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        조선정(Sonjeong Cho) 19세기영어권문학회 2012 19세기 영어권 문학 Vol.16 No.1

        This essay presents a critical reading of Seth Grahame-Smith"s Pride and Prejudices and Zombies, one of the most perverse and yet the most insightful Austen spinoffs recently published. Its idea of heroine and hero competing in martial arts for the honour of the best zombie slayer, seemingly mischievous twist of the genteel aura of the Regency novel of manners, penetrates into the core of the novel and reveals what constitutes the matrix of manners. First, the essay analyzes how the idea of "propriety" intrinsic to manners is deconstructed in the context of the zombie-pestered apocalyptic dystopia where manners cannot possibly be executed properly. Next, in the light of the dramatic dominance of bodily presence and bodily movement in Pride and Prejudices and Zombies, the essay looks into the significance of bodies in strengthening erotic elements and progressing romance plot. The corporeality of bodies is persistently invoked, and it is ultimately elevated into some kind of oriental chivalric code of honor. The essay, then, by observing the construction of rivalry between the authentic Japanese high culture and Chinese mass-market kitsch, examines how the class conflict is displaced with cultural conflict. Such shift of emphasis from class conflict to cultural conflict reflects the American anxiety about multiculturalism on one hand, and entails taming of feminist impulse on the other hand. The figure of zombies in Pride and Prejudices and Zombies, the essay concludes, works quite well in conveying the sense of perpetuation of threat of manners.

      • KCI등재

        크리티컬 리터러시 기반의 영문학 강의 콘텐츠 개발: 오만과 편견 과 패러디 텍스트를 중심으로

        조지현(Ji Hyun Cho),조희정(Heejeong Cho) 한국영미문학교육학회 2016 영미문학교육 Vol.20 No.3

        This paper aims at developing specific teaching methods and practices that can be utilized in the English literature classroom, using theories based on critical pedagogy. Critical literacy, which applies the important concepts of critical pedagogy to literary eduction, provides specific questions for delving into literary texts. In a classroom that educates critical literacy, students no longer remain as merely passive recipients of the teacher’s instruction; rather, students perform an active role in a discussion-oriented classroom and foster the ability to read texts in critical and creative ways. Especially, parody texts can function as effective material in teaching students to attain critical literacy. Parody texts tend to encourage students to engage in an in-depth examination of the original text, as their differences from the original text raise interesting issues that can be addressed in relation to social/historical contexts. For example, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Bridget Jones’s Diary both re-write Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice in their own ways and reveal important points in revisiting central themes and problems of the original text. Among those, this paper focus on gender roles, the institution of marriage, and social class, suggesting the ways in which the teacher can lead students to compare and contrast the texts. Students are expected to approach critically important issues such as the representation of the ideal woman, the meaning of marriage, and socially constructed tastes of the past and the present. Also, they may further develop their understanding by producing their own re-writes of Pride and Prejudice in diverse ways, responding actively to the social problems that surround their lives.

      • KCI등재

        여전사의 훈육된 몸과 좀비의 훼손된 몸 고찰: 세스 그레이엄 스미스의 『오만과 편견 그리고 좀비』를 중심으로

        강영아 인문사회 21 2023 인문사회 21 Vol.14 No.2

        This study aims to demonstrate violence of hierarchy as state apparatus by examining the woman warrior’s disciplined body and mutilated body of zombie in Seth Grahame-Smith’s Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Bennett’s warriors that practiced martial arts embody the disciplined bodies by systematic norms, not challenges to gender binary while zombies slaughtered by Bennett’s warriors are the lower classes whose rights as a citizen were revoked and who could be legally killed by anybody under a state of emergency from a plague, not violent others that threaten humans. The zombies could be compared to the concept of ‘homo sacer’ or ‘bare life’ of Agamben. “A mysterious plague” that caused total chaos in England gives a cause for the emergency action that the sovereign out of control can deprive the people. Therefore, it could be interpreted as the concept of ‘state of exception’ of Agamben. Referring to the concept of zombies as ‘people’ of Deleuze and Guattari, this examines that the woman warrior’s disciplined body and mutilated body of zombie embody ‘cut’ and ‘mutilation’ of people by hierarchy as state apparatus.

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