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        주요우통 (朱酉彤) 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2022 동북아법연구 Vol.16 No.2

        粤港澳大湾区位于中国华南地区, 由香港特别行政区、 澳门特别行政区以及广东省内九个城市组 成, 是目前中国开放程度最高、 经济活力最强的区域之一, 在国家发展大局中具有重要战略地位。 粤港 澳大湾区的司法制度在“一国两制”基本国策的指导下形成了“一国两制三法域”的独特局面, 使得该区 域内的法治建设处于机遇与挑战并存, 彼此间司法合作更具有地区性、 复杂性、 时代性和本土性。 自香 港和澳门回归中国以后, 中国内地便与这两个地区通过签订协议等形式不断开展司法协助, 主要内容 包括委托送达和取证、 认可和执行民商事判决及仲裁裁决等。 伴随粤港澳大湾区发展战略实施而来的 是区域内联系日益频繁, 经贸合作领域不断深化拓展, 各方对区域内民商事纠纷解决之需求日渐增长。 于此背景下, 司法合作在内容上打破了原有的司法协助格局, 向着民商事规则衔接及法律制度的趋同 与融合, 信息技术的支持与创新, 多元化民商事纠纷解决渠道的方向拓展。 法学教育的互通以及法律工 作者跨区域培养等在加快粤港澳大湾区法治一体化进程方面的作用日渐显出。 未来粤港澳大湾区司法合作将继续在尊重“一国两制”基本方针的基础上, 在遵循中国宪法与香 港、 澳门的基本法前提下, 积极探索区域内统一立法的可能性, 依托现代社会的信息化技术为开创区域 内法治建设新格局提供动力。 目前的作业是, 根据法治原则、 共建共治共享原则、 协同治理原则, 整合粤 港澳三地解决民商事纠纷资源, 通过撬动区域内两个重要极点区域——前海深港现代服务业合作区与 横琴粤澳深度合作区, 以点促面深化司法合作, 促进司法合作趋于制度化、 高效化、 科学化、 信息化。

      • KCI등재

        粤港澳大湾区城市商业银行运营效率研究 -基于DEA模型和Malmquist-

        张丹 ( Zhang Dan ),金旭 ( Jin Xu ),朴商道 ( Park Sang Do ) 한중사회과학학회 2021 한중사회과학연구 Vol.19 No.3

        本文运用数据包络方法(DEA),对粤港澳大湾区三方共16家城市商业银行1999-2019年间的运营效率进行了综合评价, 并对粤港澳大湾区城市商业银行经营效率的影响因素进行分析。从粤港澳16家银行经营效率静态实证分析中, 1999-2019年期间, 粤银行和港银行经营管理水平, 业务专业程度和规模化水平明显高出澳银行;粤银行和港银行的经营效率各有优势, 粤银行规模化水平更高, 走规模化发展路线, 而港银行业务专业化水平更高, 走技术管理路线;无论是技术层面, 还是规模化层面, 澳银行与粤银行和港银行差距明显, 需要重视各方面不足, 补齐各种短板, 提高经营效率。从动态角度测算及分析1999-2019年粤港澳16家银行的全要素生产率在1999-2019年的效率变化, 首先从粤港澳大湾区整体及分组Malmquist指数来看, 21年间, 粤银行进步最快, 在技术效率和技术进步两侧均发展顺利, 其中技术进步是发展的主因;澳银行次之, 技术效率有所下滑;港银行最慢, 同样也是在技术效率方面有所退步。对于粤港澳三地银行业16家银行来说, 提高银行业技术水平或组织管理水平是提升全要素生产率的一项重要工作。粤港澳三地16家银行需分析自身的优劣势及所处的市场地位, 进行针对性的舍弃和补缺, 从而提升自身的全要素生产率。根据研究结论提出建议: 多途径提高资本, 缓解资本压力;减少银行物理网点机构, 推动业务创新;提高中间业务收入占比, 拓展盈利空间;加强风险管理控制能力, 提高贷款质量;拓宽业务发展领域, 注重跨区经营。 In this paper, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is used to comprehensively evaluate the operation efficiency of 16 city commercial banks in the three parties of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area from 1999 to 2019, and analyze the factors affecting the operation efficiency of city commercial banks in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. From the static empirical analysis of the operation efficiency of 16 banks in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the operation and management level, business professionalism and scale level of Guangdong Bank and Hong Kong Bank are significantly higher than those of Macao Bank during the period from 1999 to 2019. Guangdong Banks and Hong Kong Banks have their own advantages in operating efficiency. Guangdong Banks have a higher level of scale and take the route of scale development, while Hong Kong banks have a higher level of business specialization and take the route of technical management. Regardless of the technical level or the scale level, there is an obvious gap among the Macao Banks and the Guangdong Banks and the Hong Kong Banks. Attention should be paid to the deficiencies in various aspects, make up for various shortcomings and improve operational efficiency. The efficiency changes of total factor productivity of 16 banks in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao from 1999 to 2019 is measured and analyzed from a dynamic point of view. First, from the perspective of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area’s overall and grouped Malmquist index, Guangdong Bank made the fastest progress in 2021, with smooth development in terms of technical efficiency and technological progress, and technological progress is the main reason for development, followed by Macao Bank, with a decline in technical efficiency. Hong Kong Bank made the slowest progress, and there is also a decline in technical efficiency. For the 16 banks in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, it is an important work for improvement of total factor productivity to improve the level of banking technology or organization and management. 16 banks in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao need to analyze their own advantages and disadvantages and their market position, and carry out targeted abandonment and filling, to improve their total factor productivity. Based on the research conclusions, some suggestions are put forward in this paper: increase capital in various ways, alleviate capital pressure, reduce bank physical outlet institutions, promote business innovation, increase the proportion of intermediate business income, expand profit space, strengthen risk management, and control ability, improve loan quality; broaden the field of business development and pay attention to cross-regional operation.

      • KCI등재후보


        王燕培,鄭凖植 한국유통물류정책학회 2019 유통물류연구 Vol.6 No.4

        2019年2月, 中共中央、国务院印发了 ≪粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要≫(以下简称 ≪纲要≫), 正式将粤港澳大湾区建设纳入国家战略. 纵观3大湾区, 皆从港口经济起步. 港口产业集群的发展是港口经济发展的核心, 也是发展大湾区区域经济、增强大湾区竞争力的核心. 本文通过对国外优秀港口产业集群进行案例分析, 总结出外国港口产业集群发展的经验, 结合实际具体分析大湾区港口群产业集群发展面临的优势, 劣势, 机会, 威胁, 从而总结出适合大湾区港口群产业集群发展的四个战略:优势/机会战略, 优势/威胁战略, 劣势/机会战略, 劣势/威胁战略。

      • KCI등재

        粤港澳大湾区蓝图与中韩经贸合作新机遇 -以惠州中韩产业园为例

        刘宇 동북아시아문화학회 2019 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.60

        Under the context of economic globalization, an increasing number of countries build technological and innovative centers to improve comprehensive strength and adapt to new technological and scientific revolution. Have realized the importance of technological innovations, the Chinese government launched the strategy of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area). Despite of remarkable achievements in China-South Korea economic and trade cooperation, there is room for improvement. It bears great realistic significance to discuss the strategy of Greater Bay Area and study China-South Korea economic and trade cooperation. Hoping to make contributions for China-South Korea economic and trade cooperation, the article looks into the following aspects: the background and significance of Greater Bay Area blueprint, the interpretation of Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the building of Greater Bay Area and advice on China-South Korea economic and trade cooperation. Huizhou China& South Korea Industrial Park is a platform of cooperation between China and Korea in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Those two countries should make good use of this platform to strengthen cooperation relationship. This article proposed to strengthen cooperation between China and South Korea in financial fields, high-end service, high-tech industries and Energy Conservation & Environmental Protection. Regional economic cooperation is a irresistible trend. China and South Korea should lead by example in this progress.

      • KCI등재

        中国地方政府提升区域文化软实力的对策研究: 以广州区域文化软实力构建为中心

        정선옥,김형수 현대중국학회 2022 現代中國硏究 Vol.24 No.2

        本文以粤港澳大湾区视阈中的广州为中心,考察广州基于自身发展状况提 出的“新岭南文化,壮大文化产业,建设世界文化名城”的文化软实力提升战 略。同时,在国内外学者已有相关理论研究成果的基础上,考察中国地方政府 提升区域文化软实力的必要性。在研究方法上,本文利用SWOT分析逐一对广 州文化软实力的优势、劣势、机遇、挑战进行分析,较为全面地考察广州的文 化资源、岭南文化形象及地方政府提升区域文化软实力面临的困境和挑战。指 出要紧抓提升区域文化软实力战略导向、粤港澳大湾区振兴带来发展契机的重 要机遇,柔性运用地方文化资源、推动文化公益性产业协同发展、大力发展地 方经济水平,为地方政府提升区域文化软实力建言献策。本文期待能为地方政 府顺应文化经济时代转型发展,加快落实经济社会协调发展提供实践指导。此 外,本文还期待为推动中韩两国学者的区域文化软实力研究和政策研究,提供 可借鉴的启示。

      • KCI등재

        웨강아오 대만구 정책화 과정과 함의

        김동하 대한중국학회 2019 중국학 Vol.66 No.-

        중국은 2017년 웨강아오 대만구 정책을 국책 사업으로 확정하고, ‘웨강아오 대만구 발전규획’ 공포를 앞두고 있다. 동 대만구는 광동성 9개시와 ‘일국양제’를 실시하고 있는 홍콩 및 마카오 특별행정구 간의 지역통합화 정책이며, 광동자유무역시범구 조성, 강주아오 대교 개통 등으로 동 대만구 조성에 필요한 제도 및 기초 인프라가 갖추어지고 있다. 본고는 동 대만구 조성과 정책화 과정을 살펴보고, 분석을 통해 동 대만구 정책의 문제점을 도출하고, 영향력을 전망하는 것을 연구목적으로 한다. 분석결과, 동 대만구 정책은 행정 및 권역별로 다층적 과정을 거쳐 최종 정책으로 형성되었으며, 대만구 조성은 경제 외에도 사회·문화적 요인이 정 책화에 기여했음을 발견할 수 있었다. 동 대만구는 ‘일국양제’의 실험장을 광동 9개시까지 확 대시켰으며, CEPA 효과 극대화를 위한 플랫폼으로 작용할 전망이다. 다만 이질적 제도 하의 지역간 통합화, 광동성 내부의 격차 극복, 일대일로 정책과의 불협화음, 전례가 없는 협의체 구성과 운영이라는 어려움도 상존한다. 동정책은 인프라 건설, 광동자유무역시범구의 적극 활용, 도시별 차별화 진출 전략 필요라는 시사점을 우리 기업에게 제시하고 있다. China has finalized its policy on Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(GHM-Bay) in 2017. This is the regional integration policy between 9 cities in Guangdong Province of China, Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region, which implements the ‘One Country Two System’. Also, the Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone(GPFTZ) was established and Guangdong-Macao-Hong Kong Bridge opened. The purpose of this study is find out its basic infrastructure of the GHM-Bay policy and draws up the problems of the policy, predicts its influence to the Area. As a result of the analysis, the policy was formed as the multi-layered process by multi government. Besides the economy, social and cultural factors contributed to the policy-making. GHM-Bay has expanded the experimental site of the ‘One Country Two System’ to 9 cities in Guangdong, and expected to serve as a platform for maximizing the CEPA effect between Hong Kong-Macao-China. However, difficulties such as integration between regions under a heterogeneous system, overcoming gaps in Guangdong Province, dissonance with policy of ‘One Belt One Road’, forming and operating unprecedented consultative bodies exist. The policy also suggests to Korean companies that seek opportunity of infrastructure construction, active utilization of GPFTZ and the need for differentiating strategies into the 9 cities in Guangdong.

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