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      • KCI등재

        아시아인 이주와 동화가능성에 대한 사회학적 고찰 -로버트 팍과 “인종관계조사”를 중심으로-

        권은혜(Kwon Eun-hye) 동국역사문화연구소 2018 동국사학 Vol.65 No.-

        본고는 20세기 초 미국의 시카고 사회학파를 형성했던 사회학자 로버트 팍(Robert Park)과 팍이 연구책임자로 참여했던 1924-27년의 인종관계조사가 아시아인에 관한 사회학적 관찰방법을 구성하는 방식을 살펴본다. 팍은 “인종 관계의 순환(race-relations cycle)” 이론을 “동양인”과 “미국인”의 인종 관계에 적용해 아시아계 이민자는 미국의 흑인과는 비 백인이라는 인종적 특징을, 유럽계 이민자와는 이민자로서의 정체성을 공유한다고 상정했다. 팍은 아시아인과 백인사이의 인종 간 결혼을 아시아인의 특징을 이해하는 방법으로 삼았고 “인종관계조사”를 진행할 때 팍은 아시아인과 백인 사이의 결혼 사례에 큰 관심을 보였다. 두 인종 사이의 결혼이 사회통념과 법으로 금지되던 시절에 팍은 인종 간 결혼을 아시아인의 동화 및 인종 갈등의 해결 수단이라고 상상했다. This article examines the way in which Robert Park, one of the founders of the Chicago Sociology in the early 20th century spearheaded a social-scientific approach to Asian migration and assimilation primarily in the Survey of Race Relations, 1924-1927. Park applied his theory of race-relations cycle to Asian immigrants. According to him, Asians shared the non-white racial identity with American blacks. Asians were deemed similar to European immigrants in terms of their social status as immigrants. Park was particularly interested in marriages between Asians and whites as a way of assimilating Asians and, eventually, solving the tensions between white Americans and Asian immigrants at the time.

      • KCI우수등재

        이주민과 다문화주의 ; 인종 간 결혼에 관한 트랜스내셔널 인식 -1920년대 초반 미국 태평양 연안의 아시아계 이민자들이 본 아시안과 백인 사이의 결혼-

        권은혜 ( Eun Hye Kwon ) 한국서양사학회 2012 西洋史論 Vol.0 No.112

        This work analyzes the ways in which Asian immigrants made sense of interracial marriage and race in the American Pacific Coast states in the early 1920s; interviews of life histories of Chinese and Japanese immigrants included in the Survey of Race Relations, 1924- 1927 were used. The views of Chinese and Japanese immigrants on interracial marriage and race differed from those of whites. Chinese and Japanese immigrants were mostly in favor of interracial marriage and believed that marriage across racial lines would solve the so-called race problem in the U.S. Due to the widespread belief in an eugenic idea of race, whites asserted that race mixing would lead to the degeneration of the white race. In the minds of white people, racial difference between whites and Asians were those of biological inheritance that could not be changed after race mixing. Chinese and Japanese immigrants understood differences between whites and Chinese or Japanese in social and cultural terms. By a transnational consciousness of interracial marriage by Asian immigrants, this work implies that Chinese and Japanese immigrants viewed the subject of interracial marriage from the perspectives of transnational immigrants with the tendency to compare perceptions of interracial marriage in China and Japan to those in the U.S. They also judged the desirability of interracial marriage by bringing in the ways in which gender, marriage and family were understood in China or Japan.

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