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        항구도시 칭다오의 식민지 시대 도시변천과 근대건축형성에 관한 연구

        이한석,송석기,김나영,뤼 홍웨이 한국항해항만학회 2010 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.34 No.5

        As a port city, Qingdao had been developed through the 4 stages during the first half of the 20th century. First stage is German Occupation period. In this period, the old downtown of Qingdao was formed and the existing architectural characteristics of Qingdao had been established. Second stage is the First Japanese Occupation period. Japanese transformed Qingdao into Japanese city and expanded city area to north and east. Third stage is Northern Warlords and the National Government period. In this period, Qingdao had been developed as an international city of world trade and vacation. Forth stage is the Second Japanese Occupation period. Japanese tried to change Qingdao as a military base for the invasion of the northern China. 본 연구는 항구도시 칭다오가 20세기 전반에 근대도시로 형성되는 과정에 관한 연구이다. 칭다오의 근대도시화 과정은 동아시아 항구도시의 공통점을 보여주며 강대국 등 정치적 지배 세력에 의해 4개 시기로 구분된다. 첫 번째 독일 점령기 동안에는 칭다오의 구도심 영역이 집중적으로 형성되었다. 두 번째 일본 1차 점령기 동안 칭다오의 도심 영역은 북쪽과 동쪽으로 확장되어 기존 도심의 북쪽으로 금융 및 업무시설이 형성되었고 그 북쪽에서 대항에 이르는 지역에는 공업지역이 넓게 형성되었다. 세 번째 북양군벌 및 국민당 통치기 동안 칭다오는 국제적인 상업과 금융, 휴양도시로서 급격하게 확장되었다. 네 번째 일본 2차 점령기 동안 건축 활동은 활발하지 못했으며 이 기간 동안 일본은 중국 대륙 침략의 관문으로서 칭다오를 활용하고자 했다.

      • KCI등재

        요코하마의 가네코 후미코: 항구도시를 스친 시선과 근대천황제

        고토유코 ( Yuko Goto ) 한림대학교 일본학연구소 2019 翰林日本學 Vol.0 No.35

        2019년 5월 새로운 천황이 즉위하면서 일본의 연호가 平成에서 令和로 바뀌었다. 令和라는 단어는 만요슈(万葉集)라는 일본의 가장 오래된 가집에서 따온 것이다. 민족문학의 성격을 띠고 있는 이 가집의 배경에는 근대천황제와 마찬가지로 일본 근대의 민족국가 형성을 위한 문화적 장치로 이용하고자 한 의도가 깔려있다. 본 논문은 근대천황제 완성 후 일본에서 태어난 가네코 후미코(1903-1926)의 “시각”을 통하여 구심적인 자장에 저항하는 정신의 가능성을 묘출한다. 사형을 선고 받고 감옥에 있는 동안, 가네코 후미코는 일본의 전통 작품과는 다른 독창적인 단가를 쓰기 시작했다. 대역죄를 선고받은 인물이 다수 존재함에도 불구하고 현재까지 많은 일본인들이 가네코에게 각별한 애정과 안타까움을 가지고 있다. 하지만 여기에는 당시부터 오늘날까지 이어지는 언설의 재생산이 작용했을 것이다. 즉, 일반인들에게 그녀 자신의 수기라고 믿고 있는 『무엇이 나를 이렇게 만들었을까』의 풍요한 세계가 읽는 이의 마음을 사로잡고, 사실보다 “이야기”를 소비하는 현상이 계속되고 있음을 생각할 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 “수기”에서는 중점을 두지 못했던 요코하마에서의 가네코의 유년기에, 처음으로 초점을 맞춘다. 20세기 초 근대화의 길에 들어선 항도 요코하마에서 다양한 “삶”의 레퍼런스를 얻은 경험은 그녀의 이후의 “시각”의 작용에 투영되었다. 어린 시절부터 경험한 이동성은 “혈연”, “성별”, 그리고 “지성”의 경계를 넘어서게 만들었다. 외부의 세계로 뻗어나가는 항구처럼 그녀의 시선은 구심적인 자기장에 매물되지 않았다. 결국, 이러한 시선은 그녀가 일본문화내 유사종교로서의 천황제의 허구를 꿰뚫어 보게 하였다. With the enthronement of the new emperor, the Japanese era transited from Heisei to Reiwa in May 2019. The word Reiwa is derived from Manyo-shu (the oldest anthology of tanka), and it is based on modern Japan’s viewpoint of national literature. However, this viewpoint was invented to create a nation-state such as the modern emperor system of Japan, which was newly created in modern times. This paper thus elucidates the vision of Fumiko Kaneko (1903-1926), whose life displayed a centrifugal movement against the centripetal magnetic field. After being sentenced to death and while in prison, she began writing tanka that were different and unique from traditional Japanese works. Many Japanese are very fond of talking about Kaneko; however, there also exist other prisoners who have committed higher forms of treason. The existing narrative represents a reproduction similar to the discourse about Kaneko’s life. ‘Nani ga watashi o kosasetaka’, Kaneko’s autobiography, is thought to possess the key to deciphering this discourse. Hence, this paper focusses on her childhood in Yokohama that is overlooked by her autobiography’s influence. Her experiences in the modern port city on its path to development must have accorded her with references to a multifarious vision of herself at the beginning of the twentieth century. The mobility she encountered as a child enabled her to transgress the borders of blood, gender and intellect. Therefore, her perception is never attracted by the centripetal magnetic field in her life; much like the very movement of modernity, it extends outward across the modern port city. Ultimately, this sweeping vision allows her to see through the fiction of the emperor system as a pseudo-religion within the Japanese culture.

      • KCI등재


        後藤優子 한림대학교 일본학연구소 2019 翰林日本學 Vol.0 No.35

        2019년 5월 일본은 천황 교체 행사가 행해지고, ‘레이와(令和)’라는 새로운 연호의 사용이 시작되었다. 새로운 연호의 전거로 알려진 『만엽집』은 ‘국민가집(歌集)’으로서의 왕좌를 차지하고 있으며, 천황제와 마찬가지로 근대 일본의 문화장치로서 새롭게 동원되었던 경위가 존재한다. 본 논문에서는 근대천황제 완성 이후, 일본에서 태어난 가나코 후미코(1903-0926)라는 스펙스럼을 통해, 이러한 구심적인 자장과 길항한 인간 정신의 가능성을 그려내었다. 가나코는 대역죄로 몰린 이후 전통적인 가풍과는 거리를 둔 채 자기만의 시풍으로 시가를 창작하였다. 대역죄로 몰린 시인은 비단 가나코 뿐 아니라 많이 있지만, 많은 일본인은 가나코에 대한 특별한 애착을 지니고 있다. 그리고 그 근저에 당시에서부터 오늘에 이르기까지 이어지는 언설의 재생산을 엿볼 수 있다. 이유로서, 그녀 자신의 수가라고 여겨지는 『무엇이 나를 이렇게 만들었는가』 에 보여지는 풍부한 세계는, 읽는 사람을 매료시키고, 사실보다도 ‘이야기’를 소비하는 현상이 계속되고 있다는 것을 보여준다. 이에, 본고에서는 ‘수기’의 경우 중점을 두지 않은 요코하마에서 보낸 가나코의 유소년기에 초첨을 맞춘다. 20세기초엽, 발전과정에 있던 항구도시 요코하마에서 다종다양한 ‘생’의 참고자료를 획득한 경험은 이후 가나코의 ‘시선(視)’에 투영되었을 것이다. 출생 후 얼마 되지 않아 획득한 이동성은 ‘피’와 ‘성’ 그리고 ‘지(知)’라는 경계를 넘는다. 생성되어 외부 세계로 점점 넓혀가는 항구와 같이 그녀의 이지(理智)는 구심적인 자장에 구애받지 않았다. 그리하여 중심에 고정되지 않은 채 공간을 가로지르는 ‘시(視)’는, 일본문화 속에 존재하면서도, 유사종교로서의 근대천황제가 상징하는 허구를 통찰하는 것이다. With the enthronement of the new emperor, the Japanese era transited from Heisei to Reiwa in May 2019. The word Reiwa is derived from Manyo-shu (the oldest anthology of tanka), and it is based on modern Japan’s viewpoint of national literature. However, this viewpoint was invented to create a nation-state such as the modern emperor system of Japan, which was newly created in modern times. This paper thus elucidates the vision of Fumiko Kaneko (1903-1926), whose life displayed a centrifugal movement against the centripetal magnetic field. After being sentenced to death and while in prison, she began writing tanka that were different and unique from traditional Japanese works. Many Japanese are very fond of talking about Kaneko; however, there also exist other prisoners who have committed higher forms of treason. The existing narrative represents a reproduction similar to the discourse about Kaneko’s life. ‘Nani ga watashi o kosasetaka’, Kaneko’s autobiography, is thought to possess the key to deciphering this discourse. Hence, this paper focusses on her childhood in Yokohama that is overlooked by her autobiography’s influence. Her experiences in the modern port city on its path to development must have accorded her with references to a multifarious vision of herself at the beginning of the twentieth century. The mobility she encountered as a child enabled her to transgress the borders of blood, gender and intellect. Therefore, her perception is never attracted by the centripetal magnetic field in her life; much like the very movement of modernity, it extends outward across the modern port city. Ultimately, this sweeping vision allows her to see through the fiction of the emperor system as a pseudo-religion within the Japanese culture.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 베트남의 ‘열린’ 바다

        윤대영(YOUN, Dae-yeong) 동양사학회 2014 東洋史學硏究 Vol.127 No.-

        Located on the C?m River, with access to the sea as well as connections to Ha N?i and other ports on the Red River, H?i Phong was formed in special situations such as independence movement. When the Tr?ng Sisters rebelled, Le Chan also directly led her troops to fight against the Chinese forces, causing them to suffer great losses, but the overall situation was unfavourable. At the two Battles of B?ch đ?ng River in 938 and in 1288 the Vietnamese forces defeated the Chinese invaders and put an end to Chinese imperial domination of the Vietnamese. It took place at the B?ch đ?ng River, near Halong Bay in northern Vietnam. H?i Phong has existed as a significant port from the XVth century, and was one of Vietnam’s principal trading centers. When Vietnam was invaded by the French, the city became France’s main naval base and trading port in Indochina. Since then, French colonialists speeded up urbanization process of H?i Phong city by building sea ports, river ports, warehouses; Ha N?i~H?i Phong railway, H?i Phong~Yunnan railway, some urban infrastructure etc. After that French, Chinese and Vietnamese ship building and repairing factories were established quickly. Industries, machinery, processing, chemistry were also expanded. While Indochinese exports and imports continued to grow in volume, there have been various social phenomena such as new settlers whose number was increasing. Especially, the Chinese immigrants played an important role in the economic development in H?i Phong. These social symptom had a tendency to stimulate certain conflicts between the overseas Chinese who were thought to cause some social problems, and the natives who fell prey to the colonial policy. The massacre of 17 August 1927 was done with the connivance of the colonial authorities. This kind of the French strategy would backfire and have a negative effect on the colonial policy in the modern port of H?i Phong.

      • KCI등재


        고토 유코 한림대학교 일본학연구소 2019 翰林日本學 Vol.0 No.35

        With the enthronement of the new emperor, the Japanese era transited from Heisei to Reiwa in May 2019. The word Reiwa is derived from Manyo-shu (the oldest anthology of tanka), and it is based on modern Japan’s viewpoint of national literature. However, this viewpoint was invented to create a nation-state such as the modern emperor system of Japan, which was newly created in modern times. This paper thus elucidates the vision of Fumiko Kaneko (1903-1926), whose life displayed a centrifugal movement against the centripetal magnetic field. After being sentenced to death and while in prison, she began writing tanka that were different and unique from traditional Japanese works. Many Japanese are very fond of talking about Kaneko; however, there also exist other prisoners who have committed higher forms of treason. The existing narrative represents a reproduction similar to the discourse about Kaneko’s life. ‘Nani ga watashi o kosasetaka’, Kaneko’s autobiography, is thought to possess the key to deciphering this discourse. Hence, this paper focusses on her childhood in Yokohama that is overlooked by her autobiography’s influence. Her experiences in the modern port city on its path to development must have accorded her with references to a multifarious vision of herself at the beginning of the twentieth century. The mobility she encountered as a child enabled her to transgress the borders of blood, gender and intellect. Therefore, her perception is never attracted by the centripetal magnetic field in her life; much like the very movement of modernity, it extends outward across the modern port city. Ultimately, this sweeping vision allows her to see through the fiction of the emperor system as a pseudo-religion within the Japanese culture. 2019年5月、日本では天皇の代替わりがおこなわれ、「令和」の元号が使用を開始された。典拠とされる「国民歌集」観を帯びた『万葉集』には、天皇制と同様、日本近代の文化装置としてあらたに動員された経緯がある。本論は、近代天皇制の完成後、日本に誕生した金子文子(1903-1926)の「視」を通し、かかる求心的な磁場に抗した精神の可能性を描出する。金子は、大逆罪を付されたのち、伝統的な歌風とは隔たった自己流の詠歌を開始した。大逆罪を付された人物は、多数存在するにもかかわらず、日本人の多くは金子にとくべつな愛惜を抱く。だが、そこには当時から今日までつづく言説の再生産が看取されるのである。理由として、彼女自身の「手記」とされる『何が私をこうさせたか』の豊饒な世界が、読み手を魅了し、事実よりも「物語」を消費する現象が継続していることが考えられる。そこで、本論は、「手記」では重点を置かれなかった横浜における金子の幼少時に、初めて焦点をあてる。20世紀初頭、発展の途にあった港都ㆍ横浜で、多様かつ多量の「生」のリファレンスを得た経験は、彼女のその後の「視」のはたらきに投影されるだろう。同地で誕生後まもなく獲得された移動性は、「血」、「性」、そして「知」の境界をも超えていく。生成し外部の世界へとひろがっていく港都のごとく、彼女の理知は、求心的な磁場に取り込まれない。そうして、中心に固定されないまま場をよぎっていく「視」は、日本文化のうちにありながら、疑似宗教としての近代天皇制が象徴する虚構を徹見するのだ。

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