errors of articles were the highest at 42.8%, followed by those of prepositions at 23.9%, others at 8.9%, auxiliaries & modals at 6.8%, noun inflections at 5.4%, verb inflections at 5.0%, conjunctions at 4.1%, and personal pronouns at 3.1%. The OPIc learners were not likely to try to correct their mistakes or errors within the limited time while listening, writing, and speaking in exercises in class. This research suggests that explicit grammatical and communicative instruction based on swift feedback and correction is needed to positively teach spoken English. (Konyang University)

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