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        ?波(Zhang Bo),金昌?(Kim, Chang-Gyeong) 동북아시아문화학회 2020 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.63

        Bakuhan is unique social system of modern Japan is different in China"s ancient unified social system, and different from Europe"s system of separation of powers, It is the organic combination of the centralized power of the shogunate and the decentralization of various vassal states, is the unification of the supreme emperor and the supreme strong general, it is also a unique social system on the eve of the modernization of Japanese history, so there are a lot of discussions and arguments on the view of the Bakuhan system in the historians, and all of them have aroused the attention of the scholars from its connotation and essence, its formation reasons and the social influence brought by the characteristics of power. The tokugawa shogunate with absolute superiority of power, why not completely overpower the emperor, completely suppress the daimyo, the establishment of a more powerful than the “centralized feudal state” absolute monarchy, why the group of vassal states willing to submit to the minister of the tokugawa, how the emperor in the tokugawa regime under the decree of the law to maintain the eternal. The separation of the shogunate from the court, the shogunate from the vassal states, leading to the separation of power from authority, power from wealth,a political system that looks like this looks like a decentralized system, but it can achieve a peaceful and unified Japan. A locked, closed and seemingly stagnant society created a period of prosperity and development. In the face of drastic social change, the rapid change of political power can be achieved in an almost peaceful way,as the bakuhan system of Japan on the eve of modernization, what has been prepared for the modernization reform, all of these arouse the attention of scholars and explain its true meaning.

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