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      • KCI등재

        개항기 번역관의 신설과 운영

        백옥경 서울역사편찬원 2014 서울과 역사 Vol.- No.88

        The main purpose of this study is to examine the background of establishing an official translator system in the period of Port Opening and how to run that system. Since the period of Port Opening, I tried to study the situation to meet the need of times which the system of translator had to be set up and the effort of how much they tried to train competent people in the Western oriented international changing order. In the Eastern Asian order focused on Ming and Qing, Chosun which developed the diplomatic relation got busy to contact with Western countries and had a growing interest in translating and interpreting. Thus the government of Dynasty made a try to establish the education institute like Dongmoonhak(a government school for training official English interpretator) or Yookyoungongwon(the Royal English School) to teach a foreign language and they tried to raise up talented people. Moreover, talent who were trained at this institute were recruited as translator, had a plan to use negotiating the foreign policy. Chosun’s translators appeared around times of turning out Dongmoonhak’s graduates from 1885(the 22th year of Gojong who was Chosun’s King). They were deployed for Western officers, Maritime Customs and diplomatic officers to be appointed in Chosun newly. They spoke English, Russian, Japanese, made a difference from the previous translators. Also, because they belonged to Tongrikoysubtongsangsamuamun (that was the foreign office), but the previous translators belonged to Sayeokwon, they had a difference to play their roles. They translated papers and interpreted basically, and also did a foreign policy. But, Translators were not served as a higher position in the system. They were appointed as from 9th to 5th Pooms which was a lower position, routinized to work for a long-term, even if they had 30 month-term. It could be known that Chosun’s awareness about translating was still lower than now, considering the point that they also was not excepted even if their major were a western language. There were three types of translator to be appointed as an official. The first type was those who graduated from Dongmoonhak or Yookyoungongwon. They studied English and were majorities of translators. The 2nd type was Japanese translators, and was able to do activities of translating with the base of prominen tability of Japanese language. The 3rd type was people who came from the area near to foreign country, those who studied oversea, or those who learned a foreign language to contact with foreigners. By the way, most of translators had experienced the Western culture directly or indirectly. They also had aimed at the Westernization better than their tradition. It was encouraging cases with the point of that time that somebody among Yangban class had entered into the translating job, free from their traditional value. Translators had got to learn a foreign language when they took charge of a foreign policy, or got the opportunity to expand their knowledge through oversea service. Therefore, they had been growing a professional bureaucracy taking charge of diplomacy and modern technology. Besides, some of them introduced scientific technology which was necessary for accepting Western knowledge to Chosun through their translating, sought to Chosun’s civilization, enlightenment, and national prosperity with participating in the activities of Dokribheophoi(Independent Association), contributed to change the traditional order and the system. 본 연구에서는 개항기 번역관의 제도적 설치 배경과 그 운영을 살펴보는데 주목적이 있다. 개항 이래 서양 중심의 국제질서로의 변화 속에서 번역관이 설치되어야 하였던 시대적 요구와 그에 부응하기 위한 통번역 인재 양성 노력을 고찰하고자 하였다. 명, 청 중심의 동아시아 질서 속에서 외교 관계를 전개해 나갔던 조선은 개항 전후 서양과의 접촉이 활발해지면서, 서양 언어의 통역 및 번역에 대한 관심이 커지게 되었다. 따라서 정부는 동문학이나 육영공원과 같은 외국어 교육기관을 설치하여 외국어에 능통한 인재를 양성하고자 하였다. 더불어 이곳에서 양성된 인재들을 번역관으로 충원하여 대외 교섭에 활용하려는 구상을 가지고 있었다. 조선의 번역관은 동문학 졸업생이 배출되는 시기를 전후한 1885년(고종 22)부터 나타난다. 이들은 주로 해관, 해외 주재 공관, 조선에 부임해 온 서양인 고용인들을 위해 배치되었다. 이들은 전공 언어 면에서 영어, 러시아어, 일어를 구사하여, 기존의 역관들과는 차이가 있었다. 또한 역관들이 사역원 소속이었던 데 비해, 근대적 외교기관이었던 통리교섭통상사무아문에 속하여 있었으므로 기대되는 역할에도 차이가 있었음을 알 수 있다. 이들은 문서 번역과 통역을 기본 업무로 하면서, 대외 교섭상의 실무를 담당하였다. 하지만 번역관들은 제도적으로는 그리 높은 대우를 받는 편은 아니었다. 대체로 9~5품의 중하위 관직에 임용되었으며, 30개월의 임기에도 불구하고 장기 근무가 상례화되어 있었다. 이는 서양어 전공이라도 예외가 아니라는 점에서, 여전히 통역이라는 업무에 대한 조선사회의 인식이 매우 낮았음을 보여준다. 번역관에 임용되는 인물들은 크게 세 부류로 나뉘는데, 그중 하나는 동문학이나 육영공원 등의 외국어 교육기관 출신들이었다. 이들은 영어 전공자로서, 번역관 중에 다수를 차지한다. 두 번째는 역관 출신이었다. 이들은 대개 일본어 전공자로, 특출한 일본어 실력을 바탕으로 번역관 활동이 가능하였다. 세 번째는 외국과의 교류 지역 출신, 해외 유학이나 외국인과의 개별 접촉을 통해 외국어를 습득한 인물들이 포함되어 있었다. 그런데 번역관들은 대부분 직간접적으로 서양을 체험한 경험이 있었다. 또한 이들은 전통보다는 서구화를 지향하는 인물들이었다. 특히 양반들 중에서도 전통적 가치체계에 얽매이지 않고 번역관에 진출한 사례가 다수 나타나는 것은, 당시 시대상에 비추어볼 때 매우 고무적인 현상이었다. 번역관들은 대외 실무를 담당하는 과정에서 서양 외국어를 익히거나 해외 근무를 통해 자신들의 견문을 더욱 넓힐 수 있는 기회를 얻었다. 따라서 번역관들은 개항기 이후 서구화 과정 속에서 외교 및 근대적 기술 분야를 담당하는 전문 관료로 성장해 나갔다. 뿐만 아니라 그들 중 일부는 서구 지식의 수용에 필수적인 번역을 통하여 과학 기술을 조선에 소개하거나, 독립협회 활동에 적극 참여하여 문명개화와 부국강병을 추구하며, 전통질서나 체계를 변화시키는 데 기여해 나갔다.

      • KCI등재

        개화기 飜譯官(번역관) 양성을 위한 외국어 교육과 그 문제점

        백옥경 ( Ok Kyoung Baek ) 이화사학연구소 2015 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.50

        Before opening the port, Joseon Dynasty had been engaged in the international relations based on the Ye(禮) of Sadaegyorin(事大交隣) in the top-down hierarchical structure. At this time, the international relations were approached at the level of the Ye and under the direction of the Ministry of Rites(禮曹), and the foreign business was performed in the form of assistances from the Seungmunwon(承文院) which was in charge of the diplomatic documentation and the Sayeogwon(司譯院) which was responsible for communicating and processing works. Official interpreters of Chinese language(漢語), Japanese langugage(日語), Jurchen language and Mongolian language belong to the Sayeogwon and it was solely responsible for the language communication and exchange. But after the port opening, the foreign affair system of Joseon experienced a big change. Western powers forced Joseon to adopt their international law and diplomacy order by their superior strength and this meant that it should be converted into a modern diplomacy order which is based on the international law(萬國公法). Joseon was trying to respond to this by accepting the western diplomacy system and being equipped with a professional bureaucracy dedicated to diplomacy affairs. Therefore, while taking the diplomacy affair as an independent area by separating from the Ministry of Rites, they established the diplomatic department and expanded its diplomacy target including western countries. In this sprocess, Tongrigimuamun(統理機務衙門) had been established as a diplomacy department which was responsible for the treaties and the trade business with foreign countries and it had been changed to Tongrigyoseoptongsangsamuamun(統理交涉通商事務衙門), Oimuamun(外務衙門) after the Gabo reform period, Oibu (外部), etc. Meanwhile, the need for professional business organization which should serve on the modern diplomacy system had led to the birth of official interpreters. They appeared on record since 1885. While being responsible for interpreting and translation belonging to the diplomacy department, they mainly majored in western languages such as English, Russian and etc. While they were mainly placed in maritime customs (海關) and missions abroad(公館), since the Gabo reform, they were responsible for the diplomacy business work belonging to the central department. In order to successfully establish a modern diplomacy system, Joseon tried to establish the new training and selection process for the human resource development. For the official interpreter, the government educational institutions were established and the foreign language education was carried out. The foreign language which was initially limited to English expanded to Japanese and Chinese as well as French, German and Russian. Along with these institutional changes, the knowledge, which the interpreter had to equip with, such as history, geography, law, economics, science, gymnastics, etc. started to be trained. In that selection as well, graduates from good foreign language schools were primarily to be appointed. The effort of Joseon trying to establish the modern diplomacy system as such was carried out independently and autonomously. However, the foreign intervention trying to plant their influence through the language education during the education and selection of the official interpreter also can not be overlooked. Western countries were aggressive in their language education for their own positioning and interest in Joseon. Therefore, regarding the establishment of the language school after Dongmunhak(同文學) or Yukyounggongwon(育英公院), there were always aggressive proposals by Western countries for the establishment of educational facilities and these led to proposals on teacher recommendations and educational contents. Therefore, even the education philosophy of the country was injected in each language school. And also, each foreign legations(公使館) influenced even in the selection of the interpreter. While Joseon government demanded interpreters to work strictly for the national interest, these factors shown in the education and employment of interpreters also had the side effects such as sometimes causing the confusion in the identity of interpreters.

      • KCI등재

        韓國近代의 西洋語 通譯史1885년 까지

        박성래(Park,Sung-Rae) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2002 역사문화연구 Vol.16 No.-

        Koreans in the traditional period did not have any opportunity to learn the Western languages until the 19th century. Direct and indirect contacts with the Westerners were occurring from the early 17th century, but they were not enough to agitate the Koreans to learn any of the Western languages. Similarly the occasional contacts kept the Westerners also uninterested in learning Korean. The result was that there were no single soul on earth who could speak Korean and a Western language until 1883, when Yun Chiho(尹致昊 1865-1945) became the first speaker of English and Korean. Before 1883, however, the translations and interpretations between Korean and a Western language had been processed occasionally, al though they were done through double routes like Korean = Chinese= English or Korean=Japanese=English. A typical example for this case can be found in the first Korean embassy to America in the fall of 1883 . The embassy had employed one Japanese and one Chinese as interpreters for the embassy. Though they were ignorant of Korean. the embassy had members who had some command of Chinese and Japanese among them. It was the same year of 1883 that English was for the first time began to be formally educated among the Koreans in the first foreign language school in Korea --Tongmunhak(同文學)' Also known as the School of Interpretation(通弁學敎). the institution had recruited 40 students in the early period for English teaching. The school had been replaced three years later in 1886 by Royal English SchooI(育英公院). So English became slowly spreading among the Koreans. Then it was followed after with the emergences of various foreign language schools. including French. Russian. German in that order in the mid 1890s.

      • KCI등재

        동요동시집 『영웅 나라 아이들』의 애국주의 -전쟁기 북한 어린이문학 연구-

        박태일 ( Taeil Park ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소 2016 동화와 번역 Vol.31 No.-

        시선집 『영웅 나라 아이들』은 전쟁기 북한의 어린이시를 대표하는 시집이다. 이 글은 그 속에 담겨 있는 사회주의 애국주의 주체 의 구성 양상과 표현 특성을 밝히고자 하는 목표로 이루어졌다. 그 일을 위해 시집에서 미리 네 묶음으로 작품을 묶어 놓은 배열의 정치에 주목하여 네 가지 하위 담론 주체를 읽을 수 있었다. 첫째 수령에 대한 무조건적 충실성으로 무장한 수령주의 주체, 둘째 일선의 전투 영웅을 본받아 헌신하는 영웅주의 주체, 셋째 후방의 증산 투쟁에 앞장서서 노동 영웅으로서 이바지하는 집체주의 주체, 넷째 지원군에 대해 친선ㆍ우의를 다하는 국제주의 주체가 그것이다. 작품들은 그러한 네 하위 실천적 주체에 대한 동일담론을 반복하는 외곬로만 주체화하고 있다. 아울러 표현 또한 그러한 주체 구성에 효과적으로 이바지하기 위한 언어 유도 현상을 보여 준다. 내포적 우리와 ‘원쑤’ 사이 자타 이분법적 범주화, 최상위 상태의 꾸밈말이나 부풀림, 단조로운 비유, 잦은 반복법이 그들이다. 그들을 빌려 북한이 맞닥뜨린 전쟁 현실에 대한 은폐와 왜곡, 정당화가 자연스레 이루어졌다. 따라서 전쟁기 북한의 어린이시는 왕성한 애국주의 주체의 구성과 실천을 위해 자기중심적이고도 자기 억압적인 담론으로 한결같음을 알았다. 피아 사이에 중간 장소가 없는 흑백 논리, 이념적 절대화만을 공유하는 모습이다. An anthology of poetry 『children of heroic country』 is representative children’s book of poetry in North Korea. This study aims to investigate configuration aspect of socialist patriotism and characteristic of expression of the anthology. For the investigation, the anthology was divided into four parts. Those four parts include unquestioned loyalty, heroism that worship war veteran, collectiveness as a labor hero and internationalism. The works in the anthology repeat discussion concerning above four parts. In addition, language inducement is used to effectively represent such structure. For example, dichotomous categorization, exaggerated or monotonous metaphor and frequent repetition are used. By those works, North Korea’s war reality was concealed, distorted and justified. Hence, Juvenile poetry in North Korea during war period was egocentered and self-repressive to achieve vigorous patriotism. They are characterized as ideological absolutization and dichotomy.

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