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      • Consideration of Policies Designed to Prevent Sexual Assault CRIMES against Children with Disabilities in KOREA

        Choi Pan-am,Lee Kwon-ho J-INSTITUTE 2017 Public Value Vol.2 No.1

        Korea has strengthened inspection of respective social welfare facilities and schools for handicapped and disabled across the country in response to the emergence of sexual assault crime against children with disabili-ties as a social issue. Children with disabilities often find it painful to live with disabilities, but are unable to pro-tect or defense themselves or are sometimes unaware that they are being victimized due to their mental ill-nesses and physical disabilities, etc. Even if when they want to claim that they have fallen victim to by sexual assault crime, they do not know how to come forward and make their cases. Another problem is that perpetra-tors of sexual assault crime against children with disabilities are not punished and that compensation and treatment are not provided properly to those children, the victims of sexual assault crimes. In addition, sexual assault crimes committed against children with disabilities pose many problems in whole processes until the cases are closed. To resolve such problems, the priority would need to be given to under-standing the specificity of children with disabilities in the process of crime cases. Efforts need to be made con-stantly to establish the system ensuring thorough investigation and imposing strong punishment on perpetra-tors of sexual assault crime against children with disabilities and to improve human rights for persons with dis-abilities. Thus, this study was intended to identify current status and problems of sexual assault crimes perpe-trated against children with disabilities and to propose measures at policy level for prevention of such sexual assault crimes. When the sexual assault crime against children with disabilities was brought up as a social issue, it was pos-sible to see controversies swirling and then subsiding over time. Therefore, long-term policies need to be mapped out constantly for prevention of sexual assault crimes, instead of one-time countermeasure, to funda-mentally resolve the issue of sexual assault crimes perpetrated against children with disabilities. For the purpose, first of all, it is necessary to understand the specificity of children with disabilities and re-flect it in the process where cases of such crimes are handled. Additionally, more stringent punishment and expeditious and precise investigation would be needed in making response to sexual assault crime against chil-dren with disabilities. Moreover, the new government would need to devise comprehensive measures in paral-lel with practical support through amendment of Social Welfare Service Act so as to ensure human right protec-tion for children with disabilities.

      • KCI등재

        아동학대에 대한 부모의 태도 조사: 장애아동 부모와 일반아동 부모의 비교

        김요섭 ( Yo Seob Kim ),최영종 ( Yung Jong Choi ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2007 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.8 No.3

        The purpose of this study was twofold. First, it investigated whether children with disabilities are more at risk of being abused by their parents than children without disabilities through parent attitude questionnaire toward child abuse. Second, it also examined whether there was difference in parent attitudes toward child abuse according to children``s gender, parental education level, and family income. 113 parents of children with disabilities and 105 parents of children without disabilities were participated. A survey composed of 3 categories including 60 questions of child abuse behaviors was used. The results were as follows. First, both parent groups generally showed very negative attitudes toward child abuse. Second, in comparison between two parent groups, parents of children with disabilities took more negative attitudes toward child neglect than those of children without disabilities. That meant children with disabilities are less at risk of being neglected by their parents than children without disabilities. In both groups, there was no differences found in parent attitudes toward child abuse according to children``s gender, parental education level, or family income. Discussions about why parents of children with disabilities took more negative attitudes toward child neglect than those of children without disabilities were provided.

      • KCI등재

        장애전담어린이집 역통합교실에서 나타나는 장애유아와 비장애유아 간 갈등에 대한 질적 탐구

        김유진(Kim, Yu Jin),권경숙(Kwon, Kyung Sook) 한국육아지원학회 2017 육아지원연구 Vol.12 No.4

        본 연구는 장애유아 교실에 비장애유아가 통합되는 역통합교실에서 생활하는 유아들의 일상생활 관찰을 통해 장애유아와 비장애유아 간의 갈등 원인과 갈등 해결 방법의 과정을 면밀히 탐구해보고자 하는 목적에서 이루어졌다. 이를 위해 만 3, 4, 5세 장애유아와 비장애유아를 대상으로 2014년 11월 3일부터 2015년 2월 27일까지 17주 간 참여 관찰, 심층 면담, 비디오 녹화, 녹음, 참고 자료 수집 등의 방법을 통해 자료를 수집하여 분석하였다. 연구 결과로 첫째, 장애유아와 비장애유아 간에 나타나는 갈등 원인으로 장애유아의 일방적인 관심 표현, 유아들 간의 의사소통의 어려움으로 인한 갈등, 장애유아가 가진 장애특성으로 인해 갈등이 유발하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 장애유아와 비장애유아 간 갈등 해결 방법으로 유아에 의한 부정적 정서 표현과 물리적 힘에 의해, 제 3자의 개입 또는 협상에 의해, 장애유아의 고집 혹은 관심 전이에 의해, 비장애유아의 일방적인 수용과 포기, 회피에 의한 해결로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 장애전담어린이집 역통합교실에서 유아 간 갈등 원인과 해결 방법을 이해하는데 있어 도움이 되기를 기대하고, 통합교육의 의미와 효과에 대한 새로운 통찰을 제시하고자 한다. This study was conducted to explore the causes of conflicts among young children with disabilities and those without disabilities and the processes of conflict resolution through observing the daily lives of the children in a reverse-inclusive classroom where children without disabilities are integrated with the disabilities. For this purpose, participant observations, in-depth interviews, video recording, audio recording, and document collections were implemented in a reverse-inclusive classroom for children aged 3, 4 and 5. Findings of the study are as follows. First, it turned out that the causes for conflicts among young children with disabilities and those without disabilities included one-sided expression of interest from young children with disabilities, difficulties in communication among the children, and the characteristics of disabilities. Second, solutions to the conflicts among young children with disabilities and those without disabilities included negative emotional expression and physical force, intervention or negotiation of a third party, obstinacy or interest transfer of young children with disabilities, one-sided acceptance and abandonment of those without disabilities, and avoidance. It is expected that findings of the study will increase the understandings about the causes and solutions for conflicts among young children in reverse-inclusive classrooms at childcare centers for young children with disabilities, and provide insights toward the meaning and effect of inclusive education.

      • KCI등재후보

        장애아동 성폭력범죄에 대한 고찰

        정승민(Jeong, Seung Min) 한국범죄심리학회 2012 한국범죄심리연구 Vol.8 No.2

        광주 인화학교사건을 통해 장애아동 성폭력범죄에 대한 국민적 관심이 높아지면서 해당사건의 수사과정 및 양형기준 등이 논란의 대상이 되었다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 지금까지 사회적 관심이 적었고, 기존에 연구된 바가 적었던 장애아동 성폭력 범죄에 대해 고찰해 보고자 한다. 즉 장애아동 성폭력범죄의 실태 및 원인을 살펴보고, 사건해결에 있어서의 문제점과 대책방안 등을 모색해보는데 목적을 두고 있다. 우선 성인장애인과는 달리 장애아동 성폭력범죄의 원인으로 장애아동에 대한 사회적•구조적 차별, 장애아동을 보호하기 위한 법률적•의료적•심리적•사회적 서비스 등의 부족, 장애아동 성폭력범죄가 주로 면식자들에 의해 발생되어 신고조차 어렵다는점, 피해사실에 대한 신뢰성 여부, 유인에 의한 장애아동들의 피해 등을 들 수 있다. 이러한 특징을 지닌 장애아동 성폭력범죄는 사건해결과정에 있어서도 많은 문제점이 제기되고 있다. 첫째, 장애아동의 특징조차 제대로 파악하지 못하고 수사 및 재판이 이루어진다는 것이다. 특히 재판과정상 장애아동의 진술에 대한 이해부분에 있어 어려움을 겪고 있다. 둘째, 가장 심각한 문제로 가해자에 대한 처벌이 어렵고, 2차 피해를 당하는 경우가 많다. 그리고 피해 이후 지원체계조차 이루어지지 않고 있다. 셋째, 장애아동 성폭력 관련법상의 문제로 성폭력범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 특례법 제6조 ‘항거불능’요건의 해석문제, 가중처벌의 문제 등이 논란의 여지에 있다. 넷째, 장애아동 성폭력범죄의 가해자들에 대한 가벼운 처벌로 인해 양형상의 문제 또한 거론되고 있다. 이와 같은 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 사건처리과정에서 장애아동에 대한 특수성을 이해하는 것이 우선되어져야 할 것이며, 장애아동 성폭력범죄에 대한 철저한 수사와 강력한 처벌을 위한 제도적 마련, 장애인의 인권개선을 위한 지속적인 노력 등이 필요할 것이다. In 2011, a film about a sexual assault case involving children with disabilities stirred people's interest in sexual assaults inflicted upon children with disabilities and put the investigation process and assessment criteria of the case in the middle of controversy. This study thus set out to reilluminate sexual assault cases of children with disabilities, which had received little social interest and were hardly studied. The study aimed to identify the causes of sexual assault crimes against children with disabilities and problems with solving those cases and search for solutions. First, there are many different causes of sexual assault crimes against children with disabilities from those against adults with disabilities; there are social and structural discriminations against children with disabilities; there is lack of legal, medical, psychological and social service to protect children with disabilities, it is difficult even to report sexual assault crimes against children with disabilities because the offenders are usually their acquaintances; there is doubt about the reliability of damage reported; and children with disabilities fall victims to disguised affection and allurement. Sexual assault crimes against children with disabilities with those characteristics face a lot of problems in solving processes: first, investigations and trials go on even without understanding the characteristics of children with disabilities right. There are especially problems with understanding their statements during trials. Secondly, the issues of the greatest severity are that it is difficult to punish the offenders and that the victim children are often subject to secondary damage. To make things worse, there is no proper support system after damage. Thirdly, there is controversy about the interpretations of the "incapability of resistance" conditions in Article 6 of Exemption Law on Punishment of Sexual Assault Crimes and the matter of aggravated punishment. Finally, there are also problems with sentencing because the offenders of sexual assault crimes against children with disabilities usually get a slap on the wrist. It is first required to understand the unique nature of children with disabilities in investigating and solving crimes against them. It is also necessary to establish institutions to guarantee thorough investigation and strong punishment in cases of sexual assault involving children with disabilities and make constant efforts to improve the human rights of the disabled.

      • KCI등재

        장애아동 학대현황, 연구동향 분석 및 제도.체계 개선 연구

        오현숙(Oh, Hyun Suk) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2022 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.22 No.6

        목적 본 연구는 현시점에서의 장애아동 학대현황(2020년)을 파악해보고, 장애아동 학대와 관련된 연구의 동향을 살펴봄으로써 장애아동에 대한 제도와 지원체계의 문제점을 파악해보고 장애아동 학대예방을 위한 개선방안을 살펴볼 목적을 두고 있다. 방법 이를 위하여 첫째, 2020년 보건복지부 아동분야 사업안내서와 보건복지부와 중앙장애인권익옹호기관이 분석한 ‘2020년 장애아동 학대현황 조사결과’를 참고하여 현황을 분석했다. 둘째, 국내 연구경향을 살펴보기 위하여 2000년 이후 발표된 학술연구정보서비스와 국회 전자도서관을 통해 국내학술지를 검색하여 장애아동의 학대와 직접 연관이 있는 학술 논문을 활용하여 정리하였다. 셋째, 장애아동 학대관련제도와 지원체계를 살펴보고 개선연구를 정리하였다. 결과 연구결과는 첫째, 2020년 전국 장애인권익옹호기관에 접수된 장애아동 학대신고는 268건이며, 이중 학대로 판정된 사례가 133건, 잠재위험사례 36건, 비학대사례 85건, 조사 중인 사례 14건이었다. 장애아동 학대사례는 2020년 전체 학대사례의 13.2% 이였다. 둘째, 학대 당사자인 장애아동을 대상으로 한 연구가 여전히 미비하다. 셋째, 장애아동을 위한 법규제가 제정⋅강화되어야 하며 피해장애아동을 위한 지원체계가 구축되어 장애아동 학대사례에 대한 사후조치 및 중재가 체계적으로 이루어져야 할 필요가 있다. 결론 따라서 본 연구를 통해 장애아동의 학대를 예방하고 현행 제도와 체계적 접근의 개선점을 향상시키기 위한 앞으로의 방향성 모색이 필요함을 시사한다. Objectives The purpose of this study is to identify problems in the institution and support system for children with disabilities, and to look at improvement measures to prevent abuse of children with disabilities by understanding the current status of abuse of children with disabilities (2020), and examining research trends related to abuse of children with disabilities. Methods For this purpose, first, this study analyzed the current status by referring to the 2020 Ministry of Health and Welfare s Children s Business Guide and the ‘Survey Results for 2020 Disable of Children Abuse Status analyzed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Central Disability Advocacy Agency. Second, to examine domestic research trends, through the academic research information service published after year 2000 and the National Assembly Electronic Library, this study searched and organized domestic academic journals using academic papers directly related to the abuse of children with disabilities. Third, this study reviewed the system and support system related to the abuse of children with disabilities, and summarized improvement studies. Results The research results are first, that in 2020, there were 268 reports of abuse of children with disabilities received from the national advocacy organizations for the rights of people with disabilities, and among them, there were 133 cases of abuse that were adjudicated as abuse, 36 cases of potential risk, 85 cases of non-abuse, and 14 cases under investigation. Abuse cases for children with disabilities accounted for 13.2% of all abuse cases in 2020. Second, studies on children with disabilities who are the victims of abuse are still insufficient. Third, the legal regulation system for children with disabilities should be enacted and strengthened. It is necessary to establish a support system for children with disabilities and systematically implement follow-up measures and interventions for cases of abuse of children with disabilities. Conclusions Therefore, this study suggests that it is necessary to seek future directions to prevent abuse of children with disabilities, and to enhance points to improve the current institution and systemic approach.

      • KCI등재

        역통합교육에 대한 일반유아 어머니의 경험: A 장애전문 어린이집을 중심으로

        김이랑 ( Kim Yirang ),이미숙 ( Lee Misuk ) 열린부모교육학회 2016 열린부모교육연구 Vol.8 No.4

        본 연구는 장애전문 어린이집에 다니는 일반유아의 어머니를 대상으로 역통합교육에 대해 어떻게 인식하고 있는지를 살펴보았다. 자녀가 일반유아임에도 장애전문 어린이집에 재원하고 있거나 재원 했던 경험이 있는 어머니 4명을 대상으로 면담을 실시하였다. 면담 분석결과, 네 가지의 범주가 도출되었으며, 이러한 범주는 일반유아 어머니에게 낯설었던 장애전문 어린이집, 장애전문 어린이집의 선택과 경험, 장애전문 어린이집 재원 후 일반유아의 변화, 그리고 장애전문 어린이집을 통해 변화된 어머니의 모습을 포함하였다. 각 범주별로 구체적인 내용을 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일반유아의 어머니가 장애전문 어린이집에 자녀를 보내기로 결정하기 전에는 `장애유아의 문제행동 모방`, `주변의 선입견` 등과 같은 걱정이 존재하였다. 둘째, 일반유아의 어머니는 자녀가 다른 또래유아들보다 배려심을 키우고 장애에 대한 선입견을 줄일 수 있을 것이라는 이유로 장애전문 어린이집에서의 재원을 선택했다. 셋째, 장애전문 어린이집에서의 경험은 일반유아에게 장애유아와의 자연스러운 의사소통 및 또래관계 형성과 같은 긍정적인변화를 가져왔다. 넷째, 일반유아의 장애전문 어린이집에서의 경험을 통해 일반유아의 어머니 또한 변화를 경험하였다. 장애유아에 대한 선입견이 줄어들고 장애유아에 대한 관심은 커졌으며, 장애유아의 부모를 조금 더 이해할 수 있는 계기가 되었다. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of the reverse-inclusive education carried out in the specialized child-care center to young children without disabilities through mothers of young children without disabilities in the specialized child-care centers. In order to obtain accurate information for research, detailed interviews with the 4 mothers of young children without disabilities and who sent their child without disabilities were performed. Results of analyzing interviews are as follows. First, there were some worries of mothers such as "imitation of problem behavior of young children with disabilities" and "preconceptions of other people" before choosing the specialized child-care center. Second, the mothers of young children without disabilities selected the specialized child-care center because they thought that their children can learn considerateness and lessen the preconceptions about the disabilities. Third, the experiences in the specialized child-care center for young children with disabilities brought positive changes to young children without disabilities such as natural conversations and positive peer relationships with young children with disabilities. Fourth, children without disabilities were not only people who changed from the experiences of the specialized child-care center for young children with disabilities, but also mothers who have young child without disabilities. The interests regarding young children with disabilities of mothers of young children without disabilities were increased, so mothers could lessen the misconception and they could understand the parents with children with disabilities more than before.

      • KCI등재

        장애아전문 어린이집 보육교직원의 보육컨설팅에 대한 인식 및 요구 분석

        조현정,이병인 한국보육학회 2015 한국보육학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        This study aims to identify the awareness and requirement of‘young children with disabilities on childcare consultation' in child care facility teaching staff working for childcare center specialized in young children with disabilities, especially director, child care teacher, special education teacher, and therapist, analyze the requirements of childcare facility teaching staff for the quality and role of‘young children with disabilities on childcare consultant' to foster such young children with disabilities on childcare consultant specifically and effectively, and apply‘young children with disabilities on childcare consultation' appropriately to the field. To this purpose, focus group interview was conducted twice in 4 directors running for a childcare center specialized in young children with disabilities and 7 teachers in the same institute in Gyeonggi province and using inductive content analysis methods, 2 areas, 10 themes, and 22 sub-themes associated with research questions and related contents were drawn. As a result, first, childcare teaching staff specialized in young children with disabilities are desperately requiring the necessity of‘Young children with disabilities on childcare consultation' rather than common childcare consulting and their expectation was also found to be high. Second, they required childcare consulting by childcare consultants who had field career and specialized knowledge on young children with disabilities and arbitrating skills from the third party's perspective and were kind and could play a role as a bridge. Therefore, this study is significant in that it uses a new concept of‘Young children with disabilities on childcare consultation' and presents the directivity of‘Young children with disabilities on childcare consultation' based on the awareness and requirement and provides the basis for the efficiency of specialized childcare for young children with disabilities. 본 연구는 장애아전문 어린이집에 근무하는 보육교직원 중 원장, 보육교사, 특수교사, 치료사를 중심으로 장애아전문 보육컨설팅에 대한 인식 및 요구를 알아보고, 장애아전문 보육컨설턴트의 자질 및 역할에 대한 보육교직원들의 요구를 분석하여 구체적이고 실효성 있는 장애아전문 보육컨설턴트를 양성하고 장애아전문 보육컨설팅을 현장에 맞도록 적용해 나가는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 경기 지역 장애아전문 어린이집 4명의 원장 그룹과 7명의 교사 그룹을 대상으로 2차에 걸친 포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 실시하였고, 귀납적 내용분석 방법을 통해 연구문제와 관련된 2개의 영역과 10개의 주제와 22개의 소주제 및 관련 내용을 도출하였다. 그 결과, 첫째, 장애아전문 보육교직원들은 일반 보육컨설팅이 아닌, 장애아전문 보육컨설팅에 대한 필요성을 절실히 요구하고 있으며 기대 또한 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 현장 경력과 장애아전문 지식, 제3자의 눈으로 중재하는 기술, 온화하고 교량 같은 역할을 하는 태도를 지닌 보육컨설턴트에 의한 보육컨설팅을 요구하였다. 따라서 이 연구는 장애아전문 보육컨설팅이라는 새로운 개념을 사용하여 인식과 요구를 바탕으로 한 장애아전문 보육컨설팅의 방향성을 제시하고, 장애아전문 보육 효율화 방안의 기초를 마련하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        다문화교육 정책의 국제비교를 통한 한국 다문화가정 장애아동 교육지원 방안

        김향지 ( Hyang Ji Kim ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2011 유라시아연구 Vol.8 No.3

        crease. Thus, active multi education is implemented in order to support these families. However, when there is disability children in multi-cultural family, difficulties that not only the family but the children go through are raised as a serious problem, and educational support for this problem has been emerged as a main interest of the korean society. Before long, multi-cultural society will come undoubtedly in S. Korea and preparations for this are now proceeding. However, it is true that it`s hard to find proper interest and considerations to support growing children with disabilities of multicultural families. It can be said that for the support for the children with disabilities of multicultural families, the trends of the measures of educational support can be found in the context of supporting general children of multicultural families. The current study made a comparison of characteristics of historical and social views with which multicultural policies have been conducted focused on cases of America, Australia, Germany and Japan. And it aims to propose programs of educational support for multicultural families` disabled children of our country through a study on multicultural educational policy and educational support policy in relation to children with disabilities of the leading countries. For the present study, we mainly made use of literature review including precedent studies related to multiculture, statistical data, policy reports etc. Suggestions resulted from findings of the study are as follows: First, the early intervention is required through the early detection of multicultural families` children with disabilities. Each country`s multi-cultural policy and educational support for children with disabilities have prepared strategies to support for their early adaptation. For this, persons in charge of the responsible public institution focused on the local multi-cultural center should be assigned as case managers, and information and counseling services should be provided actively to multicultural families` parents so that their children with a possibility of developmental delay can be identified and intervened at an early stage, and relevant educational institutions has a considerable effect on education of the children with disabilities. As seen in each country`s educational policies of multicultural families` children, it is essential to support the children with disabilities`s families for an educational effect on them. It is necessary to support funds for the purpose of economic stability of multicultural families and education of the children with disabilities. Third, systematic and integrated general support systems are required to support multicultural families` children with disabilities. It is essential to ensure that multicultural families` children with disabilities can be supported effectively in the aspects of counseling, medical care, welfare, and education. Local special education support centers will be able to play a key role. Fourth, each nation is conducting a variety of multi-cultural understanding education for migrants` social integration. It can be seen that for counseling between special education teachers and parents, and cooperation between integrated class teachers and special education teachers in order to educationally support multicultural families` children with disabilities, multicultural understanding education for them should be conducted essentially.

      • KCI등재

        일반유아의 장애유아 놀이권리 인식에 관한 연구

        원계선 한국유아특수교육학회 2012 유아특수교육연구 Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of young children without disabilities on the rights to play of children with disabilities. The subjects of this study were 58 5-year-old children without disabilities recruited from 3 child care centers in city J. The perception of young children without disabilities were tested of the rights to play of children with disabilities in various play situations. And it was also tested that their decisions were changed if the information about children’s inequity experience were given. The results indicated that the children without disabilities perceived that all of the children have same rights to play whether they have disabilities or not, and there were no differences of that perception between inclusive settings and noninclusive settings. As the information about children’s inequity experience were given, the children’s perception on the rights to play of children with disabilities were increased. Lastly the children without disabilities were more likely to justify their decision by the basis of moral judgement than conventional judgement. All the children showed strongly moral judgement based on the equity, but the children in inclusive settings were prominent on the moral judgement based on the possibilities of adaptation of children with disabilities. It was discussed to guarantee the rights to play of children with disabilities as a general rights not a privilege in an inclusive setting. 본 연구는 장애유아의 놀이권리에 대한 일반유아의 인식을 알아보기 위하여 수행되었다. 연구를 위해 J시 소재 어린이집 3개 기관의 일반유아 58명을 연구 대상으로 선정하였다. 가상의 놀이상황에서 장애유아와 일반유아 중 어떤 유아에게 놀이할 권리가 있다고 판단하는지 알아보고 그러한 판단이 불공평한 이전 경험에 관한 정보가 주어질 때 변화되는가를 알아보았다. 놀이 권리자 선택 변경의 판단근거에 대한 분석도 이루어졌다. 연구 결과, 일반유아들은 장애를 가진 친구와 그렇지 않은 친구가 동일한 놀이권리를 갖는 것으로 인식하였으며 이는 전체적으로 장애유아 통합여부에 따라 차이가 없었다. 불공평한 이전 경험에 관한 정보 제공이 일반유아가 장애유아의 놀이권리를 인식하는데 영향을 미쳤다. 마지막으로 유아들은 일반유아에서 장애유아로 놀이권리자를 변경한 정당한 이유를 설명할 때 관습적 판단보다 도덕적 판단에 근거하였다. 장애유아 통합기관 및 비통합 기관 유아 모두 공평함에 근거한 판단이 강하게 나타났으며, 장애유아의 적응 가능성에 근거한 판단은 장애유아 통합기관 유아에게서 더욱 두드러졌다. 장애유아 통합 환경에서 장애유아의 놀이권리를 특권의 개념이 아닌 보편적 권리로서 보장할 것을 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        장애유형별 장애아동과 어머니 특성이 장애 아동 어머니의 스트레스에 미치는 영향

        류경희 ( Kyung Hee Ryu ),한경임 ( Kyung Im Han ),이형숙 ( Hyung Sook Lee ) 한국특수아동학회 2011 특수아동교육연구 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of the family background on the mothers` stress of children with disabilities, according to the four types of disabilities(visual impairment, mental retardation, physical disability and emotional/behavior disorders). The subjects were 336 mothers of children with disabilities. The data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The major findings are as follows. First, the stress of mothers with visually impaired children was affected by the following three variables: the cause of the disabilities, the degree of the disabilities, and the mother`s occupation. The stress of mothers was lower in the case when the children`s disabilities were caused by ``pregnancy disorder` than when it was caused by ``genetic factors``. The stress of mothers was found to be higher when the degree of the children`s disabilities were ``serious`` than ``not serious``. The stress of mothers who work as professional managers was lower than that of mothers who are housewives. Second, the stress of mothers with mentally retarded children was affected by the following two variables: the cause of disabilities and monthly income of the parents. The stress of mothers was higher in the case when the children`s mental retardation was caused by ``cause unknown`` than when it was caused by ``genetic factors``. The stress of mothers with monthly income of more than four million won was lower than that of mothers with less than one million won. Third, the stress of mothers with physically disabled children was affected by the following three variables: the grade level of the children at schools, mother`s age, and monthly income of the parents. The stress of mothers with elementary and middle school children was lower than those with preschool children. The stress of mothers of 40 years of age or older was lower than that of mothers of less than 40 years of age. The stress of mothers with monthly income of 1∼2 million won and 2∼3 million won was higher than those with less than one million won. Fourth, the stress of mothers of emotionally disturbed children was affected by the following three variables: the degree of disabilities, mother`s occupation, and mother`s religion. The stress of mothers was found to be higher when the degree of the children`s emotional disturbance was ``serious`` than ``not serious``. The stress of mothers who work as office employees was lower than that of mothers who are housewives. The stress of mothers who have a religion was higher than that of mothers who do not.

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