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      • KCI등재

        중국어 단음절에 대한 한국인 오류 음성 코퍼스 구축 및 활용 방법 고찰

        이미경 ( Mi Kyoung Lee ) 한국중국언어학회 2011 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.36

        這一文章的目的在於要建立韓國人對現代漢語(普通話)單音節的偏誤語音語料庫。紇今爲止, 語言硏究主要集中在文字語言上,不在語音語言上,硏究語音語言被認爲只是次要的,硏究資料大部分都是來自文字語言語料的。除了漢語以外,韓語、英語等其他語言也幷不例外。這是因爲要硏究語音語言,幷建立語音語料庫,可能會出現不少問題。可是,最近,隨著先進語音實驗機器的開發、電腦智能化等的原因,對硏究語音的聲音也開始逐漸增大。從1990年以來,中國社會科學院、中國科學院等硏究機構開始建立語音語料庫。可是這不是韓國人對現代漢語(普通話)單音節的偏誤語音語料庫,而是中國人的語音語料庫,可以說韓國人的偏誤語音語料庫微乎其微。作爲韓國人,首先,要把握韓國人的漢語發音特點,其次,需要근中國人的發音進行對比,最後,要發現爲何出現偏誤,要矯正其偏誤。因此,要建立韓國人對現代漢語(普通話)單音節的偏誤語音語料庫。其偏誤語音語料庫的資料是現代漢語聲音調配合總表的1175個字,一共有12個人參加,總共有28, 200個偏誤語音文件。這一語料庫雖然規模較少,可是一個相當基礎的、重要的。這將不僅有利於提高韓國人的漢語發音水平,也有利於提高硏究音系學、語音學方面的硏究水平。

      • KCI등재

        선행연구 고찰을 통한 한국인의 중국어 발음 오류 유형 분석

        한희창 ( Hee Chang Han ) 한국중국언어학회 2014 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.50


      • KCI등재

        논문 : 중국어 차용어 적응에 영향을 미치는 요소에 대한 논의

        김태은 중국어문학회 2012 中國語文學誌 Vol.38 No.-


      • KCI등재

        『廣雅·釋詁』의 ‘君’의 의미가 있는 同源詞 연구

        김광선 중국학연구회 2020 중국학연구 Vol.- No.92

        Cognate Words are of the same linguistic origin and both have the same or similar voice characteristics and in semantics they are of the meaning of the same, opposite meaning or relative meaning, similar meaning. The phonetic theory of this study is used by Mr. Wang Li 同源字典·同源字論's theory. He divided the archaic Chinese phonology divide the initial into 33 pieces and divide the final into 29 pieces. The semantic theory of this study is used by Mr. Yin Ji`ming 語源學概論's theory. He said Cognate words semantic theory has a three situations, the same meaning, opposite or opposite meanings and similar meanings. This study for the study of Cognate Words, analyzed 17 words with the meaning of 'Reign' in 廣雅·釋誥, ‘乾, 官, 元, 首, 主, 上, 伯, 子, 男, 卿, 大夫, 令, 長, 龍, 嫡, 郞, 將, 日, 正’. Among them ‘伯’ and ‘大夫’ are excluded from this study. As a result, we found out that there were four Cognate Words organizations. (1) 乾 官, 元. 卿 (2) 首, 主, 上, 子, 令, 長, 龍, 嫡, 郎, 將, 正 (3) 男, 子 (4) 日, 嫡, 正. 본 논문에서는『廣雅·釋詁의 ‘君’의 의미가 있는 17개 단어의 語音과 語義를 분석해 단어들의 同源詞 관계를 알아보았다. 同源詞는 중국의 先秦時代부터 시작하여 현대까지 진행되고 있는 연구로서 두 개 또는 그 이상의 단어들 사이의 語音이 서로 같거나 비슷하여야 하며 語義는 서로 같거나 비슷해야 同源詞라고 할 수 있다. 同源詞에 관한 연구 방법은 다양하여 많은 이론이 있는데 본 논문에서는 王力의 33개의 聲母와 29개의 韻母로 구성된 語音이론과 殷寄明의 서로 같거나(相同), 서로 반대 혹은 대립하거나(相反, 相對), 서로 통하다(相通)로 구성된 語義이론을 사용하였으며 분석의 결과 (1) 乾 官, 元. 卿 (2) 首, 主, 上, 子, 令, 長, 龍, 嫡, 郎, 將, 正 (3) 男, 子 (4) 日, 嫡, 正의 총 4종류의 同源詞詞組가 있음을 밝혀냈다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        “V+在+NL”句式對動詞的選擇和制約 ― 以HSK六级动词为研究对象

        명양양,김현철 중국어문학연구회 2018 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.113

        In view of the fact that many Korean students do not have a good grasp of the structure of ‘V+Zai+NL’, this paper takes the HSK six-level verbs as the research scope, searched the example sentences of the verb structure ‘V+Zai+NL’, and then analyzed the verbs whether can enter the structure or not from three aspects: the metric features, the syntactic structure features and the semantic features of the verbs. We found that there are 1853 verbs in HSK six-level syllabus, and only 30% of the verbs can enter this structure, and most of the verbs can not enter this structure. In the aspect of the choices of verbs which can enter this structure, we found that the acceptance of monosyllabic verb is higher than that of disyllable verb. Most of the disyllable verbs that can enter this structure are associative verbs. Last part, in terms of semantic features, because ‘Zai’ has the meaning of ‘being’ and ‘arriving’, so the verbs can be divided into three categories, the first is the feature with [+contact] or [+attachment] semantics, the second is the feature with [+existence] or [+disappearance] semantics, and the third is the feature with [+end] semantics. As for the restriction of the structure on verbs, we found that most disyllable verbs and all of trisyllabic verbs can not enter the structure; subject-predicate structure and most verb-object structure can not enter the structure; verbs with judgment semantics or without specific place and with transmission or movement can not enter the structure. Through this study, we hope that we can help Korean students to fully understand and correctly use the ‘V+ Zai+NL’ structure during their studying of Chinese.

      • “毒” “竺” “篤” 同源關係考察

        何娟(하연) 한국교통대학교 동아시아연구소 2021 동아문헌연구 Vol.- No.-

        Words with similar semantics and phonetics (or the same transformation) are called homologous words. The three words “du”(毒), “zhu”(竺) and “Du”(篤) seem irrelevant in modern Chinese now, in fact, its ancient sounds and meanings are closely related. There are many exegetical materials in ancient documents to prove that the three words are homologous.

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