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      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 유도 술어에 관한 연구

        조재기(JaeKiJo),유성연(SungYeonYoo) 한국체육학회 2012 한국체육학회지 Vol.51 No.2

        이 연구는 일제강점기 內鮮一體의 수단으로 유입된 유도가 민족주의적 관점에서 한국적 유도 술어로 태동하기까지의 과정에 대해 연구하였다. 이상과 같은 관점에서 진행된 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조선어 유도 술어는 1929년 10월 제1회 全朝鮮團體柔道大會를 기념하여 공포되었다. 이는 일제의 유도를 조선화하기 위한 작업이었으며, 유도의 대중적 보급을 위해 조선민중들이 접하기 쉬운 조선어 유도 술어로 개정한 것이다. 둘째, 1929년에 공포된 조선어 유도 술어는 1936년 朝鮮有段者會회원들과 朝鮮語學會 회원들이 조선어 유도 술어 재개정에 참여하면서 현재 우리가 사용하고 있는 유도 술어로 체계화되기 시작한다. 셋째, 1929년 全朝鮮團體柔道大會에서 사용되기 시작한 조선어 유도 술어는 1933년 全朝鮮中等學校柔道大會, 1936년 普延親睦柔道大會 등 조선인이 주관하는 대회에서 꾸준히 사용되었다. 이상과 같이 고찰된 내용을 볼 때 조선어 유도 술어의 개정작업은 유도를 통한 민족운동이었으며 이는 나라를 바로세우기 위한 健民體育의 일환이었다. This study examined the process of Koreanized Judo's terminology from the perspective of nationalism which was introduced as means of “Naesunilche” during the Japanese Occupation period. The results are as follows. Firstly, the promulgation of Korean Judo terminology was made for commemorating the 1st national Joseon Judo content held in October, 1929. It was a work to Koreanize Japan’s Judo and the revision of terminology to Korean was carried out for Korean people to have easy access to Judo. Secondly, the Joseon Yudanja association memers and Joseon-Ohakhoe members revised Judo terminology established in 1929 to modern Judo terminology in 1936. Thirdly, the Judo terminology that was began to use in 1929 national Joseon Judo contest continued to be used at the National Joseon middle school Judo contest in 1933 and at Boyeon friendly Judo contest in 1936. As such, the revision work of Judo terminology was a nationalistic movement through Judo and it was a type of national building PE to establish an upright country.

      • KCI등재

        일본 유도의 국제화 과정의 특징에 관한 연구

        김필승(Kim, Pil-Seung) 한국체육과학회 2011 한국체육과학회지 Vol.20 No.6

        This study is processed which way Japanese judo spread and internationalize in terms of historical and social view as a study of bibliography. In 1880’s, Kano created judo and for internationalizing spread, internationalizing of judo was started as he visited France to introduce judo in 1899. In 20th century, it was affected by requesting to each countries to dispatch rank-holding judo expert or foreigners who learned judo as a self-defense martial art to introduce judo into homeland. A fraternal society which impacted oversee-supply of judo was group of rank-holding expert, who became center of that. After foreign-branch was made, Japanese who emigrated from japan to America or their second-generation Japanese American created studio to identify themselves and held tradition-culture such as Kendo, Sumo and refreshment. These activities was affected as a chance to introduce Japanese culture to native itself. Meanwhile, Kano saw through the fastest way of achieving internationalization of judo is Judo should be a competitive game of Olympic, and he tried to make Judo be regular event of Olympic but it was not adopted until his death. After end of World War2 in 1945, European Judo Union was made prior to Japan where Judo originated. The next year, International Judo Federation was made led by Europe, World organization of Judo was created as a form where Japan joined. Although these processes face a conflict Western-rationalism versus Japanese traditional logic, it resulted most arguments of Japan, the homeland of Judo, were rejected, which rose cultural conflicts caused by internationalizing. Popularity of Judo in France turned itself into sports as much as that of soccer and tennis is followed by the popularity of Judo. Especially, Judo has been performed as a exercise good for mind and body of youth so much as eight years old children participating are much.

      • KCI등재

        嘉納治五郞 유도 문화의 본질

        유성연,김유수 한국사회체육학회 2007 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.29

        President of the Tokyo University of Education, the 1st IOC member in Asia, the founder of the Japan Sports Association, and a member of the House of Peers. Kano Jigoro was, in short, a forerunner in the modernization process of Japan. He was a giant who had an enormous effect on the circles of education and politics as well as on the birth of judo. Nonetheless, we tend to focus on his judo philosophy only, possibly because he was a great judo expert and because he frequently used the term judo whenever he mentioned sports and human relations. In other words, Kano's judo meant more than a martial art or a sport event. That's why his philosophy has not been rightly understood or misunderstood up to now and why we need to know what is correctly meant in his common use of the term judo. This study of his judo culture based on this viewpoint revealed the following results: 1. As the initiator of judo at Kodokan he built, Kano began to teach judo in 1882. He defined judo as the "method to use the power of body and mind most effectively" in 1915 when his philosophy was mature. He also emphasized, "The essence of this sport can be felt by physical training and mental practice through the repetition of offense and defense. The ultimate goal of judo practice is to complete oneself and profit the world." After establishing the Kodokan Cultural Association in 1922 when his ideology was perfect, he stressed two judo-application principles of social life: using power rightly and benefiting others and myself. This maturity of Kano's philosophy came to affect other Japanese martial arts like kendo. 2. Judo is the academic perfection of conventional jyujyutu, taking the good and discarding the bad to fit today's society. He chose a new name judo to escape from the harsh criticism of jyujyutu by the general public. So Kodokan's judo was born to compliment the achievement of ancestors, get rid of prejudices and misunderstanding about jyujyutu, and modernize it technically. 3. According to Kano, judo at Kodokan has three purposes: physical education, victory, and mental practice. The first two objectives are related with traditional jyujyutu. The third item includes cultivating virtue, training mentality, and practicing the ways to deal with every different case.

      • KCI등재

        대한유도학교(용인대학교)가 한국유도의 발전에 미친 영향

        김필승(Kim, Phil-Seung),최종균(Choi, Jong-Kyun),송일훈(Song, Il-Hun) 한국체육과학회 2014 한국체육과학회지 Vol.23 No.6

        This study tries to present its identity through the historical implications of the Korea Judo founding background and Yong-In University 60th years view of history. Martial arts of Yong-In University has evolved along with the history of Korea Martial arts. In particular, because there has been not established as a college martial arts college in Korea Judo school(Yongin University) has a proud history of 60 years since its founding until now. That the fact that the Kodokan Judo of Japan has been reported to Korea is the starting point of the Korean judo is a fact no doubt. These facts of evidence, Yuchangho the founder of Incheon Budokan comes from the officer school of the Korean Empire in the late 19th century, or how Japan judo has been delivered to Korea can be seen from his record. In particular, the prevalence of judo by our instructor was the beginning of the Korean judo. It is also accepted that Korea judo started in Central YMCA is obvious. After liberation, September 15, 1945, 10 people with the black belt were living in Seoul held a general assembly and erection promoter competition for the integrity of Korea judo central institutions gathered at YMCA Hall. In this day of the meeting, the name of the organization named as 〈Chosun Judo Federation〉 and it was the decision to use the Kodokan Korean branch in Sogong-dong 111, Jung-gu, Seoul. This is where the future of korean judo school for parent.

      • KCI등재후보

        유도의 교육적 잠재 가치에 관한 고찰

        남행웅(Nam Hang-Woong),이상용(Lee Sang-Yong) 한국체육과학회 2009 한국체육과학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        This study has its aim to contribute theoretical systematization of Judo training by searching its educational potential value educational philosophy in order to meet future opening arena of educational market and to spread and achieve educational value of judo in our society. To reach at this aim, I reserched educational thought, characteristics of judo training and educational value based on various judo texts, references and interview, and studided direction of judo training to realize it educational value of judo in modern society. Educational thought in judo is glory to everybody altogether which implied practical teaching. It is to use power of mind and body most effectively that use energy for good purpose, which means human action must do for most effective goodness and that means to do vest always for myself, you, society and world. The educational value of judo would be differentiated into a judo as education of deeds and a judo as education of way. The educational value of judo as education of deeds is large that its fundamental theory is natural body of judo. It makes our body strong and it has basic and moral power combined attitude of mind that needs for ordinary life and social life, etiquette. Judo stressed to mind bring inner and outer change through its training. By this inner and outer change it has educational meaning which does not struggle with others power and which follows power of nature. Therefore, the directions of judo training for realization of educational value in judo are differentiated as followings; first, judo at school, second, educational meaning of judo hall, third direction of judo study. In order to play its role well as a science, judo needs to be studied more analytical about thoughts or philosophy of educational value that judo has. It's a demand of systematic knowledge based on theory of judo and for making to be concrete of it change of understanding to get rid of study on skills and technique and there should be more study on it.

      • KCI등재

        무도에 내재된 가노지고로 유도사상의 정립과 유도의 보편적 가치

        유성연(Sung Yeon Yoo) 한국사회체육학회 2009 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.38

        This research intends to seek the coexistence of judo with sports after defining its concept which is not yet arranged. The examined contents are as follows. First, judo is to have the justice of literary and martial arts instead of simple mind of warrior by arranging the rational training method of physical body. Thus, judo can be defined as a big justice of human being through literary and martial arts. Second, judo is a method to cultivate mind by questing the essential issue of self-discipline beyond the meaning of technique that decides victory and/or defeat and training technique as the justice of discipline. His thought like this was widely backed in the whole area of martial arts. Third, Kano jigoro stated judo as "big universal justice." As long as judo is a big universal justice, those who trains judo must understand the way of judo itself and cultivate themselves to the extent that they can achieve through judo. The universal value of judo can be explained in 3 items. First, to practice and cultivate oneself, second, to contribute to the state and society and third, to serve the world and human race; these ideals were taken as the goal of judo. Since these elements cultivate persons equipped with literary and martial arts through education, Kano jigoro grasped the possibility and succeeded such under- standing as learning. The external form of judo can be changed anytime, but the internal factor must not change in any case. It can be said that judo was established by Kano jigoro on the basis of this spirit presented by him. Thus, in order to accept judo set forth by Kano jigoro, it is required to understand, propagate and develop judo as scholarly value instead of one aspect of sports by grasping the educational thought devised and completed by Kano jigoro.

      • KCI등재

        한국유도 발달양상의 시대적 배경과 역사적 함의 -대한유도학교 창립 배경을 중심으로-

        송일훈 ( Il Hun Song ),김필승 ( Phil Seung Kim ),최종균 ( Jong Kyun Choi ) 대한무도학회 2014 대한무도학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        이 연구는 용인대학교 60년 사관과 한국유도 창립배경의 역사적 함의를 통해 한국유도의 정체성을 제시하고자 한다. 이에 대한 구체적인 내용을 요약하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 초창기 대한유도학교는 유도교육기관으로서 그 존재의 가치가 있다. 즉 민족적 상무정신을 함양하는 데 그 숨은 목적이 있었다. 이러한 대한유도학교의 설립은 어느 한 개인에 의해 시도된 것이 아니라 ``대한유도회``라는 단체에 의해 시도되었다. 그만큼 대한유도회와 대한유도학교〔현 용인대학교〕는 매우 밀접한 관련성이 있었으며, 학교 발전은 1956년 4월에 2년제 초급대학 과정에서 4년제 각종학교로 승격되면서부터 더욱 발전하였다. ‘지·덕·체’ 합일의 교육을 지상과제로 삼은 이제황, 석진경 등의 꿈은 유도 실기교육이었고, 전인교육을 실시할 수 있는 일반대학 수준의 체육대학 설립에 있었다. 많은 유도인들은 유도란 다른 운동과 달리 정신수양의 측면이 강한 무도스포츠이므로 무엇보다도 참된 인간이 되는 정신교육의 중요성을 강조했던 것이다. 그러므로 대한유도학교는 실기교육기관과 같은 강습회를 주관의 수준이 아닌 ‘지·덕·체’ 합일의 전문 고등교육 기관이었던 것이다. 특히 이제황, 석진경 등은 당시 이범석 장관을 찾아가 대한유도학교 문제에 대해 의논을 하였다. 이는 유도인이 지닌 참뜻을 문교 당국자에게 설득시켜 달라는 것과 재정적 곤란에 대한 문제 해결이었다. 이범석은 이에 대해 국방부 정보국 책임자인 김근찬 국장에게 특별 지시하여 해결책을 찾도록 도와주었다. 교육기관으로서 <대한유도학교>가 1953년 6월 15일 창립되었는데 명실공히 대학으로 그 존재 가치를 높이게 되었으며 대한유도학교는 유도인에 의한 유도인을 위한 유도인의 학교로 탄생되었던 것이다. 하지만 문교부로부터 정식으로 인가받기까지에는 많은 어려움이 있었다. 특히 학교설립과 운영에 필요한 재정의 확보는 당시의 상황에서는 큰 난제였으며, 이를 해결하기 위한 각고의 노력이 있었다. 이러한 난제의 극복은 오직 학교를 설립해야겠다는 숭고한 이상 및 신념이 있었기에 가능한 일이었다. 이와 같이 <대한유도학교>의 설립은 한국유도발전에 있어서 획기적인 계기가 되었으며, 설립이념에 따른 역사적 함의를 통해 무도교육 실제의 극치와 신체사상사의 이치를 궁구하는 무도전문교육기관이 설립되었음을 의미하였다. This study is to propose that identity through the historical implications of the Yongin University Korea 60 years view of history and Korean judo founding background. A summary of the detailed information on this results were as follows. For early Korean judo school is worth its existence as a judo training institutions. In other words, to cultivate the national spirit of Commerce had its hidden purpose. Founder of this Korean judo school [currently, Yongin University] was not a person but organization called ``Korea judo federation``. That much about Korea judo federation and Korean judo school are very closely related. This effort was further developed in various schools as promoted to a four-year, two-year entry-level college courses in April 1956. Merge into one ``intellectual·moral·physical education`` in the ground challenge now is Lee Je-hwang and Seok Jin-gyeong``s dream was practical training in judo. Not only were rounded education to the general college-level Physical Education established that can be done. Above all, many a leading member, had stressed the importance of the spirit of true education is a human being, so this aspect of induction is a strong mental discipline, unlike other martial arts sports movement at every opportunity. Therefore, the school is not the level of induction of the education agency that organized the workshop groups. It was merged into one ``intellectual·moral·physical education`` specialized higher education institution. Especially, Lee Je-hwang, Seok Jin-gyeong et al. discuss the problem of judo to visit the school at the time Minister Lee Beom-seok. This is like asking a person to convince with the true meaning of induction was trying to solve the problem of financial distress. Lee Beom-seok gave special instructions to help you find a solution to the Director of Defense Intelligence Agency Director Kim Geun-chan about it. <Korean judo school> is an institution founded in June 15, 1953 have improved the value of its existence as a bright room both universities, schools for induction would have been born as a school for the induction of the derivation by induction. But there was a difficulty in applying to receive an official from the Ministry of Education. As well as anything that was not enough and the money that can solve the financial problems for it was not anything that was this building. This is only possible because this was the sublime ideals and beliefs for the school established. Thus the sense of the great cultural heritage of the body Yongin University with 60 years of history through the historical implications of Korea judo and Educational Philosophy and Somatic with a variety of martial arts, Sports and actual bodily perfection and Thought will be able to pass on to our descendants.

      • KCI등재

        용인대학교 창립에 기여한 유도인의 생애사적 고찰

        윤현 ( Hyun Yoon ),송일훈 ( Il Hun Song ) 대한무도학회 2015 대한무도학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        대한유도회의 기반을 형성하는 시기에 발발한 6.25사변은 유도인들을 해산하는 계기를 만들었다. 하지만 대한유도회 회장 이범석, 부회장 한진희, 이제황, 석진경 등이 1953년 5월 대한유도회의 유도 중견 지도자 양성을 위해 문교부로부터 대학령에 의한 2년제 단과대학 대한유도대학 설립인가를 획득하여 개교하게 되었다. 이에 관련된 주요 인물들이 있었는데 이를 요약하여 도출하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이제황이다. 그는 유도신체문화 정착을 위해 후진 양성 이외에도 많은 학술활동을 하였다. 즉 유도철학의 실현과 한국유도의 발전을 위해 대한유도대학(현 용인대학교) 설립에 많은 공헌을 하였다. 둘째, 석진경이다. 그는 한국유도사에서 이론과 실기 등 양쪽에서 뛰어난 업적을 남겼으며 대한유도회와 대한유도대학의 창립배경에 지대한 영향을 주었다. 셋째, 이범석이다. 그는 국토통일원고문 공로로 1969년 건국훈장 대통령장을 수여받았을 뿐만 아니라 초창기 대한유도대학 설립인가에 많은 영향을 주었다. 넷째, 한진희이다. 대한유도회와 대한유도대학(현) 용인대학교) 등 서리업무를 성실히 수행을 하여 교육적 체계와 기반을 만들었으며 교육자로서 그리고 유도인으로서 모범을 보여주었다. 이상과 같이 종합해 볼 때, 대한유도대학(현) 용인대학교) 설립 건학이념에 나타난 역사관과 철학관 그리고 신체관 등 옛 선배들의 위대한 신체문화유산을 후학들에게 물려주었다. 6.25 Incident broke out when the korea judo association based on the form. It caused the Jews to be dismissed. For the purpose of midsize leaders inducing, the korea judo association acquisited in May 1953 colleges applied for the establishment to comply with the college of Command and the Ministry of Education, the college was opened the two-year induction. If you search for related major figures as follows. First, it was Lee Je-Hwang. He has a lot of academic activities for the settlement of the culture as well as fostering the younger generation. Not only has he sold out to the establishment and development of korea judo college [currently, Yong-In University] in order to realize the philosophy of judo was a lot of contribution to the development of Korea Judo. Second, It was Seok, Jin-Gyeong. He left an outstanding achievement in all aspects of theory and practice in Korea Judo History, and influenced the korea judo association and the founding of korea judo college. Third, It was Lee, Beom-Seok. He was awarded the National Medal from the President in 1969, also gave a lot of influence on the founding of korea judo college. Fourth, It was Han, Jin-Hee. He performed the duties of dean edge of korea judo college and the president of the korea judo association at the same time. He was guided by a model of successful work performance, and aggressive effort to develop the college as an educator. As mentioned above, the meaning and achievements related to the review of the figures for korea judo college was reinterpreted. Through this process, the great body cultural heritage, such as a view of history, philosophy and physical will be able to pass on to junior athletics martial art of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        유도의 프랑스 진출을 통한 교육 체계 형성

        노현웅,김은정 대한무도학회 2023 대한무도학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the formation of an educational system through Judo’s entry into France. The introduction of Judo to France originated from Kano Jigoro’s visit to Europe. Since then, it has been distributed in earnest by Japanese masters who have entered France. Since the establishment of the French Judo Federation, French Judo has been formed as a Judo education system with training methods, personality education, and leadership roles suitable for the region. Based on this, France’s Judo education characteristics include the adoption of an original education method under the Kawashi Guidance Act, the establishment of moral norms necessary for character education centered on children, and the training of judo professional leaders with national certification licenses. With Korea’s Judo experiencing a crisis such as performance and popularization, it is time to review French Judo education, which has developed changes in educational methods, emphasis on personality education, and training Judo professional leaders. 이 연구의 목적은 유도의 프랑스 진출을 통한 교육 체계 형성에 관해서 살펴보는 데 있다. 프랑스에유도가 소개된 것은 가노지고로의 유럽 방문에서 비롯되었고, 이후 프랑스에 진출한 일본인 사범들에 의해서 본격적인 보급이 이루어졌다. 프랑스유도연맹의 창설 이후로 프랑스에서 유도는 수련 방식, 인성교육, 전문지도자 역할이 유도 교육 체계로 형성되었다. 이를 토대로 한 프랑스의 유도 교육 특성으로는‘가와이시 지도법’에 따른 독창적인 수련 방식의 채택, 어린이를 중심으로 인성교육에 필요한 도덕규범의설정, 국가 인증 자격 면허를 가진 유도전문지도자를 들 수 있다. 경기력과 대중화 등의 위기를 겪고 있는 한국의 유도는 프랑스의 유도 교육에 나타난 수련 방식의 변화, 인성교육의 강조, 유도전문지도자의양성에 대한 접목을 검토해야 할 시점이다.

      • KCI등재

        청석학원이 한국유도 발전에 미친 영향에 관한 연구

        박종학 대한무도학회 2020 대한무도학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to examine the initiation and development processes of the judo athlete training system of the Cheongseok Academy. In addition, it aimed to reveal the influence of the Cheongseok Academy on the development of Korean judo through identification of national players and leaders from the Cheongseok Academy. This study drew conclusions through the literature review method using newspaper articles and related literature on Olympic and World Championship judo medalists from the Cheongseok Academy. The Cheongseok Academy was founded in 1924 by the brothers, Kim Won-geun and Kim Yeong-geun, and is now being established. It has a systematic bottom-up education system linked to Daesung Middle School, Cheongseok High School, and Cheongju University, and has had a significant impact on the development and globalization of Korean Judo. Specifically, the academy has fostered the following world’s best judo athletes: Jong-hak Park, Korea’s first judo world champion; Ki-Young Jeon, the `96 Atlanta Olympics gold medal and three consecutive world championships; In-cheol Cho, `97 and `01 world judo championship, `96 Atlanta Olympic bronze medal, and the `02 Sydney Olympics silver medal; Dae-nam Son, the `12 London Olympics gold medal. The production of such excellent athletes was directly linked to the development of Korean judo, and its origin and starting point was the leader Hyeongwon Kang. He fostered excellent athletes under the unique bottom-up judo education system of the Cheongseok Academy, and the educational system has been continued to develop with the passionate efforts of great leaders. Currently, the judo athletes produced by the Cheongseok Academy are performing a variety of academic and functional activities in the field of judo, physical education, and sports. In addition, it is having a positive influence in the fields of academics, including the training of young people. Examining the judo resources and education system of the Cheongseok Academy could be meaningful in terms of establishing the history of judo and physical education in Korea. 이 연구는 첫째, 청석학원의 유도 교육 시스템의 탄생과 발전 과정을 살펴보고, 둘째, 청석학원출신 국가대표급 세계 우수 유도선수와 지도자 파악을 통해서 청석학원이 한국유도 발전에 미친 영향을 밝히는데 목적을 두었다. 본 연구는 청석학원 출신 올림픽 및 세계대회 유도 메달리스트에 관한 신문기사 및 관련 문헌을 활용한 문헌고찰법을 통해서 결론을 도출했다. 청석학원은 1924년에 김원근과 김영근 형제가 설립한 민족사학으로 출발해서 현재에 이르고 있다. 대성중학교, 청석고등학교, 청주대학교로 연계된 체계적인 상향식 유도교육 시스템을 갖추고 있으며, 한국유도의 발전과 세계화에 적지 않은 영향을 미쳤다. 구체적으로 한국 최초 유도 세계챔피언인 박종학을 비롯하여 96애틀랜타올림픽 금메달 및 세계선수권 3연패 등을 달성한 전기영, 1997년과 2001년 세계유도선수권 금메달, 96애틀랜타올림픽올림픽 동메달, 02시드니올림픽 은메달 등을 달성한 조인철, 12런던올림픽 금메달을 차지했던 송대남 등은 청석학원 출신으로 최고의 유도 재원이었다. 이러한 우수한 선수의 배출은 한국유도의 발전으로 직결되었는데, 그 뿌리이자 시발점에는 지도자 강형원이 있었다. 그는 청석학원 특유의 상향식 유도교육체계 하에 우수 선수를 육성하였으며, 그를 이어 훌륭한 지도자들의열정적인 노력으로 인하여 청석학원의 교육 시스템이 발전하였다. 현재 청석학원에서 배출한 유도선수들은 유도계를 비롯해서 체육, 스포츠계에서 학문적으로 기능적으로 다양한 활동을 전개하고 있다. 또한, 후학 양성을 비롯한 학술 등의 분야에서 긍정적인 영향을 주고 있다. 이러한 청석학원을통해서 양성된 유도 재원이나 교육 체계 등을 고찰하는 것은 한국의 유도사 및 체육사의 정립에 그의미가 있다고 할 수 있다.

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