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        브루너(J. Bruner)의 발견학습이론의 음악교육적 적용과 단계적 발견학습의 모델

        승윤희 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 2009 교과교육학연구 Vol.13 No.3

        Various teaching/learning methods have been developed for cognitive learning. In the 1960s, Jerome Bruner developed a theory of cognitive and thinking growth that has had a propound effect on education. Bruner said that knowing is a process. He focused on the importance of understanding the structure of a subject being studied, the need for active learning as the basis for understanding, and the importance of reasoning in learning. Discovery learning, as proposed by Bruner, encourages students to actively use their intuition, imagination, and creativity. Teachers propose issues or problems and students gather data and observations to develop hypotheses, confirm or refine their hypotheses, and explain or prove their hypotheses. The method of discovery learning is not limited to such highly formalized subjects as mathematics and physics. Its application is important in various disciplines, including music education. Research regarding discovery learning and its conceptual approach in music education is continuing. The content for study in discovery learning has a large range, and various roles for the teacher/learner have been proposed. For success of discovery learning in music education, a stage model that has definite steps is needed with development of intentional instructor questions for each stage. The purpose of this study is multi-faceted. An understanding of J. Bruner's discovery learning method as applied to music education is developed with reflection on the meaning of discovery learning in music education. Study of the types of discovery learning and instructor questions for application in the steps of a music learning model are developed, and an effective stage model with specific content for discovery learning in music education is proposed. A stage model with 3 styles of discovery learning, including a guided discovery style, a convergent discovery style, and a divergent discovery style, is suggested for music teaching/learning. Each style is developed in relation to the general characteristics of the style, the teacher/learner relationship, decision making, the roles of the teacher and the learner, the style of the instructor questions, and the characteristics of music learning. 학습을 통한 지적 능력의 발달은 인지심리학 분야에서 지속적으로 이루어진 연구 주제이다. 인지심리학자인 브루너(J. Bruner)의 지식의 구조론과 발견학습 아이디어는 오늘날까지 각 교과의 교육과정과 학습이론에 많은 영향을 끼치고 있다. 발견학습의 기본 성격은, 내용면에서는 ‘지식의 구조’를 중심으로 하는 학습이며, 방법면에서는 학습자의 ‘발견적인 절차’에 따른 학습이고, 목표면에서는 ‘탐구적인 사고방법의 형성’을 위한 학습자 중심의 학습이다. 탐구학습과 동일한 의미로 사용되는 발견학습의 아이디어는 음악교과에서도 학습자의 음악적 지식 체계의 구축과 음악적 사고방법의 형성을 위해 지속적으로 연구되어왔다. 발견학습을 통해 학습자가 습득하여야 할 교과의 지식은 다양하다. 발견학습은 간단한 개념을 이해하는 내용에서부터 정보를 재구성하여 새로운 지식을 산출할 수 있는 내용에 이르기까지 다양한 학습의 수준을 포함한다. 또한 능동적인 학습을 촉진시키기 위한 수업은 교사와 학습자에게 더욱 구체적이고 적극적이며 많은 역할을 요구한다. 이 과정에서 교사의 질문은 중요한 전략으로 사용된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 발견학습을 음악교과에 적용함에 있어, 3가지 유형의 발견학습(유도-수렴-확산 발견학습)으로 구분하여 단계적으로 제시하고, 각 유형에 적절한 교사의 질문을 구체화시켰다. 본 연구에 제시된 3가지 유형의 발견학습은 각각 일반적 특성, 교사와 학습자의 관계, 학습활동 의사결정권, 교사와 학습자의 역할, 교사의 질문, 음악학습의 내용․활동․평가 등에 관한 내용으로 구성되었다.

      • KCI등재

        구성적 학습방법으로서의 발견학습

        홍윤경 ( Yun Kyung Hong ) 한국초등교육학회 2009 초등교육연구 Vol.22 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to interpret `learning by discovery` not so much `inductive method` as `constructive method. `Learning by discovery` has been defined as the inductive method to discover the general principle which is common in many concrete facts. However, this point of view cannot solve how to differentiate it with learning by instruction. `Abstractionism`, which is a model of `learning by discovery`, is grounded on the inductive method. It is not relevant as a model of `learning by discovery` because, firstly, children cannot abstract the principle from concrete facts, while teacher can do it, and secondly there are some concepts which cannot be acquired through abstraction. These difficulties can be overcome by determining `learning by discovery` as a `constructive method` for acquiring scientific reasoning. Subjective condition of knowing, which is the essence of discovery, is transmitted through constructive method. Teacher`s excellent command of language, which is exhibited in the Socratic art of conversation, makes a learner discover scientific reasoning. Constructive method is an alternative to inductive method, for it highlights up the point that teacher`s command of language including instruction, is indispensible for learning by discovery.

      • K-POP을 활용한 발견학습 기반의 한국어 단어학습 어플리케이션의 설계 및 구현

        김경배,김가란 서원대학교 미래창조연구소 2012 과학과 문화 Vol.9 No.1

        Korean learning is becoming more and more popular. However, there are few Korean learning applications that assist learning Korean easily and effectively. In this paper we design and implement the smart phone application of Korean words learning based on Bruner’s discovery learning. It is correlated with discovery learning and words using in real-life for learning Korean. In order to pronounce and memorize vowels and consonants of Korean words correctly, the implemented application based on Bruner’s discovery learning helps foreigners learn Korean by utilizing K-Pop music.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 영문법 교재에 적용된 이해 중심 발견 학습

        엄태경 ( Tae Kyung Eom ) 인하대학교 교육연구소 2015 교육문화연구 Vol.21 No.6

        본 연구에서는 최근 영문법 교수의 큰 흐름인 형태 초점 교수법과 의식고양 과제를 ``발견학습`` 이라는 교과 교육 이론의 큰 틀 안에서 분석하고, 영문법 학습 교재에 수록된 발견 학습의 예를 ``문법발견연습``과 ``구별연습``의 두 가지로 크게 나누어 검토하였다. 이해 중심, 산출 중심, 검사 유 형의 연습으로 구성된 체크리스트를 사용하여 1955년부터 2014년까지의 기간 동안 국내에서 발 간된 상업적 영문법 학습 교재 21권을 대상으로 연습의 유형 및 빈도를 분석하였다. 특히 시제 와 태 항목에 대해 교재에 실제로 수록되어 있는 이해 중심 발견 연습의 유형을 구체적으로 기 술하였으며, 해외 교재에 수록된 발견 연습의 예를 함께 제시하여 국내 교재에서는 찾아보기 어 려운 유형의 연습과 영어 교수·학습 연구의 성과물이 교재에 반영된 사례를 검토하였다. 한국의 영문법 교재에 수록되었던 ``문법발견연습``이 주로 문법 구조의 지식에 대한 발문 위주의 것이었 다면, 최근 해외의 문법발견연습은 진정성 있는 읽기와 듣기 자료를 활용하고 문법 구조의 사용 맥락을 발견하게 하는 등 의사소통의 과정에서 다채로운 연습을 활용할 수 있도록 구성되어 있 었다. ``구별연습``은 국내 교재에서 거의 찾아볼 수 없었는데 형태상으로는 선택형 문항 등을 포함 하게 되어 단순한 검사 문항으로서 분류되기 쉬우며, 아직은 구조화된 입력 및 이해 중심 연습 에 대한 국내 교재 개발자들의 인식이 높지 않은 것으로 여겨진다. 영어 학습에서 성공하기 위 해서는 산출 형태의 연습만으로는 충분치 않으며, 더욱이 언어 습득 이론에 근거한 연습이 아닌 세환효과(washback effect)에 영향 받은 검사로만 교재의 연습이 구성되어서는 안 될 것이다. 한 국의 상황을 잘 알고 있는 교재 집필자와 교사가 함께 논의하여 교수·학습 이론에서 나오는 다 양한 아이디어를 실행 가능한 형태로 구체화하고 이를 교재에 반영함으로써 학습자들의 성공적 인 언어 습득을 이끌어 낼 수 있도록 노력해야 할 것이다. In this study ``focus on form approach`` and ``consciousness-raising task``, which are a major flow of recent English grammar teaching and learning, were analyzed within the framework of ``discovery learning``. For this, the cases of discovery learning in English grammarbooks were classified into two categories of ``grammar discovery`` and ``discrimination`` practice. And the application of the discovery learning to grammar learning materials in the context of English education in Korea, was suggested. While grammar discovery practices in English grammarbooks published in Korea were mainly focused on questioning on the knowledge of grammatical structures, grammar discovery practices of overseas materials were using authentic reading and listening materials or had learners discover the appropriate context for using the grammar structures. Discrimination practices were hardly observed in domestic grammarbooks. This practice type is often misunderstood as a multiple choice question and textbook developers in Korea still seem to lack the awareness about input-based and understanding-based practices. In order to succeed in learning English, it is necessary to go through various forms of practices based on the results of second language acquisition researches. Material writers and teachers should try to develop practices and tasks that help realize a variety of research results in the classroom. And they should strive to include and employ those practices in learning materials.

      • 청소년 봉사학습을 위한 창조교육 교수-학습 5단계 적용

        김정아 ( Kim Jeong-a ) 창조교육학회 2019 창조교육논총 Vol.21 No.-

        This study applied the 5th stage of creative education teaching-learning to youth service learning. It is important for young people to develop healthy personality and creative competence as a social experience learning, one of the meaningful education for young people, through service activities conducted inside and outside the school. In other words, by applying 5 stages of creative education teaching-learning to the service learning of the youth, it is possible to solve the problem creatively through service activities and to cultivate the creative competence of the youth by pursuing creative value. The stage of ideation is the process of recognizing the problem of service activities, and the stage of starting to imagine service activities, which are emotional and personal values including knowledge and skills through service activities. The discovery stage is the preparation process of volunteer activities, which is the stage of concentrating motivation and enthusiasm on the value while positively thinking about the imaginary value made through the stage of thought. In other words, the imagination of value creation through service activities is embodied, and knowledge is constrained due to the action of creativity, and the fusion of emotion and personality is concretely shown. The stage of excavation is the process of carrying out service activities for full-scale service learning, and it is a process of changing into a rational and systematic idea. It is a stage in which individual creative abilities of each youth are uniquely applied to grasp, analyze, and refine the elements of contents or problems found through the experience of service activities. The stage of expression is the reflection of service activities, and the result of knowledge and such consilience is fused into emotion and personality, so it is completed with meaningful contents by systematically organizing contents discovered through service activities. The actual value of service learning is revealed as a practical step to establish creative competence as a process of organizing and organizing the contents of service learning through service activities. The stage of development is the process that coincides with the process of development of service activities, and the stage where creative competence is established by objectifying new values through application and evaluation. Experienced and practical knowledge of volunteer activities is integrated, and the knowledge, emotion and personality are fused to create value and demonstrate creative competence. The value of learning through service activities of adolescents is to realize creative value through healthy personality and creative competence development of adolescents by combining knowledge and experience learned in school. Therefore, by applying the 5 steps of creative education teaching-learning to youth service learning, healthy personality and creative competence can be cultivated through the fusion of personality development and creativity development. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a substantial service learning through various service activities of adolescents.

      • KCI등재

        학술적 텍스트 쓰기를 위한 문법의 발견 학습 항목 선정 및 적용 연구

        한윤정 국제한국어교육학회 2020 한국어 교육 Vol.31 No.1

        As an extension of previous research stating that discovery learning can be used in teaching grammar, this study predicted that this teaching method can be used effectively with “advanced Korean learners for academic purposes” who are actively engaged in metacognition activities, and focused on discovery learning of Korean grammar for academic text writing. First, this study analyzed the grammar items of writing textbooks for Korean learners for academic purposes and selected 60 discovery learning items of “grammar for academic text writing” by considering items that can be the subject of discovery learning. Moreover, the patterns of grammatical errors and frequency of selected grammar items are examined by analyzing the academic texts produced by the learners, and the scope of grammar discovery learning is presented to be applied to classes. Finally, a survey was conducted on the learners that provided the texts, through which their perception on “grammar in academic texts” and “discovery learning” is examined, and thereby presents ways to apply this knowledge to classes.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Scaffolding Type and Metacognition Level on Higher-order Thinking Skills and Task Performance in Mathematical Learning: Lens of Neo-Vygotskian Theoretical Learning

        PAN Yingying,김회수 서울대학교 교육종합연구원 2022 The SNU Journal of Education Research Vol.31 No.4

        Neo-Vygotskian theoretical learning was developed based on Vygotsky’s notions of scientific knowledge as psychological tools and teaching these tools as major instructional content. Vygotsky’s adherents challenged the validity of the theoretical assumptions of guided discovery learning and argued that this scaffolding strategy was probably not a proper way to teach students scientific knowledge. Therefore, this paper investigated the effects of these different scaffolds and learners’ metacognition on their higher-order thinking skills and task performance in mathematical learning. Eighty-four eighth grade students participated in our study. The learning sessions consisting of eight 40-minute lessons were conducted by a single teacher. The results showed that the theoretical learning group developed significantly better higher-order thinking skills and performed better than did the guided discovery learning group or the didactic learning group. Moreover, our study did not find a significant interaction between scaffolding type and metacognition, which indicated that the theoretical learning scaffold was more effective than were the other scaffolds regardless of the levels of metacognition.

      • KCI등재

        역사교육에서 비교학습의 활용방안

        최은식 ( Choe Eun Sig ) 역사교육학회 2003 역사교육논집 Vol.31 No.-

        A history teacher frequently applies comparative methods or comparative approaches to everyday classes. But researchers of history education have recognized `comparison` as only one of explaining methods or one of class skills. This is why a proper model of comparative learning has not been developed, even though the method of comparative learning is said to be important in history education. The aim of this paper is to establish the theory of comparative learning in history teaching and to suggest some practical ways to apply it at the local level. The theory established here is based upon theories of J. S. Bruner`s Discovery Learning, and R. M. Gagne`s Discrimination Learning. The object of comparative learning is to examine similarities and differences among societies in terms of time and spaces, and to compare historical facts and to find out causes and effects of any differences. Through this learning activity I hop that we can reach the genuine object of our history education.

      • KCI등재

        발견학습과 반응중심학습 모형의 매력과 함정

        구리나(Ri-na Ku) 한국도덕교육학회 2017 道德敎育硏究 Vol.29 No.3

        본 논문의 목적은 오늘날 각광을 받고 있는 학습자중심교육 가운데 발견학습과 반응중심학습 모형을 고찰함으로써 각각의 매력과 함정을 밝히는 데에 있다. 발견학습은 지식의 구조를 학습자들이 스스로 발견하도록 하는 학습방법으로서 그것은 학습자의 자발성과 적극성을 고양시킨다는 매력을 가진다. 그러나 일상적 발견과 교육적 발견은 그 의미가 다르며, 일상적 발견을 그대로 교육적 발견에 적용할 경우 학습자가 지식의 구조를 발견하는 일은 일어나지 않는다. 교육은 일상과 다른 논리로 이해되어야 한다. 반면, 반응중심학습은 교육과 일상의 관련에 주목하여 기존의 천편일률적인 문학 작품에 대한 해석을 거부하고 학습자가 각자 자신의 삶과 경험에 비추어 문학을 이해하도록 유도하는 학습방법이다. 이 모형은 다양성을 추구한다는 이점을 보이지만 그 다양성이라는 것이 단지 동일한 수준의 다양성을 뜻하는 것에 그칠 뿐 새로운 의미를 탐구한다는 뜻을 가지지 않는다는 점에서 한계를 지닌다. 이 경우 일상의 논리가 교육을 잠식하게 되며 결국 교육에 대한 부정으로 귀결된다. 발견학습에서 반응중심학습 모형으로의 흐름은 교사가 제시하는 중간언어에 대한 의구와 불신이 한층 더 짙어지는 과정을 보여주며, 그와 함께 교육의 지위가 점점 위태로워지는 과정을 나타낸다. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the attractions and pitfalls of the discovery learning and the response-based learning. Discovery learning and response-based learning are attractive because they respect spontaneity and diversity of learners, respectively. However, the former caused confusion in education by not distinguishing between the contexts of daily life and education, while the latter was closely related to everyday life and education, which led to denial of education. The flow from the discovery learning to the response-based learning is a process in which the distrust of the middle language presented by the teacher gradually intensifies, and the status of education is increasingly at stake.

      • KCI등재

        코퍼스와 코퍼스 분석도구의 교육적 활용

        천승미(Cheon, Seung-mi) 담화·인지언어학회 2023 담화와 인지 Vol.30 No.1

        This study examines the educational effectiveness of the corpus and corpus analysis tool by considering the various corpus analysis tools available for the educational utilization of the corpus and selecting appropriate tools for the learning purpose, learning content, and learning target. Using the educational corpus in the EFL environment allows learners to acquire contextualized grammatical knowledge through the real language used by native speakers and helps learners understand how to make sentences. When acquiring the meaning and form of language through corpus-based activities, learners are exposed to repetitive linguistic structures as cognitive subjects rather than passive recipients of knowledge. Such activities can be used as an optimal means of generalizing noticing, enhancing language acquisition, and increasing language uptake. In data-driven learning, learners take the initiative in learning language as researchers who discover and analyze rules by becoming familiar with various patterns of the target language through vast amounts of language data. Psychological processing by noticing language use facilitates the conversion of learning into long-term memory, enabling effective language learning. Learning grammar using data-driven learning has demonstrated excellent learning effects as learners focus on grammar forms and examine their practical uses to gain meaningful language use experience.

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