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        『동화와번역』 : 크리티컬 리터러시로 그림책 읽기 -『집으로 날아가』와 『연기가 자욱한 밤』 중심으로-

        최재영 ( Jae Young Choi ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소 2014 동화와 번역 Vol.27 No.-

        크리티컬 리터러시는 텍스트에 투영된 사회의 다양한 힘의 관계를 읽어내는 의지와 능력으로 정의되며 사회 구성원 모두의 공평한 행복 추구를 그 목표로 한 다. 다양성이 무시되고 힘의 지배로 인간관계가 구조화되는 현대사회에서 이 크리 티컬 리터러시 함양을 초등교육에서부터 시도하는 움직임이 있어왔으며 어린이 문 학이 그 교재로 자주 활용되고 있다. 어린이 문학 작품 중 보다 어린 독자들을 대 상으로 하는 그림책들도 이런 사회구조적 문제를 소재로 하여 출판되고 있으며 이 작품들이 빈번히 어린이 대상 크리티컬 리터러시 수업에 활용되고 있다. 본 연구는 이들 그림책 중 관련 연구에서 추천 그림책으로 자주 언급되는 이 브 번팅의 『집으로 날아가』와 『연기가 자욱한 밤』을 크리티컬 리터러시 관점에서 분석하여 보았다. 각 작품의 이야기 구조와 언어 사용, 또 삽화에서 공평한 사회를 지향하는 가치가 어떻게 표현되어 있는지 살펴 본 결과 두 작품 모두 주류집단 가 치의 강화를 지향하고 있는 것으로 보았다. 노숙자 문제를 다룬 『집으로 날아가』 와 로스엔젤리스 폭동을 소재로 한 『연기가 자욱한 밤』이 각 각 사회 약자의 문 제와 사회구성원 사이의 불화로 인한 폭력적인 사태를 소재로 하고 있으나 문제를 주류 집단의 시각으로 조망하고 현상을 유지하며 다양성을 거부하는 경향을 띄고 있는 것으로 분석하였다. 이 분석을 바탕으로 어린이 읽기 교실에서 해당 그림책 을 사용 할 때 활용 가능한 크리티컬 리터러시 연습 질문들을 간략히 제안하였다. Critical literacy can be identified as the willingness and ability to read power mechanisms of a society reflected in the text it creates. It aims for the equality and wellbeing for all people. In modern society where diversity is ignored and where sociopolitical power defines human relationships, there has been a movement of instilling the spirit of critical literacy early on into a child`s mind. Children`s literature has often been used as resources for such effort, and many picture books touching upon sociopolitical issues have been contributed to the cause. This study attempts to interrogate such picture books to see how critical literacy`s ideals of equality and mutual prosperity are realized in such books. Eve Bunting`s Fly Away Home and Smoky Night were chosen for analysis because of their popularity in picture book research circles that analyze such themes. As a result of this study, the investigation of the story structures, use of language, and illustrations in these books leads to the conclusion that the two picture books both defend dominant values of society. Each portrays homelessness and unrest resulting from social discord according to the dominant perspective, maintaining the status quo, and refusing to acknowledge diversity existing in society. Based on the analysis, this study suggests discussion questions for children`s critical literacy practice in a classroom discussion setting.

      • 크리티컬 리터러시 (Critical Literacy)를 활용한 초등 영어 작문 수업의 효과

        이일지(Il Jee Lee) 조선대학교 교과교육연구소 2015 敎科敎育硏究 Vol.36 No.2

        As the interest of English education increases, there come a variety of ways to teach and learn English effectively. Especially, teachers can use fairy tales for young learners like elementary students to improve their English ability. However, there is an importance of Critical Literacy when teachers teach children fairy tales as a resource of teaching and learning English since children can easily adapt the contents of the stories. In this study, to increase children s critical thinking during English writing class, the researcher used a fairy tale 「Snow White」combining the story with a movie 「Snow White and 7 Dwarfs」. Also, the researcher used 「Snow Black」to help children think critically. After 3 weeks of class, children in class could think more critically after reading and watching the movie. Even though they had had prejudice on appearances and personalities of main characters, they could have gradually changed their ideas on them. Moreover, by teaching fairy tales using critical literacy, children could have more interest on writing and reading stories. Still, there are some limitations because of the period of this research and the small number of students. However, teaching critical literacy in writing class indicated good points for children so there need more research on this field. 영어 교육에 대한 관심이 높아지면서, 영어를 효율적으로 가르치고 배울 수 있는 다양한 방법들이 나오고 있다. 특히, 초등학생들과 같은 어린 학습자들의 영어 능력을 향상시키기 위해 교사들은 동화를 사용할 수 있다. 그러나 아이들은 쉽게 동화의 내용을 받아들이기 때문에 교사들이 동화를 영어 교수 학습 도구로 활용할 때, 크리티컬 리터러시는 중요하다. 이 연구에 서는, 영어 작문 수업에서 아이들의 비판적 사고를 증진시키기 위해 연구자는 동화 ‘ 백설공주 ’와 영화 ‘ 백설공주와 일곱난장이 ’를 결합하였다. 또한 연구자는 ‘ 흑설공주 ’를 활용하여 아이들이 비판적으로 생각할 수 있도록 하였다. 3주의 수업 후, 아이들은 수업 중 영화를 보고 동화를 읽은 후 더 비판적으로 생각할 수 있었다. 비록 아이들은 주인공의 성격이나 외모에 대한 편견을 가지고 있었지만, 점차적으로 주인공들에 대한 생각을 바꿀 수 있었다. 게다가, 크리티컬 리터러시를 활용하여 동화를 가르친 이후, 아이들은 이야기 쓰기와 읽기에 더 많은 흥미를 가질 수 있었다. 여전히, 짧은 연구 기간과 적은 학생들 수로 인한 제한점은 있다. 그러나 쓰기 수업에서 크리티컬 리터러시를 가르치는 것은 아이들에게 장점을 가져오기 때문에 이 분야에 관련된 더 많은 연구가 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 2학년 교실에서 크리티컬 리터러시 연습하기

        위종선(Wee Jongsun) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2015 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.17

        Critical literacy pays attention to historically and socially marginalized groups and promotes social justice. Through reading and discussing multicultural children’s literature, children can learn about social justice and think about minority groups whose voices have not been heard in our society. In addition, when teachers select children’s literature that introduces social justice issues, children may feel comfortable talking about them. Critical literacy has been introduced in Korea, but studies on critical literary practice in lower elementary levels have not been found. In this study, Korean second grade children’s discussion on Uncle Chanda was analyzed according to four dimensions of critical literacy. Uncle Chanda was selected for this study, because the part of this story was included in the textbook and the multiple copies of Uncle Chanda were available at the research site. It was found that the second grade children were able to practice all four dimensions of critical literacy with their teacher’s help during the literature discussion. This study shows the possibility of practicing critical literacy with young children in Korean elementary classrooms.

      • KCI등재

        크리티컬 리터러시로 분석한 『피터 팬』에 내재된 인종과 여성에 대한 차별과 편견

        김찬빈(Chan-Bin Kim) 한국영미문학교육학회 2017 영미문학교육 Vol.21 No.2

        This study aims at reading Peter Pan with CL in order to expose biases and discriminations therein toward race and women. CL focuses on making students active learners capable of equipping problem-posing questions based on critical awareness to challenge the author’s negative intentions hidden in the text. Furthermore, by implementing classes devoted to CL methodology, the teacher and students, as partners, can change teacher-oriented classrooms into better, democratic classrooms, where participants can share, respect and support each other’s honest opinions to establish justice and equality in the classroom, and by extension apply the same lessons outside of it in the real world. Through the application of CL to Peter Pan, readers are able to encounter and recognize serious discriminations and biases toward colored races and women. An example of these biases is this: the white characters retain superiorities and are empowered to greater extents than other races. Additionally, out of all female characters, only the white woman is considered beautiful, which demonstrates a bias that white women’s appearance is a more ideal form of beauty. At the same time, some characters without white skin color are completely marginalized and ignored by the whites. Thirdly, all female characters are depicted as passive and feeble. They always hope for a male’s help and do not possess any ability to escape from harsh realities on their own. To summarize, the colored races and women in Peter Pan are depicted as the weak and incompetent compared to the white and male characters, an attitude which is derived from the author’s unjust biases. In conclusion, as equipping CL, students can attain diverse perspectives concerning justice and equality to observe current sociocultural phenomenons. As a result, they can finally not only penetrate biases and discriminations generated from the author, but also acquire a method to spread tolerance and equality into society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        크리티컬 리터러시를 적용한『알래스카를 찾아서』읽기: 백인 중심주의와 인종차별을 중심으로

        김찬빈 한국영미문학교육학회 2022 영미문학교육 Vol.26 No.3

        This study aims at reading Looking for Alaska with critical literacy to find hidden biases in the text generated from racism or superiority of the white. In texts, there must be concrete intentions of an author in order to influence a reader. In Looking for Alaska, in spite of its popularity in American-reading education, the text reveals both superiority of the white and racism indirectly through allowing Eastern men or foreigners to be marginalized. In other words, the text contains several concealed hazardous elements which present racial discriminations against those who are not the white. Therefore, if unconsciously reading the text without diverse perspectives originating from CL, a reader can acquire hidden biases settled by the author. Thus, when reading texts, a student or a reader should be ready to become an active reader who can discover an author’s hidden schemes. In addition, they definitely need to be equipped with problem-posing questions based on CL-based models to prevent themselves from being absorbed in biases or racial discriminations. In conclusion, this critical attitude can not only encourage a reader to engage in penetrating the author’s negative intentions, but also allow the reader to pursue and spread justice and equality for creating the better world by going beyond a class wall.

      • KCI등재

        크리티컬 리터러시와 비판적 문학교육 -제임스 조이스의 「애러비」를 적용하여

        김소연 ( So Yeon Kim ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2011 제임스조이스저널 Vol.17 No.1

        As Communicative Language Teaching method focuses predominantly on skills of the surface level, Critical literacy through literature has been recognized as an alternative teaching method for critical thinking. It respects various perspectives including marginalized characters in the text, multiple interpretations of readers and the social context. James Joyce`s work provides suitable content for critical literacy as ambiguous metaphors, symbols and narratives are applied throughout his work. Moreover, Joyce, as an Irish writer, reflects the powerless` point of view of Ireland under the British colonization. Among many works of his, “Araby”, which is moderately short but contains many puzzles, is appropriate for young adult students. Teachers should follow a certain process for critical literacy. The first step is to understand the text itself. When approaching “Araby” at the text level, we can focus on the boy`s first love for Mangan`s sister. After that, as teachers provide the background information about Ireland and Britain, students can read the text again and analyze critically within the social context. Through these steps, we can recognize that James Joyce challenges the conventional idea of first love and reflects the Irish social aspects in his work. The role of teachers is to find the ambiguous elements in the text which can stimulate students` active discussion and critical thinking.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        번역 교실에서 사용된 동료피드백의 효과 : 크리티컬 리터러시를 중심으로

        이강선(Lee, Kang-sun) 한국통번역교육학회 2021 통번역교육연구 Vol.19 No.4

        This study explores the effect of the peer feedback used in an English-Korean translation class of the liberal arts course. The translation is a problem-solving process related to various areas generated between two languages. So the peer feedback in the translation class allows students to help each other with suggestions for solving the problem. Under the circumstances of COVID-19, this translation class had an unexpected communication effect, and this study argues that it is the result of critical literacy. The peer commenters learned themselves in various ways to provide comments to translators. They read and compared ST and TT, found errors, mobilized their knowledge to analyze the cause of the error, corrected, supplemented, and provided edited versions. Meanwhile, the translators also gave feedback on the commenters translation, so both sides applied critical literacy by exchanging their opinions. The exchanged feedback, and communication, contributed to improving students translation, and the last translation advanced considerably in terms of achievement.

      • 젠더와 이야기문화(동화)

        연선화(Yeon, Sun Hwa) 연세대학교 상담코칭지원센터 2014 연세상담코칭연구 Vol.1 No.-

        이 글은 아동발달의 결정적 시기에 이야기문화(동화)가 어떻게 젠더의 개념과 역할에 영향을 미치는 가에 관한 연구이다. 특히, TCK(Third Culture Kids, 제3의 문화 아이들)가 외국의 전래동화를 통해 학습하게 되는 젠더의 개념과 역할이 이들의 정체성 형성과 하나님 경험에 어떤 영향을 미치는지에 관심한다. 이러한 연구 주제를 가지고, 질적 연구 방법론의 하나인 내러티브 탐구를 위해 연구자의 자녀들을 연구 참여자로 하여, 본 연구를 진행하기 전, 연구 주제와 이론의 틀, 방법론에 관한 것들을 정리한 글이다. 연구자는 외국 전래동화와 페미니즘 대안 동화 등을 비교 분석하여, 상반된 가치관과 성역할 등 서로 다른 이야기 문화 속에서 아동들이 배우게 되는 젠더의 개념과 역할의 영향을 전달하고자 하였으며, 이러한 연구 문제가 시간과 장소의 제한을 넘어, 여러 다양한 이야기문화를 경험하는 아동들의 정체성 형성과 하나님 경험에 크리티컬 리터러시를 통한 이야기문화(동화) 읽기를 제안한다. This study is how narratives affect children who frame their concept and role of gender in their critical period of development. More specifically, how do TCK(Third Culture Kids) form their identity and experience of God through fairytales and narratives in which they learn about the concept and role of gender? These are the questions that shape the exploration that follows this paper. To begin with this study, I chose my two children who are TCK as participants in this study. Actually, this paper does not provide any answers to the questions I asked previously but does articulate in detail the theme, theories, and plan which are based solely on this study. In this paper, I seek to contrast traditional fairytales and feminism alternative narratives in an attempt to affirm our identity and the role of gender in our culture and society. To accomplish this task, I engage in critical literacy and McAdam’s narrative theory. I also suggest, through critical literacy, the importance of educating children about fairytales which convey a lot of images and messages different from their own cultural contexts which, as a result, strongly impacts and forms their identity and experience of God.

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