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      • KCI등재

        日韓接触場面における緩和表現の使用様相 - 発話機能との関連を中心に -

        NAGASHIMANORIKO 한국일어교육학회 2020 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.53

        本稿は発話の強度を和らげる表現、即ち「緩和表現」に着目し、日本語母語話者と日本語非母語話者 (韓国語母語話者)が相手の言語で書いた作文を推敲する際の接触場面の会話において、両者の緩和表 現の用い方にどのような共通点及び相違点があるのかを発話機能と関連付けて比較・分析した。 その結果、緩和表現の使用は発話内容に影響されることが明らかになった。「提供」に関する発話機能 においては、日本語母語話者の発話と日本語非母語話者の発話ともに緩和表現の出現率が最も高く、 その差も大きかった。更に、「提供」に関する発話機能を詳細に分析した結果、同じ「提供」に関する発話 機能でも「意見提供」において日本語母語話者の発話と日本語非母語話者の発話間の緩和表現の出現率 の差が大きく、日本語非母語話者が日本語母語話者に意見を伝える際に、断定的な物言いによって日 本語母語話者が押し付けがましく感じる可能性があることが示唆された。また、相手の発話の意味や 意図を確認する発話機能である「内容確認」に限っては、日本語非母語話者のほうが緩和表現の出現率 が高かった。これは日本語非母語話者が相互理解の不成立を言語的な主導権を握る日本語母語話者に ソフトに伝えることで、日本語母語話者と良好な関係を維持しながら相互理解を成立させようという 姿勢の表れではないかと推察される。 このように緩和表現の使用を発話機能と関連付けたことで、どのような発話をする際に緩和表現が 多く使われるのか、そして日本語母語話者と日本語非母語話者間で緩和表現の使い方に差が出るのは どのような発話なのかを把握することが可能になった。 The study focuses on expressions that soften the intensity of utterances, that is, “hedges”, and compares and analyzes the differences in the use of hedges in the contact situations between native Japanese speakers and non-native Japanese speakers (native Korean speakers) in associating with functions of utterance. The result shows that the appearance rate of hedges in the functions of utterance related to “providing” was the highest for both in the utterances of native Japanese speakers and in one of non-native Japanese speakers. It also shows that the difference in the appearance rate of hedges between them was large. Furthermore, the result of detailed analysis shows the difference in the appearance rate of hedges was largest in between the utterances of native Japanese speakers and one of non-native speakers in “providing opinions”. This suggests that native Japanese speakers might be offended by straightforward expressions when non-native Japanese speakers tell their own opinion to native Japanese speakers. In addition, only in the utterances concerning “confirmation of contents” that confirm the intention of utterances, the appearance rate of hedges was higher in the utterances of non-native Japanese speakers. It is presumed that non-native Japanese speakers try to establish mutual understanding by a soft manner of communication. By associating the use of hedges with functions of utterance, it has become possible to understand in what kind of utterances hedges are often used and what kind of utterances make a difference between native Japanese speakers and non-native Japanese speakers in the use of hedges.

      • KCI등재

        ピア・レスポンスにおいて提案をする際の発話の分析 - 日本語学習者と日本語母語話者の違いに着目して -

        이시게 쥰코 한국일어교육학회 2020 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.53

        The purposes of this study are to analyze how Japanese language learners and Japanese native speakers utter suggestions to the compositions of peers in peer response, to explore the differences between the suggestion utterances by Japanese language learners and the suggestion utterances by Japanese native speakers, and to find out what kind of guidance about the suggestion utterances teachers should give to Japanese language learners. The results of the analysis show that the expressions for suggestions used by Japanese language learners are “tahogaii-njanai” and “tarado-desuka.” They also show that the expressions used by Japanese native speakers are “taraii-njanai,” “baii-njanai,” “tahogaii-kamoshirenai,” and “temoii-nokanatteomoimasu”. The research found that both Japanese language learners and Japanese native speakers used “njanai” and “njanai” weakened the extent of the suggestions. It is assumed that ‘tahougaii-kamosirenai’ reduce the speaker's coercion than using only ‘tahougaii’ by co-occurring ‘tahougaii’ with ‘kamosirenai’, which indicates a possibility. Also, “temoii” is an expression of permission with a speaker's weaker coercive force. Therefore, it is shown that Japanese native speakers use more expressions with less speaker coercive force in their suggestions during peer response than Japanese language learners. The above analysis suggests that in addition to teaching Japanese language learners “tahogaii” and “tarado-desuka” as the expressions for suggestion in peer response, it is significant to add “njanai” and “kamoshirenai” to ‘tahougaii’ and use “temoiinokanatoomoimasu” when teaching them to enrich the expressions that weaken the coercive force of suggestions. 本研究は、日本語学習者と日本語母語話者がピア・レスポンスにおいてどのような発話で相手の文 章に対する提案をしているのか分析し、両者の違いを探った上で、日本語学習者にどのような指導を すればよいのか見出すことを目的とした。日本語学習者で見られた提案の表現は「~たほうがいいん じゃない」、「~たらどう(ですか)」であった。日本語母語話者で見られた表現は「~たらいいんじゃな い」、「~ばいいんじゃない」、「~たほうがいいかもしれない」、「~てもいいのかなって思います」で あった。日本語学習者、日本語母語話者ともに「~んじゃない」が使用され、提案の程度が弱められてい ることが分かった。「~たほうがいいかもしれない」は「~たほうがいい」を可能性を示す「かもしれな い」と共起させることで、「~たほうがいい」より話し手の強制力が弱められていると考えられる。ま た、「~てもいい」も、話し手の強制力の弱い許可の表現である。したがって、日本語母語話者は日本語 学習者よりも多くの話し手の強制力を弱めた表現を用いて、提案をしていることが示された。以上の 分析から、ピア・レスポンスで提案をする表現として「~たほうがいい」「~たらどう(ですか)」を教え るほかに、提案の強制力を弱める表現を豊かにするために、「~んじゃない」、「~かもしれない」を「~ たほうがいい」に加えること、「~てもいいのかなと思います」等を用いることを指導する意義が示唆さ れた。

      • KCI등재

        日本語の意見文における「譲歩」の形式と機能 : 日本語母語話者と韓国人学習者の比較

        申媛善 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2014 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.59

        This study examines forms and functions of concessions through statements of opinion written by Korean Japanese learners and Japanese native speakers. Japanese native speakers are slightly larger than Korean Japanese learners in terms of the entire numbers of occurrence of concession and the average numbers of occurrence. Japanese native speakers overwhelmingly use tashikani 'certainly' as a form of concession. This result is consistent with previous studies. However, Korean Japanese learners use mochiron 'of course' a lot as a form of concession. In fact, they never use tashikani. The reasons for this could be considered as followed: firstly, mochiron has loose co-occurrence unlike tashikani. Secondly, there is difference in strength of the nuance between mochiron in Korean and tashikani in Korean. In the case of darou, Japanese native speakers also use it a lot unlike Korean Japanese learners. Instead, Korean Japanese learners express it through the other modality forms or the bare statements. Japanese and Korean speakers show similar distribution in terms of function, however, Japanese native speakers are slightly more than Korean Japanese learners in terms of concession which is in confrontation with, whereas Korean Japanese learners are slightly more than Japanese speakers in terms of concession which expresses their own opinions. For the partial affirmation which is in confrontation with, we need to educate Korean Japanese learners presentation of the typical pattern by native speakers and corresponding language form, because (i) numbers of occurrences by the Korean Japanese learners come to only half of ones by Japanese speakers and (ii)misuses by the Korean Japanese learners also stand out. Moreover, for the entire denial which expresses their own opinions, there is only one case of the form that Japanese native speakers and Korean Japanese learners overlap and in this type of concession, Japanese native speakers' favorite forms could be different from Korean Japanese learners' favorite forms. However, further research needs to be done.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 한국어와 일본어 관련 대학원에서의 일본어 모어화자 학위논문(1980∼2017년)의 주제 분석

        趙南星(Cho, Nam-Sung) 동북아시아문화학회 2018 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.55

        In this paper, I examined the topics of the Japanese native speakers’ thesis (1980-2017) at the graduate school related to Korean and Japanese language studies in Korea. The main results are as follows. (1) The number of Japanese native speakers’ a master’s and doctoral thesis (574 volumes) in the graduate school related to Korean and Japanese language studies is as follows: Korean language (97‧23 volumes) and Korean language education (84‧4 volumes) is less than Japanese language (187‧57 volumes) and Japanese Education (100‧19 volumes). (2) In case of Japanese native speakers’ thesis, since 2000, Japanese language and Japanese language education have been relatively more and more popular than Korean language education and Korean education, and its popularity continues to increase. (3) Related to Korean language and Japanese language, more than half of master’s thesis of the Japanese native speakers are on grammar and vocabulary; Korean language has slightly higher proportion than Japanese language. (4) Related to Korean language and Japanese language, there are high percentages of Korean language history, Japanese language history, and grammar from Korean and Japanese language department in Japanese native speakers’ doctoral thesis. In addition, Korean language has more thesis on Korean language history, while Japanese language has more on grammar. (5) Related to Korean language education and Japanese language education, in master’s thesis of Japanese native speakers, ‘teaching and learning’ is the largest, followed by ‘teaching theme’ for Korean language education and ‘acquisition and error’ for Japanese language education. (6) Related to Korean language education and Japanese language education, Japanese native speakers’ doctoral thesis in Korean language education are only seen in ‘General Education’, ‘Acquisition․Error’, ‘Evaluation’, and ‘Korean Language Education’, while Japanese language education occupies a large proportion of ‘Teaching and Learning’ and ‘Acquisition and Error’.

      • KCI등재

        コミュニケーション上の問題の引き金となり得る 日本語母語話者の会話参加に関する一考察 ―日韓接触場面の意味交渉を中心に―

        나가타 사오리 한국일어교육학회 2016 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.35

        This study attempts to investigate how the conversation participation of Japanese native speakers can be a trigger for communication problems in the two aspects of language production and reception in contact situations between Japanese and Korean. On the basis of 18 Japanese conversations between Japanese native speakers and Korean non-native speakers of Japanese, this paper investigates language production and reception by Japanese native speakers that lead to communication problems in situations where negotiation of meaning occurs. The results suggest that (1) language production by Japanese native speakers that can cause communication problems includes the use of code-switching, the utterance that depends on context, and the utterance that needs pragmatic interpretation, (2) language reception by Japanese native speakers that can be a trigger of communication problems includes the lack of a native speakers' knowledge or information and the suggestion of words or expressions that is inconsistent with the intended meaning of non-native speakers. 本稿は、日韓接触場面における、コミュニケーション上の問題の引き金となり得る日本語母語話者の会話 参加の実態を、言語産出と言語理解の二つの側面から明らかにすることを目的とした研究である。 分析資料は、日本語母語話者と韓国人日本語非母語話者の1対1の自由会話18件の録音データとその文字化 データである。本稿では、「聞き手が話し手の発話を聞き取れない、もしくは理解できない場面」と「聞き手 が話し手の発話意図を誤解した場面」を意味交渉場面と定義し、意味交渉場面における、母語話者の会話参 加の問題点について、会話の前後関係から質的に考察した。 その結果、母語話者の言語産出においては、相手言語へのコード·スイッチング、文脈依存の発話、語用論 的意味の理解を必要とする発話といった母語話者の発話が、非母語話者とのコミュニケーションにおいて、 問題となり得ることが明らかになった。また、母語話者の言語理解においては、母語話者の知識や情報の欠 如と、非母語話者が意図した意味とは食い違う語彙·表現の一方的な提示が、問題の引き金となり得ることを 指摘した。以上の結果を踏まえ、接触場面において母語話者は、自身の言語規範を基底規範としながらも臨 機応変に相手言語規範も取り入れ、非母語話者が理解しやすいよう、言語産出を調整する能力と、非母語話 者の発話を最後まで聞き、聞き取れない箇所は聞き返しを行うなどして、非母語話者が本当に言いたいこと を引き出せる能力が求められることを提言した。

      • KCI등재

        初·中級日本語学習者のEメールにおける言いさし表現の使用実態 - 日本語母語話者との比較を通して -

        曺英南 한국일본어문학회 2021 日本語文學 Vol.91 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to clarify the use of incomplete expressions of native English speakers, native Chinese speakers, and native Korean speakers found in the e-mail task in I-JAS. The results are as follows. At the beginner level, Korean and Chinese speakers used twice more incomplete utterances as native Japanese speakers. However, at the beginner level, incomplete utterances with the predicate were used only by native English speakers and native Chinese speakers but not by native Korean speakers. It became clear that there is a difference in the degree of mastery regarding incomplete utterances in the early stages. At the intermediate level, Japanese learners of native English speakers, native Chinese speakers, and native Korean speakers use incomplete utterances more than twice as much as native Japanese speakers, and it's turned out to be overused. Another feature is that the number of incomplete expressions with the predicate has increased overwhelmingly. In addition, all beginner/intermediate level Japanese learners had unique functions and expressions due to the influence of their mother tongue and teaching content, so it is necessary to call attention to future e-mail composition education.

      • KCI등재


        沈貞美 대한일어일문학회 2013 일어일문학 Vol.60 No.-

        So far, studies on the apology act, controlled studies of apology act of Japan and other countries and research that focus on unique apology expression of Japan have been made mainly. But, this paper is one that has been studied with a focus on the act of apology from the point of view of cross-cultural contact. The survey was conducted on July to August in 2013. Those questioned are 131 Japanese native speakers using KSL(Korean as a Second Language), living in Seoul. I questioned that they have what image of apology acts of Korean who they had contacted with. Then, I also investigated the image of apology act of Japanese in Japan and I compared this two. From this, I could know the image of apology act of Korean and understand it more clearly. As a result, KSL Japanese native speakers answered the questionnaire that there are big difference in the attitude of apology and the presence or absence of apology act as the way of apology of Japanese and Korean. In other words, they felt that Koreans tend not to apologize for their little fault, even if they know that they have the responsibility for that fault. However, they felt that Japanese people tend to apologize for their little fault, even if they know that they have no responsibility for that. Also, they answered that the attitude of apology act of Koreans is rude, but the attitude of apology act of the Japanese is polite and courteous. I assumed that the cause of that result came from the difference in the use of boilerplate of apology in both countries. So, I surveyed in addition about using of apology boilerplate of both countries. As a result, KSL native Japanese speakers got very negative impression of the using stylized apology representation of Korean. On the other hand, they answered that they had positive evaluation about using apology boilerplate of Japanese. Further, it is necessary to pay attention that more than 40% of those questioned answered Korean people have to learn the way of apology from Japanese. In addition, it was found that KSL native Japanese speakers got negative impression of which Korean use the way of more dishonest apology than Japanese, because the impression of apology boilerplate had affected the overall image of apology act. Consequently, it could be expected that KSL Japanese native speakers could experience many troubles about the apology act, when they are in contact with the Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        在韓日本語母語話者の日韓コ-ド · スイッチング

        松樹亮子(Matsuki, Ryoko) 한국일본문화학회 2018 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.78

        Japanese native speakers living in South Korea use both the Korean and Japanese languages in Japanese conversations. This study examined Japanese-Korean code switching, focusing mainly on its functional aspects. The survey was conducted on 20 Japanese native speakers living in South Korea and the analysis was made based on free conversations. We found that one function of code-switching is emphasis, and this study found that speakers frequently engaged in code-switching when they wanted to elaborate on or emphasize the meaning of what they were saying. We also discovered more functions of code switching: making the conversation seem like it was happening in the presence ; making it easier to distinguish objective facts from subjective opinions; and creating a sense of solidarity with other people by using a combination of Korean and Japanese words. Overall, we found that Japanese people who speak Korean as a foreign language effectively used certain Korean words or phrases in free conversation primarily when they felt it would be more accurate to express a thought in Korean than in Japanese. It also helped to enhance a bond between speakers sharing the same cultural and living conditions.

      • KCI등재

        韓国人日本語学習者による依頼メールの構造と展開パターン ─日本語母語話者との比較─

        신원선 한국일본어문학회 2022 日本語文學 Vol.93 No.-

        In this study, the structure and development patterns of e-mails are examined for e-mails requesting an “extension for the report deadline” and “writing a recommendation letter for scholarship” written by Korean Japanese learners and native Japanese speakers. In the case of native Japanese speakers, there are differences in the components of the main part depending on the contents of the request, but there is no change in the components mainly used in the opening and ending parts. In the case of Korean Japanese learners, there is a difference in the components selected by the majority not only in the main part, but also in the final part. The development pattern, which is not seen in native Japanese speakers, is observed in Korean Japanese learners, and considered to be influenced by their native language. Some patterns by Korean Japanese learners may give a poor impression or give rise to misunderstanding to Japanese speakers, such as detailing the situation in spite of their fault in the “report deadline extension request”, or requesting a reply in the “recommendation letter writing request”. Therefore, this paper argues that it is necessary to educate Korean Japanese learners to pay attention to the parts. 本研究では韓国人日本語学習者と日本語母語話者が作成した「レポートの締め切り延長」と「奨学金のための推薦状」を依頼する電子メールを資料とし、メールの構造と展開パターンを考察した。日本語母語話者の場合、依頼内容によって主要部の構成要素に違いがあるものの、開始部と終了部で主に用いられる構成要素には変わりがなかった。韓国人日本語学習者の場合、主要部のみならず、終了部においても多数によって用いられる構成要素にばらつきが見られた。展開パターンでは、日本語母語話者には見られなかったものが韓国人日本語学習者からは観察され、母国語である韓国語の影響と推測される。「レポートの締め切りの延長」の依頼において、自分に非があるにもかかわらず具体的にその状況を述べることや、「奨学金のための推薦状」の依頼において、返信を要求することなど、日本の文化に基づいて考えると相手によくない印象を与えたり誤解を招いたりする可能性のあることについては指導の必要があると思われる。

      • KCI등재

        한국의 일본어문학 관련 대학원에서의 일본어모어화자 학위논문의 주제 분석

        조남성 한국일본근대학회 2015 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.47

        본고에서는 한국의 일본어문학 관련 대학원(1982∼2013년)에서 일본어모어화자가 수여받은 석.박사학위 논문의 주제를 분석하였다. 주요한 결과는 다음과 같다. (1) 한국의 일본어문학 관련 대학원에서 일본어모어화자가 수여받은 석.박사학위 논문은 384편이다. (2) 일본어모어화자의 일반대학원 석사학위논문은 237편, 일반대학원 박사학위논문은 67편, 교육대학원 석사학위논문은 80편이다. (3) 학위논문의 사용 언어는 일반대학원 석사학위논문 80.6%(191편), 일반대학원 박사학위논문 97.0(65), 교육대학원 석사학위논문76.2(61)가 일본어를 사용하고 있다. (4) 한.일 대조분석의 연구 방법을 사용한 비율은 일반대학원 석사학위논문은 29.5%(70편), 일반대학원 박사학위논문은 19.4(13), 교육대학원 석사학위논문은 13.8(11)이다. (5) 일반대학원 석사학위논문(237편)을 연구 분야별로 보면, 일본어학 135편(57.0%), 일본어교육 48(20.3), 일본문학 38(16.0), 일본학 13(5.5), 일본어통번역3(1.3) 순으로 편수가 많다. 일본어학은 문법 45(33.3), 어휘 24(17.8), 언어생활 24(17.8), 일본문학은 근현대문학 25(65.8),고전문학 13(34.2), 일본어교육은 교수.학습 23(47.9), 오용.습득 11(22.9) 등이다. (6) 일반대학원 박사학위논문(67편)을 연구분야별로 보면, 일본어학 40편(59.7%), 일본어교육 15(22.4), 일본문학 8(11.9), 일본학 4(6.0) 순으로 편수가 많다. (7) 교육대학원 석사학위논문(80편)을 연구 분야별로 보면, 일본어교육 33편(41.3%), 일본어학 22(27.5), 일본문학 21(26.3), 일본학4(5.0) 순으로 편수가 많다. This study analyzed theses themes of Japanese native speakers majoring in Japanese language and literature at graduate schools in Korea during 1982 to 2013. Main findings are as follows : (1) The total number theses for master’s and doctorate degrees awarded to Japanese native speakers majoring Japanese language and literature at graduate schools in Korea was 384. (2) Among Japanese native speakers, the number of theses for master’s and doctorate degree at general graduate school was 237 and 67 respectively while the number of mater’s degree theses at graduate school of education was 80. (3) With respect to the language used in the theses, 80.6% (191 theses) of master’s degree at general graduate school, 97.0% (65 theses) of doctorate degree at general graduate school, and 76.2% (61 theses) of graduate school of education used Japanese. (4) The proportion of using contrastive analysis as research methodology was 29.5% (70 theses) for mater’s degree at general graduate school, 19.4% (13 theses) for doctorate degree at general graduate school, and 13.8% (11 theses) for mater’s degree at graduate school of education. (5) Theses themes of mater’s degree at general graduate schools were divided in the order of 135 theses (57.0%) on Japanese linguistics, 48 theses (20.3%) on Japanese Education, 38 theses (16.0%) on Japanese literature, 13 theses (5.5%) on Japanology, and 3 theses (1.3%) on Japanese translation and interpretation. Theses on Japanese linguistics can be further divided into 45 theses (33.3%) on grammar, 24 theses (17.8%) on vocabulary, 24 theses (17.8%) on linguistics in everyday life, and these on Japanese literature can be divided into 25 theses (65.8%) on modern Japanese literature, 13 theses (34.2%) on ancient Japanese literature, and theses on Japanese education can be divided into 23 theses (47.9%) on teaching and learning, 11 theses (22.9%) on error and acquisition. (6) These themes for doctorate degree (67 theses) at general graduate school were divided in the orderof 40 theses (59.7%) on Japanese linguistics, 15 theses (22.4%) on Japanese education, 8 theses (11.9%) on Japanese literature, and 4 theses (6.0%) on Japanology. (7) Theses themes for mater’s degree at graduate school of education were divided in the order to 33 theses (41.3%) on Japanese education, 22 theses (27.5%) on Japanese linguistics, 21 theses (26.3%) on Japanese literature, and 4 theses (5.0%) on Japanology.

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