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      • KCI등재

        음치에 대한 이해

        김청수 대한후두음성언어의학회 2023 대한후두음성언어의학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        To become skilled in singing, one needs the ability to accurately perceive music and the capacity to vocalize it. Recognition of music can be distinguished by the perception of pitch and rhythm. Pitch perception is often determined by genetics and neurological differences, whereas rhythm perception is influenced more by environmental factors than genetics. Tone deafness, or amusia, can stem from difficulties in perceiving pitch or from an inability to sing despite accurate pitch perception, known specifically as “purely vocal tone deafness.” This condition involves a disconnect between perception and the act of singing. And this can also arise from problems in the memory of perceived musical notes. Tone deafness not only affects musical abilities but also impacts language processing and communication.

      • KCI등재후보

        음정 조절능력이 낮은 아동의 음 인지능력과 학업성취도 관계 고찰 - 초등학교 5학년 아동을 중심으로 -

        홍승연 한국음악교육학회 2004 음악교육연구 Vol.26 No.-

        The aim of the study is to figure out any connections between scholastic achievements and being tone-deaf. Having surveyed on the subject, I randomly chose an elementary school in Gwangju, Korea. Out of about 250, I screened 27 students, who have difficulties reproducing right pitches or right tones. Thinking that if a student has difficulties singing right tones, his or her academic achievements as bas as his or her a tone producing ability should be verified. To understand and get data for it, I made a questionnaire and a answer sheet named Tone Distinguishing Ability Test. Applying it to the 27 students, I used a up-right piano. The questionnaire consists of 3 parts, asking their musical background, testing their cognitive power to musical notes and reproducing power toward several notes. In this study, I point that some definitions of tone-deaf which are shown in several Korean dictionaries are not accurate, nor academic. I suggest my definition of tone-deaf be considered to be used in general, in stead of using some unauthorized definitions on it. According to the study, I found that there are no connections between tone distinguishing ability and scholastic achievements. The data I obtained also said that although they are not good at reproducing the right tones or pitches they heard, they have no difficulties to discriminate changing tones. In other words they can hear right tones, but they are hard to sing them in a right way. Despite good grade, he or she is not good at reaching the tones he or she hear. In spite of being good at reproducing the right tones, he or she has not got good grade. Lastly, I agree with a opinion that there is no one who is considered as a tone-deaf. Being tone-deaf can be adjusted by some special training.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        語學 : 試論普通話複韻母-uei的音値

        김종찬 ( Jong Chan Kim ) 한국중국학회 2004 國際中國學硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        普通話複韻母uei, 當聲母出現在uei前面時, 對其音値的認識有不同的意見。目前最受注目的說法是陰、陽平時是-u(e)i(或-ui)而上、去聲時是-uei這一說法。但又有些人主張-uei的實際音値근聲調沒有關係, 都已讀成-u(e)i(或-ui)了。一般來講-uei中主要元音的響度最大, 但響度也會受到音素、音高的影響。-uei在陰平時其音高是555, 在陽平時是345。因此-uei音陰、陽平中發到i音時咽頭和喉頭肌肉緊縮, 氣流短促, 音色較響亮, 口腔開口度也略小些。在-uei中聲母和u、I都흔高, 唯獨e舌位稍低, 結果受到輔音、前後高元音和聲調的影響, -uei的e高化了, 變成-u(e)i了。-uei音在陰、陽平中是接近於-u(e)i(或-ui), 而在上、去聲中有兩種不同的讀法, 一爲接近於-uei, 一爲接近於-u(e)i。근同樣的三合元音-uai흔不一樣, -uei音在上、去聲中的讀法倂沒有嚴格的限定, 타有一定的自由度。中國人把타讀成-uei也好, 讀成-u(e)i或-ui也好, 都沒問題。因此, 我們認爲漢語평音方案把-uei寫成-ui是自有道理的。

      • KCI등재

        음치 성인의 시간적 처리 능력

        윤건석,Nour Alsabbagh,장현숙 한국청각언어재활학회 2019 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.15 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate the temporal processing abilities in individuals with tune deafness. Methods: First, the scores of Distorted Tunes Test (DTT), which is a web-based tool for identifying tune-deaf individuals, were collected from 346 young adults. Second, Frequency Pattern Test (FPT), Duration Pattern Test (DPT), and Gaps-In-Noise (GIN) test were randomly conducted on the tune deafness group (TDG) and the control group (CG). TDG consisted of 13 young Korean adults who are self-reportedly amusic and performed ≤ 19 scores on DTT. CG included 15 who are not self-reportedly amusic and performed ≥ 24 scores on the same test. The scores of FPT, DPT, and GIN test were compared between TDG and CG. Results: The criterion for tune deafness in the lowest 10th percentile on DTT included the score up to 19. Mann Whitney U nonparametric analysis revealed significantly lower performances in both labeling (p < 0.05) and humming (p < 0.01) modes of FPT in TDG, but not in DPT. GIN thresholds in the two groups significantly differed following the paired t-test, revealing upper threshold in the right ear in TDG (p < 0.05), but represented performances within normal ranges. Conclusion: Pitch processing deficits followed by poor performances on FPT by TDG suggest that DPT may be a more appropriate clinical choice when assessing temporal processing abilities in tune-deaf population. High performance variables in terms of temporal processing abilities within TDG also suggest further scrutiny of temporal processing abilities in the affected population is necessary.

      • KCI등재


        김종찬,서안기 한국중문학회 2009 中國文學硏究 Vol.39 No.-

        보통화에는 3중 모음 uei가 있다. 중국학자들이 이에 대해 많은 주의를 갖고서 이 모음이 성조에 따라 그 음가를 달리한다는 주장을 펴고 있다. 즉 1, 2 성일 때는 운복인 e가 약화되어 u(e)i에 가깝게 되고 3, 4성일 때는 ueI로 실현된다고 보는 학자들이 많다. 이들은 uei 앞에 다른 자음이 올 경우도 마찬가지 현상이 일어난다고 보고 있다. uei는 1, 2성일 때 성조의 영향으로 uei 중의 e가 약간 高化될 수 있으며, 이는 音理로 설명할 수 있다. 문제는 한국인들은 uei의 e에 대해서는 그 성조 차이에 따른 음가 변화를 그다지 느끼지 못한다. 반면 uei 앞에 다른 자음이 올 경우 즉 -uei의 e에 대해서는 잘 감지하지 못하는 경우가 많다. 사실 uei 앞에 다른 자음이 온다면 한 음절에서 4개의 음소가 있게 되며 따라서 각 음소의 길이는 세 개의 음소에 비해 더욱 짧아진다. 따라서 1, 2 성 일 때 -uei의 e는 더욱 약화되는 것이다. 중국인들은 왕왕 uei의 e와 -uei의 e를 같이 보지만 한국인은 uei의 e는 뚜렷이 인지하나 -uei의 e는 왕왕 감지하지 못하는 경우가 있다. 본인이 판단하기에는 이는 -uei의 실제 음가가 uei와 차이가 있는데, 즉 uei의 e는 뚜렷하나 -uei의 e는 미약하기 때문인 것으로 본다. 사실 중국어에는 -uei의 경우 1, 2성 일 때는 e의 음가가 미약하나 3, 4성 일 때는 비교적 분명하다. 그러나 한국 사람들이 잘 인지 못하는 것은 한어병음의 병寫法의 영향이외에 한국인의 약화된 e음에 대한 範疇感知와 크게 관계가 있다고 본다.

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