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        18세기 후반 근기(近畿) 사족의 일상 의료와 식치(食治) - 순암 안정복 가의 단방(單方)을 중심으로 -

        김호 경인교육대학교 기전문화연구소 2024 기전문화연구 Vol.45 No.1

        순암 안정복은 역사서인 ≪동사강목≫을 편찬했을 뿐 아니라 목민관을 위한 ≪임관정요≫를 집필했던 18세기 후반의 대표적인 학자이다. 이 글은 광주 안씨 집안에 전하는 다양한 단방을 통해 순암 가의 의약 일상과 식치의 흔적을 탐구한다. 조선의 사족들은 부모에게 물려받은 신체를 보존하는 것을최고의 효로 여겼다. 안정복은 평생 혈증을 동반한 흉통으로 고통받았으며, 부인의 건강과 병약했던 자식과 손자들의 병환에 노심초사했다. 순암가에 전하는 단방을 살펴본 결과 노인 보양을 위한 죽음(粥飮)의 식치를 비롯하여 다양한 약주, 심지어 연년익수를 위한 도가류의 단약 제법까지 발견할 수 있다. 검실죽, 죽엽죽, 감서죽, 구기죽은 물론 당시 중국에서 유행한 호박고나 요대설방을 활용했다. 약주의 경우도 어린 양을 이용한 양고주나 신선의 술로 알려진 자하배를 복용했다. 이외 계피를 활용한 여름용 음료와 황매탕, 구기탕등 다양한 약차의 제조법이 전한다. 도가의 선미를 느끼게 하는 각로칠정산이나 오기접명단은 물론 한두 가지 약재를 장복하는 복약법을 시행시행하기도 했다. 이 글을 통해 18세기 후반 근기 사족의 의료 일상과 식치 생활이 구체적으로 복원되기를 희망한다. Sunam Ahn-jeongbok was a leading scholar of the late Joseon Dynasty, who not only wrote the history book Dongsagangmok(東史綱目), but also the Imgwanjeongyo(臨官政要) for local officials. In this article, I wanted to explore his family’s medical and dietary practices through the various recipes handed down by the Ahn’s family. Joseon scholars considered the preservation of one’s body to be the highest form of filial piety. Ahn-jeongbok suffered from chest pains that caused him to cough up blood throughout his life. However, he was concerned about his wife’s health and that of his sickly children. An analysis of the recipes handed down to the Ahn-jeongbok’s family reveals the following. First, there are many recipes for porridge for the health of the elderly. Then there are recipes for medicinal liqueurs and teas with medicinal ingredients. In addition, there are porridge recipes using lotus flowers, bamboo, goji berries, turnips, and so on. As for medicinal liquor, there is a special liquor made from the flesh of a lamb, or known as the liquor of Taoist hermits. As for drinks, there were summer drinks with cinnamon and medicinal teas with plum and goji berries. Many of the prescriptions in the Ahn-jeongbok’s family collection are recipes for pills for longevity. Ahn-jeongbok’s family sought to maintain longevity and good health by taking pills made from special herbs and special recipes over time. Through this article, I hope to convey the desire for medical care and healthy food among Joseon scholars in the late 18th century.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        무용동작치료가 경계선 지적 기능 방임 청소년의 정서조절에 미치는 영향

        추언아(Eon Ah CHOO),남현우(Hyun Woo NAM) 한국무용동작심리치료학회 2017 무용동작심리치료연구 Vol.1 No.2

        본 연구는 무용동작치료가 경계선 지적 기능 방임 청소년의 정서조절 향상에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 그 효과를 관찰하고 분석하는 데 목적을 두었다. 연구대상은 초등학교 5학년 여학생이며, 연구기간은 2015년 11월부터 2016년 6월까지 매 주(총25회) 50분씩 무용치료가 실시되었다. 본 연구는 단일 사례연구방법으로 자료를 수집하여 시각적, 양적, 임상적 분석을 하도록 설계되었다. 회기별 치료과정에서 나타난 단계별 변화와 상징들을 심층적으로 분석하기 위해 연구 초기와 후기에 동작관찰분석(Laban Movement Analysis, LMA)으로 질적 분석하였으며, 단일 사례연구의 제한점을 보완하기 위해 행동시간간격표집법과 주변인물 인터뷰를 사전 사후에 실시하여 효과성 검증을 시도하였다. 연구결과, 위니캇의 정서발달이론 중심으로 한 무용동작치료가 연구대상의 정서조절 향상에 유의미한 변화가 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 즉 무용치료가 경계선 지적 기능 방임 청소년의 정서조절 안에서 충동·공격성을 감소시키고 사회성을 향상시키는 매개적 도구가 됨을 확인하였다. 이를 통해 방임과 지적 기능 청소년을 위한 무용치료에서의 정서조절 향상과 치료적 개입효과에 대한 논의를 제시하였다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of dance therapy program based on Winnicutt s emotional development theory on emotional regulation of adolescents with borderline intellectual disabilities. The subjects of this study were 5th grade elementary school girls who had experience of indulgence. From November, 2015 to June, 2016, they conducted a program for individual dance therapy with a total of 25 sessions for 50 minutes once a week. In order to investigate the effects of dance action therapy on impulse control, aggression and sociality, interviews were conducted with time interval sampling method. The results of this study are as follows. First, the dance therapy program had a positive effect on impulsiveness and aggression in emotional regulation of adolescents with borderline intellectual disabilities. Second, the dance therapy program had a positive effect on the sociality of emotional regulation of adolescents with borderline intellectual disabilities. Therefore, it can be seen that the dance therapy program centered on Winnicutt s emotional development theory had a positive effect on improving emotional control of adolescents with borderline intellectual disabilities.

      • 南北关系缓和对于中国边境城市(丹东)经济影响

        刘,俊(Jun Liu) 동북아경상학회 2020 동북아경상연구 Vol.1 No.1

        Purpose - Through the implementation of the national policies to promote the border cities, Dandong s competitive advantages can be brought into full play, and the international influence of Dandong s development driven by opening up in the future will be expanded. Design/Methodology/Approach - By analyzing the historical background and basic conditions of Dandong s development, this paper puts forward the problems and advantages of Dandong s geographical location, traffic situation and foreign trade trend. Findings - Finally, with the help of Dandong Experimental Zone s own advantages and the basic conditions built for many years, Dandong will be built into the most competitive land sea transport channel in the east of Northeast China, and the Dandong section of the Sino DPRK border will be built into a stable, peaceful, prosperous and prosperous international regional economic and trade cooperation demonstration area. Research Implications - Dandong, as the nearest border city close to South Korea and North Korea, will gain economic growth momentum in the process of easing relations on the peninsula in the future 2018年6月27日是具有历史意义的时刻,韩国领导人文在寅和朝鲜领导人金正恩携手携手跨过“三八线”,从而暗示着韩朝关系将走向和平的历史舞台。这个历史性的转变不仅给两国的经济带来新的动力,而且对于临近朝鲜的丹东来讲,无疑也是一次新机遇和挑战。因此丹东未来应当如何发展,采用何种运行机制,边境该如何开放,成为各方共同关注的课题。本文通过分析丹东发展的历史背景及基础条件,提出丹东地理位置,交通现况,外贸趋势等的问题点和优势。最后借助丹东试验区自身的优越和多年打造的基础条件,通过对现存问题的改善,将丹东建成为东北东部最具竞争力的陆海联运大通道,把中朝边界丹东段建设成为安定、祥和、繁荣、富裕的国际区域经贸合作示范区。

      • KCI등재

        홍산문화 女神廟에 나타난 ‘삼원오행’형 ‘마고7여신’과 ‘마고 제천’

        정경희(Jung, Kyung-Hee) 비교민속학회 2016 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.60

        홍산문화의 기반 문화인 선도문화의 요체는 우하량 단․묘․총 유적 및 총에서 출토된 옥기 유물과 같은 제천 유적․유물에 잘 나타나 있다. 이중에서도 특히 묘(여신묘)는 제천의 신격을 여신, 그것도 등신대의 3배․2배․1배 크기로 3구분되는 총7구의 여신으로 표현하는 바, 홍산문화시기 선도 제천의 성격을 명확하게 보여주는 선도문화의 시금석이다. 우하량 여신묘는 십자형 구조였으며 여신상 또한 등신대의 3배․2배․1배 크기로 3구분된 7여신상이 십자형으로 배치되고 있었는데, 이러한 십자형의 의미는 선도기학적 세계관인 ‘삼원오행론’에 잘 나타나 있다. 선도 전통에서는 모든 존재의 본질이자 우주의 근원적인 생명력인 일기․삼기의 ‘물질화(현상화)’ 과정을 신화의 방식으로 표현하는 전통이 있어왔다. 곧 일기․삼기를 ‘마고여신(하느님․삼신, 마고․삼신할미)’으로 표현하고, 또 이러한 일기․삼기가 분화하여 물질화(현상화)하는 과정을 마고가 궁희․소희를 낳고 다시 궁희․소희가 4천녀․4천인을 낳아 4천녀․4천인의 단계에 이르러 기․화․수․토로 이루어진 물질계(현상계)가 만들어지는 것으로 표현하였다. 여기에서 마고, 궁희․소희, 4천녀와 같은 여신(‘마고 7여신’)은 물질계를 이루는 4대 원소인 기․화․수․토의 보이지 않은 차원, 곧 물질화 이전의 단계에 대한 상징임을 알게 된다. 또한 일기․삼기(마고)의 분화 과정은 ‘입체 十字形’, 또는 ‘입체 球形’의 형태로 표상화되었다. 이것이 ‘마고신화’이며 선도기학적으로는 ‘삼원오행론’으로 개념화된다. 이러한 마고신화(삼원오행론)의 ‘마고7여신’이 여신묘의 7여신으로 나타났으니 여신묘의 7여신을 ‘삼원오행형 마고7여신’으로 이름해보게 된다. 이러할 때 여신묘의 ‘마고 7여신’이란 보이지 않는 생명氣의 차원일 뿐 물질(현상) 세계에서의 구체성을 지닌 특정의 인격신이 아니며, 따라서 여신묘에서 행해진 제천의 본질도 우주의 근원적 생명氣과 사람속의 생명氣의 합일을 추구하는 천인합일(신인합일, 인내천)의 수행임을 알게 된다. 반면 중국학계는 홍산문화를 중국문화의 원류로 인식, 여신묘나 여신신앙에 대해서도 후대 중국 왕조의 천인분리(신인분리)적 제의 체계나 제의 방식을 투영, 천인합일(신인합일, 인내천)과 정반대의 해석을 하였다. 여신묘나 단․묘․총은 물론 홍산문화 전반에 대한 연구가 한단계 깊어지기 위해서는 선도문화, 특히 그 본질인 천인합일(신인합일, 인내천)에 대한 이해가 선행되어야 할 것이다. The key of Sundo仙道 Culture, the cultural foundation of Hungshan Culture(Baedalkook倍達國) is the remains and relics of ‘Sundo Heaven rituals 祭天’ like Altar壇․Shrine廟․Tomb塚 and jade tools. Especially the godship of Shrine(Goddess Shrine) in Uharyang牛河梁 remains is 7Goddess clay statues that are classified into three categories of 3times-sized, 2times-sized and life-sized of human. These 7Goddess accurately show the character of Sundo Heaven rituals in the period of Hungshan Culture. Goddess Shrine of Uharyang is the cruciform building and 7Goddess statues are arranged crosswise. The meaning of these cruciform symbol is written in the idea of the five natural elements of the three dimensions(三元五行論), the core theory of Korean Sundo. In Sundo tradition, the differentiation(materialization) processes of One Ki氣-Three Ki, the primal Ki of the cosmos used to be symbolized to myth.[Mago myth]. That is to say, One Ki-Three Ki is symbolized to ‘Mago goddess’. And the differentiation(materialization) processes of One Ki-Three Ki into ‘Ki氣․ fire火․water水․earth土, 4 elements of the material world is symbolized that Mago goddess gives birth to 2 daughters, Gung-hee and So-hee and Gung-hee and So-hee give birth to 4 daughters, 4 heavenly maid. These 7Goddess, i.e. Mago․Gung-hee and So-hee․4 heavenly maid is just the symbol of the pre-differentiation(materialization) stages of the material world. In addition, the differentiation(materialization) processes of Mago is represented to cubic globular shape and a plane figure of it is cruciform.[the idea of the five natural elements of the three dimensions三元五行論] These 7Goddess of the idea of the five natural elements of the three dimensions are nothing but 7Goddess of Goddess Shrine. Thus we can understand that ‘Mago 7Goddess of Goddess Shrine’ is only invisible and primal Ki of the cosmos, not a personal God and the essence of Sundo Heaven rituals in Goddess Shrine is Sundo practice pursuing for the unification of primal Ki of heaven and inner Ki of human, i.e. ‘Unification of heaven(God) and human天人合一’. On the other hand, Chinese scholars misread Sundo Heaven rituals in Goddess Shrine as ‘Separation of heaven(God) and human天人分離’ conversely.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        淸末新政 시기 五大臣出洋과 군주입헌론의 전개 - 端方을 중심으로

        조세현 동북아시아문화학회 2009 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.19

        Duan Fang’s doctrine of constitutional monarchy went forward from monarchy to constitutional government based on that an establishment of constitution political structure is superior to a arbitrary rule political structure. And Duan Fang’s doctrine featured limitation of monarch’s authority protection of subjects’ rights. He thought constitution government should be based on the establishment of constitution preparation. He believed that China need to take merit equally in the process of establishment of constitution preparation. In spite of this flexible recognition, there was not enough consideration about an ideological, social and economical basis that can make possible constitutional government operation. He had understood constitutional government system from angle of monarch’s safety and the wealth and power of nation. The view was that a responsible Cabinet was for monarch’s safety and the nation assembly judicature local autonomous is a system for safety of nation showed us. In his opinion, neither main task of congress is legislation, cabinet nor is the high ranking executive agency, however, he expected to constitutionalism system to become a buffing role instead of monarch. A little pure and simple thinking that open nation assembly and execute constitutional monarchy could make China powerful and wealthy might reflected urgent situation at that time. Duan Fang’s doctrine of constitutional monarchy went forward from monarchy to constitutional government based on that an establishment of constitution political structure is superior to a arbitrary rule political structure. And Duan Fang’s doctrine featured limitation of monarch’s authority protection of subjects’ rights. He thought constitution government should be based on the establishment of constitution preparation. He believed that China need to take merit equally in the process of establishment of constitution preparation. In spite of this flexible recognition, there was not enough consideration about an ideological, social and economical basis that can make possible constitutional government operation. He had understood constitutional government system from angle of monarch’s safety and the wealth and power of nation. The view was that a responsible Cabinet was for monarch’s safety and the nation assembly judicature local autonomous is a system for safety of nation showed us. In his opinion, neither main task of congress is legislation, cabinet nor is the high ranking executive agency, however, he expected to constitutionalism system to become a buffing role instead of monarch. A little pure and simple thinking that open nation assembly and execute constitutional monarchy could make China powerful and wealthy might reflected urgent situation at that time.

      • 신라 석축산성의 성벽통과식 배수장치

        차용걸 한국성곽학회 2011 한국성곽학보 Vol.19 No.-

        신라왕조의 석축 산성에서 조사된 성벽을 관통하는 배수장치에 대한 기왕의 연구를 보충하였다. 조사된 사례가 3개소에서 12개소 이상으로 증가된 고고학적 발굴조사 성과를 반영하여 형식적 구분을 다시 하였다. 성곽에서의 배수장치로서의 수문은 교량형(橋梁形)과 암거형(暗渠形), 누조(漏槽) 등으로 크게 구분된다. 이글에서는 특히 성벽 통과형 암거형식을 다루고, 그 시설된 숫자에 따라 단구식(單口式)과 다구식(多口式)을 구분하였다. 다구식은 성내의 수위 변화에 대비하여 수위(水位)에 따른 배수가 가능하게 만든 것들이다. 종래 출수구(出水口) 외면의 형태에 따라 형태를 구분하였던 점을 고쳐서 입수구와 출수구를 잇는 수로의 횡단면 형태에 따라 오각형, 사다리꼴, 사각형에 추가하여 삼각형의 유형이 있음을 새로 추가하였다. 이중 가장 보편적인 사례는 방형 단면의 것들이며, 이런 형태는 신라 하대에서 고려를 거쳐 조선시대 후기까지도 그 사례를 찾을 수 있는 반면, 나머지 형태는 신라의 5세기 후반에서 7세기에 걸쳐 다양하게 축조되었다. 이들 여러 형태 가운데 단면 사각형은 중세와 근세의 산성까지 가장 오랫동안 시설되었다. In the age of Korean Antiquity, the stone walled fortresses were constructed by characteristic manner at the strategic points around the territory of Silla Dynasty (B.C 57 ~ A.D 935). This study aims to repletion for our former reports on the wall penetrate water drainage system at stone walled fortresses constructed in Silla Dynasty by structural reclassification based on over 12 archaeological excavation cases, which is much enriched supports compared to former 3 cases. The water drainage system in the stone walled fortress can be sorted into three categories including bridge style watergate, culvert style watergate and slip hole. In particular, we have focused on the wall penetrated culvert style Watergate in this article. The wall penetrated culvert style Watergate can be divided into two types, such as one opening type and plural opening type, according to the number of constructed watergates. The plural opening styles were designed for efficient water drainage corresponding to water level within the fortress. While former reports were based on the classification according to shape of outer drainage face, we have applied new base for the classification according to cross sectional shape of channel connecting drainage inner face and outer face. In this classification, the wall penetrate water drainage system can be divided into four categories such as pentagonal cross section type (5 angled cross section type), trapezoid cross section type, rectangular cross section type and triangular cross section type. Particularly, triangular cross section type was novel finding by additional investigation. Among these types, the rectangular cross section type was most common case. This type had been utilized from Silla Dynasty to late Joseon Dynasty through Goreo Dynasty. However, other types were constructed in Silla Dynasty from late 5th century to 7th century.

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