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      • 스포츠 경기의 저작물성 및 중계 영상의 이용 관계에 관한 논의

        송동수 서울대학교 기술과법센터 2021 Law & technology Vol.17 No.5

        코로나-19 감염증 사태가 일상화됨에 따라, 문화⋅예술, 스포츠 분야에서 비대면 방식을 통한 소통이 일상화되었다. 특히 대규모 관중이 운집한 상태에서 이루어지는 스포츠 경기는 코로나-19 의 직접적인 영향을 받을 수밖에 없었다. 스포츠 경기 및 스포츠 경기 영상에 대하여 저작물성이 인정되는지 여부와 관련하여, 축구, 야구와 같은 프로스포츠 및 육상, 수영과 같은 기초 종목 등에 대하여 저작물성이 부인되는 것으로 보는 것이 저작권 학계의 다수설이다. 싱크로나이 즈드스위밍이나 리듬체조와 같은 선수의 표현력이 중시되는 종목의 경우 저작물성이 인정된다는 견해가 있으나 판정기준에 따라 선수가 기량을 발휘하는 행위에 대해 저작물성을 인정할 수 없다는 반론도 존재한다. IOC, FIFA와 같은 국제기구나 KBO, KBL과 같은 경기주최자로서는 경기를 개최하는데 막대한 비용을 투자한 까닭에 스포츠 이벤트 가치가 훼손되는 행위를 방지할 필요가 있으나 법적으로 구제할 수 있는 방안이 존재하지 않으므로 브라질 저작권법상 인정되는 ‘스타디움 권리’를 도입 하는 방안이 고려될 수 있을 것이다. 스포츠 경기 중계 영상의 중계 기법이 발전해 가는 현실 속에서, ‘클린피드’ 그 자체에 대하여도 저작물성이 인정된다고 할 것이며 해당 저작 물의 저작권은 방송사에 귀속된다 할 것이다. 스포츠 중계 영상의 이용관계에 관하여 여러 권리주체 간의 충돌 문제가 발생하는데, 특히 블로그, SNS 및 유튜브 등을 통한 소통이 일상화 된 현실 속에서 스포츠 중계권 고유의 가치를 훼손하지 않는다면 저작권법상 공정이용 규정을 적용하는 방안을 고려할 수 있다 할 것이다. As the COVID-19 infection situation has become commonplace, non-face-to-face communication has become commonplace in the fields of culture, art, and sports. In particular, sport events sport events with with large crowds have been affected directly by COVID-19. Regarding whether copyright is recognized for sports games and sports video, it is considered that copyright is denied for professional sports such as soccer and baseball, and sports such as athletics and swimming. Some believe that copyright should be recognized for events that emphasize the expressive power of athletes, such as synchronized swimming or rhythmic gymnastics. Others believe that it is hard to acknowledge the copyright for the act of displaying the athlete’s skills according to the judgment standard. International organizations such as IOC and FIFA, or event organizers such as KBO and KBL, need to prevent acts that damage the value of sporting events because they have invested huge amounts of money in hosting games, but there is no legal remedy. Therefore, the introduction of ‘stadium rights’ recognized under the Brazilian copyright law should be considered. With the broadcasting technique of sports broadcasting video developing, the copyright of the ‘Clean Feed’ itself is being recognized, and the copyright of the work now belongs to the broadcasting company. In relation to the use relationship of sports broadcasting video, conflicts between rights subjects arise. In particular, in the reality where communication through blogs, SNS, and YouTube has become commonplace, if the inherent value of sports broadcasting rights is not damaged, the fair use regulations under the Copyright Act would be applied.

      • KCI등재

        빅데이터와 AI 기술을 활용한 경기장의 고객 맞춤형 서비스 전략

        윤태훈,최영환 한국스포츠학회 2024 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        본 연구는 4차 산업혁명 시대를 맞아 빅데이터와 인공지능(AI) 기술을 활용한 스포츠시설의 고객 맞춤형 서비스 전략을 모색하였다. 이를 위해 국내외 스포츠산업의 사례를 분석하고, 데이터 기반 고객 세분화와 타겟팅, 개인화된 관람 경험 제공, 스마트 스포츠시설 서비스 도입 등 스포츠시설의 고객 서비스 혁신 방안을 제언하였다. 연구 결과, 해외 선진 스포츠리그에서는 빅데이터와 AI 기술을 경기력 향상, 팬 경험 제고, 스마트 스타디움 구현 등에 적극 활용하며 데이터 기반의 의사결정과 서비스 혁신을 선도하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 반면 국내는 아직 초기 단계로, 데이터 활용과 맞춤형 서비스 제공이 미흡한 실정이다. 본 연구는 국내 스포츠시설 운영자들에게 빅데이터와 AI 기술 도입을 통한 고객 서비스 혁신의 필요성과 방향성을 제시했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 다만 국내 여건을 고려한 실증연구와 전략적 도입 로드맵 마련 이 후속 과제로 남는다. 학계와 업계의 협력을 통해 한국형 스마트 스포츠시설 모델을 창출해나가는 노력이 요구된다. This study explores customer-tailored service strategies for sports facilities by leveraging big data and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. It analyzes cases from the domestic and international sports industry and suggests innovative customer service measures for sports facilities, such as data-based customer segmentation and targeting, personalized spectator experiences, and the introduction of smart stadium services. The findings reveal that advanced sports leagues abroad are leading data-driven decision-making and service innovation by actively utilizing big data and AI technologies for improving performance, enhancing fan experiences, and implementing smart stadiums. In contrast, Korea is still in the early stages, with insufficient data utilization and personalized service provision. This study is significant in presenting the necessity and direction of customer service innovation through the adoption of big data and AI technologies to domestic sports facility operators. However, empirical research considering domestic conditions and the establishment of a strategic adoption roadmap remain as follow-up tasks. Efforts to create a Korean-style smart sports facility model through cooperation between academia and industry are required.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠 스타디움과 도시재생: 고척스카이돔을 중심으로

        박승일,권순용 한국스포츠사회학회 2019 한국스포츠사회학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        This study examines the meaning of sport stadium and urban regeneration centering on stakeholders’ recognition surrounding the construction of the Gocheok Sky Dome. The Gocheok Sky Dome, opened in 2015, is the first large professional domed sport stadium in South Korea located in Gocheok-dong, Guro-gu, which can be said to be quite meaningful to South Korean society. The Gocheok-dong area, located on the outskirts of Seoul, is an area where Yeongdeungpo Prison was located in the past and is known for a small population, frequent traffic congestion, and uncomfortable public transportation networks. Therefore, exploring the sport stadium constructed in Gocheok-dong and the meaning of urban regeneration can be a valuable work. Concretely, this study was aimed to explore the meaning of construction of sport stadiums and urban regeneration in Korean society through a qualitative research method. A total of nine participants in this study were selected from the category of persons related to the Korea Baseball Association, persons related to the local government, and representatives of the community, who are major stakeholders related to the construction of the Gocheok Sky Dome, and the study was conducted through in-depth interviews. The perception of major skateholders were mostly positive, primarily in terms of economic revitalization. The results of this study were shown to be as follows. First, a new cultural space called stadium was born. Diverse cultural performance events that can be held regardless of the weather thanks to the nature of the dome stadium led to increases in population inflows to Gocheok-dong and the expansion of the surrounding commercial area thereby forming the area around the Gocheok Sky Dome into a venue of cultural spaces. Second, the city image was changed. The image of a city of 'prison' has been changed into the image of a city of 'Dome Stadium', which became a momentum of spread of a positive perception of Gocheok-dong. Third, the city and the lives of local residents were changed. Gocheok Sky Dome inspired attachment to the city and pride to local residents and secured convenience and safety to provide new spaces for communication and exchanges. Fourth, the view of baseball development and the meaning of Gocheok Sky Dome could be identified from the viewpoint of urban regeneration. As the first dome stadium, Gocheok Sky Dome was promoting the development of Gocheok-dong area along with expansion of baseball base through the attraction of diverse competitions. 본 연구는 스포츠 스타디움과 도시재생의 의미를 고척스카이돔의 건립을 둘러싼 이해관계자들의 인식을 중심으로 살 펴보는 것이다. 2015년 개장한 고척스카이돔은 구로구 고척동에 위치한 대한민국 최초의 프로스포츠 대형 돔구장으 로써 한국 사회에 의미하는 바가 크다. 서울시의 외곽에 위치한 고척동 일대는 과거 영등포교도소가 있던 지역으로 적은 유동인구와 잦은 교통체증, 불편한 대중교통망으로 알려져 있었다. 따라서 고척동에 건립된 스포츠 스타디움과 도시재생의 의미를 탐색하는 것은 가치 있는 작업이 될 수 있다. 구체적으로 본 연구에서는 질적 연구방법을 통해 한 국 사회 내 스포츠 스타디움의 건립과 도시재생의 의미를 알아보고자 하였다. 연구참여자는 고척스카이돔 건립과 관 련한 주요 이해관계자인 야구협회 관계자, 지자체 관계자, 지역사회 대표자의 범주에서 총 9명을 선정하였고, 심층면 담을 통해 연구를 진행하였다. 주요 이해관계자들의 인식은 대부분 긍정적이었으며, 주로 경제 활성화의 측면에서 고 척돔을 바라보고 있었다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같이 나타났다. 첫째, 스타디움이라는 새로운 문화공간의 탄생이 다. 돔구장의 특성상 날씨와 관계없이 개최 가능한 다양한 문화공연행사는 고척동으로의 인구 유입 증가와 주변 상권 의 확대로 이어지며 고척돔 일대를 문화공간의 장으로 형성되었다고 인식하였다. 둘째, 도시 이미지의 변화이다. 과 거 ‘교도소’의 도시 이미지는 ‘돔구장’의 도시 이미지로 변화하였으며, 이를 통해 고척동에 대한 긍정적인 인식이 확 대되는 계기가 된 것으로 여겨졌다. 셋째, 도시의 변화와 지역주민 삶의 변화이다. 고척돔은 지역주민들에게 도시 애 착심, 자부심을 고취시켰으며, 편의성과 안전성을 확보하여 새로운 소통과 교류의 공간을 제공한 것으로 이해하였다. 넷째, 야구의 발전과 도시재생 관점에서 고척돔의 의미를 확인할 수 있었다. 고척돔은 국내 최초의 돔구장으로 다양 한 대회유치를 통한 야구의 저변확대와 더불어 고척동 일대의 발전을 촉진시킨 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI우수등재

        스타디움⋅아레나 정책에 관한 연구: 일본의 사례를 중심으로

        김영성 한국체육학회 2023 한국체육학회지 Vol.62 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to derive policy implications by considering the historical changes in its maintenance, discussions for reform, reform guidelines, and process guides for the stadium and Arena reform policies recently established by Japan. The following research results were obtained. First, since the late 1950s, Japan has promoted support and improved systems for public sports facilities under the leadership of the government, but as the deterioration of local finances was pointed out, discussions on stadiums and arenas began for the first time with the establishment of the Sports Agency in 2015. Second, the government convened a variety of experts and reevaluated that stadiums and arenas would play an important role in sports development and regional revitalization as regional hubs, and established ‘reform guidelines’ for this purpose. Third, the ideology of ‘smart venue’ was reflected in the reform guidelines and process guide, and 14 major requirements were presented. Concepts, plans, design, construction, operation, and management of stadiums and arenas were considered, and the government’s strong will to pursue a new public system through ‘public-private linkage’ was implied. Fourth, stadiums and arenas are being promoted with support from various related ministries, including the Sports Agency. In particular, the Sports Administration is actively responding by establishing consultation counters and holding nationwide seminars to ensure smooth settlement. These results will expand the understanding of policy implementation and policy formation, which have not received attention in previous research on public sports facilities, and may also contribute to forming policy discourse among the government and local governments in the future.

      • KCI등재

        이스포츠(E-sport)에서 플레이어의 법적 지위

        정연덕(Chung, Yeun-Deok) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2011 圓光法學 Vol.27 No.1

        Increased utilization of a ‘Starcraft’ game developed by Blizzard Entertainment have created a new E-sport game genre. Audiovisual works played by professional E-sport game players are being distributed throughout the Internet. However there exist no legislative protection of professional E-sport Game players. In this respect this article studied possible ways to protect players. The game replay movie cannot be protected as like movie, because it is created based on computer software program. The game replay cannot be protected as derivative work, because it does not have originality. Thus player itself cannot be copyright holder nor performer in his audiovisual work. However Players can be protected in regard of publicity right and stadium right. In conclusion protection of players may exercise the development of E-sport Game industry.

      • 이스포츠(E-sport)에서 플레이어의 법적 지위 - 저작권법을 중심으로 -

        정연덕 원광대학교 법학연구소 2011 法學硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        Increased utilization of a ‘Starcraft’ game developed by Blizzard Entertainment have created a new E-sport game genre. Audiovisual works played by professional E-sport game players are being distributed throughout the Internet. However there exist no legislative protection of professional E-sport Game players. In this respect this article studied possible ways to protect players. The game replay movie cannot be protected as like movie, because it is created based on computer software program. The game replay cannot be protected as derivative work, because it does not have originality. Thus player itself cannot be copyright holder nor performer in his audiovisual work. However Players can be protected in regard of publicity right and stadium right. In conclusion protection of players may exercise the development of E-sport Game industry.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠 경기장의 활성화를 위한 역할 및 기능 변화에 관한 연구

        강준경 ( Kang Junekyung ) 한국공간디자인학회 2021 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.16 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) Although positive impacts, such as improvement of city image and economic effects due to the construction of sports stadiums are expected, in some cases, stadiums act as a burden on the community. In addition, new plans to utilize existing stadiums are occasionally demanded due to various reasons. However, despite the fact that it is necessary to suggest a reuse plan for sports stadiums, research on this field is currently insufficient. Therefore this study proposes a design method suitable for the characteristics of sports stadiums by examining cases in which the role and function of sports stadiums have changed. (Method) A theoretical study was conducted to establish a framework for studying cases of sports stadiums. Based on theoretical studies, cases of sports stadiums that changed functions and roles were collected and analyzed. In these cases, stadiums were used differently compared to initial plans. Through this process, the trend of changing roles and functions of sports stadiums was investigated. Types of methods that were applied to utilize stadiums in studied cases were examined. Methods were understood based on the site conditions of the stadium and other factors that changed the role and function of the stadium. (Results) Through this study, it was found that there were three trends in the change in role and function of sports stadiums. In some cases, they additionally functioned as public facilities while continuing to be used as sports stadiums. Stadiums were remodeled as buildings to which the public had more access. In other cases, stadiums were remodeled to different types of sport facilities or to other types of buildings. Besides, they were sometimes temporarily used for other purposes. Factors influencing these changes were not only social factors, such as club relocation, finished international sports events, changes in sports trends, and economic problems, but also urban factors, such as the context of cities around the stadium. According to these factors, the physical changes of the stadium appearing differently in terms of locality, symbolism, publicity, and usability was investigated. (Conclusions) The purpose of this study was to build a foundation for revitalizing sports stadiums. The results of this study are expected to help in devising a way to effectively utilize stadiums, and this requires changes in their roles and functions due to social and urban factors. In addition, it can be used as a reference material for establishing a long-term plan to flexibly utilize the sports stadiums to be built in the future.

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