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      • KCI등재

        기후보호의 법적 과제

        김현준(Kim HyunJoon),김래영(토론자) 한양법학회 2008 漢陽法學 Vol.23 No.-

        Climate change is one of the greatest environmental problems facing the planet of our time. Recent studies have demonstrated that human activities, in particular the burning of fossil fuels, contributed to climate change. To bring climate change to a halt, the international community has been making serious efforts, such as the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, agreed in 1997. Many countries are already taking steps to address the urgent challenges, which are reduction of greenhouse gases emission and adaptation to climate change. This study focuses on the legal Instruments of these various measures. EU launched Emissions Trading Scheme in January 2005 according to Directive 2003 / 87 / EC, and which has become the cornerstone of EU efforts to reduce emissions. The United Kingdom is preparing for the Climate Change Bill, which includes very ambitious target figures for the level of that carbon account. The Draft Climate Change Bill also introduces the complex process of carbon accounting, the Committee on Climate Change, trading schemes, waste reduction schemes etc. Germany has very efficient Acts regarding climate change such as TEHG, ZuG 2012 etc, and various energy Acts, by which the emission reduction can be accomplished. Japan has a kind of the climate change policy law, which is to provide a statutory framework for the emission reduction. Recently our government announced that the related Act would be prepared as one of the Comprehensive Measures on Climate Change. The Act should establish the administrative organization and action regarding climate change, such as an emissions trading scheme, another economic instruments, obligations of central and local government, carbon capture etc.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        신기후체제에 적합한 법정책 방향 -GCF(Green Climate Fund)Project 개발과 관련하여

        김민철 ( Min Chul Kim ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2015 국제법무 Vol.7 No.2

        Post-2020 Climate Change Regime is the new climate agreement to replace Kyoto Protocol. Unlike the previous agreement that put most responsibility to developed countries, developing countries are now equally responsible. Also, the importance of adaptation is as significantly discussed as carbon reduction is. Korea actively involves in this agreement, by officially claiming carbon reduction target and attending international climate agreement like COP21. Domestically, there is ``The 2nd National Climate Change Adaptation Plan`` is in progress. At this point, participation to GCF business development can be a good chance for environmental industry. This paper primarily investigates legal policies that would better adapt to the revision of renforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Law Carbon, Green Growth J and Post 2020. In addition, GCF``s legal status is defined and the result of recent 10th GCF board meeting is summarized to discuss the risks of GCF businesses and participation of environmental industry to these projects. GCF project development for overseas expansion of domestic industries is needed. The Government is developing a project of generation from waste landfill gas to reduce emission of developing countries. Also contacting the NDA (National Designated Authority), explaining our project development direction, checking the interests of the involved country, and asking for support from the NDA is needed. Also, feasibility check of the economic, environmental, and legal aspect is needed. Cost-benefit analysis, internal return rate analysis and sensitivity analysis can be methods of economic feasibility check. Establishing and evaluating mid, long-term investment plans are also important. For environmental feasibility check, environmental effects evaluation will be the effective. Establishing environmental effect reduction methods can be another solution. Laws regarding licensing and facility installment and operation are also needed to be checked. Under post 2020 system, Korea should properly revise carbon trading policy, disaster preparation policy, law for disaster prevention in sleep sloped regions, coast management act and regulation on facility installment and operation. However, the agreement about the Post-2020 Climate Change Regime was not concluded by the COP21. Therefore, a specific discussion about the enactment and amendment is difficult. It is a limitation of this study. Finally, this study emphasizes the importance of post 2020-based enaction of Special Act on Energy Business Development and Climate Change Adaptation Law.

      • KCI등재

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