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        리단 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2018 인문사회과학연구 Vol.19 No.1

        In February 2013, North Korea’s launched its third nuclear test, after which the relationship between China and DPRK has fallen into an unprecedented indifference and alienation. In terms of the nuclear test and other adventures of the DPRK, China stated its support for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. China has participated in and fulfilled the UN’s resolution on sanctions against the DPRK. In addition, the dislike of DPRK in the general public of China is rising. Some scholars even have proposed the cancellation of the alliance treaty between China and DPRK. However, under the circumstances of the sanction the international social community, the communication between China and DPRK continues quietly. The visits between the state officials and in techniques did not stop. The development of economy and trade is stable. And Progress has been made in the channel construction between China and DPRK. Therefore, this paper holds that during the period in which Xi Jinping and Kim Jeong-eun are in power, the relationship between China and DPRK showed the characteristics of alienation and contact. And the policy towards DPRK of China is limited support and limited opposition. For China, the contact with DPRK is necessary to control the crisis. On the one hand, China seeks for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, China hopes this contact can prevent Kim Jeong-eun from creating tension and other taking behaviors. For the sake of the respective core interest, the contact and alienation between China and DPRK will continue within a short period of time. 2013年2月,朝鲜的第三次核试验使中国和朝鲜关系陷入空前的冷淡和疏远。对朝鲜进行核试验等冒险行为,中国通过外交部声明阐明了中国支持朝鲜半岛无核化的立场。在此背景下,本文从朝鲜第三次核试验之后中朝两国关系的发展现状着手,分析两国发展的特点进而探求两国关系的实质。因为中朝同盟本身所具有的不对称性,本文着重从中国的角度梳理了中朝新一代领导人执政之后的双边关系,本文研究结果如下:中国坚持朝鲜半岛无核化的原则更加明确,反对朝鲜的冒险行为的举措更加坚决,中国就朝核、导等威胁地区安全的行为保持了与国际社会的沟通,更加切实地履行联合国安理会的各项决议。中朝关系出现了疏远的动向,中国对朝鲜问题坚持了底线原则,对威胁地区安全、给中国核心利益带来负面影响的因素坚决反对和抵制;朝鲜作为中国的同盟国,在外部威胁和内部急需稳定的需求下,在核武路线似乎日趋接近顶峰,中朝两国的核心战略利益相左致使两国的政治外交关系出现了疏远迹象。但是,中国坚持朝鲜半岛和平稳定的立场没有变化,坚持半岛问题和平解决的立场没有发生变化。即中国反对朝鲜的冒险行为,坚持朝核问题的和平解决立场,呼吁有关各方采取冷静克制的态度,避免半岛局势的恶化。中朝关系在国际社会制裁局面下出现了冷淡和不谐之音。中国反对朝鲜进行核试验及其危及地区局势的冒险行为,参与了国际社会对朝鲜的制裁,履行联合国安理会的对朝制裁决议。但是,国际社会的制裁和中朝两国的交流并没有成正比,双方通过政府层面和部长级和特使级的交流保持了沟通,两国通过科技交流保持了稳定态势。这种接触对于中国而言,在一定的程度上防止朝鲜滑向不可预知的方向,有助于中国对朝鲜半岛危及的管理;对于朝鲜而言,坚持和中国的接触与沟通无疑是其保持体制生存所需,这种需求既是政治层面的需求,也是经济层面的需求。中朝两国的疏远和接触因两国核心利益所需在短时间内将会持续

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