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        매슬로우의 욕구단계이론에 의거한 노인요양시설 치유환경요소의 위계에 관한 연구

        정미렴(Chung, Miryum) 한국실내디자인학회 2012 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        Healing Environment is to cure the user as a whole by considering his social, psychological aspect, beyond the functional aspect of treatment. Various design elements of healing space have been developed so far, but they were mostly described with same rank. Even though every element is significant, facilities such as nursing homes tends to run with low budget, and they can’t fulfill them all at the same time. It is important to find the sequence between design elements. The purpose of this study is to reorganize the design principles of healing environment by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs(Physiological needs, Safety needs, Love/Affilitation needs, Self-Esteem needs and Self-Actualization needs), and analyze elderly nursing homes and examine the framework itself by application. Research method was consist of literature review on healing space design elements and hierarchy of needs, reconstruction of design elements with hierarchy, and application on 5 Korean nursing home cases. As the result, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and design elements were linked with good balance. Analysis of 5 nursing homes revealed that lower needs were short of environmental support compared to higher needs. Especially design element related to Physiological needs should be improved. Also, new framework had strength in not only providing gasps on current situation in detail, but also suggesting elements for improvement with hierarchy and sequence. Through this research healing environment design elements and human needs were linked. Nursing home is the last environment for the elderly, which should help to heal their body and mind and also support them to accomplish self-actualization.

      • KCI등재

        고령자 공동주거의 공간배치 평가방법론에 관한 연구 - 매슬로우의 욕구단계이론에 따른 공간분류의 통합도 비교를 중심으로 -

        배시화,황정현 한국기초조형학회 2015 기초조형학연구 Vol.16 No.6

        한국사회는 2000년에 고령화 사회로 진입하였으며, 2026 무렵에는 초고령사회로 이행할 것으로 예상되고 있다. 이에따라 다양한 고령자 공동주거 시설들이 제시되고 있다. 이들은 대개 주거기능을 바탕으로 의료, 여가 등의 기능이 부가된형태이며, 이 기능들을 통해 거주자들의 신체적, 사회적 건강을 증진하는 것은 해당 주거시설의 중요한 목적이다. 해당 공간들은 일정 규모 이상으로 확보되고, 적절한 위치에 배치되어 사용하기에 편리해야 실질적인 이용이 촉진될 수 있다. 본연구는 고령자 공동주거 내 공적공간의 공간배치를 평가할 수 있는 방법론을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 액티브에이징(active aging)이라는 개념에 입각하여 매슬로우의 욕구단계이론을 재구성하고, 이렇게 재구성된 지표 체계에 따라 용도공간들을 분류한 후 공간구문론을 통해 각 분류에 해당하는 공간들의 접근성을 분석하였다. 이러한 분석을통해 고령자 공동주거의 지원공간들이 액티브에이징과 매슬로우 욕구단계이론의 통합분류에 따라 균형적으로 분포하여, 적절한 배치계획이 되었는지를 판단해 볼 수 있다. 이러한 방법론을 4개의 분석사례에 적용해본 결과, 하나의 사례에서 접근성의 불균형이 나타나고 있음을 확인할 수 있었고, 이것을 그 사례의 계획적 오류로 판단할 수 있었다. 고령자 공동주거와 같이 전체 공간구조의 규모가 커지게 되면 개별 공간들의 접근성 비교로부터 계획적 함의를 도출하기가 어려워지는데, 매슬로우의 욕구단계이론에 따른 공간의 분류체계는 이러한 한계를 극복할 수 있는 방법을 제시한다는 점에서본 연구의 의의가 있다. In the year 2000, Korea has become an aging society. With continued aging, the country is now expected to become a super-aged society in 2026. Following this social trend, housing types specifically focused on seniors are being proposed. Such housing types provide supporting services such as healthcare and leisure, with aims to enhance the physical and social health of the inhabitants. Such services should be provided with adequate spatial planning and proper locations. For this reason, this study proposes an analytical methodology that evaluates the spatial layout of supporting services. According to the concept of active aging, Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs was reconstructed, with spaces being allocated to the reconstruction. Finally, the spaces are analyzed their accessibility through the theory of space syntax. This methodology was tested on 4 cases of senior collective housing, and was able to identify a case where accessibility was biased towards a certain hierarchy of needs. While space syntax analysis is inappropriate for large-scale structures, the introduction of Maslow’s theory provided a breakthrough to overcome this limitation.

      • KCI등재

        공간연출에 나타나는 라이프스타일 해석 - 어린이 디자인교육을 중심으로 -

        정유경 한국브랜드디자인학회 2015 브랜드디자인학연구 Vol.13 No.1

        공간디자인 교육의 핵심적 방향성은 창의성 교육이다. 학습자에게 공간 디자인에 관한 교육과정 중 가장 기본 적인 공간은 주거공간이다. 주거 공간에서 생리적 욕구, 안정적 욕구를 느끼면, 소속감이 생기고 존중과 심리 적 안정이 생겨서 그 속에서 자아실현이 생기는 것이다. 이는 매슬로우의 욕구이론과 연결이 된다. 따라서 본 연구의 실험 대상은 서울 성북구 소재 J초등학교 5학년(213명) 학생들로 구성되었다. 지역의 특징은 30-50평대의 아파트 밀집지역으로 타 지역 학교들보다 학생 수가 많았다. 5학년 학생 수도 각 학급당 30명 이 상으로 7반으로 구성되어 있었다. 총 2시간에 걸쳐 연구자가 개발한 디자인 교육 프로그램을 적용하여 실험하 였다. 본 연구에서 활용한 활동지는 학생들의 공간 표현에서 완성도를 보려고 한 것이 아니라 공간연출요소를 분석하여 현재의 주생활의 라이프스타일을 알아보는데 목적이 있다. 그 결과 각각의 욕구의 만족도에 따라 연 출방법이 다르게 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 디자인 교육은 문화교육으로서 시각적 소비자를 형성하는 과정으로 학교교육에서 매우 중요하다. 모든 사람 들은 시각예술 소비자로서 생활 속에 디자인을 소비하면서 살아간다. 즉, 이러한 소비의 형태가 그 시대 문화 의 라이프스타일을 보여준다. 삶의 가치인 라이프스타일 속에서 욕구충족이 되었을 경우, 어린이들은 자기공 간에 대한 만족감과 충족감을 느끼게 된다. 이는 생활 속에서 소비자로서 디자인의 기능과 역할을 자연스럽게 받아들이게 된다. 따라서 어린이들에게 디자인의 조기 교육은 적절한 생활 속 상품 소비자로서 그 시대의 라 이프스타일을 잘 표현하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. Space design education is a creative education. In the space design is the most important space at home. If you feel a sense of belonging arises physiological needs and stability in a home space. And the self-esteem and self-realization. This is consistent with the theory of Maslow's needs. Subjects of this study consisted of Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, J Elementary School Was composed of Grade 5 students(213 people). Characteristics of the area is often 30 to 50 square meters apartment. Class consisted of 30 students 7 classes. For 2 hours to apply a Space design training program. This study has placed the focus on the presentation method than presentation results. How to space presentation according to the satisfaction of the results was found to appear with different needs. Design education is a process of forming a 'visual consumer' as culture education. People living while consuming design in life. so consumer culture is that time lifestyle. If this meeting needs in the lifestyle, the children will feel a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment of self-space. Children's design education is life as a commodity consumer representation v makes the lifestyle of that era.

      • 욕구이론을 통해 고찰한 장소에 관한 연구

        이유리(Lee, you lee),홍관선(Hong, Kwan-sun) 한국실내디자인학회 2012 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        According to his book “The Experience of Place” Hiss argues that the place and the relationship with people show who they are and what they are thinking because ‘place’ people spend their time on affects on who they are and what purpose they have. The behavior, actions, living life of place people stay are experienced directly, which reflects that there is psychological relationship between human’s behavior and their places in there lives. The spaces related psychologically is the places where individual, group or society’s needs are realized and the places are defined that individual or group’s experiences are projected so there is a certain meaning for them. So far, the relationship between places and human beings is discussed about the value formed by experienced phenomenon and physical environment of human beings at some places in terms of phenomenology. However, the perceptions or meanings about the specific places are generated by interaction between emotions and psychological situation, so it needs to be studied in terms of psychology. Meanwhile, so far psychology is studied, related to other various studies, since 1960 the new fields such as human geography, environmental psychology, and ecological psychology have psychologically approached to places and spaces. However, psychologically related thesis is very rare quantitatively and internal and external cases are insufficient. Therefore, on this research, we will focus on the motivations people stay in some specific places, and based on places as a medium of needs actualization, through hierarchial needs theory of psychology we will look through the factors of places where needs meet by suggesting the study model through Hierarch of needs by Maslow on “What is the motivation that people stay in specific places?”, “Which needs people can meet through places?”

      • KCI등재

        에니어그램의 날개이론을 통해서 본 캐릭터의 성격 변화양상에 관한 연구 - 애니메이션 ‘Shrek’시리즈를 통해서

        공현희,이견실 한국일러스트레이션학회 2011 일러스트레이션 포럼 Vol.12 No.26

        최근에는 영화 등에서 원작의 성공여부에 따라 속편제작이 많이 이루어지고 있다. 애니메이션도 원작이 성공을 하면 속편 제작이 많이 이루어지고 있는데 미국 드림웍스의 대표적인 애니메이션인 슈렉이 1,2,3,Forever의 제작을 하였다. 본 연구는 슈렉시리즈를 통해서 작품내용과 주인공을 비롯한 각각의 캐릭터들의 성격을 대상으로 시리즈물에서 캐릭터의 성격 변화를 규명하였다. 방법론으로는, 현실 설명력이 높은 에니어그램의 날개이론과 매슬로우의 욕구단계설을 분석도구로 사용하여 4편의 애니메에션의 캐릭터들을 분석하였다. 분석한 결과 캐릭터들은 기본적인 성격을 토대로 조금씩 변화가 있음을 알 수 있었고 그러한 성격변화의 원인은 각 캐릭터들의 욕구에 따른 변화임을 이해할 수 있었다. 또한 주인공과의 대립자적인 캐릭터들의 성격의 공통점도 볼 수 있었는데 이러한 연구는 향 후 애니메이션의 제작에 있어서 스토리의 흐름이나 캐릭터의 설정에 대입하여 참조할 수 있을 것이다. Lately many sequels, such as films, are being created depending on the success or failure of the original. In animation as well, if the original is a success then many sequels are being produced, and the American studio Dreamworks has produced sequels of its hit animation Shrek, creating 1, 2, 3 and final episode Shrek Forever. Using the Shrek series I decided to analyze the contents of the pieces as well as the personalities of each character including the protagonist. In order to observe if there are changes in personalities I used the Enneagram wing theory and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – excellent ways to judge realism – as tools of analysis and analyzed the characters of the 4 animations. The analysis showed that characters did undergo personality changes and I was able to tell small gradual changes based on the original personalities, as well as that the source of these personality changes was changes in the wishes of the characters. I also noticed similarities in the personalities of the characters that oppose the protagonist, this form of research can be consulted in the future for when configuring the plot or characters during the production of animations.

      • KCI등재

        노인주거시설의 계획 방향에 관한 연구- 욕구단계이론과 공용공간요소를 중심으로 -

        윤평,강현송,거가기,유혜림,김정곤 한국문화공간건축학회 2021 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.75

        Currently, the proportion of the elderly population is rapidly increasing in Korea due to the decrease in the population due to the falling birthrate, the development of medical technology and facilities, and the improvement of the people's standard of living. Also, it should not be overlooked that not only the rapidly growing problem of the elderly population but also the elderly population is a group with the same needs as young and middle-aged people. Senior residential facilities should meet the needs of senior citizens and be sensitive to environmental changes, and it is important to create an environment that is comfortable to adapt while also providing psychological burden to senior citizens. This study aims to consider the environment of senior residential facilities from a functional perspective while seeking ways to become their healing environment by reflecting the psychological, social, and physical needs of senior citizens who reside in senior residential facilities at an architectural planning point. The purpose of this study is to differentiate it from prior research to find out the elements of space planning in the case of public spaces for senior residential facilities operated in advanced countries and to suggest directions for improving quality public spaces. This study is meaningful in deriving the characteristics of space in terms of public spaces and human needs of overseas senior residential facilities based on literature consideration and case analysis, starting with a lack of qualitative aspects of senior residential facilities. The focus of this study is on the psychology of the elderly as a research element which can help the design of residential facilities for the elderly in the future. However, more active research will be needed in the future, considering that limited research was conducted only on healthy senior citizens limited to overseas cases and that cultural factors were not considered as limitations of the text.

      • KCI등재

        <홍길동전>의 층위적 공간과 욕구 단계의 상관성 고찰

        신효경 한국언어문학회 2019 한국언어문학 Vol.108 No.-

        The paper has examined the hierarchical aspects and phased features of family, society and foreign space which become the spatial background of the <Tale of Hong Gildong> based on the theory of needs hierarchy by Maslow, the psychologist in the USA. Space is an element implying the inside details of the event and character, and the <Tale of Hong Gildong> is noted for its special significance in each space. In particular, the spatial change following the movement of Hong Gildong represents the process of Maslow's self-realization. The space in the <Tale of Hong Gildong> is hierarchical. The space shown in the <Tale of Hong Gildong> is significant as a space that implies social issues. First of all, family space institutes the conflict from polygamy (one husband with one wife and several concubines) and issues in discrimination between sons. Social space is a place where the corrective action was carried out for the negative feature of the privileged class squeezing people's blood out of them. Lastly, foreign space is an ideal place where there is no social discrimination and poverty and where the fundamental duty of a human being is realized. The hierarchical space in the <Tale of Hong Gildong> is closely related with the needs hierarchy. Maslow insisted that most creative people achieved what others did not realize, and the highest level of self-actualization needs realized the creative power of a human being. Family space of the <Tale of Hong Gildong> is a place for personal growth as Maslow's first and second needs, which are physiological and safety issues, have been satisfied to some extent. Social space is where Hong Gildong's third and fourth needs of Maslow, which are affiliation and will of respect, are resolved by participating in the society. Foreign space completes Maslow's fifth phase of self-realization as Hong Gildong constructed Yul-do, the ideal country, to solve mounting issues within the country. The space and desire in the <Tale of Hong Gildong> is epically remarkable. The <Tale of Hong Gildong> is regarded to have appropriately collected social issues in the Joseon Dynasty period. The phased space has been placed behind it, highlighting the literary imagery. Family space dealing with the main character's hardship and growth in the first part of the epic, social space where the main character achieved activities and performance in the middle of the epic, and foreign space that realized his ideal in the finale played parts in materializing this work. Thus, the spatial background contributes to the structure of this work. This also means that Maslow's five-phase needs have been sequentially realized.

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