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        중국 1953년 혼인자유 캠페인의 안과 밖

        김미란(Kim Mi Ran) 한국여성학회 2006 한국여성학 Vol.22 No.3

        논문은 냉전적 대치 상황에서 중국 사회주의 국가 건설의 일환이었던 사회주의 여성 해방정책을 1950년대 혼인법 실행을 중심으로 고찰한다. 일부일처제 근대가족제 정착을 위해 실시된 혼인법은 매매혼ㆍ조혼으로 고통받던 여성의 지위를 개선하였으며 1953년 혼인자유 캠페인이 그 절정이었다. 농촌과 도시로 나누어 고찰해 본 결과 농촌은 지연ㆍ혈연으로 맺어진 남성측 당사자들은 물론 지역 리더인 촌간부로 인해 큰 성과를 보지 못한 반면, 도시의 경우에는 개인이 직장을 매개로 국가와 직접적 관계를 맺고 있어 성과가 컸다. 혼인법은 개인 사생활에 대한 국가의 간여를 무한대로 확대하였는데, 간여의 근거는 계급적 애증과 개인의 애정을 동일시하는 맑스주의 연애관이었다. 결혼의 성립과 파기의 근거를 개인의 ‘애정’ 유무에 둔 혼인법의 성과는 양가적이었다. 혼인법 실행상의 문제점은 주로 결혼보다 이혼 시에 발생했는데, 농촌의 학대받는 여성의 경우, 필사적으로 이혼을 요구했음에도 남성 종법사회에 고립되어 성과가 적었던 반면, 도시에서는 애정이 없다는 이유로 조강지처를 유기하는 권력형 법 남용이 빈발했다. 1956년 무렵 경기회복과 사회안정화에 따라 노골화된 남성 간부의 권력형 이혼 안건은 아이러니하게도 모택동식 사회주의 문화건설이 고양되던 시점에 비판대상으로 다루어지지 못했다. 이유는 대중을 지도하는 주체인간부의 권위를 보호해야 한다는 공산당의 원칙과 혼인법의 여성보호 정신이 충돌했기 때문이다. 혼인자유의 궁극적 목적은 국가에 기여하는 가정의 정착이었다. 즉, 혼인 ‘자유’는 그 자체가 아니라 모범 가정을 통한 ‘노동’으로 사회 기여를 목적으로 하였기 때문에 국가는 1951-53 한국전 참전시 애국적 증산이란 슬로건 하에 여성에게 무기헌납과 후방지원을 요구하였으며, 일상 영역에서는 가정주부를 남편에 기생하는 계층으로, 독신여성은 2세 재생산 노동을 기피하는 도피주의자로 비난함으로써 여성에 대한 생산ㆍ재생산 역할을 요구하였다. This article explores the dual nature of the Marriage Law in China during the Cold War period. The Law was supposed to help women become freer. However, I argue that there was a duality in the law's implementation. The Campaign(1953) in an attempt to uncover the complex process of women's liberation. Through analyzing government documents and female magazines, I have concluded that even though in appearance the law proclaimed a woman's freedom to choose her own husband, the basic purpose of the Law was to make women join the labor force for the sake of country's economic and political systems. As a result, most women did not gain freedom in marriage. The results were both positive and negative, but mostly negative. While the concept of a official labor-based economy forced housewives to work, unmarried women were criticized for doing so rather than getting married. The state used local officials to enforce the law. Therefore, the Law Campaign was successful in the urban areas where local officials were less patriarchal than those in rural areas, where the campaign failed. Unfortunately, this law encouraged women to regard their “freedom” as a gift from the socialist state, so they were grateful the state, because they lacked the concept of personal human rights and true freedom. This paper will conclude that the Marriage Law Campaign, as a tool for women's liberation in socialist China, did not take women's perspectives into account.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 가족법상 부양제도

        우병창 한중법학회 2013 中國法硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        Support is an economical, psychological and physical assistance of an individual such as family or of a country, for someone whose right to live is threatened and cannot able to sustain independent life by oneself because of natural and social causes. In the Chinese family law, support is defined as a legal duty to support and help between a certain range of relatives. support has the both aspects of right and duty, and the one who receive support becomes the person entitled to get support, and the one who has the responsibility to perform the support becomes the person under duty. There are five cases of support in the Chinese family law. First, a legal duty of parents to support their minor child. This duty cannot be exempted as it is a parental right, and is unconditional duty. Second, a legal duty of child to support his parents. This includes not only economical but also psychological and physical assistance to aged parents. This duty is conditional, but cannot be exempted. Third, support between married couple. This also includes economical, psychological and physical assistance. The legal duty to support between married couple must be performed, and unconditional and cannot be exempted. Fourth, support between brothers and sisters. This also includes economical, psychological and physical assistance. This is conditional. Fifth, support between lineal or collateral ascendant and descendant, lineal relatives by affinity. This is conditional. In Chinese family law, support is considered as something to guarantee the life of the aged and children, patients and disabled people, and the poor and to stabilize family relationship, and to promote the social stability and the demand of the civilization development as the legal effect after the certain relative relation is legally established.

      • KCI등재

        중국 가족법의 최근 입법 동향

        趙曉舒(Zhao Xiaoshu),이상욱(Lee Sangwook) 한국비교사법학회 2019 비교사법 Vol.26 No.1

        2018년 8월 27일 제13기 전국인민대표대회 상무위원회 제5차 회의는 민법전의 초안으로서 「중화인민공화국민법전심의고」를 공포하였다. 본 논문은 이 초안의 제4편 「혼인가정」과 제5편 「계승」의 중요한 내용과 특징을 정리하고 보완하여야 할 사항을 지적하였다. 혼인법의 중요한 개정내용으로서는, 혼인등기를 편취한 경우의 혼인무효 사유 추가, 혼인금지사유로서 질병 배제, 계획출산과 관련된 내용 삭제. 친족, 근친, 가정구성원 개념 신설. 재판상 이혼 사유 추가, 이혼 후 자녀양육과 관련하여 미성년자에게 가장 유리한 원칙 규정, 조부모, 외조부모의 면접권 신설, 이혼재산분할에서 책임없는 당사자 보호 원칙확립. 이혼 보상의 적용범위 확대, 친자관계의 이의제기에 관한 규정 신설, 입양제도 보완, 그리고 혼인존속기간 중의 부부공동재산 분할제도를 신설하고 이혼절차의 냉각기간제도의 확립 등을 들 수 있다. 이에 대하여 후견제도의 미비함을 지적하여 독립된 장으로 신설할 것과 부부공동채무의 인정 문제를 명확히 하고, 사실혼 관계를 법적으로 보호할 것을 건의하였다. 계승법 초안은 현행 상속법을 기초로 상속재산의 범위를 개괄적으로 규정하고 있다. 상속권 결격사유의 개정, 대습상속제도 개혁, 인쇄 또는 녹화에 의한 유언 방식 추가, 공정증서에 의한 유언의 효력 우선원칙 삭제, 유산관리인 제도 신설, 또한 상속인이 없고 유증 받을 자도 없는 유산의 귀속 규정, 유증부양협의제도와 채무변제규칙 등을 한층 더 보완하였다. 이에 대하여 법정상속인의 범위를 확대하고, 법정 상속순위를 개정함과 동시에 유류분제도의 도입도 신중히 검토하여야 할 과제라고 본다. On August 27 of 2018, at the 5th meeting of the 13rd National People’s Congress of China standing committee, the draft of ‘the civil code of the PRC’ was promulgated. This essay focuses mainly on important aspects and characteristics of two chapters of the code ; “Marriage & Family” and “Succession”. It also points out the issues that still need some improvements. The important contents of the amendments to the “marriage & Family law” are : adding fraudulent obtainment of marriage registration into one of the reasons leading to marriage invalidity & deleting “disease” from the reasons of marriage prohibition & deleting the article birth control & newly defining the concept of “relatives”, “close relatives” and “family members” & adding the reason for trial divorce & establishing the principle for custody: custody must be decided in the manner most beneficial to the child & giving visiting right to both paternal and maternal grandparents & establishing the principle of protecting no-fault party in the property division of divorce & expanding the range of application for divorce compensation & adding articles about raising objections to parent-child relationship & improving the adoption system & adding the joint property division system for couples during the marriage & establishing the system of divorce cooling-off period. The authors point out the incompleteness of the guardianship system and advocates the articles of “Guardianship” must be established as a separate chapter. Meanwhile, the essay clarifies the issues on the identification of couple’s common debt and proposes adding the principle regulation of Unmarried cohabitation relationship. The draft of “Succession” provides a general definition on the scope of the inheritance on the basis of the current law. It also improves the current articles by: revising the disqualification of the right to inherit & reforming the system of succession by subrogation & adding printing and video to the forms of making a will & deleting the principle of the maximum validity of notary will & adding the concept of the administrator of the estate & adding the provisions regarding the ownership of the heritage with no heirs. The draft takes its point further by amending the bequest support agreement and the debt repayment articles. As a response to the draft, the authors believe that the issues concerning the expansion of the scope of legal heirs, revision of statutory succession order and introduction of ‘the legal portion of heritage’ system require further discussion.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        中國의 家族關係保護를 위한 婚姻法制에 대한 檢討

        李鍾吉(Jong-Khil Lee) 한국가족법학회 2008 가족법연구 Vol.22 No.2

          Family relations is the basic unit composing social relations. Therefore to understand social changes we need to study family relations, and we have to inquire into the changes of family relations and legal system owing to the significance of ‘Family’ itself. If we pay due regard to such factors that there is the functional relations between family and society in social development, it is essential to have the legal system for family protection.<BR>  In this essay with critical mind as above, I aim to understand the system of family protection in China. The principal laws concerning family protection system is marriage law, inheritance law and general provisions of civil law. For this study I exmime these laws and additionally constitutional law, criminal law, population and family planning law, child welfare law, women rights safeguard law, old-age rights safeguard law etc. Especially in this article I pay special attention to custody and aliment.<BR>  In conclusion through the theory and practice of these laws, I make an attempt to understand the method of marriage and family relations protection in Chinese society.

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      • KCI등재

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