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      • KCI등재

        스티븐 홀의 건축공간에서 나타나는 현상적 빛의 표현방법과 특성에 관한 연구

        장현주(Jang, Hyun-Ju),박찬일(Park, Chan-Il) 한국실내디자인학회 2013 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.22 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to explore how to make use of the light and expression methods to embody phenomenal space by considering the representation techniques and characteristics of a variety of "Phenomenal light" in his works focused on the Steven Holl"s views that thought the light as object of creating space. The process is summarized as follows: (1) Study on the relationship between light and color, Classify concept and type of phenomenal light by phenomenal color (2) Consider the characteristics and expression methods of the phenomenal light in the Steven Holl"s architecture (3) Finally, organize the concepts and representation techniques of phenomenal light, and then present method to embody phenomenal space by light. According to this, the results are as follows: (1) Perceptual color by the light of the sense forms a variety of perception and texture of light and shadow according to the contrast of shades and the change of materiality, thus embodying multisensory space with the light as the medium approach that helps to experience formal and tactile senses. (2) Spatial color by the light of volume distinguishes the flow and movement of sight, and embody inducing space with the light as Atypical activity that forms atmosphere of space through concentrated or overlapped mass of light and darkness. (3) Existential color by the light of the light source visualizes the existence of the uncertain light, and embody the receptive space with the light as emotional communication that forms symbolic and psychological meaning through metaphorical phenomena of colored light.

      • 스티븐 홀 건축에 나타난 내부 공간 구현 방식에 관한 연구

        방석환(Bang Seok-Hwan),최두남(Choi Du-Nam) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.29 No.1(계획계)

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the methods applied to embody interior space in Steven Holl's architecture, especially focusing on cultural and institutional buildings. Steven Holl has realized distinct space by applying very specific and limited concept. He believes that leads to fundamentality in space which is not easily affected by certain style. It is necessary to analyze the physical elements such as walls, ceiling, structure and etc. in order to understand space which is formless sometimes spiritual as well. At the same time it is also considered to study his interest on phenomenal experience in space which he repeatedly stressed on his remarks. In other words, space in Steven Holl's works means a playground that various phenomena are taking place and being recognized. Therefore, analyzing architectural methods in his works is essential study to understand not only its unique space but the dominant philosophy in his architecture.

      • KCI등재

        개념수채화를 반영한 스티븐 홀 작품의 공간색채 연구

        김선영(Kim, Sun-Young) 한국실내디자인학회 2015 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.24 No.1

        Contemporary architecture is philosophy and art, and science are different that holds the architecture of human thought and behavior based on a variety of physical space. In addition, the technology is used by the new media graphics, lasers, LED, which were possible only in imagination, using tools such as the time-space of the potential for explosion. In particular, it was found in the spacial color of atypical using the nature of light. Such these architecture is space people actively experiencing a sense towards the expansion of its place. Therefore, the study purpose is to explore the Steven Holl’s spacial colors to utilize the space is important to the possibility of light. He prefers the connection to the invisible world is inferred from the visible world and other space. He thoughts an idea linked to the concept watercolors which is a tool that holds to the notion of the flexibility of light and shadow. Concept watercolor is the idea space, establish space, recombinant space, and the growthy space. These have shown the no fixed spacial color cause of the combination of the different tones according to the characteristics of the mixed-color development of a concept watercolors demonstrated the spacial color of the replacement. That is to establish a parody of the works light blending spacial color.

      • 스티븐 홀의 개념 스케치와 앰비언스 구현에 관한 연구

        박재만(Park Jae-Man),김진균(Kim Jin-Kyoon) 대한건축학회 2008 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.28 No.1(계획계)

        The intention of this study is to analyze architect's sketches which embody the concept of ambience in contemporary architecture. The watercolor sketches of Steven Hall have achieved a simultaneously contingent ambience which the perspective drawings can't represent. As a conclusion, ambience in architecture is the most transcendental term for enjoying the architectural presence. The ambiential results are clearly achieved by the concept sketches.

      • KCI등재

        스티븐 홀의 뮤지엄 건축에 나타나는 공간체험의 현상적 표현 방법 및 특성에 관한 연구

        장현주(Jang, Hyun-Ju),박찬일(Park, Chan-Il) 한국실내디자인학회 2016 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.25 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to approach to the phenomenological point of view to explore a design method for providing a variety of spatial experience of the viewer according to the functional changes of the modern museum architecture. For that, this study intends to analysis and consider the Steven Holl‘s Museum applied to the phenomenological perception for architectural design. The method of this study is summarized as follows: 1) Consider the spatial role and function of the Museum Architecture in the phenomenological approach 2) Study on the phenomenological architectural concepts and expressional method of Steven Holl 3) Finally, propose the utilization for the experiential space that is required to implement the contemporary museum architecture. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Steven Holl"s phenomenological architectural concept is the basis of the perception and awareness and has connotations of temporality and it is figured out by the approach to the environment, sense and motion. 2) Steven Holl implement the architecture as a place of experience by connecting between the place and the environment through the development of a variety of scenes and situations and planning the phenomenon of multisensory space. 3) The spatial experience appeared in Steven Holl"s museum architecture is implemented through the diversity of the scene, the persistence of the situation, the autonomy of light and color, transparency of the haptic and the potential of the material and geometry.

      • KCI등재

        스티븐 홀의 건축에 나타난 시적연상방식 연구

        박영호(Park, Young-Ho) 한국실내디자인학회 2016 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.25 No.6

        The purpose of this study aims to investigate the characteristics of architectural association methods which apply Hall"s poetic concept by looking into how Hall extracts languages and images under what circumstances and by analyzing how the extracted elements are integrated into an architectural space through what association processes. First of all, poetic association functions in the architectural process are compared, and the value of using visual associations in architectural designs are investigated based on the results of the analysis. Next, Steven Holl"s poetic concept is investigated in the context of the concept extraction step, the idea expansion step, and the space composition step in order to find out how such association methods work in the process of architectural designs. The methods of reproducing, changing and using Steven Holl"s poetic concept can be summarized as follows in relation with experiential associations, multi-meaning associations and morphology associations: 1) Steven Holl"s experiential associations are a method of expressing perceived images in the form of languages in the process of interpreting land and programs. This method has the characteristics of reproducing various architectural ideas by generating a relationship between invisible characteristics of land in images and languages. 2) Steven Holl"s multi-meaning associations are a method of directly associating a project with related objects and incidents, or of coming up with a hidden meaning. It has the characteristics of changing ambiguous images of metaphoric, figurative or ironic languages into concrete architectural images. 3) Steven Holl"s morphology associations is a method of expressing morphology images and languages which are directly related to the images. Morphology associations have the characteristics of regenerating sensory experience elements into languages or images, which can be seen experiential associations; or they use metaphoric images in architecture by substituting them with other architectural elements, which can be seen in multi-meaning associations.

      • KCI우수등재

        계단 디자인에 나타난 현상학적 건축 특성

        정태용 대한건축학회 2022 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.38 No.4

        From simple theories to concrete elements of practice, this study aims to explore the different characteristics of phenomenological architecture in staircase designs. In architecture, stairs are symbolic, empirical architectural components on top of being functionally used as a vertical mobility device. Architects attempting phenomenological architecture exhibit different architectural elements for each line with the assumption that each aspect reflects the differences in stair composition. Peter Zumthor and Steven Holl were selected as representative architects with different phenomenological approaches to identify its characteristics and to compare their art museums' stair designs separately and collectively. Peter Zumthor tried to secure independent stairwell space through emphasizing direction and the presence of stairs mainly by using straight stairs. His stairs were separated from the walls, and the steps were treated strictly and simply with gray and black achromatic colors. Steven Holl's stair design is based on a part of continuous flow path. His stairs were connected to surrounding spaces such as the atrium, lobby, corridors, and ramps that were used to show movement. Peter Zumthor represents the ontological line of phenomenological architecture evident in his stair design that integrates step independence and independent presence with a tectonic emphasis. Steven Holl is part of the line that highlights the experience of phenomenological architecture; his stair design emphasizes the spatial experience of multiple views with continuous movement. 본 연구는 특정한 건축 성향을 보여주는 건축가들의 작업이라면, 건축의 주요 부분인 계단 디자인에 있어서도 그 특성들이 반영되어있을 것이라는 가정에서 출발한다. 본 연구에서는 현상학적 건축의 성향을 크게 하이데거의 사고에 영향을 받은 ‘존재 중심’의 건축과 메를로-퐁티의 ‘체험 중심’ 건축으로 대별하여 이들의 특성을 살펴보고, 이들 두 계열을 대표하는 건축가로 페터 춤토르와 스티븐 홀을 선정하고 그 이유를 밝혔다. 현상학적 건축특성이 나타나는 건축의 요소로 계단을 선정하고, 좀 더 구체적인 연구를 위해 대상을 전시 시설 계단으로 한정하여 진행했다. 페터 춤토르는 계단 디자인에 있어서 존재 부여를 가장 중요하게 생각했다. 독립된 계단실 공간을 확보하려고 노력했고 일자형의 직선형 계단을 주로 사용하여 계단의 방향성 및 존재감을 강조했다. 계단과 벽면을 분리하여 계단을 독립시켰고, 회색과 흑색의 무채색 계열로 엄격하고 단순하게 처리했다. 반면 스티븐 홀은 기본적으로 연속적인 동선 구성을 기반으로 계단을 디자인한다. 계단은 아트리움, 로비와 같은 주변 공간과 연결되며, 복도, 경사로와 함께 움직임을 보여주는 요소로 사용된다. 곡선과 각을 달리하는 직선형 계단들이 주변 벽, 바닥과 동일한 재료와 색채를 사용하여 동선과 공간의 연속성을 강조한다. 그 결과 현상학적 건축의 존재론적 계열을 대표하는 페터 춤토르는 계단 디자인에 있어서, 계단의 독립적 존재, 강한 방향성 및 텍토닉 성격을 강조했으며, 스티븐 홀은 자신의 계단 디자인에 있어서 연속적인 동선에 따른, 다시점, 다전망의 공간 체험 강조를 통하여, 현상학적 건축의 체험을 강조하는 계열에 속하고 있음을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        현대건축에서 나타나는 신체적 시각성에 관한 연구

        홍덕기(Hong Deok-Ki),구영민(Koo Young-Min) 대한건축학회 2011 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.27 No.5

        Recent discourse on architectural perception tends to deal with sensuous experience rather than rational to develop the idea how bodily interaction intervenes between architectural space and human being. Even though such conceptual shift has led to phenomenological concern and discourse of body in the realm of architectural theory, the problem is that, while the thoughts and cognition on the basis of the ‘body’, the main arguments in most studies have been focused on phenomenological perceptual experiences, especially on sense and perception through the body. Why is it the problem?Though spatial characteristic in relation to bodily perception is to disclose the visual differences, such narrow point of view tends to generalize such spatial characteristic to either sensual space or technical phenomenology while disregarding the investigation on the trait of visual perception through bodily interaction The goal of the study is to establish a methodological frame for design through distinguished notion of phenomenology. The study attempts to investigate meaning and characteristics of the ‘bodily visuality’, character of visual perception through a body, on the basis of Merleau-ponty’s theory of bodily perception, and to infer the meaning of bodily visuality more clearly through comparative analysis on Steven Holl whose approach is rather epistemological and Daniel Libeskind who approaches with ontology of bodily perception.

      • KCI등재
      • 스티븐 홀의 ‘Raffles City Chengdu’ 건축특성 분석

        이현웅(Lee Hyeon-wung),전병권(Jun, Byung-Kweon) 한국주거학회 2019 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.31 No.2

        Based on the concept of phenomenology, which is the basis of Steven Holl’s works and the architectural concept of porous construction, which he established with his own thoughts, the present research examines the “Raffles City Chengdu” located in Chengdu, China to identify its architectural characteristics. Also, I intend to analyze each spatial structure by J - Graph, after examination and analysis of visual structures via VGA analysis through Depth map, a space syntax program, by focusing on the common use space and unit plans of housing.

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