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        일제강점기 일본인경찰관에 대한 한국어교육 연구 -특수목적 외국어교육의 관점에서-

        김은희 한국일어교육학회 2019 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.48

        This study explores Korean language education in the Japanese colonial era, how it was used as a tool for administrative purposes. It is not a study of Japanese domination and Korean resistance. Korean language education for the Japanese police force was conceived not just as a tool for helping Japan’s colonialization of Korea but also was a typical form of special-purpose foreign language education. This study examines how the educational environment, rules in the work setting, needs of police officers, vocational development evaluation, and incentive system affected Korean language acquisition of Japanese law enforcement officers in the Japanese colonial era in Korea. In 1921, the Japanese Government-General of Korea enacted the rule that encouraged Japanese administrative officers to learn the Korean language and provided incentives to the officers with additional allowances and promotion at work. In a police training school, Korean language education was the mandatory subject for all trainees. Also, in local police stations nationwide, Korean language education was required as a part of the regular duties. For policeman who could translate Korean into the Japanese language, additional monetary benefits were provided. The result showed remarkable progress: 80% of entire Japanese policemen were able to communicate in the Korean language in 1927. The materials that were used in language education were specially designed for special purposes. Especially, the contents were targeted for daily duties of policemen. In 1926, education material titled Study Material for Korean Language for Policemen was published. It covered illustrative examples that could be easily applied in daily use. This includes detailed explanations on Korean culture, and communication skills to minimize potential conflicts. Thus, Korean language was widely used among police, and became / was? an administrative tool to control and rule over the Korean people. 일제강점기 일본인 경찰관에 대한 한국어교육의 궁극적인 목적은 철저한 식민 지배를 위한 수단이라는 것은분명하다. 그러나 경찰관이라는 직업 업무를 수행하기 위한 외국어교육의 일환으로 보면 특수목적을 위한 외국어교육의 한 영역이다. 하위 영역으로는 직업 목적 외국어교육에 해당한다. 본 연구는 경찰관을 대상으로 하는 한국어교육의 규정, 인센티브, 교육기관, 경찰관 학습자, 경찰관용 한국어교재, 평가시험에 대한 기록들을 찾아내어 경찰관을 위한 한국어교육이 갖는 특수목적 외국어교육으로서의 면모를 살펴보았다. 1921년 조선총독부는 일본인 관리들에게 조선어장려규정을 제정하고 장려시험에 합격한 일본인 관리들에게수당 지급, 승진 등의 인센티브를 제공하였다. 경찰의 교육을 담당했던 경찰강습소에서는 한국어를 필수과목으로 가르쳤고 지방의 경찰서에서는 별도의 한국어 수업과 시험이 실시되었다. 조선어 장려시험, 경찰관통역 겸장시험 합격자에게는 별도의 수당을 지급하였다. 이에 따라 괄목할 만한 성과를 보여 1927년 통계자료에 따르면일본인 경찰관 80%가 한국어로 업무가 가능하였다. 1926년에 발간된 「警察官專用朝鮮語敎範」은 경찰관 업무 내용을 장면 실라버스로 구성하고 있어 경찰관의언어사용역(register)을 알 수 있고 조선사정에 대한 설명과 지배자로서의 커뮤니게이션 스킬을 포함하고 있다. 일본인 경찰관에게 한국어는 한국 국민들을 통제하고 지배하기 위한 수단이고 행정 업무의 도구였음을 알 수 있다. 일제강점기의 일본인 경찰관에 대한 한국어교육은 교육제도, 학습자 수, 교육환경, 실천과 성과 면에서 특수목적 외국어교육의 전형이다. 한국어교육사에서도 가장 두드러졌던 특수목적 한국어교육의 한 사례로 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        특수목적외국어교육의 연구주제들

        박준언 국제한국어교육학회 2006 한국어 교육 Vol.17 No.1

        This paper overviews the research topics in the field of teaching languages for specific purposes. Of a multitude of issues related to language for specific purposes (LSP) research, this paper focuses on the central issues common to all LSP research: LSP needs analysis, LSP genre analysis, LSP register analysis, LSP teaching methods, and LSP assessments and evaluations. Each of the LSP research issues is examined in detail by discussing related theoretical and empirical studies. Considering the growing interest in LSP education in the field of teaching Korean as a foreign language in recent years, it is hoped that this paper can shed light on the research of teaching and learning Korean for specific purposes.

      • KCI등재

        비즈니스 중국어 학습수요에 관한 연구

        황련화(Huang, Lian-Hua)(黃蓮花),이길연(Li, Ji-Lian)(李吉蓮) 대한중국학회 2019 중국학 Vol.68 No.-

        한·중 수교 이래 경제교류가 날로 늘어남에 따라 비즈니스 중국어 학습에 대한 수요가 대두되기 시작하였으나 이에 대한 연구나 분석이 아직 많지 않은 실정이다. 본고는 한국 내의 비즈니스 중국어 수업현황, 학습현황, 비즈니스 교재현황에 대해 검토하였고, 학습자 수요를 파악하기 위해 수요분석 이론과 기존 연구를 바탕으로 학습수요를 물질적 수요, 심리적 수요, 비즈니스 중국어에 대한 수요, 교육과정과 평가에 대한 수요 등 네 가지로 재분류 하였다. 이러한 분류에 따라 중국어 학습자 총 302명을 대상으로 3년의 시간간격을 두고 온라인 설문조사를 실시하였고 그 결과 직업별, 중국어 수준 별 학습자 수요는 상이하게 나타났다. 위와 같은 분석결과를 토대로 효과적인 비즈니스 중국어 교육을 위해 교재편찬, 수업설계, 평가에 대해 간략하게 제언을 하였다. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, South Korean enterprises that trade with Chinese have grown rapidly. In order to better cooperate with Chinese people, Business Chinese Learning Demands are also growing. Business Chinese has become one of the essential skills of South Korean business people. Therefore, Business Chinese teaching has gradually become the focus of Chinese teaching in South Korea. The premise of teaching students well is to understand their learning needs. In this paper, 302 South Koreans with different Chinese proficiency, occupations and ages were surveyed. The surveys were conducted twice, in 2016 and 2019.The learning needs were divided into four aspects: material needs, psychological needs, language ability needs and curriculum needs. The purpose of the survey is to better understand the students’ learning needs and changes in demand. Based on the results, we can effectively guide students’ learning, optimize the classroom teaching and make the testing standards more reasonable.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 중국어 교재 분포와 개발 현황 분석

        김나래 ( Kim Narae ),김석영 ( Kim Sokyong ),박종한 ( Park Jonghan ),손남호 ( Sohn Namho ),신원철 ( Shin Wonchul ),이미경 ( Lee Mikyoung ),이연숙 ( Yi Yeonsook ) 한국중국어문학회 2016 中國文學 Vol.88 No.-

        This study aims to report and examine the current status of instructional materials of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) that have been published in China (PRC). The authors analyzed 4126 CFL textbooks searched on the website of the National Library of China. As for the purposes of the materials, a lack of development is observed in the textbooks for interpretation/translation, news-based materials, materials based on songs/games and the test preparation materials for non-HSK exams. The entire proportion of Chinese for Specific Purposes (CSP) materials, of which Chinese for Business Purposes (CBP) is the majority, is also only 9.02%, which means that the development of materials for CSP or Chinese for Academic Purpose (CAP) has not been active during the 30-year history of CFL education since the `Reforms and Opening up`. Regarding the skills covered, the proportion of writing materials was particularly low and no writing textbook was ever identified for CSP or CAP, which indicates that the CFL education in China has centered on the teaching of Chinese for General Purposes (CGP). In terms of the levels, more than half of the overall materials were intended for beginners. Specifically, materials for speaking, Chinese characters and pronunciation follow this right-skewed distribution but those for reading, vocabulary/grammar and cultural topics show the opposite, i.e., left-skewed distribution. This means that the focus of CFL instruction shifts from speaking, characters and pronunciation to reading, vocabulary/grammar and culture in the more advanced levels. Another notable point is that the materials aimed at elementary to middle school students only account for 7.73%, which implies the lack of activity to develop educational materials or instructional models for Chinese for Young Learners (CYL). However, future trend is worth noting because a slight but steady increase in CYL materials is detected since the 2000`s. To sum up, among the CFL instructional materials released in China to date, CSP, CAP or CYL materials have been underdeveloped. As the publication of these materials, however, has been on a small but continuous increase since the 2000`s, it seems to deserve more attention in the future research on CFL textbooks.

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