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      • KCI등재

        미국의 자국사 교육

        李智媛(Lee Ji-Won) 歷史敎育硏究會 2006 역사교육 Vol.100 No.-

        Although American education system seems to integrated history into the social studies, actually it centered on history. Since 1916 when the social studies was set up in America, history education has been at the center of the social studies, especially its own history. Based on such background, historycentered ‘History-Social Science Framework’ emerged, and the framework has maintained as a generalized subject down to our days. The majority of states in America, within the ‘History-Social Science Framework,’ have the American History taught as a separate compulsory subject, not as a part of integrated related subjects such as geography and other social studies. In addition, it is common for American History to be taught for 3 years in the 12 year curriculum including the preschool course, generally in the 5th, 8th, and 10th grades. It is National History Standards established in 1994 that graphically shows America’s putting much emphasis on their own history. With emphasis on history education, this presents the goals to be pursued in one’s own history education in this world of multiculturalism, and the standard for education materials. The goal of American History presented in National History Standards starts with the explanation of the significance of history to educated people. The reason why each student should learn history in school is that it is the precondition of political intelligence in carrying on the democratic society. At the same time, it is noted that one of the goals of history education is to contribute to make individual’s life rich. Besides, history education also put much emphasis on helping Americans to keep in mind what role they and America itself need to play in the world.

      • KCI등재후보

        외국의역사교과서 서술사례분석I - 교과체계와내용조직을 중심으로-

        구난희 한국역사교육학회 2012 역사교육연구 Vol.- No.15

        This study is one of the series of planning study to look for new challenges and prospects about History textbooks. It tried to investigate and analyze,compare various cases of the foreign History textbooks. The major research targets are the relationship between National History education and World History education, Contemporary History education, Topic History education. And it is examined how to make these systems. The major findings of this study were followed: At first all case countries have the coherent system of history education which is connected middle school and high school. In middle school, there are two systems. One is that is designed to learn the National History and World History together without division. The other is that to learn National History at first and subsequently study World History as much as National History. Secondly, in Europe or China the “Topic History”subjects are operated in high school level. These can be learned on the base that sufficient learning of the whole general history. Thirdly, in the countries have the historical experience of colonialism, history subject is organized the nation protest history. In Korea the new subject “History”which is organized national history and world history has been opened since 2007. But it is not the integration of national history and world history but the parallel of ones. Moreover, the proportion of modern history is sketchy.“ East asian history”which is originally designed as issue history subject was changed the general history. Ultimately the limitations like these is due to the system that lacks the overall conditions of the teaching of history and have no links between the middle school level and the hich school level. Curriculum have discussed just only the particular(by one subject) not the general(subjects system). For the various transformation and improvement of History Textbooks, it must be built new system which can be contextualized and structured in the links between subjects or school levels. 이 연구는 역사 교과서의 새로운 과제와 전망을 모색하기 위한 기획 연구의 하나로 외국의 역사교과서의 다양한 사례를 조사하여 비교 분석한 것이다. 한국 역사교육계의 주요관심주제 중 자국사와 세계사, 근현대사 교육, 식민경험과 민족주의, 주제사 중심의 과목 운영등의 문제를 중심으로 외국 교과서의 사례를 비교, 검토하였다. 이 연구에서 밝힌 결과와 함의를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 사례로 제시된 국가들은 모두 중학교와 고등학교가 하나의 일관된 역사 교과의 체계 속에서 구조화되어 있다. 중학교 단계에서는 세계사적 배경 속에서 자국사를 이해하도록설계하고 근현대사에 비중을 두는 유형과 자국사의 맥락을 이해한 위에 동일한 비중으로세계사를 학습하는 유형으로 대별된다. 둘째 유럽이나 중국에서는 고등학교 단계에서 통사 체계를 벗어난 주제사 중심의 과목이운영되고 있다. 이러한 과목의 개설이 가능한 것은 전단계에서 자국사와 세계사의 통사적학습이 충분히 확보되고 있기 때문이다. 셋째 식민지 경험을 가진 국가들은 근현대사를 민족항쟁사 중심으로 구성하고 있으며 특히 베트남의 경우는 전 시대의 역사를 이러한 맥락에서 구성하고 있다. 다만 인도의 경우통사 중심의 학습을 마친 후 고교 상급과정에서는 주제사를 다룸으로써 다양한 사회사 생활사를 접하도록 하고 있어 주목해 볼만하다. 이에 비해 한국의 경우는 2007년 이후 한국사와 세계사를 통합한 역사 과목을 운영하고있지만 자국사와 세계사의 통합이 아닌 병렬적 편제에 머물러 있을 뿐만 아니라 근현대사의 비중도 미흡하다. 주제사의 취지로 개발되기 시작한 동아시아사는 통사적 구성으로 완성되어 운영되고 있다. 더욱이 2009와 2011년에 걸친 졸속 개정으로 더욱 혼란을 가중시키고 있다. 이러한 한계는 결국 전반적인 역사 교육의 여건이 미흡하고 학교급간의 연계가 없는 가운데 학교급별 총론이 제시하는 제한적 조건 속에서 각론이 개발되기 때문이다. 역사 교과서의 다양한 변신과 개선을 위해서는 학교급간, 과목간 맥락을 형성할 수 있는 역사교과의체계를 구축하지 않으면 안된다.

      • KCI등재

        세계사 교과서에서의 한국사 서술 경향과 과제 : 미국의 역사교육과 세계사 교과서 분석을 중심으로

        鄭永順(Chung Young-soon) 역사교육연구회 2005 역사교육 Vol.93 No.-

        To review the description of Korean history in world history and make it be depicted correctly, putting more importance in world history are recognized very important recently when we face with the distortion on Koguryo history by China. The proper starting point to depict Korean history with righteous view in world history lies in the analysis of textbooks published in foreign countries. In this study, not only the world history from western countries but also the world history from the United States which lead the tendency of depiction are to be reviewed to diagnose a desirable direction to depict Korean history in world history. Rather than passive approach to require correction of the problematic passages, the necessity of more fundamental and logical correspondence toward distortion on history textbooks is greatly expected. In the recent situation that the globalization has been accelerated, we feel keenly the necessity of various efforts for a national task which make Korean history depicted correctly in world history.

      • KCI등재

        항일 무장 독립 투쟁사 학습에 대한 고등학생의 인식과 교수 방향

        崔玹瑀(Choi, Hyunwoo) 역사교육연구회 2020 역사교육 Vol.155 No.-

        In this paper, the high school students’ perception of the anti-Japanese armed struggle history class and high school Korean history textbook descriptions was examined. And I sought directions to teach this subject. Students recognized the learning importance of this subject. However, due to the numerous organizations and events involved in this subject, students are feeling a burden of learning. Among the questions raised by the students, noteworthy is that all classes and textbook descriptions only deal with the victory of the independence army. The contents of movies and dramas dealing with the anti-Japanese armed struggle is affecting students’ perception of history. In order to reconsider the historical and educational value of the anti-Japanese armed struggle, it is necessary to highlight the trials and concrete life of the independence army. The process of closely reviewing the various data left by the independence army and experiencing their lives can provide an opportunity to face the truth of the Japanese colonial era as well as the anti-Japanese armed struggle. The students’ perception of learning about the anti-Japanese armed struggle history makes us look back on the reality of Korean history education, which emphasizes the pride of Korean history that resisted Japanese imperialism by presenting some monumental examples of victory and many independence armies.

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