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      • KCI등재

        1905~1910년 미주 한인신문과 전통의 문제-『공립신보』와 『신한민보』를 중심으로-

        황재문 국문학회 2016 국문학연구 Vol.0 No.33

        미주 한인사회는 한미수호통상조약의 체결 이후 형성되었으며, 20세기 초에는 이민자들의 단합과 이익을 위한 단체를 결성하고 신문을 발간하는 등 독자적인 사회를 이루게 된다. 초기 이민사회에서는 본국과 교류하는 한편으로 나름의 삶의 방식을 갖추는 등의 모습이 드러나는데, 여기서 산출된 문학에는 ‘망명지문학’과 ‘이민문학’으로 각기 지칭할 만한 요소가 발견된다. 즉 이들의 문학에는 한국적 특수성에 주목하면 ‘망명지문학’으로 이해되는 요소가 있고, 이민사회 자체의 특성에 주목하면 ‘이민문학’으로 이해할 수 있는 요소가 발견된다는 것이다. 미주 한인사회의 문학 연구에서는 망명지문학으로서의 성격에 대한 연구가 중심이 되었지만, 앞으로는 이민문학으로서의 성격에 대해서도 관심을 가질 필요가 있으리라고 본다. 이민문학적 속성에 유의하면서 한인신문인 『공립신보』와 『신한민보』를 살펴보면, 한반도와 직접 연관되지 않은 기사가 적지 않게 나타난다는 점을 확인할 수 있다. 미국을 비롯한 세계 각국의 소식과 역사, 상식 등이 적지 않게 신문에 나타나며, 독자의 흥미를 끌기 위한 것으로 이해될 만한 읽을거리가 적지 않게 포함되어 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 문학의 측면에서는, 『공립신보』와 초기 『신한민보』에서 모두 전통적인 양식의 문학작품을 싣거나 그 표현법 등을 활용하는 사례를 찾아볼 수 있다. 『신한민보』의 시기에는 유학 경험을 가진 기고자나 편집인이 등장하면서 지면 구성이 상대적으로 안정되는 면모가 나타나지만, 여전히 전통적인 문학 양식을 활용하는 사례들이 새로운 문학 양식에 대한 요구와 병행하여 나타난다. 문학 양식에 있어서 옛 것과 새로운 것이 공존하면서 경쟁한 결과를 잘 보여주는 사례로는 1909년 12월부터 1910년 1월까지 『신한민보』의 광고란에 6회 동안 실린 <거짓말신문>을 주목할 만하다. 안중근의 이토 히로부미 저격사건을 소재로 하여 구성한 ‘신문 속의 신문’인 <거짓말신문>은, 기본적으로는 침략적인 일본과 국내 친일 세력에 대한 비판과 풍자를 목적으로 한 것임이 분명하다. 따라서 내용의 측면에서는 그리 특이할 것이 없을 수도 있다. 그렇지만 비판이나 풍자를 위한 표현이나 소재에서는 전통적인 문학을 활용하거나 미주 한인들의 실제 삶의 문제들을 담아낸 흔적이 보이는데, 이는 근대로의 이행 과정에서 미주 한인들이 경험하는 현실 상황을 대변한다는 점에서 주목된다. 또한 그것이 신문이라는 매체와 이민 및 유학을 통해 형성된 새로운 지식인의 참여 속에서 이루어진 것이라고 할 수 있으므로, 전통과 근대가 만나면서 이루어낸 새로운 비판 양식의 하나로 해석할 만하다고 판단된다. From the signing of the Korean-American Treaty of Amity and Commerce in 1882 onwards, Korean immigrant society in the United States had grown in its regional size and population, and it published newspapers and established organizations for the benefits of Korean immigrants. In the early stage of the society’s development, Korean immigrants not only maintained interactions with their home country, but also built an independent community in which they created literature—exile literature and immigrant literature. While exile literature showed particular characteristics of indigenous Korean culture, immigrant literature reflected realities of immigrant society itself. In earlier studies on literature of Korean immigrant society, exile literature has received most scholarly attention. With this being the case, there need to be more works focused on the nature and history of immigrant literature. Focusing on various features of immigrant literature, this paper examines overseas Korean newspapers, Kongnip sinbo(the United Korean) and Sinhan minbo (the New Korea), both of which were published in United States during the early 20th century. It argues that a number of articles in the two newspapers covered events and things that happened in the Korean peninsula during the time. Those newspapers had wide coverage ranging from news and histories of many different countries to common knowledge. They also had diverse reading materials to draw readership. From the perspective of literature, both Kongnip sinbo and Sinhan minbo included traditional literary works and borrowed their expressions. As contributors and editors who studied abroad participated in the publication of Sinhan minbo, its news reports and articles became more stable and organized than before. But Sinhan minbo still relied on the traditional forms of literature while seeking to satisfy the readers’ needs for new literary styles. A great example that shows well the coexistence and competition between the old and new literary style in Sinhan minbo is Kachinmarl Sinmoon(a newspaper of lie), which was serialized six times in the advertisement section from December, 1909 through January, 1910. Kachinmarl Sinmoon, as “a newspaper within the newspaper,” dealt with An Chunggŭn’s assassination of Ito Hirobumi(1909) and aimed at denouncing the Japanese empire and pro-Japanese Korean collaborators. In its blame for Japan’s colonization of Korea, Kachinmarl Sinmoon was not different from the other contemporary newspapers. However, it took advantage of traditional literary works for its own expression and subject matter. It also sought to reflect experiences and problems of the lives of Korean immigrants in the United States. Because Kachinmarl Sinmoon represented overseas Koreans’ various realities and offered a site in which the media and new immigrant intellectuals intersected, it was a critical form of knowledge production during Korea’s transitional period from tradition to modernity.

      • KCI등재

        <해조신문>과 <공립신보>의 상호텍스트성 연구

        구나경 한국텍스트언어학회 2011 텍스트언어학 Vol.31 No.-

        The Haejo and the Gonglipsinbo were Korean newspapers that were both published abroad for overseas Koreans during the time of enlightenment. The Haejo was published in Vladivostok for three months from February 26 to May 26, 1908, and the Gonnip Shinbo was issued for more than three months in San Francisco from November 22, 1905 to January,1909, until it was changed into the Shinhan Minbo. The former was a daily newspaper, and the latter was a weekly one(biweekly in the beginning). During the period of enlightenment, there were neither a lot of types of newspapers nor correspondents . It means that there were highly likely to quote the articles of other newspapers or telegrams. Therefore the two newspapers seem to have been linked to each other, and the purpose of this study was to examine the intertextuality of the two newspapers in terms of the style and the content of news, as the Haejo is more similar to the Gonnip Shinbo than any other domestic newspaper in form and content. The styles of the two newspapers were the same: a combination of Korean and Sino-Korean, which was more similar to the Hangul style. And both used a literary style that was similar to the spoken language. They utilized easy-to-understand Korean to stimulate contemporary ethnic people’s patriotism, and just a minimum range of Sino-Korean was used. As they were part of the formal press, they seemed to have used a formal literary style to keep some distance from readers. It could definitely be inferred from the styles of the newspapers that they tried to arouse ethnic Koreans’ patriotism, to enlighten them and to back up national independence movement when they wrote about domestic and international situations. In terms of the content of news,articles and the process of report about a particular incident were analyzed. The analyzed incident was the assassination of Stevenson that took place on March 23, 1908. As a result, i t’s found that although both of the newspapers reported on this incident, the way of doing it was a l ittle different. The t ime of report was not the same, probably because of the distance between the two regions where they were published. And in the Gonnip Shinbo, there were some changes in the weight of the news, the composition of paper and the way of quotation.

      • KCI등재

        을사조약 이후 미주 한인단체의 국내정세 인식

        오연숙(Oh Yeon-Suk) 한국역사연구회 2007 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.66

        The United Korean Association (UKA: Gongnip-hyeophoe), a representative overseas Korean organization headquartered in San Francisco, kept criticizing Japan’s infringement of Korean sovereignty and its aggressive policy toward Korea through its organ, The United Korean (Gongnip sinbo), after Japan forced a protectorate convention upon Korea in November 1905. Thus, the UKA played an important role in publicizing imperialist actions of Japan in Korea and arousing anti-Japanese sentiment among the Koreans both in the U.S. and in Korea from 1905 to 1910. The members of the UKA developed a sense of mission to educate and lead their “unfree” compatriots in Korea in conducting the movement to safeguard national sovereignty under the conviction that collapse of Korean independence was imminent after November 1905. They first criticized the illegality of the 1905 Convention following its consummation. They, then, attacked the imperialistic motives behind the so-called reforms introduced by Resident-General Ito Hirobumi following the establishment of the Residency- General in Seoul in February 1906. Finally, they criticized a series of aggressive measures taken by the Japanese Residency-General to annex Korea following the abortive attempt of Emperor Gojong to reveal the imperialistic nature of the Japanese actions in Korea at The Second Hague Conference in June 1907. The anti-Japanese articles and editorials of The United Korean decrying the illegality of the 1905 Convention and denouncing the Japanese protectorate government were cited in domestic Korean newspapers like the Korea Daily News (Daehan maeil sinbo), thereby reaching domestic Korean readers. In turn, The United Korean carried the articles and news from not only Korean domestic newspapers like the Korea Daily News but also such foreign newspapers as the New York Times, thus publicizing aggressive acts of Japan and boosting the spirit of and sympathy for Korean independence among overseas Korean communities.

      • KCI등재

        1910~1920년대 식민지 조선에서 미국으로 보내진 한글 편지: 김장연씨 일가의 편지를 중심으로

        김양진 ( Kim Yang-jin ),이희영 ( Lee Hee-young ) 국제어문학회 2015 국제어문 Vol.0 No.65

        이 논문에서는 초기 미주 지역 이주민인 김장연 씨에게 고국의 가족들이 1914년부터 1920년까지 보낸 일련의 한글 편지들을 판독하고 이를 통하여 20세기 초반 미주 지역 이민사의 편린과 고국에 남겨진 김장연 씨 일가의 사연을 알아보고자 하였다. 이 편지들은 한반도에서 미주 지역으로 보내진 초기 편지들로 이를 통해 김장연 씨 일가를 중심으로 한 미주 지역에서의 이주민의 생활의 편린을 확인할 수 있었고 문헌 자료를 확인하기 어려운 일제 초기 일반인의 삶과 언어 생활을 엿볼 수 있는 기초 자료를 구축할 수 있었다. 무엇보다 이 편지 자료들을 통해서 수원 지역 일대의 실제 지명과 다양한 언어 생활, 미주 지역 이민들과의 교류 내용 등을 알 수 있어서 20세기 초반의 이민사에서 중요한 한글 필사자료 및 언어 자료를 확보할 수 있었다. 이밖에 편지 속 등장인물들의 행적들을 <공립신보>, <신한민보> 등 관련 기록을 통해 확인할 수 있었고 감리교단 수원지역 순행 전도사의 활동 기록 등을 확인할 수 있었다. This paper aims to introduce Hangul letters which were written by Kim Chang Yeon`s family and emphasize their values as precious materials for Korean language research. Kim`s family in Korea sent letters to Kim Chang Yeon in America from 1914~1920, and these letters includes the life of the first Korean immigrants generations and fill the missing part of Korean language in this period of time of Korea. Based on these letters which were sent from Suwon area, place names of Suwon area and cultural and linguistic connections between Koreans and Korean immigrants can be studied. These letters will be provided to those who studies Korean language as important Hangul written materials that shows many aspects of Korean language. Besides, people`s past in letters such as Kim Byung Kwon, Kim Sun Kwon, Kim Sung Sik, Choi Sim Sun(Kim Chang Yeon`s wife), Kim Rose(Kim Chang Yeon`s elder daughter, Kim Eva(Kim Chang Yeon`s second daughter, Kim Young(Kim Chang Yeon`s elder son), Kim Edward(Kim Chang Yeon`s second son) was checked out in this paper. Finding out what Kim Byung Kwon`s had done as a methodist missionary of Suwon area is a collateral outcome of this study.

      • KCI등재후보

        국권상실기 재미한인과 항일공론장 변동-신한민보와 태평양잡지를 중심으로-

        김홍길,강미희 재외한인학회 2022 在外韓人硏究 Vol.57 No.-

        This study dealt with the process of change in the anti-Japanese media, during the loss of national sovereignty, 1910-1945. The Korean Americans contributed to the independence and freedom of their motherland by forming a base for overseas resistance. This study intensively analyzed "Shinhan Minbo" and "Pacific Magazine" that influenced the creation and change of the Korean community. The Korean-American organization published ethnic newspapers and magazines as an organization. It is also related to this context that the anti-Japanese movement was put on the surface from the beginning by Public Shinbo, Shinhan Minbo, and Pacific Magazine. Most of them showed strong native orientation. The main news was news related to the motherland and the life sympathy of Koreans in Korea. This is linked not only to the formation of the legitimacy of the organization but also to the continuous securing of subscribers. They played a role in generating and spreading anti-Japanese messages by announcing the domestic news of Korea, which has become a colony in American society, and informing the sympathy of the Korean community. However, some of them suffered crises due to interests and conflicts between organizations, and sometimes retreated from national discourse. In conclusion, it can be seen that until 1945, the "anti-Japanese discourse" in the Korean community worked as a key factor and had a great influence on the cohesion of the Korean community 이 연구는 국권상실기 재미한인사회 내 항일공론장의 변동을 살펴보았다. 재미한인은 해외항일의 거점을 형성했고, 미국사회의 영향 속에서 모국의 독립과자유에 기여했다. 이 연구는 한인공동체 생성과 변화에 영향을 미친 신문과 잡지인 『신한민보』와 『태평양잡지』를 집중 분석했다. 한인단체는 기관지로서 신문과 잡지를 발행했다. 『공립신보』, 『신한민보』와 『태평양잡지』 등이 항일운동을표면에 내세운 것도 이런 맥락과 관련된다. 이들 신문과 잡지는 주요기사에 모국소식을 싣고 모국지향성을 표방한다. 그것은 단체의 정통성 형성 뿐만아니라잡지 논조에 대한지지 및 구독자 확보와 결부된 것이다. 이들은 미국에서 식민지 조선의 각종 소식을 알리고, 한인사회 동정을 알리는 역할을 통해 항일 메시지 생성-확산의 역할을 수행하였다. 그러나 단체간 이해관계나 갈등으로 위기를 겪거나 때론 민족담론에서 후퇴하기도 했다. 결론적으로 보면, 1945년 이전까지 한인커뮤니티에서 ‘항일담론’은 핵심 요소로 작동했으며, 많은 한인단체의흥망성쇠에도 큰 영향을 미쳤음을 확인할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        沿海州 韓人社會의 갈등과 鄭淳萬의 피살

        박걸순(Park Geol-Soon) 독립기념관 한국독립운동연구소 2009 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.34

        정순만(1876~1911)은 한말부터 망국에 이르는 시기에 국내는 물론 연해주에서 국권회복운동을 전개한 중요한 인물이다. 1906년 그는 이상설, 이동녕 등과 함께 망명하여 북간도에서 민족교육의 요람인 서전서숙을 건립하여 운영하다가, 헤이그 특사 파견 지원을 위해 블라디보스토크로 온 이래 사거할 때까지 연해주의 독립운동을 주도하였다. 그는 자금 모금을 통해 헤이그 특사 사행을 지원하였고, 海潮新聞을 창간하여 주간·주필·총무의 역할을 수행하였다. 그는 논설을 통해 냉혹한 사회진화론적 국제질서를 이겨나가기 위해 교육의 중요성을 역설하였다. 그러나 국내에서 초빙해 온 장지연과 극심한 불화 관계가 조성된 것은 안타까운 일이었다. 그는 공립협회에도 참여하여 국민회 지회장에 피선되는 등 미주 동포사회와 연계를 맺으며 민족운동을 전개하였으며, 뒤 이어 창간된 大東共報에도 주필로 참여하였다. 당시 정순만은 同義會라는 비밀결사에 안중근과 함께 참여하였는데, 이를 배경으로 안중근의거를 계획하고, 의거후에도 안중근의 변호에 힘을 쏟았다. 이는 그가 민족운동을 위해서는 대립되는 계몽운동과 무장투쟁을 병행할 수 있다는 독립운동 이념의 포용성을 보여주는 것이라 할 수 있다. 그러나 연해주 한인사회의 분파와 파쟁은 조국 독립을 위한 그의 꿈을 접게 만들고 말았다. 그는 연해주에서 ‘정순만파’나 기호파(경성파)의 수장으로 성장하였으나, 자신이 연해주 한인사회로부터 신망을 잃었다고 여긴데다 민회에서 서북파에게 밀린 나머지 격정을 이기지 못하고 1910년 1월 23일 양성춘을 사살하는 ‘양성춘 사건’을 일으켰다. 이 사건은 우발적 상황에서 오발에 의해 발생한 사고였으나, 이를 둘러싸고 제기된 각종의 설은 복잡다기한 한인 사회의 상황을 반영하는 것이었다. 그러나 그 여파는 양성춘의 형 양덕춘과 미망인의 개인적 복수 참극을 일으켰고, 결국 출옥 후 의병투쟁 등 재기를 도모하던 정순만은 1911년 6월 21일 처참한 최후를 맞이하고 말았다. 정순만의 36년 일생은 민족운동 시기의 양면성을 극명하게 보여준다. 즉, 국권회복을 다방면으로 모색한 모범적 측면과 아울러, 지역적 파쟁과 개인의 격정을 관용하지 못한 편협성은 반성하여 마땅한 것이다. 그는 민족운동 시기의 지역적 분파와 파쟁이 가져온 가해자요 피해자였다. 그러나 그의 죽음은 결국 연해주 한인사회의 반성과 단합을 촉구하여 권업회를 창립하는 계기가 되었다는 점에서 의의가 적지 않다. Jeong Soon-Man(1876~1911) is an important figure who led a movement to restore Korea’s national sovereignty in Primorie, Russia as well as Korea from the end of the Korean Empire till national ruin. He went into exile into North Jiandao together with Sang-Seol Lee, Dong-Nyeong Lee and others in 1906, and established and managed Seojeonseossok(a school to educate Koreans abroad for the restoration of national sovereignty), and then led the independence movement in Primorie till the last since he came to Vladivostok to support dispatching a special envoy to The Hague. He supported dispatching a special envoy to The Hague through fund raising and began publication of “Haejoshinmun(Haejo Newspaper)” and did his part as its chief manager, chief editor and manager. In his editorials he emphasized the importance of education to overcome the grim international order, however, unfortunately a bitter feud with Ji-Yeon Jang who was invited to Vladivostok was bred. As he took part in Gongriphyeobhoi(a body established in San Francisco in 1905 for Korea’s independence movement) and was elected branch chairman of Gookminhoi(Grand Korean’s National Assembly), he establishedties with the Korean communities in America and participated in the racial movement. After that, he worked for Daedonggongbo(a newspaper published by Korean National Assembly in Vladivostok) as the chief editor, too. As Soon-Man Jeong participated in a secret society “Dongeuihoi” together with An Jung-geun at that time, he planned the noble undertaking of An Jung-geun and did his best to defend him after the undertaking on this background. This shows us that his ideology of the independence movement embraced the two conflicting movements, that is, enlightenment movement and armed struggle for the racial movement. But the factional strife in Korean society in Primorie, Russia collapsed his dream for the independence of his fatherland. He grew into the head of Jeong Soon-Man faction or Geeho faction(or Gyeongseong faction), however, as he considered that he lost his confidence and popularity in Korean society in Primorie and he couldn’t restrain his passion driven by being overpowered by Seobook faction(Northwest faction), he caused the case of murdering Seong-Choon Yang on 23rd of January, 1910. Though the case was caused by an accidental shooting in an accidental situation, various views raised on his murder reflected the complicated situation of Korean society, however, in the aftermath of the incident, as Deok-Choon Yang, Seong-Choon Yang’s brother, and his widow avenged his death, Soon-Man Jeong who attempted to make a comeback after his coming out of prison met with a violent end on 21st of June, 1911. His 36 year life clearly shows the double-sideness of the time of the racial movement, that is, there was a model side seeking the recovery of national sovereignty in various fields, however, a factional strife based on the region and bigotry which didn’t tolerate a private passion should be reconsidered. He was the harmer as well as victim of the factional strife based on the region. But what is important is, as his death demanded the reflection and unity of Korean society in Primorie, it served as a momentum to establish Kwoneobhoi(a body for Korea’s independence movement).

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