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      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Actual Utilization Status of Public Cremation Facilities in Each Metropolitan City by Citizens in the Jurisdiction Area and out of the Jurisdiction Area with the Use of e-Haneul Funeral Information System

        Jae-sil Choi,Jeong-lae Kim 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2019 Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Vol.8 No.4

        We are based on the results of this study, the policy measures for improving the efficiency of supply & demand policy of public cremation facilities in six metropolitan cities in the whole nation could be suggested as follows. First, when the utilization rate of public cremation facilities by citizents out of the jurisdiction area was lower, the overall demand for cremation was high. Therefore, the supply & demand policy of public cremation facilities should be carried forward by preferentially focusing on Busan Metropolitan City(4.1%) and Daegu Metropolitan City(17.9%) with low utilization rate by citizens out of the jurisdiction area. Second, the utilization variance of public cremation facilities in the whole six metropolitan cities in the whole nation, was insignificant(1.4%). Therefore, for the efficiency of supply & demand policy of cremation facilities in those six metropolitan cities, the customized-policies considering the characteristics of each metropolitan city should be carried forward in priority. Third, on the basis of 2018, the population size of those six metropolitan cities in the whole nation is from minimum 1.15million to maximum 3.39million as a large city, and relatively, they are facing many difficulties in the expansion for supply & demand of cremation facilities. Therefore, for the smooth construction of cremation facilities, it would be necessary to enforce policies that could disperse the demand for cremation through the joint construction of cremation facilities with other local governments close to each metropolitan city.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Cremated Bodies Types at Public Cremation Facilities of Metropolitan Cities that Using E-Haneul Funeral Information System

        Jae-sil Choi,Jeong-lae Kim 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2020 Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Vol.9 No.1

        We studies show that ratio of corpse among cremated bodies in public cremation facilities in metropolitan cities using E-Haneul funeral information system is average 90.1%, which is high, in bigger metropolitan cities with over 2 million of population (Incheon, Busan, and Daegu), but is average 81.4%, which is relatively low, in smaller metropolitan cities with less than 2 million of population(Daejeon, Gwangju, and Ulsan). In addition, the cremated bodies ratio of opening remains is average 17.4% in smaller metropolitan cities with less than 2 million of population, but is average 8.9% in those with over 2 million of population, which is relatively low. Finally, the cremated bodies ratio of dead fetuses is average 1.2% in smaller metropolitan cities with less than 2 million of population, and average 1.0% in those with over 2 million of population, which is low. Based on the above result, we are the following suggestions to improve the effectiveness of funeral facility use by the increase of demand for public cremation facilities in metropolitan cities. First, Busan and Daegu, where the shortage of supply is expected due to the increase of demand for cremation of corpse, need to implement supply expansion policy of public cremation facilities to build or expand cremation furnaces. Second, Daejeon, Gwangju, and Ulsan, where the cremated bodies ratio of corpse is low, need to expand supply through expanded operation from existing 4~8 cremation numbers of public cremation facilities to 11 cremation numbers, which is the level of Seoul Metropolitan City. Third, there should be cremation furnaces exclusively for opening remains to prepare the increase of demand for opening remains in the years with leap month.

      • KCI등재

        대도시 안에서 서울특별시로의 전입이 취득세 중과세 대상인지 여부

        유철형 ( Cheol Hyung Yu ) 한국지방세학회 2016 지방세논집 Vol.3 No.1

        지방세법 제13조 제1항과 제2항은 법인이 수도권정비계획법상의 과밀억제권역 안에서 일정한 요건 하에 부동산을 취득하는 경우 그 부동산 취득에 대한 취득세를 중과세하는 규정을 두고 있다. 과밀억제권역 안에서의 취득세 중과세 대상과 관련하여, 지방세법 시행령 제27조 제3항은 “전입(수도권의 경우 서울특별시 외의 지역에서 서울특별시로의 전입은 대도시로의 전입으로 본다. 이하 이 조에서 같다)”(이하 괄호부분을 ‘이 사건 규정’이라 함)이라고 하여 대도시 밖에서 대도시로의 전입 외에 대도시 안에서 서울특별시로의 전입을 중과세 대상으로 추가하고 있다. 이와 같이 중과세 대상인 대도시로 전입의 범위를 규정한 이 사건 규정이 모법인 지방세법에 위임근거가 있는지, 과밀억제권역 안에서의 취득세 중과세 입법취지에 부합하는지 등이 문제된다. 먼저 모법의 위임근거와 관련하여 보면, 지방세법 제13조 제2항 단서는 “수도권정비계획법 제6조에 따른 과밀억제권역(「산업집적활성화 및 공장설립에 관한 법률」을 적용받는 산업단지는 제외한다. 이하 이 조에서 “대도시”라 한다)”이라고 하여 ”대도시“를 정의하고 있고, 제1호는 “…법인의 본점·주사무소·지점 또는 분사무소를 대도시로 전입함에 따라 대도시의 부동산을 취득하는 경우“라고 규정하고 있을 뿐이고, 위 제1호에서 ‘대도시로 전입’의 범위를 대통령령에 위임하는 내용은 없다. 또한 지방세법 제13조 제8항도 같은 조 제2항에 따른 중과세의 범위와 적용기준을 대통령령에 위임하고 있을 뿐이고, 그 중과세의 범위를 대통령령으로 확장할 수 있는 위임근거는 두고 있지 않다. 따라서 지방세법 제13조 제2항과 제8항은 이 사건 규정의 위임근거가 될 수 없다. 한편, 지방세법상 대도시 안에서의 부동산 취득에 대한 취득세 중과세제도에 관한 입법취지 측면에서 보면, 이 제도는 대도시의 인구 및 경제력 집중을 억제하고 지역경제를 활성화하려는 데에 목적이 있다. 그런데, 이 사건 규정이 신설된 1979. 12. 31.로부터 35년 이상이 지난 현재 지방세법상 대도시에 속하는 지역은 인구나 경제력 집중에 있어서 서울특별시와 그 외의 대도시 지역 사이에 별 차이가 없는 상황이 되었고, 기본적으로 대도시 안에서의 이동은 중과세 대상이 되지 않는다는 것이 판례의 입장이다. 이러한 점에서 대도시 중 서울특별시 외의 지역에서 서울특별시로의 전입을 다시 중과세 대상으로 삼을 정책적인 필요성이 있다고 보기 어렵고, 이 사건 규정은 중과세의 입법취지에도 부합하지 않는다. 이와 같이 이 사건 규정은 모법인 지방세법에 위임근거가 없고, 지방세법 제13조 제8항을 위임근거로 본다고 하더라도 이 사건 규정은 모법의 위임범위를 넘어 중과세 대상을 확장한 무효의 규정이며, 대도시 안에서의 부동산 취득에 대한 중과세의 입법취지에도 부합하지 않는다. 입법론적으로 이 사건 규정은 조속히 삭제하는 개정이 필요하고, 정책적으로 이 사건 규정을 존속시킨다고 하더라도 모법인 지방세법에 명문의 위임근거규정을 마련할 필요가 있다. Article 13 (1) and (2) of the Local Tax Act (“LTA”) imposes a heavy rate of acquisition tax on the acquisition of real estate by corporations in an over-concentration control region under certain statutory conditions pursuant to the Seoul Metropolitan Area Readjustment Planning Act. In relation to the heavy taxation of acquisition tax within the over-concentration control region, Article 27(3) of the Enforcement Decree of the LTA (“ED-LTA”) stipulates that “transfer (in cases of the Seoul Metropolitan Area, a transfer from an area, other than the Seoul Metropolitan City, into the Seoul Metropolitan City shall be deemed a transfer into a large city; hereafter the same shall apply in this Article)”(provision contained in parentheses hereinafter referred to as ‘the regulation in this case’) and includes within the scope of heavy taxation not only the case where the transfer takes place from outside a large city into a large city but also the situation where the transfer takes place from within a large city into the Seoul Metropolitan City. In this manner, there are issues regarding whether the regulation in this case, which stipulates the scope of transfer to a large city subject to heavy taxation, has valid grounds for delegation of authority from the LTA as its primary legislation and whether it conforms with the legislative purpose for heavy acquisition tax imposition within over-concentration control regions. First, in relation to the legislative grounds under the primary legislation, the proviso under Article 13(2) of the LTA stipulates the meaning of “large city” as “an over-concentration control region under Article 6 of the Seoul Metropolitan Area Readjustment Planning Act (excluding an industrial complex subject to the Industrial Cluster Development and Factory Establishment Act; hereafter referred to as large city in this Article). Subparagraph 1 merely refers to “real estate in a large city is acquired as the head office, main office, branch or sub-office of a corporation is relocated to a large city” without any mention of delegating authority regarding the scope of “transfer to a large city” to presidential decree. Further, Article 13(8) of the LTA delegates authority regarding the scope of heavy taxation and applicable standards under paragraph 2 to presidential decree, without providing grounds for delegation to expand the scope of heavy taxation by way of presidential decree. In that respect, Article 13(2) and (8) cannot serve as appropriate grounds for delegation of the regulation in this case. On the other hand, in looking at the legislative purpose for heavy taxation of acquisition taxes on real estate purchased in large cities under the LTA, this measure is aimed at preventing the concentration of the economy and population in large cities and to revitalize the local economy. However, from December 31, 1979 when the regulation in this case was first implemented and for over 35 years to date, regions that are considered large cities pursuant to the LTA have come to experience no significant differences in comparison with the Seoul Metropolitan City in terms of population and economic concentration. In principle, the position of the courts is that transfers within large cities do not fall within the scope of heavy taxation. In this regard, it is difficult to adopt the view for a policy need to impose heavy taxation on the transfer from a large city outside of the Seoul Metropolitan City to Seoul Metropolitan City. Further, the regulation in this case does not corresponde with the legislative intent for heavy taxation. As such, the regulation in this case does not have appropriate delegating authority from the LTA, the principal legislation. Even if Article 13(8) of the LTA is deemed as grounds for delegation, the regulation in this case is invalid for overstepping the scope of delegation to expand the scope of heavy taxation and also fails to correspond with the legislative purpose for heavy taxation on the purchase of real estate. From a legislative theory perspective, the regulation in this case needs to be deleted as soon as possible. If, from a policy perspective, the regulation in this case continues to remain effective, appropriate delegating authority must be granted under the LTA.

      • KCI등재

        어린이 영양지수를 이용한 대도시와 중소도시 지역아동센터 어린이의 식행동 특성 비교

        류은순,이경아 한국식품조리과학회 2019 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.35 No.6

        Purpose: This study evaluated the dietary behavior and nutritional status of children at community child centers using the nutrition quotient (NQ) according to the city size. Methods: Surveys were administered from June to August, 2017. The research was performed using questionnaires conducted from June to August on 535 children at community child center in Busan (metropolitan city) and Gyeongsan (medium-sized city). Results: Children in medium-sized city had more experience (p<0.001) in nutrition education than in metropolitan city, but they had less interest and practice in nutrition education, fewer meals with their families, and higher proportions of multicultural families, grandchildren, and single-parent families. The mean score for the NQ of the metropolitan city (61.2 points) was significantly (p<0.001) higher than those of the medium-sized city (55.3 points). Metropolitan city children showed substantially higher NQ scores in all five factors (balance, regularity, moderation, regularity, and practice) than medium-sized city children. For the percentage distribution of NQ grades; there were 4.8%p more metropolitan city children in the highest grade, there were 12.6%p more medium-sized city children in the lowest grade. When scores of the five factors were evaluated as good or bad, the ‘good’ percentage of the metropolitan city was significantly (p<0.001) higher than that of the medium-sized city in diversity (24.0 vs. 15.7) and regularity (33.5 vs. 24.5). Conclusion: Therefore, it is important to provide customized nutrition education programs based on the temperament type. Because there was a difference in the NQ scores and NQ grades between the metropolitan city and medium-sized city, customized nutrition education should consider the dietary environment for children at community child centers in medium-sized city.

      • KCI등재

        지역평생교육 활성화를 위한 광역수준 지역평생교육체제화의 분석과 발전과제

        권인탁 교육종합연구원 2014 교육종합연구 Vol.12 No.1

        This study is to explore strategies for improving local lifelong education after analyzing on local lifelong education systems at the metropolitan city/province level. It is analyzed on the national lifelong education system, the current practice of local lifelong education system, and the function of metropolitan city/province for lifelong education. Strategies for improving local lifelong education systems at the metropolitan city/province level are suggested in the results of this study: (1) forming visions and directions for local lifelong learning, (2) activating metropolitan city council for lifelong education, (3) division between general administration and educational administration for operating a lifelong education implement organization, (4) building a linkage system of lifelong education adminstration between metropolitan city and city/county/district, (5) supporting establishment and business events of lifelong education improvement institute attached at metropolitan city/province, (6) expanding programs for improving lifelong education of metropolitan city/province, (7) support for building a lifelong learning city in the city/county/district. (8) placement through cultivating professional lifelong educators and reinforcing their competence, (9) building local resource development system, (10) forming lifelong learning operation system leaded by people, (11) building system for activating study circles, (12) supporting network system for activating local lifelong education, and (13) operating lifelong learning information system at the metropolitan government level.

      • KCI등재

        도시·주거환경의 문제인식과 생활권관리 방향에 관한 연구 : 도시규모·수도권 여부에 따른 공무원 의견 비교를 중심으로

        손창희(Son, Chang Hee),장한두(Jang, Han Doo) 한국주거환경학회 2020 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구에서는 도시특성에 따른 생활권계획 수립방향을 도출하고자 도시 입지와 규모에 따라 22개 지자체에서 도시관리 업무를 경험한 공무원을 대상으로 도시ㆍ주거환경의 문제와 생활권 관리방향을 조사하여 도시특성별 도시ㆍ주거지 관리의 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 생활권계획의 수립은 도시기본계획의 하나의 쳅터로서 상세히 작성하는 방법, 도시기본계획의 별권으로 작성하는 방법, 정비기본계획의 일환으로 작성하는 방법 등 다양하며 도시기본계획 용역발주시 지자체에서 정할 수 있는 부분으로 본 연구는 구체적인 실현방법보다는 도시특성에 따른 계획차별화 방향에 초점을 두고자 한다. 따라서 본 연구는 도시특성별 생활권관리 방향의 구체화를 통해 궁극적으로 도시여건에 맞는 도시ㆍ주거환경의 관리가 이뤄지는데 기반이 되는 자료를 제공하고자 한다. 본 연구의 연구문제는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 도시특성에 따라 어떤 도시ㆍ주거환경 문제가 심각한지 파악한다. 둘째, 생활권관리를 통해 비수도권 지역과 중소도시는 어떤 도시ㆍ주거환경 문제 개선이 가능한지 파악한다. 셋째, 도시특성에 따라 생활권관리가 필요한 주요 분야와 세부방안을 파악한다. 조사대상 지자체는 입지에 따라 수도권과 지방, 인구규모에 따라 광역시, 대도시, 중소도시로 구분하여 22개 지자체 446명의 공무원에게 조사를 수행하였다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the recognition of problems about urban and residential environment and the management alternatives of neighborhood units in Korean government officials. A cross-sectional survey was used and the data were collected in 2015. Participants were total 446 government officials who represented 22 local governments including metropolitan cities and small and medium-sized cities in Korea. The main findings of this study are as follows. First, in the aspects of problems in urban and residential environments, the larger the size of the city, the more serious the problem of poor living conditions, and the smaller the city, the more serious the problem of poor management of buildings and land, and the lack of public and convenience facilities. According to the location, all housing environment problems were worse in the metropolitan area, and in the non-metropolitan area, the only problem with the lack of new housing supply was found to be more serious than in the metropolitan area. Second, the historical and cultural assets and ecological and landscape resources were city problems that could be improved by the neighborhood unit management. In particular, the management of historical and cultural resources was highly demanded in large cities and in the metropolitan areas. Third, the management of neighborhood unit was the most needed in the ‘city center and residential area’ areas. Specifically, by the city size, ‘city center and residential area’ and ‘infrastructure and transportation’ were highly needed in neighborhood unit planning at the metropolitan and the small and medium-sized cities. Otherwise, ‘regional resources’ and ‘farming and rural areas’ were highly needed in neighborhood unit planning at the large cities. By location, ‘industry’ and ‘infrastructure and transportation’ were highly needed in the metropolitan areas, and ‘farming and rural areas’ in non- metropolitan areas.

      • The Effective Branding Identity Development Strategy for the Globalization of China’s Metropolitan City - Focus on Brand Identity Development of Guangzhou Metropolitan City in Its Verbal & Visual Communication Strategy -

        Xuan, J. R. 한국디지털융합학회 2021 디지털경영연구 Vol.8 No.1

        Technology has bridged the gap between the world and cognition, and the new era of urban competition on the world stage has been announced. Theoretical research about city branding is getting more advanced globally. However, only a very few successful practical city-branding cases can be found so far. With the increasingly diversified development of cities, metropolises particularly need a strong brand identity to attract capital and opportunities while enhancing the cohesion of residents. Supported by more policies and funds from the government, the metropolitan cities may still not earn a better ranking in the world. However, a precise positioning and effective communication system always create a good impression. Especially in the post-Covid-19 era, it is more convenient to obtain information. A lack of integrated and complex information will reduce the unity and trust of the city (brand). A strong brand will enhance the image value and credibility of the city, thereby bringing more development opportunities for the city, residents, companies, visitors, and investors. From the analysis of the research trends of WoS, the research field of city brand identity has shown an upward trend in recent years. Most of the research is in theoretical research and social sciences; visual communication design accounts for only 5.6%. This article is compiled based on the 2017 master’s thesis, combining the creative method of commercial brand theory, and repositioning Guangzhou to establish a strategic system for developing a robust global city brand identity.

      • KCI등재

        박물관에서 재현된 도시정체성

        일마즈에멕 ( Yılmaz Emek ),이기홍 ( Ki Hong Lee ) 한국사회사학회 2014 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.102

        오늘날 도시들은 지구화시대를 맞아 지구적 연결망의 일부로 변화하면서 생태환경 및 주거환경, 교통체계, 행정체계 등에서 다른 도시들과 유사해지고 있다. 동시에 도시들은 그 자체의 문화적 뿌리와 독특성을 유지해야 하는 갈등적인 상황에 직면해 있다. 부르사도 터키의 경제적으로 역동적인 도시들의 하나이며 지구적으로 경쟁력있는 도시가 되고자 노력하고 있다. 오스만제국의 첫 수도였던 부르사는 1950년대 이후 이주자들이 급증함으로써, 지역정체성을 구성하고 이를 시민들에게 효율적으로 전파하고 공유하도록 촉진하는 것이 지역정부의 가장 중요한 기획들중의 하나가 되었다. 이 기획은 부르사의 원래 주민들과 이주자들을 결합하고 공통의 시민의식을 함양함으로써 장기적으로 지역의 불안정과 갈등을 방지하기 위한 일이었다. 이러한 시민의식함양 사업에서 역사에 관한 집합기억을 형성하고 전달하는 기구로서 부르사시립박물관은 지역정체성의 공유와 귀속감 증진에 상당히 긍정적으로 기여하였다. 그렇지만 그 이면에서는 사실상, 세계자본주의체제 속의 한지역으로서 독특성의 유지가 쉽지 않다는 현실적인 제약에 더하여 여러 수준에서의 사회적 분리와 단절에 무지하고 사회적 다양성을 배제하는 부정적 결과도 수반하였다. 또한 국가주의적 이데올로기의 확장과 강화를 초래하였다. 사회적 다원성과 차이를 강조하는 탈근대적 조건을 고려하면 여러 문화들이 조우하고 타협적으로 교류하는 지역정체성의 구성과 이를 위한 박물관의 기획을 강조할 필요가 있다. Today, with globalization, cities are competing to take a place among many other cities in the world as part of a global network and becoming similar to each other in their green and dwelling area arrangements, transportation systems and municipal managements. At the same time, they face a conflictive situation in which they have to protect their uniqueness and cultural roots. Bursa, the fourth biggest city of Turkey, is economically a very dynamic city and tries to assure that the city is globally competent. Being the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, Bursa has received significant number of migrants from other cities of Turkey and Balkans after 1950s. Therefore one of the policies of the local authority is to promote the consciousness of Bursalı (to belong to Bursa), an important and unifying factor to increase and ease social inclusion. Bursa Metropolitan City Museum has been played a significant role in constructing the city identity through “urban citizenship awareness project” carried out by the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, transferring it to people by developing a sense of belonging to the city. However, Bursa has observed that it is hard to protect its uniqueness under the constraints of world-capitalist system. Moreover, city identity project has missed to identify variety of segregation in the society and approaching them all equally. Besides it produces a result of expansion and reinforcement of the nationalist ideology. In the postmodern world, where social diversity and differences are emphasized, it is important to reconstruct the city identity in which encounter of various cultures and interaction can take place.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 도시경쟁력 평가 연구

        권창기,정현욱,박선형 국토연구원 2008 국토연구 Vol.58 No.-

        This study aimed to evaluate the competitiveness of metropolitan region concerning physical indicators, economical indicators, and social & cultural indicators with the selected 31 criteria. This study are featured in the following terms; functional linkage between the core city and the periphery; the population size; the specialization of socioeconomic factors in metropolitan region. By applying a number of competitiveness-related indicators to domestic metropolitan region, the authors find significant policy implications. Competitiveness by cities, population size, metropolitan region are different. Especially, competitiveness by metropolitan region according to core cities role and periphery's role examined differently. This study aimed to evaluate the competitiveness of metropolitan region concerning physical indicators, economical indicators, and social & cultural indicators with the selected 31 criteria. This study are featured in the following terms; functional linkage between the core city and the periphery; the population size; the specialization of socioeconomic factors in metropolitan region. By applying a number of competitiveness-related indicators to domestic metropolitan region, the authors find significant policy implications. Competitiveness by cities, population size, metropolitan region are different. Especially, competitiveness by metropolitan region according to core cities role and periphery's role examined differently.

      • KCI등재

        거대도시 공간구조체계 정비를 위한 상업지역 면적산정

        정희수,김흥관,윤상복 한국자료분석학회 2008 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.10 No.1

        A city is a system which contains specific characteristics of continuous variation, it develops with both technical changes and geographical changes. A city can be developed by two general pathways, and those two pathways are distinct from each other. One of the pathways, is the formation of city due to the development of transportation infrastructure. Another pathway is, the formation of urban zone resulting from a systemically constructed land usage plan. This research project focuses on the pathway of constructed land usage plans, in the development of an industrial region and how it effects surrounding urban growth, based on data collected from major Korean cities. According to our research analysis, the system of urban space structure and its main system will change into several hierarchies: Central city (C.B.D) - Minor city - Central living area - Surrounding area. To set up the Living area system, it has been compared to the Central region system to be sub-classified into 4 main groups: Large living area - Middle - Small - Surrounding area. For the structure and system of urban space configuration of the new target city, we created several equations as shown below : The size of the commercial usage area = Planned population * Commercial area size for 1 person * Size Coefficient * Structure of the city and its function rating.Size Coefficient : Huge City 0.7 Large city 0.8 Middle city 0.9 Small city 1.1The Structure of the city and its function rating : 10 - 20 % (Calculate within this range) 도시는 항상 변화하는 특성을 지닌 하나의 조직체(system)로서 기능적인 변화와 함께 공간적인 변화가 동시에 이루어지면서 도시는 성장하며 쇠퇴하기도 한다. 도시의 성장은 교통수단의 발달 에 의하여 중심지가 형성되는 자연적 성장과 토지이용계획 등 계획적으로 중심지를 형성시켜 도시를 성장시키는 인위 성장으로 대별된다. 본 연구에서는 토지이용계획에 의한 인위적인 성장에 초점을 두고 도시성장의 핵(核-core)이라 할 수 있는 상업지역과 생활권역에 대하여 우리나라 전체 84개 도시 중 7개 거대도시(인구규모 100만 이상)를 대상으로 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 도출된 도시공간구조의 정비방안에서 도시공간구조의 체계를 도심(C.B.D)-부도심-지구중심-근린중심의 4단계, 생활권체계는 중심지체계와 연계하여 대생활권-중생활권-소생활권-근린생활권의 4단계 체계로 정립하였으며, 또한 도시공간구조의 핵심인 장래 당해도시의 상업지역 범위설정을 위하여 상업지역면적을 산정하였다.

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