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        ‘정감록’ 기억의 형성과 예언서 출현: 1739년 李濱 사건을 중심으로

        김신회 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2018 한국문화 Vol.0 No.84

        The purpose of this study is to examine what constituted Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄), a book of prophecy, and the background of its appearance which began to appear in the records of the Chosŏn(朝鮮) Dynasty since 1739. In doing so, I tried to describe the history by focusing on the creation, the transformation, and the reconstruction of human memory. It has been the work of describing the ways in which the memories of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) appeared in Chosŏn(朝鮮) society, declined in the course of collisions and conflicts, and then re-emerged and expanded. I tried to make use my interest that lies in the phenomenon in which memory is transformed into a record by examining the Chosŏn(朝鮮) society where the memories of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) appeared in the name of a book of prophecy. It aimed to understand the structure of formation of a record from fragments of memories that have lasted for a long period of time. Through the series of political events since the beginning of the Chosŏn(朝鮮) Dynasty, the elements embedded as the memories of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) were Kyeryongsan(鶏龍山), Chŏngssi(鄭氏), and Chinin(眞人). They were closely related with the Chŏngyŏrip(鄭汝立) incident in the late 16th century. At that time, Chŏngyŏrip(鄭汝立) spread various prophecies that were threatening to the Chosŏn(朝鮮) Dynasty. Chŏngyŏrip(鄭汝立) made use of Kyeryongsan(鶏龍山) and Chŏngssi(鄭氏) as he appointed his own surname Chŏngssi(鄭氏) to be the replacement of the Chosŏn(朝鮮) dynasty with the transfer of the capital to Kyeryongsan(鶏龍山). In so doing, he superimposed the expressions such as ‘early in the Chosŏn(朝鮮) Dynasty’ and ‘a hundred years earlier’ to add mystery and justify the prophecy. Chŏngyŏrip(鄭汝立) was able to make and spread the prophecy because of the prevalent dissatisfaction among people following the collapse of the peasant class. The elements of prophecy that Chŏngyŏrip(鄭汝立) spread left various traces in the society later. There are two typical examples. First, Kyeryongsan(鶏龍山) had been recognized firmly as the capital of Chŏngssi(鄭氏) dynasty, and Second, Chŏngssi(鄭氏) as Chinin(眞人)’s surname. It can be argued from this that the elements constituting Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) as a book of prophecy were not products of a certain period. The fragments of memories of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) had survived for a long time and attracted people, in the course of which they were transformed and appropriated to be passed down to the next generation. The Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) as memories turned into a record at a certain point of time while attracting people and being chosen by them. I would like to conceptualize the emergence of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) as a book of prophecy as the crystallization of this process. I have examined the Lee Bin(李濱) incident in 1739 through which memories of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) had been transformed into a record. I was able to find out that the peoples’ desire for utopia was the background of the appearance of the book of prophecy. The utopia was the place with a certain size of cultivatable fields from which one could subsist without worries. In addition, I found out that Lee Bin(李濱) was closely related with the rumor of utopia which was popular in Hamgyong(咸鏡) Province at that time. The prophecy of Chŏnggamnok(鄭鑑錄) also originated from him. This was significant in that it transformed the memories epitomized by ‘the fall of Lee(李氏) Dynasty and the prosperity of the Chŏng(鄭氏) Dynasty’ into a literature. What is more, the contents of this prophecy in the 18th century were different from what Koreans know in the 21st century.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        계룡산 지역 긴노린재상과(노린재목)의 군집분석에 관한 연구

        최광열,장철 한국곤충학회 1992 Entomological Research Vol.22 No.3

        계룡산 지역에서 발생하는 긴노린재상과의 군집분석을 위한 조사를 1989년 8월부터 1990년 8월에 걸쳐 수행하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻있다. 채집조사된 긴노린재상과는 3과 14속 16종이 됐다. 지대별 빈대붙이상과의 발생개체수 구성비율은 논뚝에서 69.2%(14종), 초지에서 29.8% (15종), 관목지에서 2.0%(7종)이었다. 지대별 우점종은 논뚝에서는 애긴노린재와 더듬이 긴노린재로서 우점도 지수는 λ=0.658, 초지에서는 애긴노린재와 더듬이긴노린재로서 λ=0.580, 관목지에서는 실노린재와 애긴노린재로서 λ=0.210였다. 계절별 우점종은 봄에는 애긴노린재와 머리폭긴노린재로서 λ=0.703, 여름에는 애긴노린재와 더듬이긴노린재로서 λ=0.589, 가을에는 애긴노린재와 미디표주박긴노린재로서 λ=0.575이었다. 다양도(H')는 논뚝에서 0.384이고, 초지에서 0.465이며, 관목지에서는 0.702로 나타났다. 균등도(J')는 논뚝에서 0.335이고, 초지에서 0.395이며, 관목지에서는 0.830으로 나타났다. 군집유사성은 논뚝과 초지간에 비교적 비슷했다. The study was conducted to investigate the community structure of superfamily Lygaeoidea (Geocorisae: Hemiptera) in Mt. Kyeryongsan from August, 1989 to August, 1990. The collected lygaeid insects were composed of 16 species, 14 genera, and 3 families. Composition or lygaeid insects found in each observed zone were 69.2% (14 species) in the paddy bank, 29.8% (15 species) in the weedy field and 2.0% (7 species) in the shrubs. Dominant species and Simpson's dominance indices were Nysius (s. str.) plebejus Distant and Pachygrontha antennata (Uhler) (λ=0.658) in the paddy bank, Nysius plebejus Distant and Pachygrontha antennata (Uhler) (λ=0.580) in the weedy field, Yemma exilis Horvath and Nysius (s. str.) plebejus Distant (λ=0.210) in the shrubs. Seasonal dominant species were Nysius (s. str.) plebejus Distant and Ninomimus flavipes (Matsumura) (λ=0.703) in Spring, Nysius (s. str.) plebejus Distant and Pachygrontha antennata (Uhler) (λ=0.589) in Summer, and Nysius (s. str.) plebejus Distant and Togo hemipterus (Scott) (λ=0.575) in Autumn. Species diversity indices (H') in paddy bank, weedy field, and shrubs were 0.384, 0.465, and 0.702, respectively. Eveness indices (J') were 0.335, 0.395, and 0.830, respectively. Community structures were almost similar between a paddy bank and a weedy field.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        계룡산 지역 빈대붙이상과(노린재목)의 군집분석에 관한 연구

        장철,최광열 한국곤충학회 1992 Entomological Research Vol.22 No.3

        The study was conducted to investigate the community structure of superfamily Cimicoidea (Geocorisae: Hemiptera) in Mt. Kyeryongsan from August, 1989 to August, 1990. The collected cimicoid insects were composed of 27 species, 16 genera, and 2 families. Composition of cimicoid insects found in each observed zone were 67.4% (22 species) in the paddy bank, 29.7% (21 species) in the weedy field and 2.9% (6 species) in the shrubs. Dominant species and Simpson's dominance indices were Ectmetopterus micantulus and Orius sauteri (λ=0.122) in the paddy bank, Halticiellus insularis and Halticiellus micantulus (λ=0.075) in the weedy field, Eurystylus coelestialium and Stenodema rubrinerue (λ=0.141) in the shrubs. Seasonal dominant species were Oriu sauteri and Polymerus (Poeciloscytus) unifascatus (λ=0.188) in Spring, Ectmetopterus micantulus and Orius sauteri (λ=0.137) in Summer, and Adelphocoris triannulatus and Trigonostylus coelestialium (λ=0.151) in Autumn. Species diversity indices (H') in paddy bank, weedy field, and shrubs were 1.049, 1.171, and 0.726, respectively. Eveness indices (J') were 0.781, 0.886, and 0.933, respectively. Community structures were almost similar between a paddy bank and a weedy field. 계룡산 지역에서 발생하는 빈대붙이상과의 군집분석을 위한 조사를 1989년 8월 부터 1990년 8월에 걸쳐 수행하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 채집조사된 빈대붙이상과는 2과 16속 27종이었다. 지대별 빈대붙이상과의 발생개체수 구성비율은 논뚝에서 67 4%(22종), 초지에서 29.7% (21종), 관목지에서 2.9%(6종)이었다. 지대별 우점종은 논뚝에서는 큰검정뛰어장님노린재와 애꽃노린재로서 우점도 지수는 λ=0.122, 초지에서는 검정뛰어장넘노린재와 큰검정뛰어장님노린재로서 λ=0.075, 관목지에서는 탈장님노린재와 홍맥장님노린재로서 λ=0.141였다. 계절별 우점종은 봄에는 애꽃노린재와 한띠장님노린재로서 λ=0.188, 여름에는 큰청정뛰어장님노린재와 애꽃노린재로서 λ=0.137, 가을에는 설상무늬장님노린재와 빨강촉각장님노린재로서 λ=0.151이었다. 다양도 (H')는 논뚝에서 1.049이고, 초지에서 1.171이며, 관목지에서는 0.726으로 나타났다. 균등도(J')는 논뚝에서 0.781이고, 초지에서 0.886이며, 관목지에서는 0.933으로 나타났다. 군집유사성은 논뚝과 초지간에 비교적 비슷했다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        계룡산 신도안 종교촌의 변천 및 종교구성 연구

        최원회,이근화 한국지리학회 2019 한국지리학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Based on existing materials on the Sindoan religious village in Kyeryong mountain, this study identified the transformation of the Sindoan religious village and the formation of religions in the Sindoan religious village in the level of restoration. The transformation of the Sindoan religious village was identified in terms of occurrence, existence, crackdown and closure of the Sindoan religious village, and relocation from the Sindoan religious village. The most striking of the characteristics of the religious lineage of the Sindoan religious village was the mixture of religions of various religious lineages. The main characteristics of individual religious composition in the Sindoan religious villages are the maintenance of uniqueness of individual religions, the coexistence of individual religions, the mix of emerging and orthodox religions, the uncertainty of the religious lineage belonging to individual religions, and the divergence of individual religious members from time to time. 신도안 종교촌은 종교취락, 다종교취락, 풍수지리·풍수도참적 장소성, 1984년 폐쇄로 인한 촌락 소멸, 본래 입지에 대한 접근 불가, 선행연구 결과들 간의 큰 편차 등의 특성을 갖고 있어, 연구의 필요성이 크고 시급하다는 판단 하에 본 연구는 신도안 종교촌에 관한 기존 자료들을 바탕으로 신도안 종교촌의 변천 및 종교구성을 복원 차원에서 파악했다. 신도안 종교촌의 변천은 신도안 종교촌의 발생, 존속, 단속, 폐쇄 및 종교의 이전 등의 측면에서 파악되었다. 신도안 종교촌의 발생 요인으로 가장 핵심적인 것은 신도안을 중심으로 한 계룡산의 풍수지리적 특성과 풍수도참적 특성이다. 신도안 종교촌은 1903~1904년경 또는 1912년에 신도안에 시천교가 최초로 유입되고, 이를 계기로 군소영세 신흥종교들이 대거 유입하면서 본격적으로 발생한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 신도안 종교촌은 일제강점기 내내 수적 규모를 갖추지 못했으나, 해방 후 1950년대 한국전쟁을 계기로 번성하기 시작하여 1970년대에 1백여 개가 넘는 종교가 입지하면서 최고의 전성기를 누렸다. 신도안 종교촌의 종교들은 일제강점기와 1970년대에 이르는 시기에 행정기관이 주도하는 수차례의 정화운동에 의해 유사종교, 미신 등으로 왜곡되면서 일부가 추방되는 일이 있었다. 신도안 종교촌은 1983년에 고시된 6・20사업에 의해 1984년에 폐쇄되었으며, 이때 무속도 함께 철거되었다. 종교들은 주로 인근 대도시 대전과 인근 중소도시로 이전했으며, 무속은 대부분 계룡산에 최대로 근접한 곳으로 이전했다. 신도안 종교촌의 종교계통구성의 특성 중 가장 현저한 것은 다양한 종교계통의 종교들이 혼재했다는 것이다. 신도안 종교촌에서 개별 종교구성의 주요한 특성은 개별 종교의 고유성 유지 및 개별 종교간 공존, 신흥종교와 정통종교의 혼재, 개별 종교별 소속 종교계통의 불명확성, 시기별 개별 종교 구성수의 상이성 등으로 나타나고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        계룡산 신도안 종교촌의 내부구조 및 경관 연구

        최원회,성정락 한국지리학회 2019 한국지리학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        This study identified the internal structure and landscape of the Sindoan religious village in Kyeryong mountain at the level of the restoration of its original form through a number of pictorial materials, including maps from the 1910 ~ 1980s. As a result of investigation of the internal structure of the Sindoan religious village, various characteristics were identified in terms of topography, administrative name, village, infrastructure, general functional establishment, religion and land use. The landscape of the Sindoan religious village was identified in terms of the general and religious landscape. In the general landscape of the Sindoan religious village, the foundation of physical and humanistic geography and the foundation of the feng shui and feng shui docham in the village are well revealed. The characteristics shown in the religious landscape of the Sindoan religious village can be summed up by differences in religious orthodoxy and authority between Sichonism, religions outside of Sichonism and shamanism, active acceptance of the feng shui and feng shui docham characteristics in Gyeryong mountain of the new religion and shamanism, the preservation of uniqueness of the new religion and shamanism and the coexistence of the two. 계룡산 신도안 종교촌은 종교적·역사적·장소적 특성을 현저하게 가졌었고, 다종교촌이었으므로 한국의 종교촌에서 존재 의의가 특이했고 컸다. 현재, 신도안 종교촌은 소멸되어버린 상황이고, 선행연구 자료가 많지 않은 가운데 주요 연구결과의 상이성이 큰 점을 감안하면, 신도안 종교촌에 관한 종합적 연구가 시급하다. 이러한 연구를 위해서는 신도안 종교촌의 변천, 종교구성, 내부구조, 경관 등에 관한 체계적 접근이 필요하다. 이에, 본 연구는 신도안 종교촌의 내부구조 및 경관을 1910~1980년대의 지도를 비롯한 여러 그림 자료를 통해서 원형 복원의 차원에서 파악했다. 신도안 종교촌의 내부구조를 조사한 결과, 지형, 행정지명, 마을, 기반시설, 일반기능체, 종교, 토지이용 등의 측면에서 다양한 특성이 파악되었다. 신도안 종교촌의 경관은 일반경관과 종교경관으로 구분해서 파악되었다. 일반경관에서는 신도안 종교촌이 입지해 있었던 일반촌락의 자연지리적 및 인문지리적 기반과 풍수지리적 및 풍수도참적 기반이 잘 드러나고 있다. 종교경관에서 드러나는 특성은 시천교, 시천교 이외 종교 및 무속 간의 종교적 정통성·권위성의 차이, 신흥종교 및 무속의 계룡산 신도안 풍수지리 및 풍수도참 특성의 적극적 수용, 신흥종교 및 무속의 고유성 유지 및 공존 등으로 정리할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        계룡산 풍수지리의 특성 개관: 산지풍수 연구의 관점에서

        최원회 ( Wonhoe Choi ),이근화 ( Geunwha Lee ),성정락 ( Jeongrak Seong ) 한국지리학회 2018 한국지리학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        Since the 1980s, the study of fengshui topography has been developed mainly focused on housing fengshui and cemetery fengshui established by Murayama Jijun in the Japanese colonial era, as a result the mountain fengshui study is assumed to have consequences that are almost extinct in the academic society. Accordingly, this study overviewed the characteristics of fengshui topography in case of Kyeryong mountain known for the model of mountain fengshui among the Korean mountains from the point that the individual mountain fengshui need to be studied for the development of mountain fengshui study in Korea. This study researched concretely about the original form and transformational form of fengshui topography of Kyeryong mountain, the element linked to the fengshui topography of Kyeryong mountain, and the phenomena caused by the element linked to the fengshui topography of Kyeryong mountain for the purpose of the overview of the characteristics of fengshui topography in case of Kyeryong mountain from the perspective of mountain fengshui study based upon the advanced studies and the field research materials by the researcher.

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