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      • KCI등재

        일반 논문 : 국내 ICT중소기업의 경영효율성 분석: 상장기업을 중심으로

        하귀룡 ( Gui Ryong Ha ),최석봉 ( Suk Bong Choi ) 한국중소기업학회 2011 中小企業硏究 Vol.33 No.4

        본 연구는 우리나라 대표적인 전략산업이라 할 수 있는 ICT 산업에 종사하는 종소기업들의 경영효율성에 관한 것이다. 국내 ICT 산업의 경쟁력강화가 국가경쟁력의 핵심이라는 인식이 널리 공유됨에도 불구하고 이들 기업에 대한 경영효율성 분석이 체계적으로 이루어지지 않은데 착안하여, 산업 내 중소기업을 대상으로 경영효율성을 분석하였다. 기존의 대부분의 효율성 분석연구들이 1개년도의 횡단면 자료를 이용하는 것과 달리, 2006년부터 2009년까지 4개 년도를 대상으로 함으로써 국내 중소 ICT 기업 효율성의 동적인 변화추세와 그 의미를 보다 정확히 찾고자 하였다. 또한 기존연구에서 실시한 효율성 분석에서는 투입요소로서 매출원가 중심으로 고려하였으나, 본 연구에서는 연구개발비를 기업의 장기적인 투자와 영업에 관련된 고정자산과 함께 고려함으로 연구개발 및 기술혁신활동이 여타 다른 산업에 비해 활발한 ICT 산업의 특성을 반영한 효율성 분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과를 통하여 벤치마킹 대상기업을 발굴하고 이를 통해 개별 ICT 중소기업이 효율적으로 경영을 수행하는데 필요한 정보를 제공하고 보다 체계적인 효율성의 근거와 개선점을 도출하였다. The growth of the Information Communications and Technology (ICT) industry in Korea over last 20 years is recognized as a significant factor for the sustainable growth of the Korean economy as a whole. The Bank of Korea reported that 40% of the total GDP growth rate is attributed to the ICT industry. The main reasons of such impressive performance are proactive policy support by the Korean government and continuous efforts of ICT firms for R&D and technological innovation. Although there is a general consensus that the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) play a critical role for the improvement in the competitiveness of the Korean ICT industry, little empirical analysis of management efficiency on the ICT SMEs has been done since the 2008 financial crisis and global recession. Thus, this research attempts to measure and analyze management efficiency based on data envelopment analysis (DEA) models. In particular, recognizing the significance of technological innovation for the competitiveness of ICT SMEs, we applied R&D expenditure with fixed assets and numbers of employees as input factors and highlighted their role in evaluating efficiency. Several contributions of this present study are noteworthy. First, our study investigates the increasing role of SMEs in the process of development of ICT industry in Korea. This is in contrast to the previous research of management which has mostly focused on large firms. We attempt to identify the best practice of SMEs for benchmarking purposes to improve their management efficiency. Second, our study is longitudinal. By using 4 different years of longitudinal data, this study conducts rigorous tests of the key factors affecting management efficiency and their trends over years. Third, by applying R&D expenditure with fixed assets and employee size as alternative input factors, we provide several plausible alternative explanations on the role of long term investment and technological innovation capability on the management efficiency in Korean SMEs. The ICT firms have been active in long term R&D investment for their competitiveness. We consider this industry specific factor for the analysis of management efficiency. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides theoretical background. It includes a critical review of the ICT industry and management efficiency research on SMEs. Section 3 defines the DEA model, including input and output measures. Section 4 identifies the best practices of the frontier firms surveyed in this study. We also present the main results of empirical analysis. A conclusion with some theoretical and practical implications is presented in Section 5. Our research results suggest that there exists a close internal relationship between R&D, fixed assets and employee size and sales, which is an output measure, and their inherent relationship makes efficiency scores closer to 1. The results show that less than 10 percent of the firms are fully efficient in R&D and management activities and that more than two-thirds are at the stage of increasing returns to scale. More specifically, results obtained in our CCR model of DEA analysis show average technical efficiency (TE) in the range of 33~47% over the four years surveyed. Hence it implies that firms operating at the correct scale could save up to 33~47% of their inputs to produce the same amount of output. Secondly, applying the BCC model, the average of pure technical efficiency (PTE) scores are in the range of 58%~74% over the years estimated. The scores suggest that a much larger number of DMUs becomes efficient, implying that the model did not correctly discriminate among efficient and inefficient units. Thirdly, scale efficiency (SE) scores on average are higher than TE and PTE scores for the same years, distributed between 59% -77%. This result suggests that inefficiency from internal operation of firms is much more severe. Finally, when we consider the efficiency scores by the multiple years surveyed, it shows that the score has been gradually reduced. For instance, the findings indicate that 17.2% of the enterprises achieve CRS scores of over 0.8 in 2006 while it reduced to 13.8% in 2007 and 10.3% in 2008 and 2009. This implies that global economic crisis has comprehensively impacted the ICT market since 2008, which constricted firms` long term investment and sales growth. Despite previous academic efforts to investigate the successful growth of ICT industry in Korea, the increasing role of ICT SMEs in such development have rarely been analyzed, especially from the management efficiency perspective. Previous studies have not attempted to examine the effects of technological innovation activities as an important factor for management efficiency analysis. The relevant literature has focused primarily on efforts as determinants of R&D and management performance. Little attention has been given to the effective use of resources, particularly at the SMEs level. They also show considerable limitations by using cross sectional data or focusing on large firms. This paper tries to fill these gaps by developing an alternative approach to the evaluation of management efficiency of the ICT industry with particular reference to ICT SMEs and using panel data over four years. This study also highlights the distinctive results from three different models to evaluate management efficiency (i.e. TE. PTE and SE), and incorporate them to provide better implication for firms who improve their efficiency. For instance, our research suggests that inefficient firms can improve their efficiency through not only a reduction of R&D expenditures, number of employees and fixed assets, but also increasing R&D and enlargement of employment since firms show different results of efficiency features depending on the consideration of scale effects. This paper contributes to the understanding of firm level dynamics of management efficiency in the Korean ICT industry. By considering industry specific features of ICT firms which are more proactive in R&D than others, we have assessed relative technical and scale efficiencies of management and R&D resources across ICT SMEs. The findings of the paper have significant policy implications to innovation strategy and management policy for ICT firms and other technology-intensive industries that require continuous improvement in management efficiency for a competitive advantage. The study has several limitations that may be addressed in future research. Firstly, we measured output factor by using sales data. However, not all firms pursue sales growth as their purpose of management. Some may prefer to maximize net profit or develop new technological capabilities. Thus, we suggest that future studies should use more fine-grained decomposition of the various forms of output measures. Secondly, as our study focused on investigating relative management efficiency scores, future studies may analyze what factors affect management efficiency. Thirdly, the generalisability of the findings are limited by our use of one industry and stock listed firms for the research context. Future works should aim to address these limitations by considering different industries, large firms as well as SMEs, stock listed firms and non-listed firms. These extensions would further develop our understanding of management efficiency of SMEs in relation to innovation activities.

      • KCI등재

        경영평가제도가 준정부기관 경영효율성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        조택,송선하 한국거버넌스학회 2010 한국거버넌스학회보 Vol.17 No.3

        The management performance evaluation system on the quasi-governmental agencies has been regarded as the effective management system because evaluation system gives self-control to agencies and let them take responsibility of management result. On the basis of precedent research, this study analyzed empirically the effect the management performance evaluation on management efficiencies(organizationl management efficiency, per]sonnel management efficiency, financial efficiency)of quasi-governmental agencies. It compared management efficiencies of 27 quasi-governmental agencies by introduction of the management evaluation system for ten years. And this study analyzed three control variables as asset, budget and age of quasi-governmental agencies to control other effects on management efficiency. According to the analysis, management performance evaluation system could have a positive effect on management efficiency of the quasi-governmental agencies partly even though some other characteristics like assets could have an effect on management efficiency. Management performance evaluation system can be an effective alternative to the quasi-governmental agencies' innovation as it can enhance their management efficiency. 공공기관의 경우 민간조직과 달리 시장의 최저선과 같은 자율적 통제메커니즘의 결여로 조직성과 관리에 근본적인 한계가 있는 것으로 지적되어 왔으며 경영평가제도는 이에 대한 대안으로서 기관혁신에 필요한 다양한 정보를 제공하고 조직성과 평가를 통한 경영효율화 유도 등 공공기관 성과관리에 중요한 역할을 수행하고 있다. 준정부기관의 경우 2005년 최초로 경영평가가 실시되어 그동안 ‘개혁의 사각지대’로 표현되었던 준정부기관의 경영자율성과 책임경영체제를 구축시킬것으로 기대되고 있으나 실제 경영평가제도가 준정부기관에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 분석한 연구는 매우 부족하다. 따라서 본 연구는 준정부기관 경영평가제도를 포함한 공공기관 경영평가제도의 다양한 이론적 논의와 선행연구들을 토대로 경영평가제도가 준정부기관의 경영효율성에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 규명함을 목적으로 하고 있다. 분석대상은 2005년부터 2009년까지 매년 경영평가를 받아온 55개 준정부기관 중 일관성있는 자료입수가 가능한 27개 준정부기관이며 경영평가가제도가 도입된 2005년 전·후의 10년간 경영효율성을 조직․인사․재무관리 효율성으로 구분하여 GLM(General Linear Model)을 이용해 비교하였고, 분석에 있어 준정부기관의 경영효율성에 대한 제반 영향요인들을 통제하기 위해 조직특성 요인인 기관의 자산, 예산, 연령을 통제변수로 설정하였다. 분석결과 준정부기관의 조직관리효율성을 나타내는 관리업무비비율의 경우 경영평가도입 이후 유의미하게 감소하였으며 인사관리효율성을 나타내는 인건비비율과 총인건비증감율 또한 경영평가도입 이후 유의미하게 감소하였다. 하지만 인사관리효율성을 나타내는 경상인원증감율과 재무관리효율성을 나타내는 부채비율의 경우 경영평가 도입 전․후 유의미한 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 이들의 결과를 종합해 볼 때 준정부기관의 경영효율성은 자산 등 기관특성에 따라 다소 영향을 받지만 경영평가제도는 대체적으로 준정부기관의 경영효율성에 긍정적 영향을 미친 것으로 판단된다. 즉 경영평가제도는 사후적인 평가를 통하여 경영성과와 보상을 연계함으로써 공공기관의 자발적 경영혁신을 촉진하여 경영효율성을 향상시킨다는 경영평가제도의 기대효과가 부분적이지만 확인된 것으로 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI우수등재

        브랜드 경영 효율성이 기업 수익성과 주주가치에 미치는 영향

        이동대(Dong Dae Lee) 한국경영학회 2010 經營學硏究 Vol.39 No.5

        Study results have shown that effects of firms’ interim performance of brand management like sales, sales growth, market share, customer satisfaction, or brand equity on firms’ final performance like profitability or shareholder value are not consistent. Most studies focusing on the relationship between these two variables ceremonially omit input factors for the brand management in their study design. To deal with such a problem, current study employs brand management efficiency index calculated through Data Envelopment Analysis. Data Envelopment Analysis considers input factors as well as output factors for the calculation of efficiency. In the current study, 4 input factors - assets, salaries, general administration expenses, and advertising and sales promotion - and 3 output factors - sales, 2 year composite sales growth rate, and operating income - are used for the calculation of efficiency indices. Two hypotheses are developed in the study. Hypothesis 1 is about the relationship between brand management efficiency and firm profitability, and hypothesis 2 is about the relationship between brand management efficiency and shareholder value. Because firm profitability has backward looking nature, the relationship between brand management efficiency and firm profitability is hypothesized as having an inverted U shape. In other words, although firm profitability would increase as efficiency gets higher, it would decrease after efficiency exceeds a certain level. The relationship between brand management efficiency and shareholder value is hypothesized as having a U shape due to forward looking nature of shareholder value. That is, initially shareholder value would decrease as efficiency increases. However, as efficiency increases higher over a certain level, shareholder value would eventually turn upward. Using Malmquist Index formula, this study breaks down brand management efficiency into two elements - Efficiency Change and Technical Efficiency (or Frontier Shift), and then tests the effects of these two brand management efficiency indices on firm’s profitability and shareholder value. In the study ROI and Tobin’s Q were used for the measures of profitability and shareholder value respectably. A set of panel data from 103 firms listed in the Korea Composite Stock Price Index(KOSPI) and Korean Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (KOSDAQ) between 1999 and 2007 was collected and used. For the analysis of data, two 2-way error components models using ROI and Tobin’s Q each as a dependent variable. According to analysis results, hypothesis 1 was strongly supported. Efficiency Change index and Technical Efficiency index both positively influence firm profitability, and square terms of two efficiency indices are negative and significant. As hypothesized, firm profitability(ROI) initially goes up as efficiency increases. After a certain level of efficiency, however, firm profitability went downward. Hypothesis 2 was partially supported. Only Efficiency Change worked as hypothesized. Efficiency Change index has a negative effect on Tobin’s Q and its square term has a positive influence on Tobin’s Q. In short, as Efficiency Change index gets higher, shareholder value gets lower. After Efficiency Change index exceeds over a certain level, however, shareholder value starts to increase. For Technical Change index, no significant effect was identified. Results of this study tell us a couple of lessons. First, brand management efficiency should be pushed up only to a certain limit. If a firm’s efficiency level is too high, firm profitability could be negatively affected. Second, performance indices for a firm need to be distinguished into two groups. Forward looking indices like Tobin’s Q, EVA(economic value added), and FCF(future cash flow) represent a firm’s profitability, and backward looking indices like ROI(ruturn on investment), ROA(return on assets), and ROE(return on equity) represent a firm’s market value or shareholder’s value

      • KCI등재

        베이지안확률변경분석을 통한 에너지효율성 추정: 재고자원효율성이 미치는 효과를 중심으로

        김길환 공주대학교 KNU 기업경영연구소 2024 기업경영리뷰 Vol.15 No.2

        제조기업에게 재고관리는 핵심관리 영역이다. 효과적인 재고관리는 비용절감, 자본운용의 효율성, 고객만족도 제고 등으로 이어지기 때문이다. 한편, 최근 들어 제조기업의 효과적인 에너지관리의 중요성이 강조되고 있다.에너지효율성 제고는 비용절감으로 이어질 뿐만 아니라 전 지구적인 기후변화문제에 대한 대응과도 연결되기 때문이다. 이러한 맥락에서 재고관리성과의 효과를 에너지효율성 측면에서 평가해 볼 필요가 있다. 이러한 필요성에 근거하여 본 연구는 기업의 재고관리성과와 에너지효율성 간의 관계를 검토해보고자 했다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 Modi & Mishra(2011)가 제시한 재고자원효율성을 재고관리성과 지표로써 차용하였고, 에너지투입거리함수에 기반하여 에너지효율성을 정의한 뒤 베이지안확률변경분석을 통해 에너지효율성을 추정하였다. 그리고 에너지효율성에 미치는 재고자원효율성의 효과를 분석하였다. 분석대상은 국내 22개의 주요 철강기업이며 분석기간은 2011~2019년이다. 주요분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 분석대상 기업의 전체 에너지효율성의 평균값은 0.8630이었다. 둘째, 에너지사용량에 미치는 자본의 음의 효과를 확인하였다. 셋째, 에너지효율성에 미치는 재고자원효율성의 효과는양의 결과를 보였다. 이러한 주요 결과는 에너지효율성 제고를 위해 재고자원효율성을 높여야 한다는 점과 최첨단의 장비 및 기계의 도입이 에너지효율성 제고에 도움이 될 것이라는 적 실무적 사점을 제안한다. 또한 베이지안확률변경분석을 통해 에너지효율성을 추정했다는 점 그리고 재고관리성과 지표로써 재고자원효율성을 차용하여 처음으로 에너지효율성과의 관계를 살펴봤다는 점이 본 연구의 주요한 학문적 시사점이라고 할 수 있다. Inventory management is a pivotal management area for manufacturing companies, as effective inventory management catalyzes cost reduction, enhances capital utilization, and augments customer satisfaction. Concurrently, the significance of efficient energy management in manufacturing sectors has been increasingly highlighted. Enhancing energy efficiency not only contributes to cost reductions but also addresses the global challenge of climate change. In this regards, it is imperative to assess the impact of inventory management performance through the lens of energy efficiency. This study aims to investigate the relationship between the company's inventory management performance and its energy efficiency. To surmount the constraints of previously utilized inventory management performance indicators, this research adopted the inventory resource efficiency metric as proposed by Modi & Mishra (2011). Moreover, energy efficiency was conceptualized based on the energy input distance function, and Bayesian Stochastic Frontier Analysis was employed to estimate this metric. The impact of inventory resource efficiency on energy efficiency was subsequently analyzed. This analysis encompassed 22 major Korean steel companies for the period spanning from 2011 to 2019. The principal findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, the average energy efficiency of the companies under analysis was found to be 0.8630. Secondly, the negative impact of capital on energy usage was exhibited. Thirdly, a positive effect of inventory resource efficiency on energy efficiency was observed. These findings underscore that enhancing energy efficiency necessitates the improvement of inventory resource efficiency. Moreover, the introduction of state-of-the art equipment and machinery is likely to further enhance energy efficiency. Additionally, the application of Bayesian Stochastic Frontier Analysis for estimating energy efficiency, coupled with the first-time use of inventory resource efficiency as an indicator of inventory management performance to explore its relationship with energy efficiency, provides significant academic contributions to this field.

      • KCI등재

        국내 건설사 경영효율성 비교분석-도급형 건설사와 개발형 건설사 비교를 중심으로-

        김희선,이현석 건국대학교 부동산도시연구원 2022 부동산 도시연구 Vol.15 No.1

        This study aims to compare the management efficiency of classified domestic construction firm to each categories by company sale scale, and sale type. In particular, the characteristics of contract-oriented construction firms with high construction sales and development-oriented construction firms with high parcel-out sales are compared and analyzed. We use the financial statement values for 10 years from 2011 to 2020 for companies registered with the Korea Construction Association, and compare the management efficiency of construction firms through the absolute efficiency (Dupont) and the relative efficiency (DEA) analysis. According to the research results, first, it is found that contract-oriented construction firms show a trend in management efficiency similar to the average of all construction firms, but development-oriented construction firms continue to maintain high management efficiency throughout the study period. Second, as for absolute management efficiency, developmentoriented construction firm show high return on equity. This is attributable to the relatively high net profit margin on assets and net profit on sales, and the cost of sales, SG&A expenses, and non-operating expenses are lower than contract-oriented construction firms. Third, relative management efficiency also shows that development-oriented construction firms show higher management efficiency compare to contract-oriented construction firms. It is analyzed that development-oriented firm have higher management efficiency than contractoriented construction firm because they have a low cost ratio and non-operating expenses. As a result, it is found that, similar to all construction firms, the management efficiency of contract construction companies changes according to changes in the construction industry, but development-oriented construction firms consistently show high return on capital and net profit efficiency. 본 연구는 국내 건설사를 매출규모별, 분양매출별로 구분하고 각 구분에 속한 건설사의 경영효율성을 분석하고, 시공매출이 높은 도급형 건설사와 분양매출이 높은 개발형 건설사의 특징을 비교한다. 대한건설협회 등록회사를 대상으로 2011년부터 2020년까지의 10개년간 재무제표 값을 이용하여 절대효율성(Dupont)분석과 상대효율성(DEA)분석을 통하여 각 건설사집단별 경영효율성을 비교한다. 연구결과는 첫째, 2013년이후 건설사의 수익성이 점차 개선되고 있으며, 도급형 건설사는 2%대의 순이익률을 보이고 있는 반면 개발형 건설사는 평균 8%대의 상대적으로 높은 순이익률을 보이는 것으로 나타난다. 둘째, 절대적 경영효율성은 분양매출이 높은 개발형 건설사가 자기자본수익률이 높은 것으로 나타난다. 총자산순이익률과 매출순이익률이 상대적으로 높은 결과에서 기인한 것으로, 매출원가와 판매관리비, 영업외 비용 등이 다른 건설사 대비 낮게 나타나 수익률이 증가한 것으로 분석된다. 셋째, 상대적 경영효율성도 개발형 건설사가 도급형 건설사에 비하여 높은 경영효율성을 보이는 것으로 나타난다. 이는 개발형 건설사가 낮은 원가율과 영업외 비용을 가지고 있어 도급형 건설사에 비하여 높은 경영 효율성을 가지고 있는 것으로 판단된다. 도급형 건설사는 전체 건설회사와 유사하게 건설산업 변화 추이에 따라 경영효율성이 변화하지만 개발형 건설사는 지속적으로 높은 자본수익률과 순이익효율성을 보이고 있어 분석대상기간에서는 상대적으로 효율성 높은 회사임을 시사한다.

      • 경영자지분율과 기업효율성의 상관관계 연구

        조문경(Moon-Kyung Cho),정주렴(Ju Ryum Chung),이호영(Ho Young Lee) 한국회계정보학회 2016 한국회계정보학회 학술대회발표집 Vol.2016 No.1

        본 연구에서는 경영자지분율에 따라 기업효율성이 어떻게 달라지는지를 살펴본다. 경영자지분율이 기업에 미치는 영향에 대해서는 경영자 안주 가설과 이해일치가설이 대립되고 있는데, 국내외 연구는 일치된 결과를 보이지 못하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 기업 효율성 측정치를 사용하여 경영자지분율이 경영자의 기업 활동에 미치는 관계를 직접적으로 측정하고자 하였다. 그 결과, 경영자지분율이 높아질수록 기업효율성이 증가함을 발견하여 이해일치가설을 지지하는 결과를 제시하였다. 다음으로 외국인투자자 및 기관투자자가 경영자지분율과 기업효율성간의 관계에 영향을 미치는지 분석하였는데, 경영자지분율과 기업효율성간의 양의 관계를 강화함을 보여 경영자의 잠재적인 안주 행동을 외국인투자자 및 기관투자자가 적절히 통제하고 있음을 시사한다. 또한 경영자지분율과 기업가치간의 비선형관계를 제시한 선행 연구에 따라 비선형을 가정하여 검토한 결과, N자 형태의 관계를 보여 경영자지분율이 낮은 구간에서는 경영자지분율과 기업효율성이 양의 관계를 보이고, 중간 구간에서는 음의 관계를 보이다가 그 이상이 되면 다시 양의 관계를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 경영자지분율이 아주 낮거나 아주 높은 구간에서는 이해일치가설이 지지되지만, 그 중간인 경우에는 경영자안주가설이 지지됨을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 경영자지분율에 따른 기업효율성에 미치는 경영자의 행동에 대한 이해를 보다 확대시켜줄 것이다. 경영자지분율에 대한 이론에 따르면 경영자지분율은 경영자가 기업 자원을 어떻게 활용하는지를 결정함으로써 기업에 영향을 미치게 되는데, 기존 연구들은 이러한 경영자의 행동을 직접적으로 측정하지는 못하였다. 본 연구는 Demerjian et al.(2012)이 제시한 기업 자원 투입 대비 효익을 분석함으로써 경영효율성을 보다 직접적으로 측정하였으며, 또한 외국인 및 기관투자자 지분율이 이 관계에 미치는 영향을 복합적으로 제시하고 있다는 측면에서 그 공헌점이 있다. This paper examines the association between management ownership and Firm Efficiency. We find that there is a significant positive association between management ownership and firm efficiency. In accordance with the convergence of interests hypothesis, the result supports that firm efficiency increases when management ownership increases. Further, this study presents that other corporate governance factors, such as foreign investor ownership and institutional investor ownership generally strengthen a positive association between management ownership and firm efficiency. This is because both foreign investors and institutional investors render effective monitoring over management. Additionally, we test if there is a significant non-monotonic association between management ownership and firm efficiency following the prior literature which suggest non linear relationship (Morck et al. 1988; Short and Keasey 1999; Gotti et al. 2012; Kim and Kim 2007). The results suggest that firm efficiency increases when management ownership is low or high, while it decreases when management ownership falls in the middle. We find that positive association between management ownership and firm efficiency is weakened when a firm belongs to chaebol (Korean business group), and find no evidence that the relationship differs by the market (KOSPI vs KOSDAQ). This study extends existing literature on managerial behaviors given the issues arising from the separation of ownership and control. Management ownership influence managers decision-making process on allocating firm resources, which ultimately impact firm performance, yet no prior literature directly measured firm efficiency. Using Demerjian et al. (2012) s framework on measuring direct input and output and using Himmelburg et al. (1999) s model to control endogeneity issue of management ownership, this study attempts to address the association between management ownership and firm efficiency. In addition, this study contributes to current literature by combining the influence of foreign ownership and institutional investors in the association between management ownership and firm efficiency

      • KCI등재

        K리그 시ㆍ도민 프로구단의 경영효율성 분석과 재무구조 개선을 위한 정책적 운영전략 제언

        한재희,조용찬 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2023 스포츠와 법 Vol.26 No.2

        This paper analyzed the financial structure and efficiency of the professional citizen football clubs which have been experiencing the financial structure issues and worsening management continuously. The purpose of this paper is to examine the profit system and financial status, analyze the management status, and provide the basic data and empirical data for establishing the strategies to solve the excessive expenses and chronic deficits in running the football clubs. This paper targeted on 8 citizen football clubs that are members of the Korean professional football league. For the analysis, this paper collected the financial data from Local Public Enterprise Clean-Eye System and Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System (DART). This study also requested each football club’s website, Prosports Data Portal, and Korea Professional Football League (K League) of the basic status and detailed information of the football clubs. In addition, this paper conducted a financial ratio analysis to examine the liquidity, stability, profitability, activity, and growth rate. Then, this paper used DEA model to analyze the efficiency of each football club. The results were as follows. First, Daegu FC, Suwon FC, Gangwon FC, Gwangju FC, and FC Anyang showed the liquidity ratio higher than the standard ratios and demonstrated outstanding ability to pay the debts. Secondly, Incheon United FC, Seongnam FC, Gyeongnam FC, and Gwangju FC showed the low stability ratio while rest of the football clubs maintained the good deb ratio under 100% in average. Third, FC Anyang showed increase in profitability ratio for three years in a row with a great management performance. Except for the football clubs with impaired capitals, other football clubs showed an unstable state repeating the irregular fluctuations. Fourth, Suwon FC showed a good management performance by increasing its activity ratio every year while other football clubs had the low activity ratios. Fifth, FC Anyang’s sales and total assets steadily grew for 3 years in a row while other 7 football clubs showed fluctuations in the annual growth ratio. Sixty, Daegu FC and Gangwon FC showed the highest efficiency as of 2018 followed by Anyang FC. Meanwhile, Suwon FC ranked the 8th place in the efficiency ratio. Seventh, Gangwon FC and Daegu FC showed the highest efficiency as of 2019 followed by Anyang FC. Meanwhile, Suwon FC ranked the 8th place in the efficiency ratio for two years in a row. Eight, Daegu FC, Gangwon FC, and Anyang FC were proved as the most efficiently managed footfall clubs showing the highest efficiency index while Suwon FC ranked the 8th place with the lowest efficiency for three years in a row. The analysis results on financial structure and efficiency will help each football club to perceive the problem and refer to other football club’s management methods and marketing strategies. This will also contribute on establishing the strategies for running the football club and making improvements in aspects of financial management and management efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        대규모 정전사태 방지를 위한 에너지수요관리 법제도 개선 방안

        김종천 ( Jong Cheon Kim ) 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2014 홍익법학 Vol.15 No.1

        The September 15, 2011 blackout incident proves the fact that Korea`s electricity demand overweighs electricity supply during every year`s winter and summer festivals. Thus, public demands the government (Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy) to come up with more effective energy saving measures. The distorted price structure system that does not reflect current production price is highly criticized as being obstacles for energy-saving efforts. Wolsong nuclear power generator no.1 in Gyeongju has stopped due to malfunctioning in October and November of 2012. Also Yeonggwang Nuclear Power generator no.5 and no.6 in 1,000,000-kW class will be stop by the end of this year. During intensively cold period in this winter, Korea possibly will face a major blackout. In this respect, we must say that there is a limitation because existing regulation-oriented energy policy system cannot manage energy demand effectively. There are no applicable provisions regarding status of “public interest,” legal principles on the efficiency of Administrative law, and demand management, as constitutional basis and limit for energy demand management. Nevertheless, as constitutional basis and limit for energy demand management, policies regarding energy development can be derived (the Mining Law and Submarine Mineral Resources Development Act), energy demand management can be based on the Constitutional Law Article 37 Section 2. Since such legislation related to energy demand management policy may fall under restriction of fundamental rights, it should be consistent with principle of proportionality. However, regulating energy saving policy to energy consumer for energy demand management may constitutionally violate the individual freedom. For example, Rational Energy Utilization Act enforcement regulations Article 31 Section 2 requires that “standard for thermal limits of air conditioning and heating under Article 36 Section 2 Subsection 1(the “thermal limits”) are as follows: air conditioning: above 2 6℃ and heating: below 20 ℃, except for sales facilities and airport where air conditioning thermal limit shall be above 25℃.” In addition, requiring energy supplier to improve energy efficiency for energy demand management means limiting business occupation and therefore we should check whether it violates the principle of proportionality. It should be regarded as not conforming with principle of proportionality. As main content of Low Carbon Green Growth Act, there are fundamental principles such as energy policies (Article 39 Section 2), energy basic planning, and greenhouse gas energy target system. Building Act, for the purpose of energy demand management, legalized Green Building Certification Program, Intelligent Building Certification Program, vitalization of building environment friendly buildings and efficient energy usage of buildings, and Building Energy Efficiency Rating System (Energy Consumption Certification for real estate transactions). However, it was criticized for being under control of Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. This can be seen as the basis law for demand management program according to Rational Energy Utilization Act. In such law, there are many demand management systems such as energy use efficiency measure for national and provincial organizations and demand management investment plans of energy supplier, efficient energy consumption managing equipment labeling system, average energy consumption efficiency system and improvement order, standby power reduction product endorsing system, standby power reduction excellent product labelling system and preferential purchasing system, high efficiency energy equipment certifying system and preferential purchasing system, support system for energy service company, support system of companies which entered into agreements voluntarily, support system of energy management system, reporting system of energy glutton business and mandatory system of energy diagnosis, notification system of target energy consumption rate setting, utilization of waste heat, heat using machinery management - registration of certain heat using machinery, examination of machinery subject to inspection, appointment of operators for machinery subject to inspection, etc. Recently, developed countries have adopted several programs to strengthen energy demand management and they include: USA`s EERS, England`s EEC and CERT, EU`s efficiency management program for energy using machinery, Germany`s 2000 National Climate Protection Program enacted in 2005, Co2-building improvement and maintenance program enacted in 2001, Renewable Energy Law enacted in 2004, German Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowance Trading Act (TEHG) enacted in 2007 and Energy Saving Regulation (EnEV) enactment, quota law, and Japan`s “Top-Runner System” for energy use rationalization. These programs have been adopted for the purpose of energy saving and thus provide many implications to Korean legislation. Therefore, for energy demand management, “improvement on energy efficiency obligation” system was included to Rational Energy Usage Law Article 9 Section 2. Also, following improvement plans were suggested: Top-Runner System adoption plan, “energy conservation stickers on electronics” adoption plan (Section 65 Subsection 2), and “Energy Storage System (ESS) and smart grid (intelligence power grid) construction scheme” for Building and Promoting Smart Grid Act, enacted on May 24, 2011.

      • KCI등재

        DEA 모형을 이용한 온실가스・에너지 목표관리제 지정기업의 효율성 평가

        강인규,심광식,김재윤 한국기업경영학회 2014 기업경영연구 Vol.21 No.1

        Many nations in the world have been preparing and fulfilling the programs and strategies designedto deal with the climate change. The Korea government also suggested a paradigm of new nationaldevelopment, that is, “Low-Carbon Green Growth based on Green Management” and enacted“Fundamental Law on Low-Carbon Green Growth (Jan., 2010)” to support legally. Based on the amount of green house gas emissions and energy consumption, the governmentselected some enterprises that need to manage and set the target on not only green house gas emissionsbut also energy consumption, and controlled whether they meet their reducing targets or not. Theseenterprises are called TMEs (Target Management Enterprises). In this study, we analyze eco-efficiencyof TMEs from 2008 to 2011. Eco-efficiency is the indicator of environmental efficiency to improveenvironment with the improvement of the productivity of natural resources. In order to evaluate and analyze eco-efficiency, DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) model is used.The process of this study is composed of 6 stages. The detailed explanation may be described asfollows: 1)We newly define the eco-efficiency of TMEs. The product or service value of eco-efficiencyis sales and/or economic value added, and the environmental influence of eco-efficiency is greenhouse gas emissions and/or energy consumption respectively. 2)We select proper input variablesfor evaluating eco-efficiency of TMEs. The input variables used for this research are green housegas emissions and energy consumption. 3)For selecting the output variables, the correlation analysisis performed. The alternative output variables used in correlation analysis are sales, net profit duringthe term, economic value added and operating profit. Because the sales and economic value addedhave a low correlation, we use these two for output variables. 4)We conduct a DEA analysis toevaluate eco-efficiency of TMEs. We apply the input-oriented BCC model because the one of outputvariables (economic value added) includes the negative values. 5)By the experimental results, theDMUs are classified into two groups, that is efficient and inefficient groups. The number of efficientDMUs for each year is 8 (2008), 5 (2009), 7 (2010), and 5 (2011). We also perform the scale efficiency analysis and the reference set analysis to figure out what causes the result of inefficient DMUsand to provide the desirable value for the efficiency score at which each inefficient DMU can beconverted into an efficient DMU. 6)We investigate the dynamic change of eco-efficiency using DEAWindow model. Window analysis assesses the efficiency of a DMU over time by treating it asa different unit in each time period. This method allows for tracking the performance of a DMU. The eco-efficiency of 5 TMEs increase over time. More statistical analysis are needed for explainingthe detailed results of TMEs. There are various theoretical and working-level consequences in this study. First, though the actualmeasurement of eco-efficiency remains ambiguous, we propose the new and common definition ofeco-efficiency for TMEs. Second, the coverage capability of input-oriented BCC model is extendedbecause of dealing with negative output values. Third, this approach may motivate many researchersto develop the quantitative analysis methodologies for green management. Finally, this study willalso suggest useful information on making and deciding the policies for climate change andsustainable management. 세계 각국은 지구 온난화 방지를 위해 기후변화 대응 프로그램 및 전략을 마련하여 이행하고 있다. 우리나라 정부도 온실가스와 환경오염을 줄이는 지속가능한 성장 및 녹색기술과 청정에너지를 통해 신성장동력과 일자리를 창출하는 신국가발전 패러다임으로 ‘저탄소 녹색성장’을 제시하였다. 이러한 정부의 의지를 법적으로 뒷받침하기 위하여 2010년 1월 「저탄소 녹색성장 기본법」이 제정되어 정부는 2007년부터 2009년까지 3년간 평균 온실가스 배출량 및 에너지 소비량이 일정기준 이상인 기업을 대상으로 온실가스․ 에너지 목표관리제 지정기업을 선정하여, 이들의 감축목표 달성 여부를 평가 및 관리하고 있다. 온실가스․ 에너지 목표관리제는 기후변화에 대응하기 위하여 기업들의 에너지 절약 및 에너지 이용 효율에 대한 목표를 설정하고 그 이행을 관리하는 제도이다. 본 연구에서는 2008년부터 2011년까지 주요 목표관리제 기업을 대상으로 에코효율성을 측정하고자 한다. 에코효율성은 재생가능한 생태계 자연자원의 보존 및 경제적 절약과 기술향상의 2가지 의미로 자원생산성을 높이면서 환경을 개선하는 환경효율 지표이다. 효율성 측정을 위하여 자료포락분석(Data Envelopment Analysis: DEA)을 이용한다. 효율성을 측정하여 효율적인 기업과 비효율적인 기업을 구분하고, 비효율적인 기업들의 온실가스 배출량과 에너지 사용량의 절감여부를 알아본다. 그리고 DEA Window모형을 통하여 목표관리제 지정 기업들의 연도별 효율성 변화추이와 변동의 안정성을 살펴보고자 한다. 본 연구에서 제시된 분석결과는 녹색경영을 위한 정책 입안 및 결정에 대한 유용한 정보를 제시할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        자료포락분석방법을 활용한 지방공기업의 효율성 분석: 시설관리공단을 중심으로

        방미현,이영민 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.3

        Efficiency Analysis of Local Public Enterprises Using Data EnvelopeAnalysis: Focusing on the Facility Management CorporationMihyun Bang & Youngmin Lee Abstract: This study aims to analyze the efficiency of the domestic facility management corporation that provides services highly sensitive to residents and closely related to the budget through financial support from local governments. For this, the data envelope analysis was used to analyze the relative effectiveness of the 61 facility management corporations in Korea concerning the size, financial soundness, and achieving public interest. Looking at the returns to scale of these 61 corporations, 17 corporations were found to be in CRS, 30 in IRS, and 14 in DRS, indicating that the production relationship between input and output determines variable returns to scale. As a result of the analysis using the super-efficiency model, DMU 60, 53, and 42 were found to be higher-ranked institutions with high reference counts, and DMU 43, 38, 47, 15, 20, and 46 were found to be relatively inefficient. Based on these results, this study proposes the following five measures to improve efficiency and reduce local financial expenditure; 1) implementation of a fluid quota system that enables flexible operation while reducing manpower, 2) prevention of losses from work vacancy through the relocation of key personnel, 3) transition to a decentralized responsibility management system and strengthening incentives, 4) reorganization of business structure and redefinition of business performance indicators, and 5) activation of data management through data accumulation and utilization. This study analyzes the relative efficiency based on only single-year data, and requires an analysis of the efficiency trend by year for the continuity of improvement of institutional operational efficiency. It is necessary to supplement the limitations of quantitative analysis through qualitative comparison between the benchmarking institution and the institution whose efficiency has not improved significantly. Key Words: Facility Management Corporation, DEA, Relative Efficiency Analysis, Super- efficiency Model, Variable Returns to Scale 자료포락분석방법을 활용한 지방공기업의 효율성 분석:시설관리공단을 중심으로방 미 현*ㆍ이 영 민** 요약: 본 연구는 주민의 민감도가 높은 서비스를 제공하고, 지방자치단체의 재정지원을 통한 예산과도 밀접한 관련을 맺고 있는 국내 시설관리공단의 효율성을 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해, 자료포락분석 방법을 활용하여 국내 시설관리공단 61개 기관의 규모, 재정의 건전성, 공익성 달성 정도에 대한 상대적 효율성을 분석하였다. 61개 시설관리공단의 규모 수익 상태는 CRS 17개, IRS 30개, DRS 14개로 나타나 투입과 산출의 생산 관계가 가변규모수익을 결정하는 것으로 나타났다. 여유분 초효율성 모형 분석 결과, DMU 60, 53, 42가 참조 횟수가 높은 상위 기관으로 나타났고, DMU 43, 38, 47, 15, 20, 46은 상대적으로 비효율적인 기관으로 나타났다. 연구결과를 토대로, 인력은 축소하되 탄력적으로 운영할 수 있는 유동 정원제 실시와 핵심 인력 재배치를 통한 업무 부재의 손실 방지, 분권화된 책임 관리시스템 전환과 인센티브 강화, 사업 구조 개편 및 사업 성과 지표의 재정립, 데이터 축적 및 활용을 통한 데이터 경영 활성화를 효율성 제고 및 지방재정 지출을 절감할 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 단일연도 자료만을 기준으로 상대성 효율성을 분석하여 기관 운영 효율성 개선의 지속성을 위한 연도별 효율성 추이에 대한 분석이 요구된다. 상대적으로 효율성이 크게 향상되지 못한 기관과 벤치마킹 기관과의 정성적인 비교를 통하여 계량적 분석의 한계에 대한 보완이 필요하다. 핵심어: 시설관리공단, DEA, 상대적 효율성 분석, 초효율성 모형, 가변규모수익 □ 접수일: 2022년 4월 10일, 수정일: 2022년 5월 27일, 게재확정일: 2022년 6월 20일* 주저자, 숙명여자대학교 인력개발정책학과 박사 졸업(First Author, PhD, Sookmyung Univ., Email: mihyun@sm.ac.kr)** 교신저자, 숙명여자대학교 행정학과 교수(Corresponding Author, Professor, Sookmyung Univ., Email: ymlee@sm.ac.kr)

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