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        해외직접판매 활성화 방안에 관한 고찰

        김선협 한국무역금융보험학회(구 한국무역보험학회) 2017 무역금융보험연구 Vol.18 No.3

        해외직접판매란 판매업자가 해외에 물건을 파는 것을 말하며, 유형으로는 대행형, 입점형, 독립형이 있다. 매년마다 전 세계적으로 해외직접판매는 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 국내는 입점형 해외직접판매의 형태의 선호 및 상대국가의 한정성 등으로 해외직접판매 성장에 제약을 받고 있는 실정이다. 중소기업의 수출증대를 위한 장려책의 일환으로, 2015년, 2016년에 두 차례 중소기업의 해외직접판매 지원을 위한 법률안이 발의되었지만 임기만료로 폐기되거나 국회에 계류중에 있는 상태이다. 따라서 중소기업의 해외직접판매에 지원에 대한 체계적・일률적인 통합적 시스템이 구축 되어있지 못한 실정이며, 더불어 현실성 있는 지원정책도 부재한 실정이다. 현재의 해외직접판매를 활성화하기 위한 전제요건으로는 우선 첫째, 해외직접판매의 원활한 물류 시스템을 구축, 둘째, 해외직접판매의 온라인 수출 채널 다각화, 셋째, 해외직접판매의 간편결제시스템 마련 및 대금정산 비용부담 개선, 넷째, 해외직접판매 제품의 경쟁력 확보 및 독립형 해외직접판매 활성화가 필요하다고 판단된다. 위의 전제요건인 해외직접판매 간편결제시스템과 관련하여 해킹 및 보안문제로 국내 해외직접판매 업체와 다수의 해외 소비자간에 분쟁이 발생될 여지가 농후하다고 생각된다. 중소기업의 해외직접판매 지원을 위한 법률안 제15조를 살펴보면 해외직접판매 관련 분쟁을 신속․공정하게 해결하기 위하여 해외직접판매 분쟁조정기관을 둔다고만 규정하고 있고, 해외직접판매 분쟁에 대한 절차 및 해결방안에 관해서는 구체적으로 명시하지 않고 있다. 이러한 해외직접판매에 분쟁에 대하여 안일하게 대처할 경우 다수의 해외 소비자들의 고충․불만․피해 등은 SNS(Social Network Service)으로 순식간에 전파되어, 국내 해외직접판매 업체의 브랜드 이미지 추락 및 국가 경쟁력 저하로 이어질 가능성이 높다. 따라서 해외소비자들의 고충․불만․피해에 대하여 신속하게 조정․중재할 수 있는 국내 해외직접판매 소비자분쟁기관 설치를 제안하고자 한다. 이것은 국내 해외직접판매 업체의 브랜드 이미지 향상에 영향을 주어 결국 해외소비자를 충성고객으로 만드는 원동력이 될 것이라 생각한다. Foreign direct selling refers to selling goods abroad by a vendor, and there are types of substitute, entry, and stand-alone types. Global direct overseas sales are increasing every year. Domestic sales are limited by the preference of foreign direct selling type and the limited nature of foreign countries. As a precondition for promoting direct foreign direct sales, the first is to establish a smooth logistics system for overseas direct sales, second, to diversify online export channels for overseas direct sales, third, to set up a simple payment system for overseas direct sales, Cost burden improvement, fourth securing competitiveness of overseas direct sales products, and revitalizing direct overseas direct sales. I believe that there is a possibility that there will be a dispute between domestic foreign direct seller and a large number of foreign consumers due to the security problem related to the above-mentioned requirement of the direct foreign settlement simple payment system. In Article 15 of the Law for Supporting Foreign Direct Sales, it is stipulated that foreign direct sales dispute settlement agencies shall be established in order to resolve disputes related to direct foreign sales promptly and fairly. But it does not specify in detail. Therefore, when responding to disputes in overseas direct sales effortlessly, complaints, complaints, and damages of many overseas consumers are spread quickly by SNS (Social Network Service), resulting in a decrease in brand image of domestic direct selling companies and deterioration of national competitiveness It is likely to continue. Therefore, we would like to propose the establishment of a domestic direct foreign-based consumer dispute agency to promptly adjust and mediate the complaints, complaints and damages of overseas consumers. This influences the improvement of the brand image of domestic direct overseas vendors, which will be a driving force to make overseas consumers loyal customers

      • KCI등재

        직접판매의 효율성제고와 사행성 저감방안에 관한 연구

        원종문(Won JongMoon),김창호(Kim Changho) 한국유통학회 2009 流通硏究 Vol.14 No.5

        본 논문은 다단계판매(multi level marketing)와 방문판매(direct sales)의 효율성 제고와 사행성 저감방안을 위한 정보의 정책수립(policy)과 기업의 전략수립(business strategy)의 기초자료를 위해 진행되었다. 3개의 분석모형의 회귀분석(regression analysis)을 통해 추정식(model)을 도출, 변수간의 상관관계(correlation)와 영향을 분석하여 다음의 결과를 얻었다. 총매출(total sales) 제고를 위해 판매원수(sales force)와 최상위계층(highest level)의 총후원금(total incentive)을 높이고 주력상품을 확보할 필요가 있다. 생산성(productivity)은 판매원들의 안정적 후원수당(incentive)의 보상체계(incentive system)와 소비자 피해 보호체계를 구축하고 유통비용(sales cost)을 줄일 때 높아질 수 있다. 특히 사행성은 총매출과 생산성에 (-)효가가 있음이 밝혀졌다. 사행성을 줄이기 위해서는 과수요 유발요인 유통비용(매출대비 판매수당 비율)을 줄이고 기대후원금 수준을 충분히 낮출 필요가 있다. 공제조합기금(association fund)을 통한 피해보상은 오히려 사행성을 높이는 경향이 있어 이해 당사 자간의 적극적 자율규제를 유도하는 것이 바람직하다. 방문판매와 다단계판매의 구분은 판매단계(sales level)가 아닌 사행성과 소비자보호방법의 차이로 구분하는 것이 바람직하다. 따라서 판매수당의 누적성과 불로소득성(2단계까지는 근로소득 인정), 지급판매원(paid sales force) 비율(산업적 고용창출 여부) 등의 차이와 자발적 규제 가능성 및 관리 능력의 여부에 따라 직접판매(direct selling) 업태를 2개의 다른 업태(retail pattern)로 구분하여 관리할 필요가 있다. The current paper aims to obtain preliminary data that can help the government and companies establish policies and strategies to improve the efficiency and decrease aleatory uncertainty of multi level marketing and direct sales. We did perform regression analysis on three models and analyze the correlation and effect among variables. It is found that improvement in total sales can be achieved by enhancing sales force and total incentive to the highest level. We also suggest that main commodities be secured. The productivity is shown to be clearly affected by a stable incentive system and a well-maintained customer protection system. In particular, the aleatory uncertainty negatively affects the total sales and productivity. In order to decrease the aleatory uncertainty, the distribution cost (ratio of sales to incentive) and the level of expected incentive must be lowered. Compensation for losses through association funds might increase aleatoric uncertainty. Active self-regulation and mediation between interested parties are strongly encouraged. The distinction between door-to-door sales and multi level marketing should not depend on the sales level but on their differences in their aleatoric uncertainty and customer protection. As a consequence, we propose that direct selling be subcategorized into two distinct retail patterns on the basis of accumulativeness of incentives, gainability of unearned incomes, ratio of paid sales force, job creation, and possibility or manageability of self-regulation.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 해외직접판매 활성화를 위한 선결과제

        김철호 한국무역통상학회 2015 무역통상학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        According to the expanding of Cross-border B2C e-Commerce such as overseas direct purchase, the balance of trade related to online trade shows deficit. In order to reduce the balance of trade deficit on online trade, it is necessary to invigorate overseas direct sales. Therefore, this study attempted to figure out countermeasures for invigorating Korean overseas direct sales through trend analysis of overseas direct sales and case analysis. There are prerequisites for invigorating overseas direct sales in Korea as follows. First, it is necessary to set up the primary competitiveness such as overseas direct sales related products’ quality. Second, it is required to improve core ability such as global marketing ability for overseas direct sales. Third, it is needed to develop new market such as Middle East or EU beside the areas activating of overseas direct sales such as USA and China. Fourth, it is prerequisite of preparing related law and legal system to support overseas direct market systematically. Especially, it needs an overall information system related to Cross-border B2C e-Commerce. In addition, it is necessary to promote actively through succession cases related to overseas direct sales.

      • KCI등재

        직접판매 회사의 광고캠페인이 소비자반응에 미치는 직접 및 간접효과에 관한 연구

        유창조,이상준 한국상품학회 2014 商品學硏究 Vol.32 No.6

        While academics and practitioners alike appear to widely hold the idea that advertising campaigns have a direct effects on consumer responses, little empirical evidence of indirect paths from advertising campaign to consumer responses and nature has been explored in the literature. However, we had a chance to observe that a company with direct selling methods only ran a TV campaign and increased product sales significantly. This company had sold the products through sales people only without using any types of channel members. After exploring this company’s underlying rationale for running the ad campaigns under these circumstances, we hypothesized the effects of advertising campaigns on consumer responses through the mediating role of sales people and suggest both direct and indirect paths from advertising campaign to consumer evaluations. For this purpose, we got supports form a company which sells the products through direct selling methods only and collected data through internet survey methods with 227 sales people in the company. We restricted survey respondents to sales people who began their job before the advertising campaign was run. We measured their perceptions about company’s promotion activities, their sales activities and consumers responses before and after the advertising campaigns and compared their responses. Sales people perceived that promotion activities of the company did not influence the consumer evaluations directly. However, indirect effects of ad campaign on consumer evaluations were confirmed. The advertising campaign of the company influenced sales people’s selling efforts positively and also sales people’s performance was enhanced with the presence of advertising campaign. 학계의 연구자들과 실무자들은 광고캠페인이 소비자반응에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 영향을 주로 분석해 왔기 때문에 광고가 소비자 반응에 미칠 수 있는 간접적인 경로에 대한 가능성을 탐색해 오지 않았다. 그러나 최근 직접판매 방식만을 사용하는 회사가 제품에 대한 대중적인 광고캠페인을 전개하여 좋은 매출성과를 내는 현상이 목격된 바 있다. 이 회사는 다단계 판매방식을 갖고 있어 일반 매장을 이용하지 않고 영업사원을 통해서만 제품을 판매하고 있었다. 본 연구는 이러한 회사가 광고캠페인을 전개하는 의사결정을 내리게 된 배경을 탐색한 후 광고가 영업사원들의 영업효율성 향상을 통해 소비자 반응에 영향을 미치는 간접적인 경로를 확인하게 되었고, 그 결과 광고가 소비자반응에 미치는 직접 및 간접경로에 대한 모형을 제안하였다. 이 모형을 검증하기 위해 연구자들은 직접판매 방식만을 사용하는 회사의 지원을 받아 그 회사의 영업사원들 227명을 대상으로 인터넷을 통한 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문조사에서 응답자들은 광고캠페인이 전개되기 전에 영업활동을 시작한 사람들로 제한하였다. 본 연구는 영업사원들로부터 회사의 촉진활동, 자신의 영업활동 및 소비자들의 반응에 대한 인식을 측정했고, 이러한 질문은 광고캠페인이 전개되기 전과 후로 구분되어 비교・분석되었다. 분석결과 영업사원들은 회사의 광고활동이 소비자 반응에 직접적으로 영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 인식하고 있었다. 그러나 영업사원들은 회사의 광고활동이 자신들의 영업활동을 도와주고 있고 제품 광고를 접한 소비자들은 자신들의 영업활동에 더 호의적으로 반응하고 있다고 응답하였다.

      • KCI등재

        각 국가(대륙)별 온라인쇼핑 해외 직접 판매액: 미국, 중국, ASEAN, 일본, EU를 대상으로

        최수호 ( Soo Ho Choi ),최정일 ( Jeong Il Choi ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2020 유라시아연구 Vol.17 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to look at the overseas direct sales of online shopping in Korea, and to find out the phenomenon of mutual synchronization and future progress by comparing and analyzing the fluctuation rate of sales by country(continent). To this end, we collected data from KOSIS’ “Overseas Direct Sales of Online Shopping by Country(Continent)”. The analysis period used a total of 26 quarterly data from the first quarter of 2014 to the second quarter of 2020. We calculated analysis data using the rate of change compared to the previous quarter for each country (continent). In the first quarter of 2020, overseas direct sales of online shopping in Korea amounted to KRW 1.48855 billion, an increase of 18.8% compared to the first quarter of 2019. By country, China, ASEAN, and the United States ranked highest. By product, cosmetics, clothing, fashion, albums, videos, and musical instruments were the highest. Overseas direct purchase of online shopping was KRW 9793 billion, an increase of 8.1% from the previous year. By country, the order of the US, EU, and China was the most. By product, clothing and fashion, food and beverages, home appliances, electronics, and communication devices were the highest. In terms of Descriptive Statistics, the average since the first quarter of 2014 has increased by 10.1% in Total, 14.2% in China, 6.1% in ASEAN, 5.2% in the US, 4.9% in Japan & 2.9% in the EU. The standard deviation was calculated in the order of 24.9 in China, 24.5 in ASEAN, 20.7 in the EU, 19.5 in the US, and 17.9 in Japan, compared to Total 18.9. As a result, China has relatively stable volatility. As a result of correlation analysis, the correlation coefficient was calculated high in the order of China (0.97), EU (0.45), US (0.41), ASEAN (0.35), and Japan (0.31). Total showed a very high correlation with China, but showed a similar level of correlation with the EU, the US, ASEAN and Japan. As a result of regression analysis, the coefficient of the dependent variable Total was 0.02 in the US, 0.67 in China, 0.06 in Japan, 0.06 in ASEAN, and 0.08 in the EU, showing an absolutely high number with China. Since 2014, it was judged that Total has been mostly affected by Chinese sales. Only China was statistically significant. Looking at the growth rate trend, as of the first quarter of 2014, China surpassed 3,000% (2019) and ASEAN surpassed 500% (2019). However, China and ASEAN rapidly declined in 2000 as consumption declined due to the corona19. On the other hand, in the case of the US, Japan, and the EU, it is maintained at a certain level without a large fluctuation between 100% and 250%. In the distribution chart analysis, Total and China are mainly distributed between -30∼40% and show similar shapes. In the Scatter Charts analysis, Total and China are going upward in a straight line, showing a very high level of synchronization. On the other hand, Total, the US, Japan, ASEAN, and the EU showed relatively little coordination because it was difficult to confirm their direction. In the impact response analysis, the impact of China on Total since 2014 is largely shown. Therefore, it seems that we need a lot of attention to change in China in order to increase the total in the future. It was found that China accounts for more than 85% of the total. When looking at the sales amount by product, it was found that most of the younger generations prefer cosmetics, clothing and fashion products, albums, videos, musical instruments, home appliances, electronics, and communication devices. Due to the recent Korean Wave, K-Beauty, K-Fashion, and K-Pop were judged to play a large role in online shopping sales. In order to steadily increase Korean overseas online shopping sales in the future, the following are necessary. First, the Korean Wave must continue to increase. Second, we need to make efforts to develop new markets including China, ASEAN, EU, the US, the Middle East, Oceania and Latin America. Due to the recent Corona 19, the proportion of online shopping in Korea and abroad is increasing. Therefore, we will have to work together to find countermeasures and effective solutions.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 해외직접판매 현황 및 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        이현정(Hyunjung Lee),서민교(Minkyo Seo) 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2015 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.15 No.6

        In recent years, the foreign direct online sales through online shopping malls has continuously increased in South Korea and China because in particular a number of Chinese consumers have purchased Korean products including clothes and fashion items and hence, this paper looks at online market in China. The purpose of this paper is to examine the current movement of the foreign direct online sales and to propose several recommendations for the development of the foreign direct online sales of Korean small and medium-sized firms and for the growth of our nation"s economy. Therefore, first of all, this paper focuses on the present movement of e-Commerce in China and on the current movement of the foreign direct online sales in South Korea. Furthermore, this paper examines several Korean small and medium-sized firms, which have successful online shopping malls related to the foreign direct online sales, to explain the important points for the development of the foreign direct online sales. Also, this paper proposes several recommendations for the growth of the foreign direct online sales in China and then, this paper draws conclusions. To conclude, it is necessary to create global online shopping malls, to support promising small and medium-sized firms, to make effective logistics and simple payment systems and to have government aids in order to promote the foreign direct online sales.

      • KCI등재

        부동산 분양대행업의 문제점에 대한 인식조사 연구

        신세덕(Sin, Se Duck),이호병(Lee, Ho Byung),이창석(Lee, Chang Suck) 한국부동산학회 2011 不動産學報 Vol.46 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES It tries to build reliable statistics on the issue of house sales promotion agency. The workers of house sales promotion agency regarded as directly involved persons, considered as workers for the sales provider such as enforced company, sales vendor and consumers for realtors real estate such as a licensed real estate agent that are three groups in house sales promotion agency. Then, it will be compared and analyzed the differences of perception between each group on the issue of house sales promotion agency. (2) RESEARCH METHOD The method of research was carried out an empirical study in parallel through the literature study and statistical analysis. In particular, the empirical study was used analysis of variance (ANOVA) to identify the differences of perception on the issue of house sales promotion agency based on collected data through the surveys. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS As the analyzed results through analysis of variance(ANOVA) and Duncan test for II major issues showed lack of expertise, incomplete legal system for sale, the high turnover of workers for house sales promotion agency, company’s small for house sales promotion agency, lack of professional staff for house sales promotion agency, lack of continuity for house sales promotion agency business and difference between the three groups in a private contract by personal connections. 2. RESULTS The workers of house sales promotion agency who is directly involved person about the problems of house sales promotion agency valued low but, workers related with sales for consumers valued the most highly. This is signified to have respectable difference of perception between workers of house sales promotion agency and workers related with sales. Taken as a whole for the fact mentioned above, it should be further enhanced practical efforts of improvements such as recognition on the issues of house sales promotion agency’s worker in real estate who is directly involved person, the enforcing professionalism, recovery of reliability, supplementation of the legal system.

      • KCI등재

        消費財의 賣買 및 관련 保證에 관한 EU 指針

        박영복 한국외국어대학교 외국학종합연구센터 법학연구소 2004 외법논집 Vol.16 No.-

        In view of the diversity in the legal systems of the EU Member States, the 1999 Directive on the Sale of Consumer Goods and Associated Guarantees represents an important step forward in the creation of an uniform code of "European Consumer Sales Law". In addition to provisions on consumer's rights in relation to defective products are provisions on guarantees given to consumers without extra charge. However, the Directive is not comprehensive in scope. Issues such as cross-border enforcement of rights and after-sales services are not covered. The Directive sets only minimum standards and Member States may adopt or maintain in force more stringent provisions, provided they are compatible with the EC Treaty, to ensure a higher level of consumer protection. A number of discretionary options remain open for Member States at the implementation stage, which might reduce the harmonizing potential of the Directive. Substantial burdens are placed on producers (manufacturers) and sellers (traders). For instance, within the first six months after delivery, the burden of proof regarding the non-conformity of consumer goods is reversed, to the detriment of traders and producers. The seller will also have significant practical problems in proving that the consumer has damaged or misused the goods. The concept of "conformity" is substantially extended by the inclusion of public statements such as advertisements and product information. The time limit for remedies is, by the standard of most Member States, also substantially increased. It is likely that traders will try to transfer as much as possible of the corresponding risk to producers. These groups, both producers and sellers, may compensate for their increased risks by raising sales prices for consumers. The complexity of various provisions, such as making the time of "delivery" the moment for ascertaining any lack of conformity with the contract, may encourage litigation. The Structure of the Directive is a classical one and serves as a good practical model of EC legislation more generally. Consumer protection is one of the key objectives of the Single Market, and this Directive belongs to a legislative field of activity that is not only extremely active, but also subject to frequent change. Even in the field of consumer protection this Directive represents a compromise rather than a clean-cut and easy-to-apply solution.

      • KCI등재

        An Entry Strategy on overseas Direct Sales of Korean SME’s

        곽수영,김미정 한국무역연구원 2016 무역연구 Vol.12 No.6

        As cross border B2C e-commerce is widely spreading, three strategic steps toward global B2C e-commerce (overseas direct sales) has been proposed to small businesses to enhance their economic status for research purposes. Step one covers the attempt to enter and sell among foreign global open markets, such as eBay and Amazon, along with Kmall24, which was opened in 2014 by Korean international trade organization. Based on the experience of foreign direct sales in global open market as step one, step two covers entering local shopping malls. Required needs are entering expense, website management, and foreign language consultation, however marketing expense is not needed. Step three covers establishing local platforms and starting up overseas direct sales. In step three, establishing foreign language shopping mall needs investment, website management, and foreign language counseling, which require marketing strategies. Foreign direct sales is different from foreign direct purchase, for the fact that decisions need to be made in the seller’s perspective, which comes with many disadvantages, and also calls for inspections on different ways to approach due to difference of environment between local community and foreign communities.

      • KCI등재

        An Entry Strategy on overseas Direct Sales of Korean SME’s

        Su-Young Kwak,Mie-Jung Kim 한국무역연구원 2016 貿易 硏究 Vol.12 No.6

        As cross border B2C e-commerce is widely spreading, three strategic steps toward global B2C e-commerce (overseas direct sales) has been proposed to small businesses to enhance their economic status for research purposes. Step one covers the attempt to enter and sell among foreign global open markets, such as eBay and Amazon, along with Kmall24, which was opened in 2014 by Korean international trade organization. Based on the experience of foreign direct sales in global open market as step one, step two covers entering local shopping malls. Required needs are entering expense, website management, and foreign language consultation, however marketing expense is not needed. Step three covers establishing local platforms and starting up overseas direct sales. In step three, establishing foreign language shopping mall needs investment, website management, and foreign language counseling, which require marketing strategies. Foreign direct sales is different from foreign direct purchase, for the fact that decisions need to be made in the seller’s perspective, which comes with many disadvantages, and also calls for inspections on different ways to approach due to difference of environment between local community and foreign communities.

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