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        한국어 학습용 이중 언어화 사전의 편찬 방향과 실제 : 『국립국어원 한국어-외국어 학습사전』을 중심으로

        박정아 한국통역번역학회 2016 통역과 번역 Vol.18 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to explore the direction and practice of compiling a bilingualised dictionary for Korean learners. For this, first, it reviews the short history of bilingual dictionary compilation for Korean learners from 『Gyerimyusa』 in Goryeo Dynasty. In addition, it extracts two main needs about Korean learners' dictionary from advance research. Finally, this paper explores how to compile and design a bilingualised dictionary for Korean learners at this station focusing on 『Korean Basic Dictionary』 and 『National Institute of Korean Language's Korean-Foreign language Learners' Dictionary』. This study can provide the direction and principles of Korean learners' dictionary.

      • KCI등재

        학습사전으로서의 『보통학교 조선어사전』(1925) 살펴보기

        이유원 한국사전학회 2024 한국사전학 Vol.0 No.43

        이 글은 일제 강점기 교과서인 『보통학교 조선어독본』를 바탕으로 만든 심의린의 『보통학교 조선어사전』(1925)을 학습사전의 시각으로 분석하며 서평하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 『보통학교 조선어사전』은 교과서에 쓰인 어휘를 바탕으로 만든 사전으로, 지금까지 조사된 결과 한국 사람이 편찬하여 단행본으로 출판한 최초의 한국어 학습사전이라 할 수 있다. 즉, 현재 초등 국어사전에 해당하는 일제 강점기 초등학교 학생들을 위한 학습사전인 것이다. 우선 2장에서는 심의린이 『보통학교 조선어사전』 자서와 범례에서 직접 밝힌 이 사전의 편찬 배경과 목적, 활용 방안에 대해 살펴보았다. 3장에서는 이러한 편찬 목적을 바탕으로 『보통학교 조선어사전』의 표제어와 그 외 미시 구조의 분석을 통해 이 사전이 학습사전으로서 어떤 특징을 가지고 있는지, 그리고 학습사전으로 기능하기 위해 어떠한 장치를 두고 있는지를 검토하였다. 이 사전이 편찬된 당시의 환경을 현대의 사전 편찬 환경과 동등하게 놓고 비교하기는 어렵지만, 편찬자가 직접 학습사전임을 표방하며 그 목적을 밝힌 만큼 학습사전으로 활용되기 위하여 다각도에서 나름의 노력을 취했음을 확인할 수 있다. The purpose of this article is to analyze and review Shim Eui-rin's Joseon Language dictionary of primary school (1925), which was based on the Joseon Language textbook of Primary School』, a textbook from the Japanese colonial period, from the perspective of a learner’s dictionary. Joseon language dictionary of primary school is a dictionary based on the vocabulary used in textbooks, and as a result of the survey so far, it can be said to be the first Korean language learner’s dictionary compiled and published in a book by Koreans. In other words, it is a learner’s dictionary for elementary school students during the Japanese colonial period, which is currently the elementary Korean dictionary. First of all, in Chapter 2, we examined the background, purpose, and application plan of this dictionary, which Shim Eui-rin directly revealed in the autobiography and legend of 『Joseon Language Dictionary of Primary School』. Based on this purpose of compilation, Chapter 3 examines what characteristics this dictionary has as a learner’s dictionary and what other devices it has to function as a learner’s dictionary through the analysis of the heading and other microstructures of 『Joseon Language Dictionary of Primary School』. Although it is difficult to com pare the environment at the time this dictionary was compiled on an equal footing with the modern dictionary compilation environment, it can be confirmed that the compilation company has made its own efforts to be used as a learner’s dictionary as it claims to be a direct learner’s dictionary and has revealed its purpose.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 학습자를 위한 한국어 사전 편찬의 성과와 과제: 올림말

        홍종선 우리어문학회 2012 우리어문연구 Vol.42 No.-

        Recently, as the number of Korean learners are rapidly increasing, the regions and the kinds of organizations where one can learn Korean are being largely enlarged and diversified. Along with the tendency, dictionaries for Korean learners should also be developed in more diversity. In this paper, we examined the entries in the existing Korean Learner s Dictionaries and could not find any notable differences between dictionaries for native speakers and those for Korean learners in terms of selection, arrangement and script of entries. Now the circumstances are well matured for the compilation of a midium-sized dictionary that contains around 50,000 entries for Korean language learners. It would be a dictionary which can support the intermediate and advanced learners and, at the same time, which can play the role of a base dictionary for publishing other diverse Korean Learner s Dictionaries. As today s environments for dictionary users and publishers are fundamentally changed,the use of web-based or application-based dictionaries, compared to paper type, will be largely increased in the future. The capacity of these new dictionaries are also expected to become quite large, so we conceived our dictionary in a way that can be conveniently used by Korean learners even in terms of entries. For example, variants of irregular predicates, commonly used non-standard vocabulary or easily mistaken script forms are also included in the dictionary, and are given superscripts according to their frequency of use. On top of this an eojeol dictionary is proposed in this paper. It includes all the forms such as noun-particle combinations, various conjugations, etc. It means that every eojeol with a certain frequency of use would be an entry so that it allows for Korean language learners to get easy access and obtain the information they want in a very convenient way: all these are totally feasible with the new proposed dictionary. 최근 들어 한국어 학습자의 수가 급격히 늘어나면서 한국어를 교육하는 지역 및 기관도 다양하게 확대되고 있다. 이에 따라 한국어 학습자 사전도 다양하게 개발되어야 한다. 본고는 이전에 나온 학습자 사전들에서 올림말 문제를주로 살피었는데, 올림말의 선정과, 배열, 표기 등에서 내국인용 사전과 큰 차이가 없는 경우가 많았다. 이젠 한국어 교육 분야에서도 5만 개 정도의 올림말을 갖는 중사전을 편찬해야 할 때가 되었다. 중·고급 학습자까지 감당하는 사전인데, 이는 다양한한국어 학습자 사전을 편찬하기 위한 기반 사전 역할을 하기도 한다. 앞으로사전의 편찬과 사용의 환경은 크게 달라져, 종이 사전보다는 전자 사전이나 웹사전, 앱 사전 등의 이용이 늘어날 것이다. 이들 새로운 매체의 사전은 용량이엄청나게 늘어날 수 있으므로, 올림말 영역에서도 좀더 학습자가 쉽게 이용하도록 사전을 구상할 수 있다. 가령 불규칙 용언의 변이 어간, 널리 사용되는비표준어나 잘못 쓰기 쉬운 표기 형태 등도 올림말에 수용하며, 사용 빈도순에따라 어깨번호를 매기는 등이다. 여기에 더하여 본고에서는 어절 사전 을 제안하였다. 명사와 조사가 결합한형태들, 동사의 다양한 활용형 등을 모두 포괄하는 것이다. 말뭉치에서 일정빈도 이상을 가진 어절이 다 올림말이 되는 것으로, 이는 한국어 학습자들이부담 없이 사전에 접근하여 원하는 정보를 아주 쉽게 얻을 수 있게 한다. 이는새로운 대용량 매체의 사전에서 얼마든지 가능한 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 학습자를 위한 한국어 사전 편찬의 성과와 과제: 올림말

        홍종선 ( Jong Seon Hong ) 우리어문학회 2012 우리어문연구 Vol.42 No.-

        Recently, as the number of Korean learners are rapidly increasing, the regions and the kinds of organizations where one can learn Korean are being largely enlarged and diversified. Along with the tendency, dictionaries for Korean learners should also be developed in more diversity. In this paper, we examined the entries in the existing Korean Learner s Dictionaries and could not find any notable differences between dictionaries for native speakers and those for Korean learners in terms of selection, arrangement and script of entries. Now the circumstances are well matured for the compilation of a midium-sized dictionary that contains around 50,000 entries for Korean language learners. It would be a dictionary which can support the intermediate and advanced learners and, at the same time, which can play the role of a base dictionary for publishing other diverse Korean Learner s Dictionaries. As today s environments for dictionary users and publishers are fundamentally changed, the use of web-based or application-based dictionaries, compared to paper type, will be largely increased in the future. The capacity of these new dictionaries are also expected to become quite large, so we conceived our dictionary in a way that can be conveniently used by Korean learners even in terms of entries. For example, variants of irregular predicates, commonly used non-standard vocabulary or easily mistaken script forms are also included in the dictionary, and are given superscripts according to their frequency of use. On top of this an eojeol dictionary is proposed in this paper. It includes all the forms such as noun-particle combinations, various conjugations, etc. It means that every eojeol with a certain frequency of use would be an entry so that it allows for Korean language learners to get easy access and obtain the information they want in a very convenient way: all these are totally feasible with the new proposed dictionary.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습사전의 현황과 과제 - 국립국어원 『한국어기초사전』을 중심으로 -

        이윤미(Lee, Yoonmi) 한국사전학회 2023 한국사전학 Vol.- No.41

        이 글의 목적은 첫째, 국립국어원 『한국어기초사전』을 기존에 이루어진 한국어 학습사전의 요건에 대한 논의와 비교하여 분석하는 것이고, 둘째는 분석한 것을 바탕으로 앞으로 한국어 학습사전에서 고려되어야 할 점이 무엇인가를 짚어보는 것이다. 이를 위해 먼저 『한국어기초사전』의 거시 구조와 미시 구조를 면밀히 분석하였다. 이때 한국어 학습사전의 요건에 대하여 다룬 기존의 논의를 살피며 이 요건에 얼마나 부합하는지를 확인하였다. 특히 미시 구조에서 뜻풀이와 용례를 일반 국어사전인 『표준국어대사전』과 비교하여 분석하였다. 끝으로 『한국어기초사전』의 거시 구조와 미시 구조를 분석한 내용을 바탕으로 앞으로 한국어 학습사전을 편찬할 때 고려해야 할 점을 살펴보았다. The purpose of this article is, first, to compare and analyze National Institute of Korean Language Basic Korean Dictionary with existing discussions on the requirements of Korean learner’s dictionaries, and second, based on the analysis, what should be considered in future Korean learner’s dictionaries. To this end, the macro- and micro-structures of the Basic Korean Dictionar y were analyzed closely. At this time, by examining the existing discussions on the requirements of Korean learner’s dictionaries, it was confirmed how well they met these requirements. In particular, the definitions and usage examples in the microscopic structure were compared and analyzed with Standard Korean Dictionary , a general Korean language dictionary. Lastly, based on the analysis of the macro- and micro-structures of the Basic Korean Dictionary , we looked at the points to be considered when compiling a Korean learning dictionary in the future.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국어권 화자를 위한 한국어 학습사전에 대한 연구

        임형재 한국언어문화교육학회 2010 언어와 문화 Vol.6 No.3

        According to Bae(2009), the Korean dictionary for foreigners has a long history of 900 years or so, if ‘鷄林類事’(1104) is considered the first of them, however, according to ‘Korean learner's dictionary for Foreigner’ (2006), it has just few years history. As shown, the history of modern Korean learner's dictionary(hereafter KLD) is indeed short. The trend of the flow of globalize society and internationalize Hangul emphasizes the need of KLD for each language. The KLD using L1 has been learner’s selection in the past learning process and is still requested by many students. However, due to the nature of making dictionary, it is difficult to satisfy the needs of the learners in short time by making a dictionary. It is very important to develop KLD for bilingual. Especially, as the number of Chinese students in Korea is increasing day by day, the need of KLD for Chinese-speakers are no need to be explained. The research has organized headwords, definition, phonetic transcriptions, usage examples, grammar and idioms for development and configuration of KLD for Chinese-speakers.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자 사전의 용례 기술 방법에 대한 연구

        원미진(Won Mijin) 한국사전학회 2011 한국사전학 Vol.- No.18

        In a learner's dictionary, the function of examples can be classified into various functional categories. This study focuses on three categories such as (1) semantic, (2) grammatical(morpho-syntactic) and (3) pragmatic functions by a major fuctional category in a Korean learner's dictionary. Compared to other dictionaries for native speakers of Korean, editorial examples are the appropriate types of examples in terms of productive use of a dictionary for learning Korean. For considering a semantic function, examples clarify the meaning and definition and gives a sense of differentiation as well. For a grammatical function, examples specify construction of words and collocations with various types of inflection. The pragmatic aspect of functions involves several statuses of the words used in the formal and informal, the degree of politeness, and written and oral forms of language. The Korean learner's dictionary should contain three types of examples in order to serve these functions by presenting phrasal, sentence and dialogue examples to effectively assist Korean learners.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자 오류 사전 개발 모형 연구 -사례 분석과 사전의 미시구조 설계를 중심으로-

        홍혜란 ( Hong Heyran ),유소영 ( Yoo Soyoung ),강현화 ( Kang Hyounhwa ) 한국언어문화교육학회 2021 언어와 문화 Vol.17 No.2

        This study is based on the premise that the microstructure of the Korean learner’s common errors dictionary. For this purpose, theoretically, it was reviewed the importance of learner’s errors and were analyzed the dictionaries of learner’s common errors published in both domestic and abroad. The results showed that there is a fundamental difference in the contents of the dictionary and the description method according to the user of the dictionary and the purpose of use. In this study, Korean language teachers and researchers were included as main users, and upper-intermediate and advanced learners as second users. This work proposes a microstructured design model of the learner's dictionary, which consists of language knowledge, error information about the items and reference information for teaching and learning. In conclusion, although the research so far has been the result of error studies by Korean learners which have accumulated only theoretical results, this study extends to practical discussions for the development of common error dictionaries for Korean learners. (Yonsei University)

      • KCI등재후보

        학습자 사전에서의 고유명사 표제어 선정의 문제

        김선혜(Kim Sun-hye),한승규(Han Seungkyu) 한국사전학회 2011 한국사전학 Vol.- No.17

        This research, as making a suggestion to improve Korean learner’s dictionary, discussed about selecting of proper noun entries for learner’s dictionary and its criteria. First, the significance of learning proper nouns to Korean language students in advanced levels was examined. On the basis of the educational significance of proper nouns, the need for proper noun entries in learner’s dictionary was discussed. After examining that the criteria for selecting proper noun entries should be different from general word entries in learner’s dictionary, the study carefully considered for a desirable plan regarding how to select proper noun entries and describe it. As an example of a desirable plan for describing a proper noun entry, the study also presented the change in the significance by different types of proper nouns, and suggested the types of proper nouns that are qualified as an entry in learner’s dictionary. In the future, the selected proper noun entries may contribute to the Korean language students in advanced levels who are using learner’s dictionary.

      • KCI등재

        國立國語院《韓國語-漢語學習詞典》的 構建過程與漢字詞的處理方式

        都媛玲 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2020 한자연구 Vol.0 No.26

        Korean-Chinese Learner’s Dictionary, which was compiled by the National Institute of Korean Language, is a web dictionary translating Korean Basic Dictionary into Chinese. As more and more Chinese wanted to learn Korean, the National Institute of Korean Language planned for the translation. A research team in Korea University carried out the project for 3 years from 2016 to 2018. The main focus of the project was to present Chinese counterparts with Korean headwords by translating them into Chinese. This paper aims to provide an overview of the compiling project, Korean-Chinese Learning Dictionary, the principles applied to the actual translation process, and to examine the current status of the Sino-Korean headwords and the detailed translation method. In Chapter 2, the review of the purpose, steps, and progress of Korean-Chinese Learner’s Dictionary is provided. Chapter 3 presents the statistical results of the Sino-Korean headwords in Korean-Chinese Learner’s Dictionary. In addition, the detailed principles applied to the process of Chinese translation are reviewed along with the main cases by the headword type. Moreover, the characteristics of the cultural vocabulary and the band system according to them are discussed.

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