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      • KCI등재후보

        베트남전쟁 오작교작전의 포상과 보훈정책

        허동욱 한국보훈학회 2017 한국보훈논총 Vol.16 No.4

        2017년 문재인 정부는 ‘국민이 주인인 정부’를 국정목표로 하여 “국가를 위한 헌신을 잊지않고 보답하는 나라”를 만들겠다는 국정과제를 선정하였다. 국가보훈처의 ‘따뜻한 보훈’ 국정과제 추진으로 국가유공자에 대한 예우 강화를 통해 희생과 헌신으로 나라를 지킨 분들을 끝까지 책임지는 올바른 보훈정책이 시행되리라 기대하고 있다. 본 연구는 대한민국 건군이후 최초로 베트남전쟁에 해외파병 되어 실시한 오작교작전의 포상결과와 보훈정책에 대하여 고찰하였다. 오작교작전은 지금으로부터 50년 전 베트남전쟁에서 최초로실시한 군단급 규모의 성공적인 작전이었다. 전쟁에서 적시적절한 포상은 매우 중요하다. 하지만지금까지 전쟁사에서 포상결과를 연구한 논문은 찾아보기 어려웠다. 따라서 본 논문은 1964년부터 1973년까지 8년 6개월 동안 32만 여명이 베트남전쟁에 참전하여최초의 군단급 작전으로 성공적인 임무를 수행한 오작교작전의 무공훈장 포상결과를 분석하여, 참전유공자에 대한 ‘따뜻한 보훈’이 조기에 정착될 수 있도록 보훈정책의 개선방안을 제시하였다. The Moon Jae-in administration put a core value in its national agenda when it declared that a 'government is ruled by the people' and in policy task when it stated 'a government rewarding the devotion to the nation' in 2017. A heart-warming reward is the veterans policy of Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs that will implement a fair veterans policy which takes responsibility for veterans who defended our nation with sacrifice and dedication. This paper is an in-depth study on the results of the reward policy and the veteran policy for the Ojakgyo military operation which was the very first oversea dispatch of Korean combat troops after the formation of the Korean government. The Ojakgyo military operation was a successful corps-level action made during the Vietnam war approximately 50 years ago. Timely and appropriate rewards play a key role in war. However, it is not easy to find academic research which has studied results of the reward policy in Korean military history. Therefore, this paper has analyzed the results of the Badge of Courage reward from the Ojakgyo military operation, a successful corps-level mission, which included 320,000 soldiers that served during an 8 year and 6 month period from 1964 to 1973. It also suggested to consider an improvement plan for veteran policies founded on the idea of a 'Heartwarming Reward to Veterans,' to be established for war veterans.

      • 4,19 혁명 유공자 포상제도의 문제점과 개선 방안

        임춘식 ( Choon Seek Rim ) 한남대학교 사회과학연구소 2010 사회과학연구 Vol.19 No.1

        우리 현대사에 위대한 족적을 남기고 아직도 진행 중인 4·19혁명의 정신과 이념이 그 동안 역대 정권, 특히 권위주의 정권들의 무책임으로 화석화하였다. 2010년 4·19혁명 50주년에 즈음하여 4·19정신과 이념을 재조명하고 널리 선양해야 한다. 그러나 이는 주장만 가지고 해결될 문제는 아니다. 합리성과 형평성, 법적 장치의 마련, 이에 따른 합당한 포상, 보상정책 등 구체적인 뒷받침이 필요하다. 원인이 동일하면 결과도 같아야 하는 것이 법정신이다. 독립유공 건국포장자와 4·19혁명 유공 건국포장자의 국가유공자의 원인은 ‘건국포장’임으로 국가제도에서 양 대상에 대한 예우를 동일하게 하여야 한다. 따라서 정부는 첫째, 4·19혁명 부상자 1,820명 중 아직도 국가유공자로 선정 되지 않은 자 전원을 국가유공자로 구제하고 둘째, 4·19공로자(건국포장자)를차별한데 대한 적정한 보상이 필요하며 셋째, 아직도 보상에서 제외된 4·19혁명 지도자(4·19혁명 공로자)를 발굴하여 추가포상을 대대적으로 시행해야 한다. 그리고 4·19혁명단체들도 5·18기념사업회와 동일한 기념재단을 설립하여 이념 선양과 계승 등 관련 사업을 전문성을 가지고 체계적으로 시행할 수 있는 제도적 장치를 마련해야 한다. 구체적으로 “4·19혁명기념재단”을 설립하여 헌법 전문이 규정하는 4·19혁명 이념 계승을 위한 민간기구로서 역할을 하도록 해야 하며 정부의 적극적인 재정지원 등이 뒷받침되어야 한다. The original spirit and ideology of the April Civil Revolution (on April 19, 1960), a great step forward of Korean modern history as cherished in our reminiscence, has been diluted due to irresponsible negligence of prior regimes (particularly, authoritarian military regimes). On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the April Civil Revolution in this Year 2010, it is very important to re-highlight and widely propagate the original spirit and ideology of said Revolution. However, it is not about anything that can be easily resolved just by advocacy, but is something that requires further supports including rationality, equity, legitimate assurance measures, corresponding reasonable prizes and compensation policies. The spirit of law maintains that same results come from same cause. The ‘National Foundation Medal’ is a crucial cause for which both persons of merit for national independence and those of merit for the April Civil Revolution are recognized and awarded as persons of national merit, so it is required to maintain equity of honors and privileges granted to both of those persons under the national testimonial system. Thus, this study can come to the following conclusions: First, it is required for our government to restore the honors of people who are not yet nominated as persons of national merit among all 1,820 people who were injured in the April Civil Revolution. Secondly, it is necessary to provide appropriate compensations for the persons of merit in the April Civil Revolution (i.e. awardee of National Foundation Medal), because they have been still differentiated from those of merit for national independence. Thirdly, it is required to discover untargeted persons of merit for the April Civil Revolution and provide additional compensations for them on a full scale. And it is important that existing organizations for the commemoration of the April Civil Revolution should establish memorial foundations like the May 18 Memorial Foundation, and develop any institutional means to systematically implement relevant projects including ideological exaltation and inheritance in professional manner. In details, it is necessary to establish and operate the tentatively named “April 19 Revolution Memorial Foundation” as such a private organization for taking over the original ideology of the April Civil Revolution as provided in the full text of the Constitution of Korea. Moreover, it is also important that the operation of said Foundation should be supported with governmental positive financial assistances.

      • KCI등재

        베트남전쟁 오작교·홍길동작전의 포상과 교훈

        허동욱 한국보훈학회 2020 한국보훈논총 Vol.19 No.2

        The Korean armed forces dispatched to the Vietnam War for the first time since the foundation of the nation have had a great effect on the modern history of Korea. The importance of it can be identified in research results. ‘Korean army warriors dispatched to Vietnam(all 11 volumes)’, ‘The Vietnam War and Korean armed forces(all 8 volumes)’, ‘Collection of veterans’ testimonies’, ‘Statistical data collection of the Vietnam War’ were published by Institute for Military History MND and ‘Historical records of the Korean armed forces dispatched to the Vietnam War(all 26 volumes)’ by Army Headquarters. Through the recent publication of ‘North Korean army’s entry to the Vietnam War’ by Institute for Military History MND, we can see that the Vietnam War was a war in which the South and the North Korean armies fought as enemies. On the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Korean armed forces’ dispatch to the Vietnam War, this study examined reward of Order of Military Merit for the corps-level military operations called ‘Ojakgyo and Honggildong’ that were directly commanded by General Myung-sin Chae, Commander-in-Chief of the Korean armed forces to Vietnam. The first corps-level military operation called Ojakgyo made a great achievement and was praised as ‘Learn from the Korean army’. Honggildong military operation was evaluated as a counter-unit operation that captured and annihilated the enemy in the region secured by the victory of Ojakgyo operation. The appropriate reward on the right time is very important. By the way, it has been difficult to discover a study about reward in the war history so far. Therefore, the study presented a lesson by analyzing the reward result of Order of Military Merit for the successful corps-level Ojakgyo and Honggildong military operations in 1967 out of the battle cases in the Vietnam War in which about 320,000 soldiers were dispatched in 8 years and 6 months from 1964 to 1973. 한국군의 베트남전쟁 파병은 건군 이후 최초의 해외파병으로 한국 현대사에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 그 중요성은 연구결과에서도 확인할 수 있다. 국방부 군사편찬연구소에서는‘파월한국군전사(전11권)’,‘베트남전쟁과 한국군(전8권)’,‘참전자 증언집’, ‘베트남전쟁 통계자료집’ 등을 출판하였고, 육군본부에서는 ‘월남전쟁 파월 한국군 전쟁사료(전26권)’ 집을 발간하였다. 최근 국방부 군사편찬연구소에서 발간한 ‘북한의 베트남전쟁 참전’ 을 통해 베트남전쟁이 단순한 파병이 아닌 남·북한군이 적으로 참전한 전쟁이었음을 알 수 있다. 본 연구는 한국군의 베트남 파병 55주년을 맞이하여 베트남 파병 한국군 사령관 채명신 장군이 직접 지휘한 군단급 작전으로‘오작교작전과 홍길동작전’의 무공훈장 포상을 고찰하였다. 오작교작전은 베트남전쟁에서 최초로 실시한 군단급 작전으로 큰 성과를 거둔 성공적인 작전이었으며, ‘한국군을 배워라’ 는 칭송을 받았다. 홍길동작전은 오작교작전 승리로 확보한 지역의 적을 포획 섬멸한 대부대작전으로 평가 받았다. 전쟁에서 적시 적절한 포상은 매우 중요하다. 하지만 지금까지 전쟁사에서 포상분야 연구는 찾아보기가 어렵다. 따라서 본 논문은 1964년부터 1973년까지 8년 6개월 동안 32만 여명이 참전한 베트남전쟁의 전투사례 중 1967년 실시한 군단급 작전으로 성공적인 임무를 수행한 오작교작전과 홍길동작전의 무공훈장 포상결과를 분석하여 교훈을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        베트남파병 한국군의 무공훈장 포상 고찰

        허동욱 육군군사연구소 2020 군사연구 Vol.- No.150

        The Korean armed forces dispatched to the Vietnam War for the first time since the foundation of the nation have had a great effect on the modern history of Korea. Based on Combat Report written by Korean army warriors dispatched to Vietnam and on Commander’s Memoirs, this study considered reward results of Order of Military Merit for the corps-level (4 times) military operations in the Vietnam War in which about 320,000 soldiers were dispatched in 8 years and 6 months from 1964 to 1973. The corps-level military operations in the Vietnam War called ‘Ojakgyo and Honggildong’ were executed twice in 1967 by General Myung-sin Chae, the 1st Commander-in-Chief of the Korean armed forces. Two additional military operations called Doksuri(1) in 1970 and Doksuri (2) were executed by General Se-ho Lee, the 2nd 1st Commander-in-Chief of the Korean armed forces. 150 were killed and 460 were injured out of the 31,060 Korean armed forces dispatched to the Vietnam War who participated in the corps-level military operations (4 times) from 1967 to 1971, in which 2.726 enemies were killed and 566 were captured. The appropriate reward on the right time is very important. 736 persons of Military Merit for the corps-level military operations have been rewarded (2.37%). This is lower than the conferment rate of Order of Military Merit for the Korean War (3.7%) in 1950 and that for the Vietnam War (6.7%). This paper presented the criteria for reward for Order of Military Merit for overseas dispatch troops by analyzing the reward results for the corps-level (4times) military operations in the Vietnam War by operation (4 times), division (from squad to division), position (from combat soldier to division commander) and rank (from soldier to general). 한국군의 베트남전쟁 파병은 건군 이후 최초의 전투부대 해외파병으로 한국 현대사에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 본 연구는 베트남파병 한국군이 작성한 전투상보(戰鬪詳報)와사령관 회고록을 기초로 1964년부터 1973년까지 8년 6개월 동안 32만여 명이 참전한베트남전쟁 중 군단급작전(4회)의 무공훈장 포상 결과를 고찰하였다. 베트남전쟁에서 군단급작전은 한국군 초대사령관 채명신 장군의 지휘로 1967년(2 회), 오작교작전, 홍길동작전을 실시하였고, 한국군 2대 사령관 이세호 장군 지휘하에1970년 독수리작전(1), 1971년 독수리작전(2)를 실시하였다. 베트남파병 한국군은 1967년부터 1971년까지 기간 중 군단급작전(4회)에 31,060명이 참전하여 150명이 전사하고, 460명이 부상을 입었으며, 적 사살 2,726명, 포로566명의 전과를 얻었다. 전쟁에서 적시 적절한 포상은 매우 중요하다. 군단급작전 유공자 736명이 무공훈장을 수여(2.37%)받았다. 이는 6·25전쟁 무공훈장 수여율(3.7%), 베트남전쟁 총 무공훈장 수여율(6.7%) 보다 낮은 수여율이다. 본 논문은 베트남파병 한국군의 군단급작전에 대한 작전별(4회), 제대별(분대~사단), 직책별(전투병~사단장), 계급별(병사~장군) 무공훈장 포상 결과를 분석하여 해외파병부대의 무공훈장 포상기준을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        제1공화국의 대한민국임시정부 계승정책

        김혜진 이화여자대학교 이화사학연구소 2018 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.56

        The purpose of the study is to identify the concrete facts on how the Korean government, which was established on the basis of the Constitution in 1948, recognized the ‘succession of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea’ stated in the Preamble to the Constitution and how the Korean government during the 1st Republic of Korea actually tried to implement this succession awareness. Although the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea(hereinafter Provisional Government) had representation and historical legitimacy in the history of independence movement, the members of the Provisional Government did not participate in May 10 election in 1948 for the establishment of the government. Nevertheless, the 1st Republic of Korea stated that the government was constituted based on the ‘Awareness of Provisional Government succession’ through the phrase “The Korean people established the Republic of Korea by the Kimi Samil Independence movement and succeeded the great independence spirit proclaimed to the world, now reestablishing a democratic independent state” in the Preamble to the Constitution. This Preamble was not amended despite two times of constitutional revision during the 1st Republic of Korea. Thus, there was a need to examine why the Korean government, which was established in 1948, recognized it was ‘reestablished’ by succeeding the Provisional Government established by the March 1 movement and the Preamble to the First Constitution in 1948 stated “succeeded the great independence spirit and now reestablished a democratic independent state”. The Korean government established in 1948 “was reestablished by succeeding the great independence spirit” based on the Preamble to the Constitution and as a result, Awareness of Provisional Government succession served as the central axis of the establishment of the Korean government. However, Provisional Government members did not participate in the process of government establishment, and awareness of Provisional Government succession was changed due to the situation of the Cold War, expressing limitations in implementing it politically. During the war especially in the 1950s, even the National Memorial Day, which was established for the purpose of instilling national consciousness, was changed to the purpose of strengthening the anti-communism consciousness. Therefore, war rituals were repeated, and the memories of the Provisional Government and its forces were excluded. This aspect had been consistently revealed in the symbol construction and reward policies. Instead of constructing symbols to commemorate deceased patriots, the symbol constructed to commemorate President Syngman Rhee was given priority. In addition, in the process of rewarding independence patriots, a large number of people who interacted with Syngman Rhee in the America were selected instead of the Korean independent activists. The results of the review of the above policies showed that the 1st Republic of Korea did not politically implement the will to succeed the ‘spirit of the Provisional Government’ shown through the Preamble to the Constitution. During the 1st Republic of Korea, ‘Awareness of Provisional Government succession’ stated in the Preamble to the Constitution existed as a national consensus symbolizing the historical legitimacy and justification of government establishment, in other words, a declarative meaning with no substantial effect. This ‘Awareness of Provisional Government succession’ was highlighted through the fifth constitutional amendment in 1962. Park Jung Hee, who took power through the May 16 coup, raised the spirit of the Provisional Government to the same position as May 16, the justification of government establishment through the first amendment of the Preamble to the Constitution. This ‘Awareness of Provisional Government succession’ reached the peak through the ninth amendment in 1987. As the Preamble of the Curr...

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