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      • KCI등재

        2010년 이후 중문학계(中文學界) 반패주(潘佩珠) 연구 성과에 대한 고찰 - 반패주(潘佩珠) 관련 조직과 인물의 재중국 활동 양상과 더불어

        루어징원 ( Luo Jing Wen ) 우리한문학회 2018 漢文學報 Vol.38 No.-

        潘佩珠는 근대 베트남 민족운동의 중요 지도자이자 근대 동아시아의 중요한 지식인으로, 각국 각지의 학술계에서 주목해온 인물로 관련된 연구성과가 꾸준히 축적되어왔다. 필자는 이번에 2010년부터 2017년까지 중문학계의 潘佩珠 연구를 개괄하고, 몇 가지 구체적인 예를 통해 潘佩珠연구에서 더욱 확장되고 심화될 만한 것을 설명하였다. 예컨대 새로 발견된 潘佩珠의 『聯亞蒭言』의 내용을 검토했다. 다른 한편으로는 潘佩珠의 행위와 그 배후, 또 그와 관련된 인물들에 대해서도 추적을 하였다. 이러한 논의는 潘佩珠와 관련 인물들의 생활조건, 저술과 실행의 뒤에 있는 감정 등을 탐구하는데 생산적인 도움이 될 것이다. 뿐만 아니라, 潘佩珠와 동아시아의 혁명가 또는 지식인들 사이의 교류를 검토함에 있어서도 하나의 지침이 될 수 있을 것이다. Phan Boi Chau was an important leader of the modern Vietnamese national movement and a central intellectual in modern East Asia. Therefore, he has been attracting attention in the global academia and the researches related to Phan Boi Chau have been steadily generated the results. This paper was written to introduce the overview of China’s research results on Phan Boi Chau from 2010 to 2017, and it explained the contents that could be further expanded and deepened of the Phan Boi Chau research through several detailed examples. For instance, this paper reviewed the contents of the newly discovered Phan Boi Chau’s book, LienASoNgon, and tracked the Phan Boi Chau’s actions, his background, and the people involved with him. The discussion will be productive in researching about Phan Boi Chau and the people related to him in aspect of the living conditions, the feelings beneath the writings, and the emotion reflected on their behavior. In addition, it can be a guide to examine the interaction between Phan Boi Chau and revolutionaries or intellectuals in East Asia.

      • KCI등재

        『반패주년표(潘佩珠年表)』를 통해 본 근대초기 동문세계(同文世界)의 일단면(一斷面)

        김용태 ( Kim Yong-tai ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2016 大東文化硏究 Vol.96 No.-

        본고는 베트남의 저명한 독립운동가 판보이쩌우의 한문 자서전 『潘佩珠年表』를 우리 학계에 처음 소개하고, 이 자료를 통해 동아시아 근대한문학의 면모를 살펴보았다. 본고에서는 『潘佩珠年表』를 통해 당대 베트남에서 한문 글쓰기가 어떻게 재생산되었는지, 동아시아 지식인들이 한문필담을 어떻게 활용하였는지 등을 구체적으로 살펴보아 20세기 초기까지 한문에 의한 同文世界가 지속되었음을 확인하였다. 그런데 판보이쩌우는 한문필담을 통해 다양한 지식인들과 소통하면서 스스로의 사상을 변화시켜 나갔다. 그는 처음 인종적인 `同文同種論`에 기대를 거는 입장이었는데 후에는 민주공화제와 세계주의의 필요성을 깨닫게 되었던 것이다. 이러한 점은 동문세계가 동아시아의 근대와 매우 밀접한 관련이 있었음을 보여주고 있는 증거라 할 수 있다. This paper treats of Phan Boi Chau`s autobiography in classical Chinese, A Chronology of Phan Boi Chau who was a famous independence activist in Vietnam. It is the first time to introduce autobiography of Phan Boi Chau in the academic world of Korea. Moreover, by examining this book we can understand the aspect of modern times` classical Chinese literature in East Asia. In this paper, I took a closer look at how writing in classical Chinese which was generally thought that it had disappeared with the beginning of the modern era was reproduced in the modern Vietnam. Furthermore, I inspected minutely how East Asian intellectuals communicated each other by means of writing in classical Chinese at that time. All of these materials indicate that the same script area which was communicated by one script `classical Chinese` lasted until early 20th century. Drawing on A Chronology of Phan Boi Chau, we can perceive that Phan Boi Chau changed his thought for himself by interacting with various kinds of Asian intellectuals. At first, he based on `the theory of the same script and the same race` for the sake of achieving independence from France. Then subsequently he realized the necessity of `a democratic republican form of government` and `cosmopolitanism`. Coupled with this fact, it would be saidthat the same script area was closely related with formation of modern East Asia.

      • KCI등재

        『월남망국사』의 유통과 수용

        박상석 ( Sang Seok Park ) 연민학회 2010 연민학지 Vol.14 No.-

        『越南亡國史』was published in China in 1905, and it was republished at least 5 times. It was carried in the 「淸議報」, published by 梁啓超, from 1899, and also carried in the 『飮永室文集』, 梁啓超`s anthology. 潘佩珠 made 『越南亡國史』be spread in Vietnam. This book was copied in Vietnam many times, and was translated in Vietnamese(國語, Quoc Ngu). 『ウェトナム亡國史 他』, the translation of 『越南亡國史』into Japanese was published in Japan in 1966. In Korean the 『越南亡國史』was carried in 『皇城新聞』in 1906. And the book was translated in Korean and Chinese characters by 玄采(1906), in pure Korean by 周時經(1907), and by 李相益(1907) respectively, and in Korean and Chinese characters by 金振聲(1949). 京鄕新聞 published the article criticizing the 『越南亡國史』severely in connection with their religious position.

      • KCI등재

        근대 한문, 동아동맹(東亞同盟)과 혁명의 문자 ― 『판보이쩌우자서전(潘佩珠年表)』으로 본 아시아 혁명의 원천들

        황호덕 ( Hwang Ho-duk ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2018 大東文化硏究 Vol.104 No.-

        근대 동아시아의 베스트셀러인 량지차오와 판보이쩌우 공편의 <월남망국사>는 동아시아 근대의 지식, 문화, 권력의 교환 및 상호 작용을 이해하는 상징적인 사건 중 하나이다. 이 글에서는 판보이쩌우의 한문본 자서전을 중심으로 동아시아의 근대 지식의 상호작용, 특히 혁명 지식 및 방법론의 순환 문제를 검토한다. 아시아가 연대하여 서양에 맞서자는 기치는, 비록 그것이 수다한 배신과 자가당착적인 광역권 구상들 속에서 부식되었다 하더라도 19세기말부터의 오랜 정치적 이상이자 저항의 ‘방법’ 중 하나였다. 난처한 것은 다케우치 요시미(竹內好)의 악명 높은 명제처럼 “침략과 연대를 구체적 상황에 있어서 구별할 수 없다”는 점, 혹은 그 구별 자체를 행위자도 완전히 알지 못한다는 점이다. 양자를 걸치는 “하나의 경향성” 속에서 연대와 개입이 매순간 간단히 구별될 수 없다고 할 때, 아시아의 일원으로서 아시아에 책임을 지려했던 판보이쩌우의 삶과 문필은 동아시아라는 지식장을 선의의 연대로 해석하며 펼쳐낸 탈식민운동의 가장 인상적인 사례에 해당한다. 이 글을 통해 판보이쩌우와 한국이 맺는 관계의 근원인 熱血 문자 『월남망국사』의 창작 과정을 재평가하는 한편, 『潘佩珠年表』를 통해 동아시아라는 지평에서 한문이 펼쳐보인 근대성의 또 다른 모습을 추적해보려 한다. 이 자서전적 기록은 그간 한국학에서 간과되어 온 저작이나 최근 베트남과의 역사적 관계들에 대한 관심 속에서 새롭게 주목되고 있다. 구체적으로는 『潘佩珠年表』에 등장하는 량치차오(梁啓超), 오쿠마시게노부(大隈重信), 이누카이 쓰요시(犬養毅), 쑨원(孫文), 미야자키 도텐(宮崎滔天)과의 필담과 교류 및 조소앙, 신규식과의 정치적 연대를 실마리로 하여 筆談媒价를 통해 드러나는 한문의 근대성-매개성, 정치성, 奸智의 측면에 대해 숙고해보고자 한다. 이를 통해 同文이란 공유하는 과거보다 도래할 혁명을 여는 자리였던 한편, 또한 늘 연대와 함께 배신과 야욕, 자가당착으로 들끓는 격전의 장소였음을 논증하려 한다. The History of the Loss of Vietnam (Viet Nam vong quoc su, 1905), coedited by Liang Qichao and Phan Boi Chau was one of the bestselling books in modern East Asia, reveals the exchanges of knowledge, culture, and power through their interactions. By focusing on Overturned Chariot: The Autobiography of Phan Boi Chau. (Phan Bọi Chau nien biẻu), a sinographic autobiography by Phan, this paper examines the knowledge interaction in modern East Asia, especially the problem of the circulation of knowledge and method of "revolution". Recently, Phan's autobiographical writing has received scholarly attention thanks to the increasing interest in understanding the history of Korean-Vietnamese relations. Although its meaning has been corroded through numerous betrayals and self-contradicting agendas, the banner of "Asian alliance against the West" has been a venerable political ideal and revolutionary method of resistance since the late nineteenth century. The problem is, as Takeuchi Yoshimi’s notoriously states, "in respective situations the invasion and alliance can be hardly differentiated", and even the actors had not been fully aware of such a distinction. Nonetheless, if one acknowledges the "common traits" underlying both, and is aware of the difficulty of differentiating between alliance and intervention in every moment, then the life and writings of Phan Boi Chau, who interpreted the East Asian knowledge network as an alliance of friendliness, becomes the most impressive example of the decolonial movement. This paper revisits the creation process of the History of the Loss of Vietnam, a writing of hot blood, which laid out the foundational connection between Phan Boi Chau and Korea, and traces the yet untold aspect of modernity in sinographic writings on the East Asian horizons reflected in Overturned Chariot. I examine sinographic modernity-its agency, political nature, and tactics-through the analysis of Phan's brush talk (p'ildam) with Chinese and Japanese intellectuals such as Liang Qichao, Okuma Shigenobu, Inukai Tsuyoshi, Sun Yat-sen, and Miyazaki Toten, as well as the clues of Phan's political alliance with Korean nationalists such as Cho Soang and Sin Kyusik.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 후반~20세기 초 베트남의 ‘新書’ 수용

        尹大榮(Youn Dae-yeong) 동양사학회 2011 東洋史學硏究 Vol.117 No.-

        This study aims at examining the origin of the Vietnamese Reform Movement on the basis of understanding the ‘New Books’ as an East Asian intellectual trend. Colonization attempts facilitated the exchanges between the Asian countries. Policies that arose from the colonial powers’ needs for economic expansion enlarged Asia’s ground for activity, making communication between diverse parts of the Asian world faster and easier. Hence, events occurring in China were able to have a more direct repercussion over the East Asian society on a large scale. The Western impact on China and the Sino-Japanese War widened the Chinese intellectuals’ vision. They realized China’s weakness in the face of Western and Japanese military intrusions and felt the need to transform their country into a prosperous ‘modern’ nation. Therefore, Chinese reformists began to develop journalism and translate numerous European and Japanese works in order to introduce their compatriots to the various fields of Western sciences and ideas. It also so happens that this intellectual current contributed to the formation of the Vietnamese reform movement. Data now available is not helpful about precisely when Chinese reformist writings first entered Vietnam. However, Ðao Nguyen Ph?’s bibliographical list shows that the ‘New Learning’ came from very diverse sources such as books, periodicals, maps, illustrated magazines, drawings etc. But what is the meaning of this phenomenon? In order to understand what was meant by the progressive intellectual movement, it is important to take into account when and how the ‘New Books’ affected Vietnamese readers born between the 1860s and 1900s. From the late 19th century, chemistry, mechanics, physics, pharmacy and social sciences provided a way for Vietnamese to access new educational methods and intellectual tools, barely known until then. The ‘New Books’ introduced in the early 20th century were written by authors and translators of various nationalities: Western, Japanese and Chinese. In particular, Chinese reformists’ works began to substantially enter Vietnam after the Hundred Days’ Reform. After this reform and the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, Vietnamese intellectuals started to become conscious that they had entered a new epoch, and as a result, a growing interest in Western sciences spread throughout the country. It was at this time that books and newspapers of Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao penetrated even deeper into Vietnamese society. That’s why the ‘New Books’ was able to give great impetus to the Vietnamese intellectual evolution, as showed in Duy Tan h?i, đong Du movement, đong Kinh Ngh?a Th?c etc.

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