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        감사의 임기만료와 과거의 법률관계에 대한 확인의 소 - 대법원 2020. 8. 20. 선고 2018다249148 판결

        한애라 성균관대학교 법학연구원 2021 성균관법학 Vol.33 No.1

        The Supreme Court of Korea has generally dismissed actions by a removed director to seek a confirmation judgment claiming that the removal was invalid and she still maintained the director’s status, when her term had already expired. The Supreme Court’s reasoning has been that, if a director’s term had already expired, her status as a director is a past legal relation, and therefore is not admissible for a confirmation judgment; as she can claim the unpaid wages or damages to the legal entity and her past status can be reviewed as a legal premise of the final judgment, it is not necessary for her to get a confirmation judgment on her past legal status separately; and even if her term expired after the judgment was made on the merit, the upper court should reverse the judgment and dismiss the case. The Supreme Court Judgment 2018da249148 on 2020 Aug. 20, however, decided that even if the plaintiff’s term had already expired, it is necessary for the plaintiff to get a confirmation judgment with the effect of res judicata on his past status as an auditor to solve the various present or potential disputes that may arise out of it; if both parties have disputes over the existence of the plaintiff’s past status even after his term expired, it is reasonable for the court to deduce the parties’ intention that they still seek a confirmation judgment on the issue; and if the judgment on the merit had already been made, the dismissal of the case upon the expiration of plaintiff’s term would not reduce the court’s burden. It accordingly reversed the lower court’s decision of dismissal and sent the case back to the lower court. Although this judgment did not directly overturn the precedents, it recognized the admissibility and the necessity of a past legal status for a confirmation judgment, which had been denied in the precedents. This judgment coincides with the general tendency of the Supreme Court to extend the admissibility and necessity of confirmation judgment in civil and administrative cases. It is a welcome change for the coherent settlement of disputes and for the people’s right for a trial. The reasoning this judgment presented will contribute to extending the scope of confirmation judgment. 종전 판례는 법인이나 회사 임원의 임기가 만료된 경우나 근로자의 정년이 도래한 경우 그 지위의 확인을 구하는 소는 과거의 법률관계의 확인을 구하는 것으로서 대상적격이 없고, 과거의 법률관계가 현재의 이행청구권 등의 선결문제가 된다 하더라도, 그 현재의 이행청구를 하여 과거의 법률관계를 선결문제로 판단받으면 족하고 과거의 법률관계에 관하여 별도로 확인을 구할 보충성이 없다고 보았으며, 이미 본안판결까지 내려진 후에도 임기나 정년 만료로 확인의 대상이 과거의 법률관계가 되면 더 이상 확인의 이익이 없다고 보아 소를 각하하여 왔다. 그러나 대상판결(대법원 2020. 8. 20. 선고 2018다249148 판결)은, 원고가 감사 지위 확인의 소를 제기하였는데 그 감사 지위를 긍정하는 취지의 대법원 파기환송판결까지 거쳐 환송후 원심 중 임기가 만료된 사건에서, 비록 원고의 임기가 만료하였다 하더라도 과거의 임원 지위 확인은 이를 전제로 한 손해배상청구권 등 다른 후속 권리·법률관계에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 점, 따라서 관련 분쟁을 일거에 해결하기 위하여 과거의 임원 지위에 관하여 기판력 있는 확정판결을 받을 필요가 있는 점, 당사자가 임원 지위에 관하여 계속 다투고 있는 이상, 당사자로서는 임원 지위가 과거의 법률관계로 되었다 하더라도 과거의 임원 지위에 대하여 확인판결을 받고자 하는 의사를 가진다고 보는 점이 합리적인 점, 이미 임원 지위의 존부에 관하여 충분히 본안심리와 본안판단이 이루어진 점 등을 들어 확인의 이익을 인정하면서, 이와 달리 소를 각하한 원심을 파기하였다. 대상판결은 명시적으로 기존의 판례를 변경한 것은 아니지만, 종전에는 대상적격이 부정되었던 과거의 임원지위에 대한 확인의 소에 대하여 기존의 판례와 달리 그 대상적격과 확인의 이익을 인정하였다. 이러한 대상판결의 태도는 민사 및 행정소송에서 확인의 이익을 점차 확대하여 가고 있는 전체적인 경향에 부합하는 것으로서, 분쟁의 일회적 해결, 국민의 재판청구권 보장 차원에서 긍정적이다. 대상판결이 과거의 법률관계에 대한 확인의 소의 적법성을 인정하는 근거로 든 여러 논리는 향후 확인의 이익을 확대하는 데 기여할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        임원배상책임보험의 고지의무에 있어서 대표이사의 법적지위에 관한 제 문제

        이규만(Lee, Kyu Man) 전북대학교 법학연구소 2014 法學硏究 Vol.41 No.-

        임원배상책임보험에서 제기되는 고지의무에서의 특수한 문제는 피보험자는 회사의 모든 임원임에도 불구하고 보험계약 청약서와 질문서에 응답하는 자는 대표이사라는 것이다. 즉 대표이사가 고지의무를 위반하더라도 새로 선임된 임원들은 고지의무 위반이라는 사실을 모르는 경우가 있으므로 이 경우에 그러한 임원들도 임원배상책임보험으로부터 보호를 받지 못하게 되는 것은 타당하지 않다. 따라서 보통보험약관 제11조 제2항에 ‘보험청약서의 부속서류인 질문서에는 반드시 해당 임원이 고지하여야 한다’라는 신설조항을 두어 대표이사가 아닌 해당 임원이 질문서에 직접 고지할 수 있도록 보험약관을 개정할 필요가 있다. 그리고 보험계약 청약 시 대표이사의 법적지위를 누구로 볼 것인가 하는 문제인데, 이때 대표이사의 지위를 피보험자의 대리인인 지위로 볼 실익은 없으므로 대표이사의 지위를 보험계약자의 대리인으로 보는 것이 타당하다. 또한 보험계약의 단체성에 관한 문제에 대하여는 보험약관에 특별히 규정을 두고 있지 않으므로, 임원배상책임보험약관에 단체취급 특별약관의 규정을 두어 해결하는 방법도 강구해 볼 수 있을 것이다. The unique issue of duty of notification aroused by directors and officers insurance is that although the insurants are all of the directors of the company, the person who replies to applications and written inquiries is the representative director. Therefore, even if the representative director violates the duty, sometimes newly appointed directors do not recognize the violation. In this case, it is invalid that such directors and officers are not protected by the insurance. Thus a revision on the clause 2, article 11 in the general conditions is required so that the representative director, who is also an insurant and the policy holder at the same time, is exempted from the duty and that other directors can notify through written inquires. Another issue is how to view the legal position of the representative director in subscription of directors and officers insurance. As examined in the question of wether to regard the director the agent of the insurant or the agent of the policyholder, the latter seems more reasonable. On the question of group preference of directors and officers insurance, there is a chance of dispute as there are no rules in the insurance agreement. Setting a special clause of wholesale insurance in the directors and officers insurance could be a solution to this issue.

      • KCI등재

        비등기 임원의 법률상 지위와 해임

        권대우 전북대학교 부설법학연구소 2013 法學硏究 Vol.40 No.-

        In korenaischen Unternehmen arbeiten mehere leitende höhere Angestellte, die rechtlich nicht Vorstandsmitglieder sind, aber innerhalb der Firma als "Vorstandsmitglieder" gennant werden. Ihr Einstellungsvertrag wird zum Teil als Auftragsvertrag angenommen. Aber er sollte eher als Dienstvertrag betrachtet werden. Der Charakter des Diestvertragsverhältnissses kommt aus wirtschlicher Abhängigkeit. Wenn diese höhere Angestellte die zugehörigen Geschäfte nicht nach seinem eigenen Wille entscheiden kann, sondern von den Anweisungen des Vorgesetzters gebunden blieben sollte, dann ihre Stellung sind nicht unbedingt anders als die der allgemeinen höheren Angestellten, die nicht als "Vorstandmitglieder" genannt werden. Sie haben den Charakter des Arbeiters im Sinne des koreanischen Gesetzes für Standard der Arbeitersbedingungen. Deswegen sollten die Regelungen dieses Gesetzes entsprechend gelten. Nach §14 des deutschen Kündigungsschutzgesetzes werden Angestellte in leitender Stellung ausdrücklich geregelt, wem diese Schutzregelung gelten soll. Obwohl er Geschäftsführer oder Betriebsleiter ist, kann er von Kündigung geschutzt werden, wenn er leitende Funktion im Sinne des §14 Abs.2 hat. Nach der Auslegung des koreanischen Rechts sollte die höhere Angestellte, "Anscheinvorstandsmitglieder" eher die Stellung als Arbeiter haben als Beauftragte. Aber die Lösungsmöglichkeit für Unternehmen im Fall des Betriebsumstrukturierung soll vorhanden sein wie im deutschen Recht. Rechtpolitisch sollte eine konkrete neue Regelung geschafft werden. 많은 기업에 경영에 참가하는 비등기 임원들이 있다. 이들의 임용계약을 위임계약으로 보는 견해도 있으나, 고용계약적 요소가 강하다고 볼 여지가 많다. 고용관계의 특성은 경제적 종속성이라고 보여지는데, 만약 이사가 해당 부서의 업무의 내용을 자기 마음대로 결정할 수 없고, (일부 제한적인 사항에 대하여서라도) 대표이사와 같은 상급자의지휘를 받거나 그의 지시를 받아서 결정하여야 한다면, 그리고 전결규정 등에 따라서직원으로서의 부장보다 조금 더 넓은 재량의 범위를 가지는데 불과하다면, 또한 근무조건이나 제공되는 여러 가지 지원사항에서만 조금 더 나은 정도라면 이사와 부장을 다른형태의 노무제공계약 당사자로 구분할 필요는 없을 것이다. 고위직이라고 할지라도 상법상 업무집행권한을 가진 대표이사 혹은 다른 사용자의 지위 명령에 따라 자신의 노무를제공하고 그 대가로 임금을 수령 받는 자는 근로자로 보아야 하며, 근로기준법과 같은노동법규가 합목적적으로 준용되어야 할 것이다. 독일 해고보호법에서는 고위직 근로자의 경우에 고용보호 대상에서 제외되는 자를 명문으로 규정하고 있다. 단순히 사장, 공장장 그밖에 기업의 경영을 담당하고 있는 자라할지라도 해고보호의 대상자가 될 수 있음을 규정하고 있다. 이러한 독일법의 결정은 사회적 고용안정이란 측면에서도 큰 의미를 갖는 것으로 보여 진다. 해석론으로도 비등기 임원들은 수임인으로서의 지위보다는 근로자성이 강하며, 약간의 수임자적인 지위가 병존할 뿐이라고 보여 진다. 그러나 회사 내부의 사정에 따라서독립적인 경영자적인 지위를 가진 자에 대하여는 그 특성에 따라 고용적 요소보다 위임적 요소가 강한 경우에 해고 내지 해임에 따른 문제를 해결하기 위하여 독일 해고보호법과 같은 규정을 두어 명확하게 비등기 임원의 문제를 입법론적으로 해결하는 것도 합리적인 방안이라고 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        농협법상 임원의 ‘비상임’에 대한 검토

        이선신 ( Lee Seon Sin ) 한국협동조합학회 2016 韓國協同組合硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        농협법은 농협과 농협중앙회의 임원의 ‘비상임’에 관해 규정하고 있다. 이 논문의 목적은 ‘비상임지위’의 법적 의미와 관련 문제들에 대해 검토하고, 바람직한 입법의견을 제시하는 데 있다. 결론적으로 말하자면, 농협과 농협중앙회의 최고경영자(조합장, 중앙회장)의 지위를 ‘상임’으로 하는 것이법리(法理)와 사회적 통념에 적합하다. 그리고 이렇게 하는 것이 책임경영체제를 증진하는 데에도 도움이 될 것이다. 한편, 최근(2016.5.20.)에 정부가 입법예고한 농협법 개정안은 농협과 농협중앙회의 최고경영자(조합장, 중앙회장)의 업무집행권을 실질적으로 박탈하는 내용을 담고 있는데, 이는법리에 위배되므로 시정되어야 한다. The Agricultural Cooperatives Act stipulates the “non-standing status” of the Agricultural Cooperatives’ and the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation’s (NACF’s) officials. This paper reviews the legal meaning and related problems of the nonstanding status and presents legislative opinion. The Agricultural Cooperatives’ and the NACF’s chief executive officer (CEO) status should be stipulated as “standing status” to be compatible with legal principles and conventional wisdom and to improve the liability management system. A revision plan of The Agricultural Co-operatives Act recently (On May 20, 2016) noticed by the government comprises that the right of administration of the CEOs of the Agricultural Co-operatives and the NACF shall be eliminated. However, this plan is inconsistent with legal principles and conventional wisdom; therefore, this plan should be corrected.

      • KCI등재

        고려 宣宗妃 思肅太后와 仁宗妃 恭睿太后

        이정란 (Lee Jung Ran) 한국인물사연구소 2011 한국인물사연구 Vol.16 No.-

        In the Goryeo Dynasty, Empress Dowager Sasuk[思肅], the wife of Emperor Sunjong[宣宗], and Empress Dowager Kongyeh[恭睿], the wife of Emperor Injong[仁宗], have many in common each other in various aspects, but their lives are very different. Empress Dowager Sasuk is a figure that lived right after the Munjong[明宗] era when the system was reorganized and culture was burgeoning whereas Empress Kongyeh was in a position of Empress in the Injong and Myungjong era when the Confucian rituals were established, and the Confucianism became a main political idea of the Goryeo Dynasty. Therefore, one shows a typical pattern of Empress Dowager of the early Goryeo Dynasty, and the other may be a representative of Empress Dowager who lived in the era of transformation, and as a matter of fact, they were treated differently in their time. Empress Dowager Sasuk became Empress when a precedent of the wife of Munjong, in which Empress is treated as equal to Empeor in funeral rites, was accepted. Moreover, her son was sick and weak, so she had to rule the kingdom behind the veil. Therefore, those who lived in that time and who lived after that time remembered that she directly commanded the court for three years. In short, Empress Dowager Sasuk was a 'Empress Dowager' that had the most political power and was officially treated with exceptional respect. However, Empress Dowager Kongyeh had to go through various hardships as Empress Dowager although her life as an woman was in peace. As she had a different idea with her husband about succession, her own son doubted her thinking. In addition, she had to keep worrying about the safety of her sons and daughters when a group of generals launched and succeed a coup. Furthermore, in her era, people started to adopt an argument that Empress should not be treated as equal to Emperor in rituals, and even Empress's father should not be respected and be remained as a vassal of Emperor. Of course, the status of Empress Dowager, which had been maintained for a long time, could not be gone in a day, so she officially held a high status in rituals.

      • KCI등재

        고려 宣宗妃 思肅太后와 仁宗妃 恭睿太后

        한국인물사연구회 2011 한국인물사연구 Vol.16 No.-

        <P>&nbsp;&nbsp;In the Goryeo Dynasty, Empress Dowager Sasuk[思肅], the wife of Emperor Sunjong[宣宗], and Empress Dowager Kongyeh[恭睿], the wife of Emperor Injong[仁宗], have many in common each other in various aspects, but their lives are very different. Empress Dowager Sasuk is a figure that lived right after the Munjong[明宗] era when the system was reorganized and culture was burgeoning whereas Empress Kongyeh was in a position of Empress in the Injong and Myungjong era when the Confucian rituals were established, and the Confucianism became a main political idea of the Goryeo Dynasty. Therefore, one shows a typical pattern of Empress Dowager of the early Goryeo Dynasty, and the other may be a representative of Empress Dowager who lived in the era of transformation, and as a matter of fact, they were treated differently in their time. Empress Dowager Sasuk became Empress when a precedent of the wife of Munjong, in which Empress is treated as equal to Empeor in funeral rites, was accepted. Moreover, her son was sick and weak, so she had to rule the kingdom behind the veil. Therefore, those who lived in that time and who lived after that time remembered that she directly commanded the court for three years. In short, Empress Dowager Sasuk was a ‘Empress Dowager’ that had the most political power and was officially treated with exceptional respect.</P><P>&nbsp;&nbsp;However, Empress Dowager Kongyeh had to go through various hardships as Empress Dowager although her life as an woman was in peace. As she had a different idea with her husband about succession, her own son doubted her thinking. In addition, she had to keep worrying about the safety of her sons and daughters when a group of generals launched and succeed a coup. Furthermore, in her era, people started to adopt an argument that Empress should not be treated as equal to Emperor in rituals, and even Empress’s father should not be respected and be remained as a vassal of Emperor. Of course, the status of Empress Dowager, which had been maintained for a long time, could not be gone in a day, so she officially held a high status in rituals.</P>

      • KCI등재

        고려 宣宗妃 思肅太后와 仁宗妃 恭睿太后

        이정란 (사)한국인물사연구회 2011 한국인물사연구 Vol.16 No.-

        In the Goryeo Dynasty, Empress Dowager Sasuk[思肅], the wife of Emperor Sunjong[宣宗], and Empress Dowager Kongyeh[恭睿], the wife of Emperor Injong[仁宗], have many in common each other in various aspects, but their lives are very different. Empress Dowager Sasuk is a figure that lived right after the Munjong[明宗] era when the system was reorganized and culture was burgeoning whereas Empress Kongyeh was in a position of Empress in the Injong and Myungjong era when the Confucian rituals were established, and the Confucianism became a main political idea of the Goryeo Dynasty. Therefore, one shows a typical pattern of Empress Dowager of the early Goryeo Dynasty, and the other may be a representative of Empress Dowager who lived in the era of transformation, and as a matter of fact, they were treated differently in their time. Empress Dowager Sasuk became Empress when a precedent of the wife of Munjong, in which Empress is treated as equal to Empeor in funeral rites, was accepted. Moreover, her son was sick and weak, so she had to rule the kingdom behind the veil. Therefore, those who lived in that time and who lived after that time remembered that she directly commanded the court for three years. In short, Empress Dowager Sasuk was a ‘Empress Dowager’ that had the most political power and was officially treated with exceptional respect. However, Empress Dowager Kongyeh had to go through various hardships as Empress Dowager although her life as an woman was in peace. As she had a different idea with her husband about succession, her own son doubted her thinking. In addition, she had to keep worrying about the safety of her sons and daughters when a group of generals launched and succeed a coup. Furthermore, in her era, people started to adopt an argument that Empress should not be treated as equal to Emperor in rituals, and even Empress’s father should not be respected and be remained as a vassal of Emperor. Of course, the status of Empress Dowager, which had been maintained for a long time, could not be gone in a day, so she officially held a high status in rituals.

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