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      • KCI등재

        현실주의 동화의 교육적 의미 탐색을 위한 일 고찰 : 문학 교사들의 현실주의적 인식을 중심으로

        임성규 韓國敎員大學校 敎育硏究院 2008 敎員敎育 Vol.24 No.2

        본고는 현실주의 동화의 교육적 함의(含意)를 탐색하기 위하여 리얼리즘의 세계관에 기반을 둔 현실주의 동화의 리얼리즘 구현 양상을 밝히고,예비 문학 교사들의 현실주의적 인식을 고찰함으로써 궁극적으로는 현실주의 동화 교육의 현황과 앞으로 나아가야 할 방향을 모색하려는 시도이다. 실제로 아동 문학 교육 중에서도 가장 논의가 부족한 부분이 예비 초등 교사들을 대상으로 한 교육대학의 아동문학 교육임을 인식하고,현재적 난점을 넘어 아동문학의 독자성과 개별성을 살릴 수 있는 문학 교육이 이루어져야 함을 강조한 것이다. 특히 아동 서사문학 중에서도 비판적 리얼리즘에 입각한 현실주의 동화는 사회의 구조적 모순과 갈등을 핍진하게 형상화함으로써 아동문학의 독자인 초등학교 아동들과 교육대학의 예비 문학 교사들에게 현실을 비판적으로 직시할 수 있는 인식 능력을 길러줄 수 있다. 그런 측면에서 전형과 형상을 통해 문제를 제기하는 현실주의 동화의 미학적 세계관은 기존의 통념을 넘어 새롭게 재조명 될 필요가 있으며,그러한 논의를 바탕으로 보다 온전한 아동 서사문학의 지형을 만들어나갈 수 있다. 실제로 아동 서사문학과 교육은 판타지 동화와 전래동화 그리고 현실주의 동화가 서로 조밀하게 엮어 짜인 구조를 지향해야 한다. 하지만,현실주의 동화의 경우 현행 초등 문학 교육과정과 교과서에서 철저하게 배제되고 있다는 점에서 심각한 정치성의 우위를 짐작할 수 있으며,그러한 지배 이데올로기의 압력을 뛰어넘기 위해서는 현실주의 동화 교육의 기초적 토양 마련을 위해 보다 본원적인 문학 교육적 함의를 탐색하는 작업 이 필수적으로 요청된다. 이에 본고에서는 자본의 지배와 목표 지향적 단순 논리로 인해 점차 획일화되고 있는 아동들의 현재적 삶 속에서 현실주의 동화가 지니는 가치들이 기존의 상투적이고 고형화 된 인식을 전복시키고 타인에 대한 배려와 이해의 정신을 걸러주는 일에 일조할 수 있음에 천착하였다. 그러므로 이러한 비판적 사고를 추동하는 현실 인식의 힘을 길러주기 위한 현실주의 동화 교육은 아동문학 교육의 한 축으로 기능해야 하며,이에 대한 정치하고 심도 있는 모색이 계속 이어져야 할 것이다. This paper aimed to search educational meaning of realism juvenile story through realistic perception of prepared literary teacher. Realism juvenile story have centered position in the children's narrative literature. It is late that finding direction of realism juvenile story education. Actually, realism juvenile story have important presence in the Korean children's literature flow. It's cause based on dullness of children's literature education study being contrary to activity of children's literature study. Improvement of literary teacher education is another task in the National university of education. It is relation to children's literature teaching-learning in the elementary school literature classroom. So, it is narrow problem that simple substitution realism to popular vision and critical view. Realism juvenile story is basic structure of all children's literature narrative literature and based on realism that have aesthetic philosophical world view and technique. Children's literature education start to reading best literary text first. Theoretical system infusion is secondary issue. Specially, best realism juvenile story reading is enable to healthy perception development through actualization of typical character and event. It reflect structural contradiction and nature of actuality. Problem of actuality have to perform not simple reading but debate culture with literary teachers. Because It enable children to changing surface thinking, quest of realism juvenile story reading and educational meaning is beginning now. The suggestion for realism juvenile story education have to made through more sophisticated and deep study.

      • KCI등재

        "창작과비평"과 아동문학이 만나는 들머리 – 창비와 아동문학의 교섭 양상에 대한 소고(小考) –

        류영욱 한국아동청소년문학학회 2024 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.0 No.34

        본 논의는 "창작과비평"에서 촉발된 현실주의 아동문학과 비평 상황을 고찰하고 이 후 한국 아동문학장의 재편 양상을 탐색하는 기초 연구의 의미를 가진다. 한국 아동문학장은 순수 본격문학론을 중심으로 정전화되어 왔다. 그러나 아동문학 단체의 생성과 분화 속에서 생긴 1970년대 이후 아동문학장은 새로운 서술의 가능성으 로 해석할 수 있다. 1960년대가 문협을 중심으로 순수・반공・민족주의 관념으로 재편되 었다면 1970년대는 참여파로 분류된 이원수를 필두로 한 일련의 흐름이 뚜렷이 감지되 는시대였다. 본 논의는 그 흐름의 시작을 이오덕의 비평문과 권정생 등의 작품을 게재한 "창작과비평"에서 간취했고, 그 접합점에서 현실주의 아동문학의 양상을 살피고자 했다. 1970년대 민족문학론에 주력했던 "창작과비평"에 이오덕과 아동문학은 새로운 영역 으로 포착되었다. 이오덕은 "창작과비평"에 아동문학과 교육에 대한 관심을 촉구하며 긴밀한 교섭 관계를 이어나갔다. "창작과비평"이 이오덕을 ‘발견’한 것이라면 이오덕은 창비를 ‘활용’할 줄 알았던 것이다. 아동문학에 대한 "창작과비평"의 매체 전략은 민족문학, 세계문학으로의 지향점으로 연결되는 양상을 보인다. 그러나 "창작과비평"에서 강화된 현실주의 아동문학은 당시 유일한 아동문학 비평지인 "아동문학평론"과 극명한 입장 차이를 보였다. 동시대에 아동문학 비평을 주도했던 "아동문학평론"에서 형성된 현실주의 아동문학 담론을 함께 살핌으로써 1970년대 이후 한국 아동문학장의 재편 양상을 탐색하는 시각이 필요하리라 본다. 이는 특정 시대에 멈춰 선 한국아동문학사를 새롭게 서술하는 의미이기 때문이다. This discussion is meaningful as a basic work of research to examine the realist children’s literature and criticism situation triggered in "Changbi" and explore the reorganization of the Korean children’s literature field. The Korean Children’s Literature Center has been formed as a fixed theory centered on pure and full–fledged literary theory. However, since the 1970s, which arose amid the creation and differentiation of children’s literature groups, children’s literature books can be interpreted as the possibility of a new narrative. The 1960s were reorganized into pure, anti–communist, and nationalist ideas centered on the Korean Association of Humanities. And the 1970s were an era in which a series of flows, led by YI ODEOK, who was classified as a participant, were clearly detected. This discussion intercepted the beginning of the flow in "Changbi", which published works such as YI ODEOK’s criticism and KWON JEONGSAENG. In addition, we tried to examine the aspect of realist children’s literature at that junction. YI ODEOK, who published a review in 1974 of Changbi, is considered to have played the role of an intermediary between YI WONSU, YI HYEONJU, and KWON JEONGSAENG. In Changbi, which focused on the theory of national literature in the 1970s, YI ODEOK and children’s literature were captured as new areas. YI ODEOK urged Changbi to pay attention to education and children’s literature and continued close negotiations by participating in the planning of Children’s Book Changbi. If Changbi “discovered” YI ODEOK, YI ODEOK thought he would “use” Changbi. As shown in Children’s Books Changbi, Changbi’s media strategy for children’s literature shows a pattern that leads to the direction of national literature and world literature. However, the reinforced realist children’s literature in Changbi showed a stark difference in position from the only children’s literature critic at the time, CRITICISM OF KOREA A CHILDREN’S LITERATURE. Realist children’s literature formed in CRITICISM OF KOREA A CHILDREN’S LITERATURE, which led the discourse of children’s literature criticism at the same time, will be examined together. And I think it is necessary to explore the reorganization of the Korean Children’s Literature Center after the 1970s. This is because it is a new description of the history of Korean children’s literature that has been stopped in a specific era.

      • KCI등재

        임길택의 아동문학과 초등학교 문학교육에의 시사

        임성규 한국초등국어교육학회 2008 한국초등국어교육 Vol.38 No.-

        최근 들어 아동문학에 대한 대중적 관심의 증가로 인해 아동문학 연구 담론 확충의 현실적 필요성과 아동문학 교육 담론의 체계적 이론화에 대한 사회적 요구가 확대되면서 아동문학을 둘러싼 학문적 발전이 가속회되고 있다. 그러므로 이러한 시대변화의 환경 속에서 초등학교 문학교육 연구가 한걸음 전진하기 위해서는 아동문학 연구 및 한국 아동문학의 전통성과의 긴밀한 연관 관계 회복을 통해 새로운 발전적 시사를 확보해 나가야한다. 왜냐하면 아동문학은 근본적으로 초등학교 문학교육의 원천을 이루고 있기 때문이다. 그런 의미에서 임길택의 아동문학과 아동문학 교육 활동은 아동 고유의 독자적 시각을 통해 본 삶의 다양한 이면과 진실을 핍진하게 반영하고 있다는 점에서 초등학교의 문학교육을 위한 새로운 시사를 담지하고 있다. 곧, 현재 문학교실에서 이루어지고 있는 교육 활동의 협소한 체험의 범위와 소재의 제한성을 넘어서는 발전적 동인을 품고 있을 뿐만 아니라 기존의 문학적 글쓰기 교육이 지닌 한계를 극복할 수 있는 표현력 고양을 위한 단초를 내장하고 있는 것이다. 실제로 지금까지 초등학교 문학교육은 많은 발전을 이룩하였지만, 아동문학 전통과의 연관 맺기는 새롭게 탐구해야 할 과업으로 남겨져 있다. 그러므로 초등학교 문학교육 이론의 보완과 실천력 확보를 위해서는 전통 아동문학 주체들에 대한 탐구와 함께 그들의 삶과 문학이 담지하고 있는 교육적 시사들을 현재적 관점에서 재검토하는 작업들이 이어져야 할 것이다. This paper aimed to finding suggestion to elementary school literary education through Lim Gil-Taek's children's literature. Recently, academic expansion of children's literature is accelerating for increase of popular concern and realistic need of study discourse amplification. So, elementary school literary education have to recover closer connection with children's literature study and Korean children's literature tradition in changing environment. Because children's literature is basically source of elementary school literary education. In this point, Lim Gil-Taek's children's literature have new suggestion for literary education. It reflect the truth of life and children's inherent eye.That is developmental motive that conquer narrow experiencing scope and limitedness of material. And, it has clue of expressive competence that cross pre-existing literary writing education. Actually, extension of elementary school literary education need to linking to children's literature tradition. Theoretical complement and security of practicing competence have to start inquiring traditional children's literature main-body.

      • KCI등재

        김북원(金北原)의 문학사적 복원과 해방기 활동 연구

        김진희 ( Kim Jin-hee ) 한국문학연구학회 2019 현대문학의 연구 Vol.0 No.68

        남북한 문학사에서 김북원에 대한 소개 및 평가는 해방 전 문학성과를 봉인한 채, 한국 전쟁기 이후의 성과에 집중되어 왔다. 이는 해당 작가의 자료를 남한과 북한이 비교 논의하지 않았기 때문이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 김북원의 해방 전 문단 활동이 비교적 일찍부터 시작되었음을 필명을 찾아 밝히고 창작의 영역이나 경향 역시 다양했음을 자료 발굴 및 제시를 통해 논의함으로써 김북원에 관한 전체적 연구의 토대 마련을 시도했다. 그간 남한의 아동문학사에서 『별나라』에 실린 아동소설 및 동시의 작가로 알려진 필명 ‘북원초인’이 김북원임을 북한의 아동문학사와 비교하고, 1930년대 김북원의 농업학교 재직 경험 등을 통해 밝혔다. 그리고 소설로 알려진 「완구」가 꽁트임을 밝혔고, 『삼천리』에 추천된 「유랑민」이라는 소설을 통해 김북원이 당대 노동자로 전락하는 농민의 삶을 핍진하게 그림으로써 이후 북한문단에서 농촌작가라는 평가의 단초를 읽을 수 있었다. 『신인문학』이나 『시인춘추』 등에 발표한 김북원의 시를 최초로 소개했고 1930년대 후반 『맥』과 1940년대 『시현실동인』으로서 초현실주의와 포르말리즘의 작품 창작 및 이론을 고찰함으로써 1930년대 초반 초현실주의 및 모더니즘을 이론적, 지역적으로 확장하여 만주모더니즘을 선도한 작가임을 밝혔다. 1943년까지 초현실주의 시의 창작방법론을 시도했던 김북원은 해방기에는 북한 문단의 정책과 변화하는 현실의 요구에 맞는 작품들을 창작했다. 김일성에 대한 찬양을 기본 골자로 하면서, 농촌의 토지개혁, 빨치산 전투에 참여한 영웅적 주인공, 노동 현장의 변화, 소련과의 친선 등 북한의 중요한 이슈들을 시화했다. 이상과 같은 논의를 통해 식민지 시기와 해방기 이후 김북원의 문학 활동의 연속성을 확보함으로써 남북한 문학사에서 김북원에 관한 전체적인 평가의 토대가 구축될 수 있었다. In the history of North and South Korean literature, the introduction and evaluation of Kim Buk-won has focused on the achievements after the Korean War, sealing the literary achievements before liberation. This is because both South Korea and North Korea did not discuss comparative resources of the author. In this study, research on Kim Buk-won was attempted for the first time by unveiling that Kim Buk-won’s preliberation literary activities had started relatively early by finding his pen name, and by discussing that his creative territory or tendency were also diverse through data supplement. This study uncovers that the author of children’s stories and poetry published in The Land of Stars (별나라 Byeolnara) in the history of children’s literature in South Korea, under the pen name “Buk-won-cho-in” was in fact Kim Buk-won by comparing Kim’s identity with the history of children’s literature in North Korea, and through Kim’s experience working in agricultural school in the 1930s. Moreover, I uncover that the work, Toy (Wan-gu) that was known as a novel, was in fact a conte (short story), and was able to read the start of the assessment of Kim Buk-won as an agricultural writer in the North Korean literary circle after depicting the lives of farmers turning into laborers in the novel Nomads (Yurangmin), which was nominated in The Land of Korea (삼천리 Samcheolli).Kim Buk-won’s poetry, which was published in New Face of Literature (신인문학 Sininmunhak) or Spring and Fall of Poets (시인춘추 Siin chunchu), was first introduced and discussed in this study. By reviewing the creation and theories of Maek in the late 1930s and ‘Poetry Reality Coterie’ in the 1940s, it became possible to evaluate that Kim was a writer led Manchurian Modernism, by theoretically and geographically expanding surrealism and modernism in the 1930s. Kim Buk-won, who tried to create surrealistic poetry creative methodology by 1943, created works that fit the policies of North Korean literary circles and the demands of changing reality. With the praise of Kim Il Sung as the basic framework, he has poeticized North Korea’s major issues such as land reform in rural areas, the heroic protagonist who participated in the battle of partizan, changes in the workplace, and goodwill with the Soviet Union. Through these discussions, I believe that securing of the continuity of Kim’s literary activities after the colonial period and the liberation period, and the complete description of the history of literature in North and South Korea became possible.

      • KCI등재

        (사)어린이도서연구회와 한국 아동문학

        오세란(Oh Seran) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2017 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.20

        We examined the influence of ‘the Korean children’s book association’(Adoyeon) on Korean children’s literature in this paper. This paper distinguished between the first and second half of 1980’s and the 1990’s and after. It also looked into the history of literary events in the field of children’s literature and the process of making the “the list of recommended books.” Adoyeon was founded in the 1980s by introducing Korean children’s literature that included ethnic and popular perspectives in the dictatorship regime. And Adoyeon criticized the children’s masses and introduced good books. Since the 1990’s and afer, when children’s book publishing has become active, Adoyeon have expanded our organization by selecting good works. In the 1980s and 1990s, the activities and the achievements and issues of children’s literature are as follows. First, Positive outcomes were settled in the monopoly movement in the circulation environment focused on the whole collection. A specific example is the movement to inform Korean creative monoppoly fairy tale in the 1980’s and the recommendation of book publications in the 1990’s. Secondly, it was a curriculum for the nation and the people ‘s view, which is our creative fairy tale, and played a great role in shaping the genealogy of realistic fairy tales. The third was to take down low-quality books in the same way as ‘recommendation’ and ‘list’, leading to good book distribution. The fourth was using the newsletter, which we took charge of children ‘s book reviews and book reviews. And since the 2000’s and after, they have developed civic movements such as book reading and library activities. However, although the Korean children’s literature was turned into a genealogy and it was shown through the “recommended book list” at a glance, it could not respond sensitively to the social demands to view the works with various changes in the times. This is a negative side. Due to the clarity of realistic assimilation, there is a limit to read the work with uniformity. Specifically, it is left to the researchers to read the works of realist genealogists more deeply and abundantly. Finally, this paper has limitations on only the part related to Korean children ‘s literature in the various activities of Adoyeon. Adoyeon: the korean children’s book association

      • KCI등재

        1980년대 어린이문학 운동의 정치적 실천 : 합동 작품집과 무크지 운동을 중심으로

        임성규(Lim Sung-kyu) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2007 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.1

        This study purpose to critically review combination collection and mook movement in 1980’s. Reception activity of children’s literature and total critical access of children, children’s literature and children’s culture are political practice that honestly establish direction of children’s literature. For Terry Eagleton viewpoint, literary text not simply reflect and express of ideology but self produce ideology. One children’s literature text important the power of influence to children In this point, this thesis try to meta-checking and reflective introspection at the situation of 80’s children’s literature that let ride in the blind spot of study and criticism. Accordingly, combination collection and mook movement that conquer crisis and period situation in 80’s children’s literature are acquire relevance of discussion. And, it show creation and reception of realistic children’s literature. This point guarantee it is one of national literature and emphasize context and circumstances with children. Now, Form of children’s literature that show good product not sudden result but historical flow in past and present. So, this children’s literature movement endeavor that keep life of children’s literature in difficult period situation. It has value of political practice activity that seeing through negative sign and conquest obstacle around children in dividing into section and oppression period.

      • KCI등재

        권정생 동시 연구

        김유진(Kim Yoojin) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2016 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.19

        In this thesis, I researched the aspect of rewriting of Gwon-Jeongsaeng’s children’s poetry considering a part of Sambae Chima [Hemp Skirt] is the first edition of the poetry included at the 3rd chapter of Umyeni Sasinen Geu Naraenen [In the Country Mom lives]. As the result of research, it was proved that the re-writing process of Gwon Jeongsaeng’s children’s poetry has two major directions, that is regarding the content, the basis of realism was emphasized, and regarding the structure, the poetic word and plot were getting simplified and standardized. It was not just the progress of writing performance or natural consequences inrewriting but to implicate more than that. Gwon Jeongsaeng had rewritten the poems with the obvious goal to achieve the realism. However, when I evaluate each poem only in the critical point of view, the changes of emphasizing themes and simplifying structures had harmed the literary value of his poetry. It is not only the aspect of the change of Gwon Jeongsaeng’s children’s poetry but also the critical point to review the characters and limits of the children’s poetry in 1980s based on the realism.

      • KCI등재

        계보에 비추어 본 이주홍 아동문학의 특질-카프 시기의 성과를 중심으로-

        원종찬 ( Jong Chan Won ) 한국문학교육학회 2012 문학교육학 Vol.38 No.-

        Lee Ju-hong is one of major writers representing history of Korean children`s literature. He highly contributed to establishment of realism of children`s literature which might be a historical character of Korean children`s literature-he had ever acted in KAPF in the Japanese ruling period.His representative works have been listed on collection for Korean children`s literature published by famed publishing company. And his main literary collections are widely read in the book form even today. Although he had a career as a member of KAPF which had been considered taboo for long time, he is the only person who is assessed as writer of canon. Most of studies on his works have two key words of ``reality`` and ``pleasure``. When considering situation of Korean children`s literature that in most of the works, by emphasizing ``reality``, ``pleasure`` disappeared, while, by emphasizing ``pleasure``, ``reality`` disappeared, his literary world with both ``reality`` and ``pleasure`` takes a unique position.This study investigated his literary world to figure out such a unique aspect from historical context of ``genealogy of realism`` and ``genealogy of pleasure`` in Korean children`s literature. As a result, his juvenile novel showed ``tendency of Choi Seo-hae in children``s literature` where rich realistic description in experience style is distinguished while children`s song and fairy story showed ``tendency of describing in comic way producing laugh`` which was very rare in realism children`s literature.

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