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      • KCI등재

        탈식민 국가형성 연구의 비판적 검토와 통합적 시각의 모색

        강진연(Jin-Yeon Kang) 한국사회학회 2012 韓國社會學 Vol.46 No.4

        이 글은 탈식민 국가형성 문제에 대한 이론적 논의를 중심으로 하며 크게 두 부분으로 구성된다. 전반부에서는 기존 연구의 내용을 검토하고 여기서 나타난 문제점은 무엇인지 살펴보려고 한다. 이 글에서 주목하는 기존 연구의 문제는 크게 세 가지로 요약된다. 첫째 식민지배자와 피식민지민의 구분으로 대변되는 이분화된 분석틀, 둘째 특정 식민지시기와 탈식민시기를 선택적으로 분석하여 양자 사이의 상관성을 직접적 인과관계와 동일시하는 문제, 셋째 제국과 식민의 관계에 대해 배타적으로 강조함으로써 이것이 위치지워진 국제적 맥락과 지정학적 요인의 영향을 과소평가하는 경향이다. 후반부에서는 기존 연구의 문제점에 대한 해결방안을 모색해 보려고 한다. 특히 이제까지 식민주의 연구에서 상대적으로 소홀하게 다루어진 시민권 문제를 기존 연구의 내용에 접목시키고 이를 이론적, 방법론적으로 적용하여 탈식민 국가형성에 대한 사회문화적 관점, 관계적 분석, 과정중심적 접근을 중심으로 하는 통합적 시각을 발전시키고자 한다. 먼저 이론적 측면에서, 사회문화적 관점은 식민지배의 경험을 통해 식민지민들 사이에 형성된 긴장과 갈등이 탈식민 국가형성 과정에서 사회적 소속권의 재구성으로 발현되는 기제와 연관된다. 이는 기존 연구에서 강조되어온 식민과 탈식민시기 정치제도의 유사성을 식민지배 과정을 거치면서 구성되고 재배열된 식민지민들 내부의 동학을 통해 설명함으로써 제도적 분석과 사회문화적 접근의 결합을 시도하는 것이다. 이러한 이론적 관점을 발전시키기 위해 이 글에서 제안하는 두 가지 방법론은 관계적 분석과 과정중심적 접근이다. 전자는 식민지시기 다양한 집단들이 경험하는 관계적 변화와 그 결과에 주목하는 것이고, 후자는 식민과 탈식민시기 사이에 존재하는 연속과 단절이 나타나는 원인을 특정한 시점 사이의 선택적 상관성이 아닌 역사적 과정을 통해 분석하는 것이다. This article examines existing studies of colonialism and post-colonialism, especially studies concerning issues of postcolonial state formation, and focuses on what theoretical issues they have produced and how these problems could be resolved. The article highlights three theoretical problems in the previous studies: first, a largely bifurcated conceptual frame such as between colonizer and colonized; second, an overemphasis on the institutional similarities between the colonial and postcolonial periods that results in insufficient attention to processes of decolonization; third, an exclusive focus on the relationship between the empire and colony, which leads to the underestimation of the effect of international relations and geopolitical factors on postcolonial state formation. In an attempt to unravel these problems, the article advances an integrative view of the formation of the postcolonial state by incorporating a socio-cultural perspective, relational analysis, and a process-centered approach. Theoretically, the socio-cultural perspective can be developed by examining how internal conflicts among indigenous people, which were produced through colonial rule, shape the reconstruction of social membership in the process of postcolonial state formation. This theoretical framework can be furthered by two methodological strategies: relational analysis and process-centered approach. The former is utilized to focus on the diverse forms of relational shifts among various groups of the colonized people and the repercussions of these shifts on postcolonial social changes, and the latter stresses that the ways in which the historical experience of colonial rule influences postcolonial transformation are conditioned by a particular historical process.

      • KCI등재

        언간을 통한 국어생활사 교육 연구 -교재화 방안을 중심으로-

        이호형 ( Hoh Yung Lee ) 국어교육학회 2011 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.40 No.-

        이번 연구에서 다루고자 하는 국어생활사 교육은 기존의 지식 위주 문법 교육을 지양하고, 그동안 학교 현장에서 외면 받아 오던 국어사 교육에 대한 대안적 논의의 성격을 갖는다. 이는 특히 기존의 체계적인 학문 문법의 교육적 설계를 바꾸어 학습자의 삶의 맥락을 중시하는 교육적 접근에 해당한다. 그래서 국어생활사교육은 체계로서의 문법에 관심을 두기보다는 언어 사용자가 삶을 영위하면서 사용한 실제 언어 사용 맥락에 주의를 기울이고자 한다. 이에 이번 연구에서는 언어사용자의 삶의 모습을 드러내는 국어생활사 교육이 국어교육적으로 충분히 가치가 있음을 인정하고 이의 구체적인 실현을 위해 국어생활사 교육이 실행될 수 있는 이론적 근거를 마련하는 데 목적을 두고자 한다. 이를 위해 우선 국어생활사 교육의 성격과 목표를 명확히 할 필요가 있다. 따라서 그동안 국어생활사에 대한 논의가 진척된 국어교육학계나 국어국문학계의 선행 연구를 꼼꼼히 살핀 후, 국어생활의 관점에서 이를 구분해 논점을 명확하게 하고자 한다. 한편 이번 연구에서는 언간이 구체적인 국어생활의 모습을 가장 잘 보여 줄 수 있다고 파악하여 이를 통한 국어생활사 교육의 모습을 구안하고자 한다. 이렇게 언간을 통한 국어생활사 교육을 논의한다면 국어생활사 교육은 문화적 접근, 텍스트 중심적 접근, 국어활동의 통합적 접근 등의 방향으로 이루어질 수 있을 것이다. The education on the history of Korean language life this thesis is to cover rejects the conventional education mainly focused on Korean language grammar conveying just knowledge to students. Rather, it is characterized by a search for alternatives to the education on the history of Korean language life which has been disregarded at school. This is an educational approach in which the plan for the current systematic academically-selective grammar is changed and the focus is placed on the context of learners` real life. Thus, attention is paid to the real language learners use in their life, not to the grammar as a system. This research aims to recognize the education on the history of Korean language life which shows the life of language learners as invaluable in Korean education and establish a theoretical basis on which the education can be implemented. Most of all, the characteristics and objectives of the education need to be clarified. Then a close examination will be made of the preceding studies in the fields of Korean education or Korean language and literature where progress has been made in the study of the education, followed by an effort to classify them and clarify points in the Korean language life perspective. This research is to be conducted through Eongan as it is viewed as a way to show the aspect of specific Korean language life more than any other thing. If the education on the history of Korean language life is sought through Eongan, it will be acquired in cultural, text-centered, and integrated approaches of Korean language life.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국형 노인우울검사(Korean Form of Geriatric Depression Scale : KGDS) 표준화에 대한 예비연구

        정인과,곽동일,조숙행,이현수 大韓神經精神醫學會 1998 신경정신의학 Vol.37 No.2

        본 연구는 한국형 노인우울검사(KGDS) 표준화에 대한 예비연구로 GDS를 포함한 기존의 성인용 우울검사(BDI, MMPI-D, SDS, CES-D)에서 일련의 통계적 과정을 거쳐 한국 노인의 우울양상을 잘 반영하는 것으로 판단되는 문항 40개를 추출한 뒤 신뢰도와 타당도를 검증하였다. 연구대상은 60세 이상의 노인 175명으로. 이들 중 우울장애 진단을 받은 81명(남자 15명, 여자 66명)이 우울 환자군에. 우울장애진단이 배제된 94명(남자 33명. 여자 61명)이 대조군에 할당되었다. KGDS의 신뢰도를 검증한 결과, Cronbach의 α계수는 .88, 반분신뢰도는 .79로서 만족스러운 수준이었고 두 집단의 평균의 차이를 검증해본 결과 α=.001수준에서 유의하였다(환자군 평균 23.40±8.13,대조군 평균 12.50±8.82. t=9.76) KGDS의 구성타당도와 내적 구조를 파악하기 위해 실시한 요인분석에서는 비관적 사고 및 불행감(Negative thinking and Unhappiness feeling), 정서적 불편감(Emotional discomfort). 인지기능 저하(Cognitive dysfunction), 기력쇠퇴(Decreased vitality), 신체적 약화 및 건강염려증가(Physical weakening and inclosed somatic concern) 사회적 철수 및 흥미상실(Social withdrawal and loss of interest) 등 총 6개의 구성요인이 밝혀졌고 총 설명변량은 51.2%였다. 마지막으로 KGDS의 판별력과 최적 절단점수를 확인하기 위해 판별분석 및 민감도. 특이도의 지표를 구하여본 결과 전체판별률은 76.7%이었고 최적 절단점수는 16점이 제안되었으며 고전적인 백분위점수분포를 추가적으로 고려하여 16∼22점 사이는 경계선수준 및 정도의 우울증, 23∼25점 사이는 중도의 우울증, 26점 이상은 심도의 우울증으로 분류할 수 있을 것으로 기대되었다. 결론적으로. 노인 우울증에 대한 기존 검사들의 낮은 진단변별력을 개선시키고자 새로이 만든 한국형 노인우울검사(KGDS)는 GDS를 포함한 기존 검사들에 비해 진단변별력이 10%이상 향상되었을 뿐 아니라 신뢰도, 타당도도 만족스러운 수준을 보여 노인우울 진단용 검사로 유용하게 쓰일 수 있을 것으로 여겨진다. 마지막으로 피험자 선정과 관련된 문제점을 짚어보았고 추후 연구에서 문항의 수와 내용을 좀더 압축할 필요성에 대해 논의해 보았다. The purpose of this study was to construct Korean Geriatric Depression Scale(KGDS) items and test the reliability and validity of KGDS. Total 151 items from GDS, BDI, SDS, MMPI-D, and K-CES-D were administered to 81 depressed elderly and 75 elderly control groups. Sixty-four preliminary items which have discrimination power between depression and control groups were selected. Then by correlational analysis considering adjusted item-total correlation, 40 items were finally chosen to construct KGDS. The values of Cronbach's αand split-half reliability were 0.88 and 0.79, respectively. The differences of means was signified at α= .001 level(patients group mean = 23.40±8.13, control group mean= 12.50 ± 8.82,t=9.76). The result of factor analysis showed that KGDS had six factors. They were labeled negative thinking and unhappiness feeling(factor 1), emotional discomfort(factor 2), cognitive dysfunction(factor 3), decreased vitality(factor 4), physical weakening and inclosed somatic concern(factor 5), social withdrawal and loss of interest(factor 6), which represent depressive features of the elderly in thought, emotional, cognitive, physical, and social aspects. The total percentage of variance of the 6 factors was 51.2%. The result of discrimination analysis showed that hit ratio of KGDS was 76.7%, and the score of 16 was suggested as the optimal cut-off score. Additionally, by using percentile score distribution of control(normal) group, it is suggested that the score of 16-22 represents borderline or mild depression, the score of 23-25 are moderate depression, and greater than the score of 26 severe depression. Conclusively, KGDS not only improves diagnostic discrimination power 10% more than other depression scales including GDS, but also show sufficient reliability and validity, thus can be used far evaluation of elderly depression. Finally, some issues relevant to sample selection and the necessity of concising content and items of KGDS are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        문화, 문학 : 선물의 제스처 ; 미국 내 기업의 사회적 책임에 대한 담론 중심적 논의

        고경난 ( Kyung Nan Koh ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2013 비교문화연구 Vol.30 No.-

        In this paper, I approach corporate social responsibility as a discourse metadiscursively shaping the social relationship between corporations and society. Using a discourse-centered approach to culture, I examine how early discussions (involving legal disputes) on the rights of corporations to give evolved into a public sphere discussion as to how corporations can be viewed and redefined as social actors with capabilities to perform socially meaning actions, which here is "responsibility." I discuss how corporate social responsibility currently operates as a metadiscourse of corporate personhood, ethics, and corporate citizenship. Then, using insights from Mauss, I analyze how corporate social responsibility might be comparable to a Maussian gift exchange. Corporate social responsibility actions that are performed, indeed, are gift exchanges in that they involve the ideology of the free gift and the implicit expectation of a return to the giver. In the meantime, I argue, that in the case of corporate social responsibility, it is not the act of giving gifts (e.g., grants) that can lead to social alliances but rather the talk of gift giving, a departure from the ceremonial gift exchanges observed by Mauss. That is, here, the talk of giving shapes social alliances, thus displacing this function from the act of giving itself. The PR strategies deploy talk of the gift as a metapragmatic strategy, inviting various forms of role alignment on the part of diverse, potential and actual, participants, in a framework of corporate-sponsored gift exchange in which potential recipients compete, again at the level of metapragmatic description, to become the chosen gift recipient.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        지구적 시각에 기초한 세계사 교육에서 접근 방안

        鄭善影(Jung Seon-Young) 역사교육연구회 2003 역사교육 Vol.85 No.-

        Enhancing global perspectives in school education has become one of the most important task in this global era. If there is a subject that assumes forerunning role, one could say that it is the world history. Based on such aspect, this study explores specific methods and learning direction in order to develop world history subject content. The researcher has found out a series of continuous new movements since the 1960s which were the overcoming of Europe-oriented reasoning and the recognition of cross-cultural interaction. This study tried to use this new movement as a new guideline to improve world history education in Korea. World history in the Seventh National Curriculum reflects the needs of global era, and deals broadly with the history of human community perspective, for the first time, the history of regions that have not been introduced before. Nevertheless, world history education in Korea is still caught under the Oriental vs. Western history dichotomous composition. Especially, problem lies in the fact that the proportion of European and Chinese history is too large. Therefore, the world history education appropriate for the global era is to separate from emphasizing particular region and reconstruct content and methods in terms of history of human community or the global perspective. This requires new approach that fundamentally changes the framework of world history content; reorganization of the history of human community through macro perspective such as increasing of cross-cultural interaction or system for interdependence, while balancing many cultural areas that emerged in the world history in the multi-cultural perspectives. Furthermore, in order to develop global perspective, new approach is needed in the learning and teaching methods. The researcher emphasizes learner-centered learning, education for international understanding, ability for information processing, ability for decision-making, teaching historical controversies, cooperative learning, and various learning methods. In the global era, the task to introduce global perspective-based world history education should not wait any longer.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 사회 교과서 세계사 서술 속의 타자 읽기 : 북아시아사 서술의 분석을 중심으로

        丁載勳(Jeong Jae-Hun) 역사교육연구회 2005 역사교육 Vol.93 No.-

        There were many arguments on the world history in middle school textbook of social studies of the 7th national curriculum. This study is aimed to improve the world history education by analyzing the viewpoints and contents of the North Asia (Nomad) history in the middle school textbook to reinforce the education of world history to keep pace with the multi-cultural perspective. There are many problems and mistakes in the middle school text book about the history of nomads because Europeans and Chinese, such as living in the sedentary civilized people, want to ignore the nomads and to make them as barbarians in the world history. Being written the contents of world history in the middle school textbook of social studies following this perspective, the contexts are oriented to the Sino centralism and Euro centralism. Generally, being regarded nomads as a "the other" by Chinese and Europeans, the viewpoint of the nomads is very limited. and it makes the middle school students to be closed and exclusive to others. Not being balanced the quantity of the descriptions of the nomadic history, it also show the mistakes on the contexts of textbooks. In this study, attempting to overcome this perspectives and develope the new paradigms and concepts of world history, I emphasized the more open perspectives to the nomads as "ours", not as the "others". Therefore, I propose to write the political and cultural role of nomads and the people of Oasis in world history as much as their role, and to change the structure of textbook following as more multi-cultural and multi-regional perspectives. It will be matched the recent new world history teaching focused on respecting the cultures of many minority groups and illuminating prejudice on the other cultures.

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