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        경제제재와 인도주의 위기의 심화: 이란의 코로나19 사례를 중심으로

        한수진,최동주 국제개발협력학회 2021 국제개발협력연구 Vol.13 No.3

        Purpose: This study examines the exacerbating effect of economic sanctions on the civilian population through weakening of economic and social system of the sanctioned state during humanitarian crisis. To this end, the study aims to determine the impact of U.S. sanctions against Iran during the Covid-19 pandemic. Originality: There are critiques who point out that sanctioned states are suffering more severely than other countries from the impact of Covid-19 in addition to difficulties inherently caused by economic sanctions. However, these critiques have limitation of merely raising fragmentary issues without adequate considerations of the impacts of economic sanctions on targeted countries and their citizens. Therefore, this paper looks into how the U.S. economic sanctions on Iran have been set in motion during Covid-19 pandemic and how it takes its heavy toll on the general public of Iran based on the theoretical analysis on the impacts of economic sanctions. Methodology: This paper uses Process-Tracing method to analyze the causal process of U.S. sanctions affecting the general public of Iran during Covid-19. Result: The U.S. economic sanctions against Iran intrinsically bring about economic isolation of it acted as a serious impediment to the effort of the Iranian government to responding to Covid-19. Even worse, economic sanctions have limited humanitarian aids, making it difficult to timely supply medicines and sanitary goods. Conclusions and Implication: This study reaffirms that economic sanctions generate economic and social fallout in the sanctioned states by restricting trade and financial transactions, and also underlines that sanctions have negative impacts comparable to human and economic losses from use of forces during extraordinary time of crisis. Such implication poses fundamental question of the validity of economic sanctions as a humane alternative to armed warfare. Accordingly, the study highlights the need for international efforts to minimize the unintended consequences of economic sanctions from a humanitarian perspective.

      • KCI등재

        경제제재와 인도주의 위기의 심화 : 이란의 코로나19 사례를 중심으로

        한수진(Soojin Han),최동주(Dong Ju Choi) 국제개발협력학회 2012 국제개발협력연구 Vol.13 No.3

        연구목적: 본 연구는 인도주의적 위기 상황에서 경제제재가 제재 대상 국가의 경제와 사회 시스템을 약화시킴으로써 일반 국민들의 어려움을 가중시키는 데 주목한다. 이에 미국의 대이란 제재를 중심으로 경제제재가 코로나19로 인한 인도주의적 위기 상황에 어떠한 작용과 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 연구의 중요성: 최근 코로나19가 전 세계적으로 확산하는 가운데, 경제제재 대상 국가의 국민들은 제재로 인한 어려움에 더해 코로나19로 인한 고통까지 이중고를 겪고 있다는 지적이 제기되고 있다. 그동안 제기된 지적들은 경제제 재가 제재 대상 국가와 일반 국민들에게 미치는 영향에 대한 충분한 고찰 없이 단편적인 문제제기에 그치는 한계를 갖고 있다. 본 연구는 경제제재의 영향에 대한 이론적 검토를 바탕으로 미국의 경제제재가 이란의 코로나19 위기에 미친 영향을 체계적으로 분석했다는 점에서 의미를 갖는다. 연구방법론: 본 연구는 과정추적법(Process Tracing Method)을 활용하여 미국 의 대이란 경제제재가 코로나19 위기 상황에서 이란의 일반 국민들에게 영향을 미치는 인과 과정을 분석한다. 연구결과: 미국의 경제제재는 이란에 대한 경제적 고립을 통해 코로나19에 대응하는 전 과정에 있어서 직간접적인 방해요소로 작용하고 있었다. 경제제재 로 인한 무역과 해외 금융 거래 제한은 코로나19 사태로 인한 사회, 경제적 위기에 이란 정부가 적절히 대응하지 못하는 결과를 가져왔다. 또한 경제제재 는 국제적인 인도주의적 지원을 제한하여 의약품이나 방역 용품을 빠른 시간 내에 제공하는 데 걸림돌로 작용했다. 결론 및 시사점:경제제재는대상이된국가의무역과해외금융거래를제한함 으로써 국가 전반적인 경제적, 사회적 개발의 후퇴를 가져오며, 코로나19 확산처 럼 인간의 생명을 즉각적으로 위협하는 위기 상황에서 무력 사용을 통한 인명 피해와 경제적 손실에 버금가는 부정적 효과를 가져올 가능성도 다분하다. 이러 한 현실은 경제제재를 ‘인도적인 강제 수단’으로 분류하는 것이 합당한지에 대한 근본적인 질문을 제기한다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 인도주의적 관점에서 경제제재 로 인한 부정적인 영향을 최소화하는 국제적 노력이 필요함을 강조한다. Purpose: This study examines the exacerbating effect of economic sanctions on the civilian population through weakening of economic and social system of the sanctioned state during humanitarian crisis. To this end, the study aims to determine the impact of U.S. sanctions against Iran during the Covid-19 pandemic. Originality: There are critiques who point out that sanctioned states are suffering more severely than other countries from the impact of Covid-19 in addition to difficulties inherently caused by economic sanctions. However, these critiques have limitation of merely raising fragmentary issues without adequate considerations of the impacts of economic sanctions on targeted countries and their citizens. Therefore, this paper looks into how the U.S. economic sanctions on Iran have been set in motion during Covid-19 pandemic and how it takes its heavy toll on the general public of Iran based on the theoretical analysis on the impacts of economic sanctions. Methodology: This paper uses Process-Tracing method to analyze the causal process of U.S. sanctions affecting the general public of Iran during Covid-19. Result: The U.S. economic sanctions against Iran intrinsically bring about economic isolation of it acted as a serious impediment to the effort of the Iranian government to responding to Covid-19. Even worse, economic sanctions have limited humanitarian aids, making it difficult to timely supply medicines and sanitary goods. Conclusions and Implication: This study reaffirms that economic sanctions generate economic and social fallout in the sanctioned states by restricting trade and financial transactions, and also underlines that sanctions have negative impacts comparable to human and economic losses from use of forces during extraordinary time of crisis. Such implication poses fundamental question of the validity of economic sanctions as a humane alternative to armed warfare. Accordingly, the study highlights the need for international efforts to minimize the unintended consequences of economic sanctions from a humanitarian perspective.

      • Study on the Net Economic Impact of Mega Sport Events: Perspective of Visitors’ Expenditure (Case Study of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games)

        Qiuju Luo,Xiangyu Lu 한국관광학회 2014 International Journal of Tourism Sciences Vol.14 No.2

        This study assesses the economic impact of the Guangzhou Asian Games from the perspective of that expenditure. It examines how much economic impact sporadic sports mega-events have, and the extent to which their results can be measured by economic data. Expenditure data were collected through questionnaires, and the input-output (I-O) model was used to evaluate the Games’ direct and indirect economic impact. We focus on classifying and quantifying Asian Games visitors, which remove part of the squeezing effect and thus accurately define the net economic impact. Among the several categories of participants investigated, the data show that “event visitors” were the primary source of economic impact from visitors’ expenditure. Although only 32.56% of all visitors were event visitors, their economic contribution made up 61.39%of the total expenditure. Overall, the 722,074 Asian Games visitors produced an economic return of 2,709,247,693 yuan. The average expenditure was 1,688 yuan and the multiplier of output was 2.22. Compared to the Chinese government’s large capital investment in preparation for the Asian Games, the economic impact of visitors’ expenditure was not outstanding. When we include the factor of economic impact in evaluating the effects of sporadic mega-events, it becomes clear that the main benefits lie in non-monetary returns such as the reconstruction of urban spatial structures, the effect on the city’s image, changes in local politics and culture, or improvements to the environment.

      • KCI등재

        Economic Impact of Government Archives

        Elizabeth Yakel 한국기록관리학회 2012 한국기록관리학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        Economic impact analyses have not been widely conducted in archives. This article reports on a two parallel surveys in the US and Canada to assess the economic impact of government archives (state, provincial, territorial, county, and municipal). The surveys utilize indirect measures of economic impact. Responses from 2,534 people in 66 archives were analyzed. Findings indicate that archives were the primary reason that respondents visited an area and that visitors exhibit specific patterns of visiting the archives in conjunction with other cultural organizations in an area. Furthermore, while many respondents used local eateries, fewer rented lodgings or spent money on theater or sporting events. As a result, the archives participating in this survey did have a modest impact on local economies. The article concludes by discussing three major questions about the evaluation of the economic impact of archives which were raised by the findings: 1) Are indirect measures the most appropriate means of assessing economic impact in archives or should archives employ direct measures as used by public libraries? 2) How should government archives formulate their value proposition and should those value propositions focus on other aspects of archives’ impact, such as the social impact, to demonstrate archives’ important role in society? and 3) Since visitors exhibited distinct visitation patterns, should archives work more with these other aligned organizations and work on larger forms of collective impact that benefit the entire cultural heritage sector in an area?

      • KCI등재

        지방자치단체 스포츠이벤트 개최의 경제파급효과 비교분석

        남중웅 ( Joong Woong Nam ),최윤석 ( Yun Seok Choi ),구강본 ( Kang Bon Goo ),김애랑 ( Ae Rang Kim ) 한국스포츠산업경영학회 2013 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        이 연구는 지방자치단체가 개최하는 전국규모의 스포츠이벤트 개최를 통한 경제파급효과를 파악하고, 유사한 이벤트 특성을 가진 스포츠이벤트들의 경제파급효과를 비교분석하여 중소도시 브랜드 가치를 높이고 경제 효과를 창출할 수 있는 방안을 모색하는데 그 목적이 있다. 2012년 3월부터 12월까지 C시에서 개최된 11개 전국규모 체육대회에 참여한 참가자를 대상으로 하여 가장 높은 경제파급효과가 나타난 2개 대회와 가장 낮은 경제파급효과가 예측된 2개 대회를 추출하여 비교분석대상으로 선별하였다. 이 연구에서는 지방자치단체 스포츠이벤트 개최에 따른 경제적 파급효과를 분석하기 위한 사용된 조사도구는 1차적으로 2010년 한국은행에서 발간한 2008년 산업연관표의 책자 및 CD를 이용하였으며, 투자지출내역은 C시의 투자지출내역, 참가자의 소비지출내역은 설문지를 사용하였다. 경제파급효과 분석은 산업연관분석(Interindustry Analysis)을 이용해 생산유발효과, 부가가치유발효과, 고용유발효과 등을 추정, 분석하였다. 조사대상은 총 546명이 연구에 참여하였으며, 연구의 결과는 아래와 같다. 첫째, C시에서 개최된 전국규모 스포츠이벤트 개최에 따른 경제적 파급효과는 대부분 높게 나타났으나 초·중·고등학생 관련대회에서의 참가자 지출이 특히 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 참가자의 규모가 클수록 경제파급효과가 높게 나타났으며, 셋째, 대회기간과 투자금액이 많을수록 경제적 파급효과가 상대적으로 낮게 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the economic impact through community sport events and provide strategic and managerial implications to sport practitioners and governors for maximizing their economic values. 546 spectators from 4 community sports events participated in this study. The sport events were selected with event characteristics such as the amount of investment, the number of participants and sport level. Interindustry Analysis was utilized as a data analysistool to analyze economic impact derived from community based sport events. Survey was used for collecting data regarding spectators’ spending patterns, and interindustry standards were employed for calculating economic impact. The findings of this study were as follows. First, overall community sport events generated the significant level of economic impact through community based sport events. Second, when participants were students, economic impacts were more likely to be generated. Third, when the lengths of event schedules were no more than one week, economic impacts were more likely to be generated.

      • KCI등재

        최근 정원산업 선행연구에 대한 Network Mapping Interface 분석 및 경제적 영향 확장성 연구: 영국 정원산업을 중심으로

        남진보 한국융합과학회 2023 한국융합과학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        Purpose This study aims to draw implications towards the domestic garden industry through analysing the extendability of the garden industry in recent research and determining the scalability of economic impact. Methods To address the aim the extendability of the garden industry was analysed by bibliometric method utilising Network Mapping Interface analysis. The economic scalability of the garden industry in the UK was determined by economic impact assessment dividing it into direct, indirect, and induced impacts. Result First, the garden industry was conceptualised as a business model and has expanded to the garden industry for the circular environment system. Second, the UK’s garden industry plays an overarching role in economic contribution to GDP, employment, and tax derived from its direct, indirect and induced impacts: Interestingly, induced impact more than the indirect impact. Third, the UK’s garden industry continued to expand around retail sales and personal furniture. These findings convey implications to Korea by first, establishing an economically convertible calculation system contextualising the scalability of the contribution of the garden industry, second, determining the contribution of the induced impact is greater than the indirect impact, more focusing on the induced impact-related garden industry and third, revitalising the personal garden industry. Conclusion Addressing these implications will lead to the invigoration of the domestic garden industry, which will expand opportunities to harness the various benefits of gardens. 연구목적 본 연구는 최근 연구를 통한 정원산업의 확장성 이해와,경제적 영향의 확대성 분석을 통해국내 정원산업 활성화를 위한 시사점을 제기하기 위함이다. 연구방법 최근 정원산업 연구를 기반 연구자료를 계량서지학 분석하여 정원산업의 확장성을 도출하였다. 이를 위해 VOSviewer 소프트웨어를 활용하였다. 또한, 정원산업의 경제적 확대에 대한 이해를 위해 영국 정원산업을 직접, 간접 그리고 유도영향으로 구분하여 분석하였다. 결과 첫째, 정원산업은 비즈니스 모델로 시작하여, 정원도시로의 확장 그리고 지속가능성을 강조하며 순환경제를 위한 정원산업으로 확대되는 것을 발견하였다. 둘째, 영국 정원산업이 직접영향과 더불어 간접영향 그리고 부과영향으로 GDP, 고용, 세금 영역안에서 경제적 기여가 상당함을 보여주었다. 흥미로운 것은 부과영향이 간접영향 보다 기여도가 크다는것이다. 셋째, 영국의 정원산업은 소매판매를 중심으로 지속적으로 확대해 나가며, 삶의 질 향상을위한 소비가 증가함을 보여주었다. 이에, 국내에 시사점을 전달한다. 첫째, 정원산업의 기여의 확대를보여주기 위해 경제적으로 환산 가능한 산정체계를 구축해야 한다. 둘째, 부과영향의 기여도가 간접영향 보다 큰 만큼, 부과영향과 관련한 정원산업에 관심을 가져야 한다. 셋째, 개인적 정원산업 활성화 하기위한 대안이 제시되어야 할 것이다. 결론 시사점의 반영은 국내 정원산업의 발전을 가져올것이며, 이는 정원이 가져다 주는 다양한 혜택을 누릴 수 있는 기회가 확대를 가져올 것이다.


        An integrated assessment of the environmental, human health, and economic impacts based on life cycle assessment: A case study of the concrete and steel sumps

        Jeong, Kwangbok,Ji, Changyoon,Kim, Hyunjung,Hong, Taehoon,Cho, Kyuman,Lee, Jaewook Elsevier 2019 Journal of Cleaner Production Vol.239 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>The sustainable building materials and construction methods have been recently highlighted to reduce the environmental and human health impacts. The steel sump is regarded as a suitable alternative to the concrete sump as it has a lower economic impact, but further research on its environmental and human health impacts has yet to be conducted. Thus, this study conducted an integrated assessment of the environmental, human health, and economic impacts of the concrete and steel sumps using life cycle assessment. When the environmental, human health, and economic impacts are considered at the same time, the installation scenarios of the steel sump were superior to those of the concrete sump by 11.35–152.24%. Especially, SS-3 (i.e., installation scenarios #3 of steel sump) has 93.04 and 89.18% lower environmental and human health impacts, respectively, as well as an 81.47% lower construction cost compared to CS-3 (i.e., installation scenarios #3 of concrete sump). This is because the differences in the building material and the practical construction method used determine the environmental, human health, and economic impacts of the sump. The results will help designers or construction managers determine the installation scenario of the sump by considering its environmental, human health, and economic impacts.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> An integrated assessment method of building material was proposed in this study. </LI> <LI> An integrated assessment considers environmental, human health, and economic impacts. </LI> <LI> All installation scenarios of steel sump are superior to those of concrete sump. </LI> <LI> Integrated score can be used as a guideline for selecting building material. </LI> <LI> It can help decision-makers to determine the optimal installation scenario of sump. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        컨벤션산업의 경제적 효과추정에 대한 고찰

        한진영 한국관광학회 2009 관광학연구 Vol.33 No.6

        Previous researches on the economic impact of convention industry tend to overestimate the effect by double counting the demand and supply side. In order to have a better estimation of the economic impact, the study conceptualizes economic characteristics of the convention industry and examines three different ways of estimating the economic impact: Cost- Benefit Analysis, Multiplier Analysis, and Input-Output Analysis. Results show that the dimension of convention as an industry differed from related industries in terms of its structural aspect. Also, the most proper way of impact of convention industry could be inferred from using Input-Output Analysis Model. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the necessity of separating convention industry as an independent industry in the industrial interdependence table.

      • KCI등재

        신용카드 거래분석을 통한 소규모 국제스포츠이벤트의 경제적 효과 분석

        김자영,김주영,김민수 한국체육정책학회 2024 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to assess the economic impact of small-sized sport events through credit card transaction data analyses. To measure economic analyses of sport events, input-output analysis was used because of it was widely used and well-known to measure the economic impact for small sport events. Credit card transaction data were utilized to measure participants and spectators’ expenditure during the event instead of using a survey method. Data were collected by setting the area around the national basic area including the event venues. A total of 274,810 card spending cases were collected for the analyses. In order to assess the total induced production, the total induced added value, and the total induced employment from the event, the national input-output table in 2015 published by the Bank of Korea was used. The total induced production effect for the Samho Korea Cup Bowling event was about 108.22 billion won in 2016, 228.26 billion won in 2017, and 193.14 billion won in 2018. The total induced value added effect for the event was about 49.83 billion won in 2016, 104.09 billion won in 2017, and 88.32 billion won in 2018. The induced employment effect was 685.6 persons in 2016, 1,425.8 persons in 2017, and 1,181.8 persons in 2018. As a result of analyzing the economic impact of the Smaho Korea Cup Bowling event, it appears that the larger the population of the host city, the greater the economic impact.

      • KCI등재

        대구경북 사회적기업의 사회경제적 영향력 평가

        안영규 한국경영교육학회 2010 경영교육연구 Vol.64 No.-

        Social enterprises definitely add value beyond that of traditional economic measures, and therefore they play an important role in sustainable development. While the activities of social enterprises are incredibly diverse and their scale of operations varies enormously, there is a generally accepted common need to develop systems of measuring and reporting on their impacts. This paper investigates how to assess the potential social-economic impact from different investments in social enterprises located within Daegu & Kyeongbuk province. For this purpose, I adopt case study approach and the SROI(Social Return On Investment) methodology to measure the social-economic impact of Hwajin Tech & Hwajin Texi Co. which is one of the best examples in the field of social enterprises. The SROI methodology developed by REDF and NEF uses traditional cost-benefit analysis to combine monetised enterprise benefits with the cash flows of quantified social benefits deriving from the investment. As a result of SROI analysis, Hwajin Tech & Hwajin Texi Co. achieves economic ROI 0.129(12.9%), social ROI 0.062(6.2%), and social-economic ROI 0191(19.1%). Although all of the results show a positive ROI, we cannot be sure that they are satisfactory in terms of what could or should have been achieved, compared to other organizations with different objectives and resources. Nevertheless, it would seem that if the sufficient government support for social enterprises is given this company can create enough social-economic value to pay back in the investment. 본 연구에서는 로버츠기업개발기금(Roberts Enterprise Development Fund)과 신경제재단(New Economic Foundation)에 의해 공동개발된 사회적 투자수익률(Social Return on Investment: SROI)을 이용하여, 대구경북지역에 있는 화진테크 화진택시(주)의 성과를 측정해봄으로써 사회적기업의 사회경제적 영향력평가를 실시해 보았다. 구체적으로, 화진테크 화진택시(주)의 2009년도 재무제표와 현장 방문 및 면담 등을 통해 수집한 자료를 이용하여 Rotheroe & Richards(2007)의 연구처럼 신경제재단에서 제시한 총10단계의 작업절차를 거쳐 사회적 투자수익률을 계산하였다. 계산 결과, 화진테크 화진택시(주)의 경제적 ROI는 0.129(12.9%), 사회적 ROI는 0.062(6.2%), 사회경제적 ROI는 0.191(19.1%)의 값을 얻을 수 있었다. 상이한 목적을 가진 사회적기업의 비교대상 선정이나 성과평가표준 설정의 현실적인 어려움으로, 분석대상 기업의 사회경제적 성과의 우열을 가늠하기는 쉽지 않았다. 그러나 분석대상 기업인 화진테크 화진택시(주)의 경우에는 대체로 정부의 사회적기업의 육성의도에 부합되게 양호한 사회경제적 가치를 창출하는 것으로 보여지며, 정부의 적극적인 지원과 철저한 사후관리감독이 병행된다면 성공적인 사회적기업으로 발돋움할 수 있을 것으로 분석되었다.

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