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      • KCI등재

        근대 초기 국어 교과서의 中西倂用的 양상 - 淸末民初 初等小學 국어 교과서를 중심으로

        강설금(Jiang, Xuejin) 한국중어중문학회 2019 中語中文學 Vol.- No.77

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the ‘Zhongxibingyong(中西倂用)’ - Equal Importance between China and the West - aspects of early modern chinese textbooks. Generally “Yang-wu” group officials are considered ‘Zhongtixiyong(中體西用)’ - Chinese Substance and Western Function - and the "Wei-xin" group has a ‘Zhongxibingyong(中西倂用)’ mindset. Textbook writers created modern textbooks by using ‘Zhongxibingyong(中西倂用)’ in a timely manner. Chinese-language textbooks fully accepted the English classifications law. Chinese characters were divided into nine parts. It also imitated Western text. Each section is composed of the form "core plus body". In the 1920s, the Chinese phonetic symbol "Zhuyinfuhao(注音符號)" was invented and used. It shows that the elements of heavy study and literature are converging evenly. In terms of content, Chinese studies in Chinese textbooks are focused on ethics and morality all the time. Western studies stayed in science, technology and military history from 1897-1911. It has expanded to a political system since 1912. The launch of the Republic of China is a crucial opportunity. Beginning in 1917, coeducational school was emphasized in earnest. Western studies have expanded to include educational ideas. In short, Chinese-language textbooks started with the ‘Zhongtixiyong(中體西用)’ attitude in 1897, and have changed to the ‘Zhongxibingyong(中西倂用)’ attitude since the inauguration of the Republic of China in 1912. The goal of modern education was to foster a modern people with patriotism. What modern textbook publishers want from their students was clear. It is for students to learn the traditional culture and history of China to establish their identity as Chinese, learn new culture and play their role as modern people. It was emphasized that jobs must be acquired in order to become a self-reliant modern people. The textbook writers" efforts were successful. Schools and students grew at a rapid pace. At the same pace, textbooks containing modern and new knowledge spread throughout China. And the way of ‘Zhongxibingyong(中西倂用)’ thinking has made a decisive contribution to the development of textbooks.

      • KCI등재

        중국 근대 국어 교과서에 나타난 여성상 —청말민초 소학교 국어 교과서를 중심으로

        강설금 한국중국어문학회 2019 中國文學 Vol.101 No.-

        The images of women in modern Chinese language textbooks in China show that they have developed from the ‘wise mother, good wife’(賢母良妻) to the Women Students, Nuguomin(女國民). And the pace of evolution is very fast. The three kinds of Chinese textbooks covered in this paper deserve to represent women’s images of early modern education, and have the following characteristics. The 1901 textbook contains the Chinese people’s desire to leap from traditional to modern education. The 1907 textbook is an early female textbook that shows the image of a woman recognized by the time. The 1914 textbook describes the women’s image during the revolutionary era that women’s social roles should be fully expanded after the republic’s inauguration. This paper used the “role analysis” method to more effectively compare the appearance of women appearing in each textbook. A woman’s story is divided into four elements: the main character, space, role and counterpart. Using this method, the authors of textbooks can understand the intended female image more clearly. As modernization progresses, the space, roles, and types of people who appear in textbooks vary. The characteristic of women in textbooks during this period is to develop from incidental to self-reliant. From being limited to a woman who raised her child and helped her husband, it develops into a general who defeats the rebels. The women’s image in modern Chinese textbooks has changed from ‘Chinese Substance and Western Function’ (中體西用) to Zhongxibingyong in both its content and its formal aspects. 중국 근대 소학 국어 교과서에 나타난 여성상은 현모양처에서 출발하여 여학생, 여국민으로 발전하는 양상을 보인다. 그리고 그 진화 속도가 대단히 빠르다. 본고에서 다루는 3종의 국어 교과서는 초기 근대 교육의 여성상을 대표할만하며, 다음과 같은 특징을 가지고 있다. 1901년의 교과서는 전통 교육에서 근대 교육으로 도약하고자 하는 중국인들의 열망을 담고 있다. 1907년의 교과서는 초기 여성 교과서로, 당시 왕정 체제가 수용한 근대 여성상을 보여준다. 1914년의 교과서는 공화국 출범 이후 여성의 사회적 역할이 전면적으로 확장되어야 한다는 혁명 시기의 여성상을 표현한다. 본고에서는 각 교과서에 나타나는 여성상을 보다 효과적으로 비교하기 위해 ‘역할 분석’ 방법을 활용했다. 여성이 등장하는 이야기를 주인공, 공간, 역할, 상대라는 4개의 요소로 나누어 보는 것이다. 이 방법을 활용하면 교과서의 저자들이 의도하는 여성상을 보다 선명하게 이해할 수 있다. 근대화가 무르익어가며 교과서에 등장하는 여성들의 활동 공간, 역할 그리고 상대하는 사람들의 부류가 다양해진다. 이 시기 교과서에 나타난 여성상의 특징은 부수적 존재에서 주체적 존재로 발전하는 것이다. 자녀를 키우고 남편을 돕던 여인으로 한정되던 모습에서 반란군을 물리치는 장군의 모습으로 탈바꿈한다. 한편 중국의 인물로 한정되었던 사례가 중국과 서양 여성 인물의 병행하는 양상도 보였다. 중국 근대 교과서의 여성상은 그 내용적인 측면과 형식적인 측면 모두 중체서용적 태도에서 중서병용적 태도로 변화해 갔다.

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