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        1-Methylcyclopropene 처리가 머스크멜론 과실의 에틸렌 발생과 품질에 미치는 영향

        차주형(Ju Hyoung Cha),황병호(Byung Ho Hwang),이은지(Eun Ji Lee),이긍표(Gung Pyo Lee),김종기(Jongkee Kim) 한국원예학회 2006 원예과학기술지 Vol.24 No.4

        Before the onset of climacteric, mature muskmelon fruit (var. ‘Pearl’) grown and harvested from a plastic house was applied with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), a gaseous inhibitor of ethylene. And its subsequent molecular metabolic changes including expression of genes involved in biosynthesis and perception of ethylene were monitored during storage at 25℃. Fruit treated with 1.0 μLㆍL?¹ of 1-MCP for 12 hours displayed a very slow process in ripening-associated physiological changes, compared to fruit provided with air, served as a control. Only a slight increment in ethylene production, accompanied by a significant delay of tissue softening and of yellow color development in fruit skin was manifested by 1-MCP treatment. However, change of total soluble solids content from the fruit either treated with the inhibitor or air remained fairly constant 4 days after the inhibitor treatment. The application of 1-MCP to the muskmelon fruit reduced the expression of CM-ACS1 and delayed the normal expression of CM-ACO1 when compared to the control. However, expression of genes involved in ethylene reception, CM-ETR1 and CM-ERS1, remained fairly unaffected for 15 days of storage after 1-MCP application. These data obtained in the present study support that 1-MCP blocks ethylene binding to its receptor and thus, inhibiting the action of ethylene, consequently suppressing the autocatalytic expression of CM-ACS1. A relatively small peak in ethylene production displayed by 1-MCP treatment can be ascribed to reduced amounts of expression of CM-ACS1 rather than CM-ACO1, lending to inhibition of an autocatalytic production of ethylene, which is a prerequisite for climacteric fruit to undergo ripening.

      • KCI등재

        배추 ‘춘광’의 저장 중 1-MCP 처리효과

        홍세진,박남일,김병삼,엄향란 한국원예학회 2018 원예과학기술지 Vol.36 No.2

        배추의 수급조절을 위해서는 저온저장이 요구된다. ‘춘광’ 배추의 저장성 향상을 위한 방안으로 저장 중 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) 처리효과를 확인하였다. 수확된 배추는 즉시 실험실로 옮겨와 4개의 그룹(차압예냉, 차압예냉 + 0.03mm LLDPE Liner, 차압예냉 + 2μL·L-1 1-MCP 처리구, 차압예냉 + 2μL·L-1 1-MCP + 0.03mm LLDPE Liner 처리구)으로 분류하여 각각의 처리를 실시한 후 2°C, 95% RH 저온에서 저장하였다. 저장 중 품질변화는 무게 감모율, 가용성 고형물 함량, 경도, 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid oxidase(ACO), ethylene receptor(ETR), 그리고 polygalacturonase(PG) 유전자 발현을 통해 확인하였다. 저장기간 동안 각 실험구의 감모율은 Liner 처리의 유무에 의해서 현저한 차이를 보였다. 반면 1-MCP 처리 유무에 따른 감모율에는 차이가 없었다. 가용성 고형물의 함량은 수확 시에 2.3°Brix였으며, 저장기간 전반에 걸쳐 모든 처리구에서 2.4-3.0°Brix 범위에 포함되었다. 각 처리구들은 통계적으로는 유의적 차이를 보이나 값은 0.6°Brix 내외로 저장기간 동안 가용성 고형물의 증감에 따른 경향도 처리 간에 유사하였다. 배추의 경도는 수확 직후 25.5N이었으며, 저장기간 동안 경도의 증감을 보이나 처리 간에 뚜렷한 경향은 없었다. 1-MCP 처리는 배추를 저장하는 하는 동안 ‘춘광’ 배추의 외관상 품질에는 영향을 미치지 않았으므로 1-MCP가 배추의 숙성에 관여하는 유전자 발현과의 상관성에 대해서 확인하였다. 에틸렌 생합성에 관여하는 ACO와 ETR 유전자들의 발현 정도를 확인하였으나 1-MCP 처리 유무에 따른 유전자 발현의 차이가 보이지 않았다. 또한 세포벽 분해효소인 PG 유전자 발현 정도에도 1-MCP 처리는 유의적 차이가 없었다. 이상의 결과에서 1-MCP 처리는 배추저장에는 효과가 미비하다고 판단된다. 하지만 저장기간 동안 ‘춘광’ 품종 배추의 무게손실을 최소화 하기 위해서는 PE film을 이용한 Liner 처리가 반드시 요구되며 이를 통해 처리 후 9주까지 품질유지가 가능하였다. Kimchi cabbage needs cold storage for regulation of supply and demand. Postharvest application of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) in the storability of Kimchi cabbage under cold storage condition was investigated. Kimchi cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ‘Choongwang’) was divided four groups, forced air cooling (FAC), FAC + 0.03 mm linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) Liner, FAC + 2 μL·L-1 1-MCP, and FAC + 2 μL·L-1 1-MCP + 0.03 mm LLDPE Liner. After each treatment Kimchi cabbage was stored at 2°C, 95% RH. Quality parameters were weight loss, soluble solids content (SSC), firmness, and gene expression of 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid oxidase (ACO), ethylene receptor (ETR), and polygalacturonase (PG). Weight loss during storage was showed significant difference by Liner treatment, but was not influenced by 1-MCP treatment. SSC of Kimchi cabbage was 2.3°Brix at harvest and all groups included to 2.4-2.9°Brix range during storage. Although in each group SSC was showed difference during storage, the difference was approximately less than 0.5°Brix. In general, firmness was 25.5 N at harvest and slightly increased or decreased during storage in all groups. However, there was no tendency found among groups. Also ripening related gene expressions, such as ACO, ETR, and PG, were investigated. 1-MCP treatment was not significant difference among all roups about ethylene biosynthesis genes (ACO, ETR) and softening related gene (PG). These data show that 1-MCP treatment was not recommended for Kimchi cabbage storage. However Liner treatments such as PE film necessarily need tominimize weight loss of Kimchi cabbage ‘Choongwang’ during cold storage for 9 weeks.

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