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      • KCI등재

        『說苑』에 실린 『新序』 중복편을 통해 본 劉向의 인식 변화 고찰

        권아린(Kwon, A-Rini) 한국중어중문학회 2016 中語中文學 Vol.0 No.64

        This thesis is a general study on the Liuxiang(劉向)’s political viewpoint and the value of Shuoyuan(說苑) focused on the receptiveness and the transformation of Xinxu(新序). Shuoyuan is a collection of historical stories from the Qin Dynasty to the early Han Dynasty. Liuxiang had collected narrative materials, and then finished editing. Each material is often classified by according to certain themes, which is serving to strengthen the theme. Liuxiang’s principle of editing is to remove repeated stories but to remain similar stories. There are about fifteen stuffs in the Shuoyuan and Xinxu that have similar stories. The basic plot of the story is similar but the wording and the focusing themes is different, which means that he selected the stories from the raw materials. The repeated theme stories can be categorized into three types; The first one has similar plots, and is written in different words and sentences. The second one has similar plots, but was changed to other themes by different comments. The last one has differences both in the plots and themes. Themes are designed to strengthen and deliberately orchestrated, which is reflected the changes of Liuxiang’s consciousness.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        비전형적인 증상 발현을 보이는 일측 질폐쇄 및 동측 신기형 증후군

        김우오 ( Woo Oh Kim ),박경의 ( Kyung Eui Park ),구승엽 ( Seung Yup Ku ),김석현 ( Seok Hyun Kim ),최영민 ( Young Min Choi ),김정구 ( Jung Gu Kim ),문신용 ( Shin Yong Moon ) 대한산부인과학회 2011 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.54 No.12

        Most patients with syndrome of obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly (OHVIRA) were presented with dysmenorrhea, pelvic mass and hematocolpos. These common symptoms of OHVIRA syndrome were aggravated soon after the menarche. Early diagnosis is important to relieve the symptom, to prevent injury of genital tract and to preserve fertility. We have experienced an unusual presentation of OHVIRA syndrome, which were presented with vaginal spotting and diagnosed at age 24. Therefore, we present it with a review of the literature.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        일측성 자궁경부폐쇄와 동측 신장무발생을 동반한 중복자궁에서 복강경 자궁절제술을 시행한

        김선영 ( Sun Young Kim ),김지영 ( Ji Young Kim ),이지현 ( Ji Hyun Lee ),김윤환 ( Yun Hwan Kim ),구승엽 ( Seung Yup Ku ),김석현 ( Seok Hyun Kim ),최영민 ( Young Min Choi ),김정구 ( Jung Gu Kim ),문신용 ( Shin Yong Moon ) 대한산부인과학회 2011 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.54 No.12

        Congenital abnormalities of mullerian duct system can result in various urogenital anomalies, including uterus didelphys with unilateral renal agenesis. Cervical atresia is also a rare mullerian abnormality. It usually presents after the menarche with progressive pelvic pain during periods secondary to haematometra. Treatment of congenital cervical atresia remains controversial. We present our experience with treatment by pelviscopic hemihysterectomy with electric morcellator.

      • 2007년 確定한 政府의 商法(保險編) 改正案에 대한 意見

        정찬형 한국금융법학회 2007 金融法硏究 Vol.4 No.2

        1. That the Draft stipulates newly the principle of the utmost good faith in all insurance contracts (Art. 638 Para. 2), is very reasonable. 2. The newly regulated (by the Draft) powers of insurance agent, insurance broker or insurance salesman (Art. 646-2) are required to be stipulated in more detail and correctly. 3. The newly regulated Articles saying that the insurance contract by fraud is invalid (Art. 655-2) and the insurer does not have any obligation against the claim of the amount insured by fraud or forged documents and so on (Art. 657-2), are appropriate. 4. That the Draft extends extinctive prescription period of the claim of the amount insured to 3 years from 2 years and extends extinctive prescription period of the claim of premium to 2 years from 1 year (Art. 662), is proper. 5. That the Draft regulates newly the effect of default of duty to notify double insurance (Art. 672-2 Para. 2), is not necessary. It can be stipulated in Art. 651-2 together. 6. That the Draft regulates newly the effect of default of duty to notify the assignment of the subject-matter of insurance (Art. 679 Para. 2·Para. 3), is not necessary. 7. The present Article 680 saying that the insurer always shall be liable to pay the necessary or advantageous expenses to prevent a loss, should be kept up. Therefore, the Draft Article 680 Para. 2 and Para. 3 which the Draft changes the above present provision, should be deleted. 8. That the Draft restricts the subrogation right of insurer to the family members of the person effecting the insurance or the insured (Art. 682 Para. 2), is reasonable. 9. That the Draft stipulates newly the guaranty insurance (Art. 726-5, 726-6, 726-7), is proper. 10. That the Draft regulates newly the amount insured to be paid separately in all contracts of person insurance (Art. 727 Para. 2), is proper. But the word “as an annuity”should be inserted in Art. 727 Para. 2 by my opinion. 11. That the Draft deletes Art. 735 (Endowment Insurance) and Art. 735-2 (Annuity Insurance), is proper. 12. That the Draft permits a feeble-minded person to effect the insurance and to consent as the insured (Art. 732), is improper. 13. That the Draft regulates newly the reasons for which the life (death) insurer is relieved of liability in detail (Art. 732-2), is appropriate. 14. That the Draft regulates newly the effect of default of duty to notify any other life insurance(s) (Art. 732-3 Para. 2), is not necessary. It can be stipulated in Art. 651-2 together. 15. The newly regulated (by the Draft) provision saying that a half of the amount insured of life (death) insurance is exempted from attachment (Art. 734-2), is proper. 16. The newly regulated provision (Art. 735-3 Para. 3) saying that the written consent of the insured should be required if the person effecting the insurance orders any other person except the insured as beneficiary in group insurance, is improper. 17. The newly regulated provision saying that the policy conditions concerning exemption of liability of the insurer in case of no license or drunken drive and so on are valid (Art. 737-2), is proper. 18. The newly regulated provision saying that the provisions concerning property insurance shall apply mutatis mutandis to personal accident insurance which has the character of property insurance (Art. 739 Para. 2), is very proper. 19. That the Draft regulates newly provisions concerning sickness insurance (Art. 739-2, 739-3, 739-4), is very proper.

      • KCI등재

        주제별 논단 : 기타 ; 2007년 확정(確定)한 정부(政府)의 상법(商法)(보험편(保險編)) 개정안(改正案)에 대한 의견(意見)

        정찬형 ( Chan Hyung Chung ) 한국금융법학회 2007 金融法硏究 Vol.4 No.2

        1. That the Draft stipulates newly the principle of the utmost good faith in all insurance contracts (Art. 638 Para. 2), is very reasonable. 2. The newly regulated (by the Draft) powers of insurance agent, insurance broker or insurance salesman (Art. 646-2) are required to be stipulated in more detail and correctly. 3. The newly regulated Articles saying that the insurance contract by fraud is invalid (Art. 655-2) and the insurer does not have any obligation against the claim of the amount insured by fraud or forged documents and so on (Art. 657-2), are appropriate. 4. That the Draft extends extinctive prescription period of the claim of the amount insured to 3 years from 2 years and extends extinctive prescription period of the claim of premium to 2 years from 1 year (Art. 662), is proper. 5. That the Draft regulates newly the effect of default of duty to notify double insurance (Art. 672-2 Para. 2), is not necessary. It can be stipulated in Art. 651-2 together. 6. That the Draft regulates newly the effect of default of duty to notify the assignment of the subject-matter of insurance (Art. 679 Para. 2·Para. 3), is not necessary. 7. The present Article 680 saying that the insurer always shall be liable to pay the necessary or advantageous expenses to prevent a loss, should be kept up. Therefore, the Draft Article 680 Para. 2 and Para. 3 which the Draft changes the above present provision, should be deleted. 8. That the Draft restricts the subrogation right of insurer to the family members of the person effecting the insurance or the insured (Art. 682 Para. 2), is reasonable. 9. That the Draft stipulates newly the guaranty insurance (Art. 726-5, 726-6, 726-7), is proper. 10. That the Draft regulates newly the amount insured to be paid separately in all contracts of person insurance (Art. 727 Para. 2), is proper. But the word "as an annuity"should be inserted in Art. 727 Para. 2 by my opinion. 11. That the Draft deletes Art. 735 (Endowment Insurance) and Art. 735-2 (Annuity Insurance), is proper. 12. That the Draft permits a feeble-minded person to effect the insurance and to consent as the insured (Art. 732), is improper. 13. That the Draft regulates newly the reasons for which the life (death) insurer is relieved of liability in detail (Art. 732-2), is appropriate. 14. That the Draft regulates newly the effect of default of duty to notify any other life insurance(s) (Art. 732-3 Para. 2), is not necessary. It can be stipulated in Art. 651-2 together. 15. The newly regulated (by the Draft) provision saying that a half of the amount insured of life (death) insurance is exempted from attachment (Art. 734-2), is proper. 16. The newly regulated provision (Art. 735-3 Para. 3) saying that the written consent of the insured should be required if the person effecting the insurance orders any other person except the insured as beneficiary in group insurance, is improper. 17. The newly regulated provision saying that the policy conditions concerning exemption of liability of the insurer in case of no license or drunken drive and so on are valid (Art. 737-2), is proper. 18. The newly regulated provision saying that the provisions concerning property insurance shall apply mutatis mutandis to personal accident insurance which has the character of property insurance (Art. 739 Para. 2), is very proper. 19. That the Draft regulates newly provisions concerning sickness insurance (Art. 739-2, 739-3, 739-4), is very proper.

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