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        铁徽 ( Tie Hui ) 한국중국언어학회 2020 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.89

        “East-Asia codicology”is a new research area in recent years.The Chinese novel manuscripts which left over from the history of korea are important basis for the study of “East-Asia codicology”. Yiletingji is a Chinese novel in the Korean era,the reliable text is hidden in Kuizhang Pavilion. Collected the folk characters from the three transcripts of Yiletingji for comparing and describing the common folk characters and different folk characters. Meanwhile, according to the historical literatures in korea to find the source of the folk characters in Yiletingji by using comparative analysis method.

      • KCI등재

        Written Heritage in the Mediterranean: Research Developments in Spain

        ( M Teresa Ortega Monasterio ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해지역원 2011 The Mediterranean Review Vol.4 No.1

        Studies of written heritage have been encouraged during the last years in Europe. They have recently introduced new fields of study within its methodology such as palaeography and codicology, mainly in cataloguing documents. Many libraries have been updated through new catalogues and editions of its manuscripts collections in different ancient languages. Other collections have been restored or inventoried by specialists. The research group devoted to the study of original texts in languages developed in the Mediterranean basin since antiquity is trying to contribute to this field. A survey on the studies carried out during the last years in the CSIC is here presented.

      • KCI등재

        Tension and Meaning-Making in the Borders: Marginalia and Intermediality in MS Paris, BnF fr. 122, fol. 1

        오은주 한국고전중세르네상스영문학회 2020 중세근세영문학 Vol.30 No.2

        This study examines the first folio of BnF fr. 122 to envision an intermedial approach to marginalia in medieval manuscripts. Previous scholarship has rarely treated marginalia as intermedial phenomena, despite the fact that marginalia lie at the juncture of visual and textual media. As an intermedial case study of medieval marginalia, this paper revolves around three themes: marginalia invading text (designated as “image/text”); marginalia in conflict with other images (“image/image”); and the unique meaning-making processes of marginalia. I argue that the marginalia in fr. 122, fol. 1 are not semiotically but semantically invasive of the manuscript’s text. I also hold that they resist the imperatives of the folio’s miniature—thus manifesting tensions within the same, visual medium—and that those selfsame marginalia operate according to their own logic of proliferative meaning-making.

      • KCI등재

        The Pauline Corpus in Light of Ancient Editorial Practice: A Theory of ‘the Two-Volume Archetype’

        김규섭 한국신학정보연구원 2022 Canon&Culture Vol.16 No.1

        In this paper, it will be argued that the primitive edition of Corpus Paulinum was transcribed on scroll, not in codex. We will calculate the original length of the Pauline corpus by a new method, which is distinct from T. C. Skeat’s stichometry-based method. Moreover, we will also consider the canonical implications of our results. Our approximation shows that, if the entire Pauline corpus, containing all 14 epistles including Hebrews, had been written on a single scroll, it would have been at least 20 to 32 meters long in length. However, the extant remains of ancient scrolls discovered thus far reveal that the physical limitations of ancient scroll lengths were most likely within 15-16 meters, and, as such, the length of the entire Pauline corpus as mentioned above, would not have fit into a single volume of scroll, but would have been suitable for division into two volumes of scrolls. Per our further calculation, if the earlier volume of such two volumes consisted of the first four epistles, the length of such first volume would have been 10 to 15 meters. Also, if a second volume was newly edited from the collection of additional epistles—that is, after the circulation of the first volume—and transcribed on scroll likewise, the length of such a second volume may be calculated to be 9 to 14 meters. These calculation results support the plausibility of the Pauline corpus having circulated in two volumes in scroll form because they would fall within the range of the ancient scroll lengths. This finding refutes the premise that the codex form is the conditio sine qua non for the compilation of the Pauline corpus— on which assumption is based Gamble’s assertion that the Pauline corpus had to begin in one volume of codex. From this perspective, we can also infer the reason for the placement of Galatians before Ephesians (the former with the fewer letter count of 10,456 and the latter with the greater letter count of 11,317) in many early codices (albeit not P46 among the few others), betraying the criterion of length. This reversal of the two epistles’ order can be understood as a trace of the exact replication of two scroll exemplars in one volume of codex—with the first scroll exemplar consisting of Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians and Galatians.

      • KCI등재

        Scribal Technique and Birch Bark Folio Repair Utilized in the Production of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Dīrghāgama Manuscript by a Scriptorium in Gilgit Around the 8th Century CE

        Charles DiSimone 금강대학교 불교문화연구소 2019 불교학 리뷰 Vol.25 No.-

        This article examines aspects of the production of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Dīrghāgama (Collection of Long Discourses) manuscript produced in or around the area of Gilgit in Pakistan that was discovered in last decade of the 20th century. The manuscript was the product of a long copying tradition and the only extant witness was copied by a scriptorium consisting of several scribes. The techniques used by a pair of scribes referred to as Scribe C and Scribe D are discussed demonstrating their unique collaboration to copy this manuscript. Interlinear marks left by these scribes on birch bark folios will be discussed with the hope that in pointing out such marks, which appear to be relatively unique to a particular scribe, we will be able to identify the work of certain scribes across manuscripts. The second portion of the article discusses the phenomenon of repair made to the birch bark folios of the Dīrghāgama manuscript as well as pointing out similar instances of repair in other manuscripts from the Gilgit area. These repairs to manuscripts raise questions concerning the production of birch bark folios and how they were selected and used by Buddhist manuscript traditions in Gilgit in the first millennium of the Common Era.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        14세기 프랑스 문자기록문화의 변화양상 : 필리프 6세 십자군 문헌 모음집의 경우

        홍용진 한국서양중세사학회 2017 西洋中世史硏究 Vol.0 No.39

        1332년 필리프 6세는 십자군 원정 선포에 맞춰 두 권의 문헌 모음집 수서본들을 출간하였다. 프랑스어로 집필되거나 번역된 문학, 여행기, 역사 텍스트들을 포함하고 있는 이 서적들은 필리프 6세 십자군 원정에 속인 대중들의 관심을 불러일으키고 원정의 정당성과 관련하여 이들을 설득시킬 것을 목적으로 정교하게 편집되었다. 또한 이 두 문헌 모음집들은 중세 십자군 관련 저술의 흐름에서 14세기의 다양한 문자문화의 변화양상들을 보여주고 있다. 그것들은 바로 역사와 지리, 백과사전적 지식들에 관심을 갖는 속인독자대중의 등장, 산문형식의 속어로 집필된 문헌들의 대중지향성, 현실정치와의 밀접한 관계, 주로 귀족들을 중심으로 하고 있는 속인독자들의 ‘집단적 독서’, 독서의 이해를 돕거나 휴식을 위한 다양하고 화려한 이미지들의 등장 등이다. 하지만 현실 사안에 깊이 연루된 필리프 6세의 두 수서본들은 수서본에 편집된 각 텍스트들의 수많은 재생산과 유포에도 불구하고 실제로 그 자체로서는 온전하게 널리 유포되지 못했다. 그럼에도 두 수서본들은 당대의 문자기록문화의 변화지점을 확인할 수 있는 중요한 증거라고 할 수 있다. In 1332, with the promulgation of project of crusade, Philip VI of Valois published two anthologies. Composed of literary, travel and historical texts, they were elaboratively edited for the purpose of exciting lay public's interest in the crusade and persuading them to accept it's legitimacy. In the tradition of Medieval Crusade literature, they shows also various mutations of literary culture in the 14th Century: rise of the lay public readers interested in historical, geographical and encyclopedical knowledges, popularity of lay language in prose, close relation with actual politics, 'collective reading' of lay (noble) readers, appearance of diverse and colorful images for understanding and distraction. However, the two manuscripts of Philip VI involved in actual issues didn't be largely diffused per se, in spite of many reproduction and circulation of particular texts in anthologies. Nevertheless, they can be evidences to witness the mutations of literary culture in 14th Century.

      • 敦煌遺書《釋門文範》寫本特質析論

        黃志杰(황지걸) 한국교통대학교 동아시아연구소 2023 동아문헌연구 Vol.- No.-

        《석문문범(釋門文範)》은 불교의 승려들이 다양한 불교의식을 진행을 위해 창작한 의궤문장의 “규정집”이다. 불교 행사를 진행할 때 당연히 정해진 의식이 있게 마련이지만 돈황지역은 백성들의 교육 수준이 높지 않으므로 행사의 규범에 대해 잘 숙지하지 못한 경우가 많았으며, 아울러 돈황지역에 불교가 교세를 확장하면서 민간에서 거행하는 불교행사가 많아졌는데 승려들이 이들 행사에 모두 참여하여 지도하기 어려운 상황에 이를 정도였다. 그래서 승려들이 미리 의식의 진행과정과 자세한 순서에 대해 적어 두고 신도들에게 베껴쓰게 하거나 행사할 때 참고로 하였다. 이것은 대량의 불사에 사용된 규범문의 통칭이어서 이 속에는 아주 많은 내용을 포함하고 있는데, 돈황지역의 종교, 문화, 민속 등 사회생활 전반을 포괄하고 있다. 한편으로 민간에서는 그들의 실제적 필요에 따라 《석문문범》의 내용을 간단히 수정하곤 하였는데, 가장 흔히 보이는 수정작업으로는 인물의 칭위에 대한 수정, 의식참여 대상, 의식 중 일부 단계를 증가 시키거나 감소시키는 것 등이다. 때문에 《석문문범》은 실용성이 강한 문서이면서 같은 명칭 아래 종류가 극히 다양하고, 서술이나 문체도 제각기 다른 등 내용이나 형식면에서 일반문서와는 다른 독특한 성격을 띠게 되었다. 따라서 《석문문범》은 한 권의 책이라기 보다는 이러한 명칭을 달고 있는 일련의 문헌이며, 그 사본들은 내용이나 편집 형식이 제 각기 다르며, 권축(卷軸)형식이 많으나 형제(形制) 또한 다양하다. 그리고 문서 속에는 다양한 부호들이 사용되고 있는데, 마침표에 해당하는 원점, 존경을 표하는 빈칸 대신 사용한 존경부호(敬空符號), 그리고 각기 다른 사람의 발화임을 나타내는 등 앞뒤로 내용상 별개의 문장임을 나타내는 분절부호 등이 있다. 마침표에 해당하는 원점을 두 개 연속하여 표시하면 강조를 나타낸다. 또 민간에서 작성한 문서가 많으므로 문장에 오류가 많다. 그 중에는 도저히 교감이 어려울 정도인 것도 있으며, 수정을 위해 먹칠을 한 경우도 있다. 이글은 《석문문범》의 많은 사본들 중에서 대표적인 판본들을 중심으로 그 문헌적 특징을 고찰한 것이다. Shi Men Wen Fan from the perspective of manuscript and expounded its manuscript characteristics one at a time, feeling the ancient manuscript’s paper, ink color and binding through the macroscopic Dunhuang documents description intuitively and discovering the writer’s personal style by means of its transcription content and form. In addition, the article also rediscovers the value of scholars and academic groups who have paid less attention in the history of Dunhuang manuscript studies in order to correctly examine their academic achievements.

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