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      • KCI등재

        談話データを用いた韓日バイリンガル児童の 言語使用の事例研究

        김혜민 한국일본언어문화학회 2019 일본언어문화 Vol.47 No.-

        This study aims at clarifying the characteristics of language use of one Korean‐Japanese bilingual child with a discourse data. I conducted a recording the discourse of the child when he was with his parents at home. The child used Korean with his father, and used Japanese and Korean with his mother. Compared to his mother’s Japanese use, the child used less Japanese to his mother. Compared to the first survey, in the second survey which is conducted after 1 year, Japanese use increased exceedingly. This seems to be due to the improvement of Japanese competence, the increase of Japanese input of mother, the contact with Japanese books and television, and the positive attitude of the child and father to Japanese. I divided the data of the child into four situations: Japanese books, painting activities, television, and play. As a result, the use of Japanese increased slightly when watching Japanese television, and it increased relatively when reading Japanese books. This suggests that the contact of Japanese, such as reading books and watching television, is related to the increase in Japanese use of the child. .

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사례 연구: 한일 이중언어 사용 아동의 코드 스위칭의 화용론적 기능

        김혜민 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2019 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.80

        The purpose of this study is to figure out pragmatic functions of code switching which occurs in the conversations of one Korean-Japanese bilingual child. Two sets of data of a Korean-Japanese bilingual child were collected when the subject was about 5 and 6 years old. The results are as follows. first, His code-switchig was conducted to construct the relationship with the interlocutor. He switched from Korean to Japanese when address to his mother. It seems that he wants to construct the relationship communicating using Japanese with his mother. On the one hand he switched from Japanese, used till that time, to Korean honorifics when he asked for his mother. It seems that by switching to Korean honorifics he constructed the relationship of using the honorifics with his mother. Second, his code-switching was conducted to facilitate the conversation smoothly. Code-switching which occured to mode-shift and call an attention solves a problem in the discourse and facilitates the conversation smoothly. As a results, code-switching of the child is not necessarily due to lack of language skills, it conducts various pragmatic functions.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 <퉁즈문학>-리 고토미와 일본의 타이완 LGBT문학 수용-

        유수정 동아시아일본학회 2020 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.73

        Yu Sujeong I studied Taiwanese LGBT literature, “Tongzhi Literature(同志文学)”, which has recently influenced LGBT literature in Japan. “Tongzhi(同志)” is a word that means homosexuals, or broadly sexual minorities, and began to circulate mainly in Taiwan and Hong Kong after the 1990s. “Tongzhi” was recognized for the first time in the reorganization of the social and cultural system after Taiwan ’s martial law was lifted, and the category “Tongzhi Culture” was born. Cultural energy has created a cultural and literary environment in Taiwan. Taiwan's Tongzhi Literature, which was initially under the great influence of Japanese homosexual literature and culture, is now leading Asian LGBT literature and translated and published in Korea and Japan. During this period, Lee Kotomi(李琴峰), bilingual artists appeared on the Japanese central platform. Lee Kotomi's first novel HITORIMAI(独り舞) clearly reveals the influence of the first representative work of Taiwanese lesbian novel, Qiu Miaojin(邱妙津)’s works. This is especially the case of the figure of the lesbian heroin who pursues absolute love, internalization of social discrimination, infeasible love, intense libido, desire for death, and so on. Also, the protagonist of the lesbian will appear in “If You Count Five, the Crescent Moon Is(五つ数えれば三日月が)”, which was selected for this year's nominees for Akutagawa Literary Prizee, but there is a change. Lee Kotomi's work is not only Japanese literature written in Japanese, but also Japanese Tongzhi Literature that has blossomed in the field of Taiwan's Tongzhi culture and Tongzhi literature.

      • KCI등재

        한일 이중언어 아동의 일본어 수수표현의 습득에 관한 사례연구 -한국인 일본어학습자과의 비교를 중심으로-

        迫田亞希子 한국일어교육학회 2014 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.29

        日本語の授受表現は、日本語學習者にとって學習しにくい項目の一つであるが、日韓バイリンガル兒にも學習者と同じような誤用が見られた. 日本語と韓國語を母語に持つ日韓バイリンガル兒の授受表現の使用傾向は、日本人の幼兒(L``)と韓國人日本語學習者(L;)とどちらに類似するのかという疑問から、本稿では、日韓バイリンガル兒と成人韓國人日本語學習者の發話デ-タを比較し、日韓バイリンガル兒の發話における授受表現の使用が、先行硏究の日本人の幼兒の結果と韓國人日本語學習者の發話デ-タ(KYコ-パス)とどちらに類似しているのかを調べ、韓國人日本語學習者と使用が異なる場合、その原因について考察を試みた. 發話デ-タを分析した結果、兩者の授受表現の使用から、正用において日韓バイリンガル兒は「アゲル·テアゲル」の正用頻度が高かったが、韓國人日本語學習者は「モラウ·テモラウ·テクレル」の正用頻度が高く、兩者の授受表現の正用の傾向は異なっていた. また、誤用については、日韓バイリンガル兒と韓國人日本語學習者の兩者から授受補助動詞「テクレル」の脫落の誤用が多く見られた. そして授受表現の使い分けの誤用においては、日韓バイリンガル兒は「クレル」とすべきところを「アゲル」、「テクレル」とすべきところを「テアゲル」にした誤用のパタ-ンが多く、韓國人日本語學習者は「テモラウ」とすべきところを「テクレル」にした誤用のパタ-ンが多かった. そして、日韓バイリンガル兒の授受表現の使用は、正用は日本人幼兒(L``)の使用傾向に類似していたこと、また、誤用の傾向として日韓バイリンガル兒には「(テ)アゲル」の多用が、韓國人日本語學習者には「テクレル」の多用があることが分かった. そこで、バイリンガル兒の母親の授受表現の使用傾向や日本人の親子會話の發話デ-タ、日本語現代語コ-パスを分析した結果、母親の發話には「テアゲル」、現代語コ-パスでは「テクレル」の使用が多く見られ、兩者の授受表現の使用が異なる原因の背景に、周圍のインプットの影響の可能性が示された.

      • KCI등재

        在米日本人父母のバイリンガル教育への態度 ─ 在米韓国人父母の態度との比較を中心に ─

        李定喜,三木貴司 단국대학교 일본연구소 2016 일본학연구 Vol.49 No.-

        본 연구는 미국에서의 계승일본어교육에 영향을 주는 요인 중 하나로서 재미 일본인 부모의 이중 언어 교육에 대한 태도에 초점을 맞추어, 그 양상을 살펴본 것이다. 고찰함에 있어 유사한 속성을 가지는 것으로 생각된 재미 한국인 부모의 태도를 비교 대상으로 설정하였다. 본 논문의 연구과제는 (1) 부모의 이중 언어 교육에 대한 태도는 어떤 요인으로 구성되어 있는가? (2) 일본인 부모의 이중 언어 교육에 대한 태도의 구성 요인은 한국인 부모의 태도와 비교했을 때 어떤 특징을 가지고 있는가? 의 두 가지이다. 연구 방법으로는 설문지 조사의 응답 결과를 바탕으로 한 요인 분석 및 분산 분석을 사용하였다. 먼저 과제 (1)의 경우, 요인 분석의 결과 이중 언어 교육의 ‘중요성’, ‘실용성’, ‘필요성’이라는 세 가지 요인이 검출되었다. 또한 과제 (2)의 경우, 과제 (1)에서 검출된 이중 언어 교육의 ‘중요성’과 ‘실용성’ 측면에서는 일본인 부모 집단과 한국인 부모 집단 모두 비교적 높은 값을 나타냈다. 한편 이중 언어 교육의 ‘필요성’ 측면에서는 일본인 부모 집단의 값이 한국인 부모의 값보다 유의하게 낮은 것으로 나타나, 일본인 부모가 이중 언어 교육의 중요성과 실용성에 대해서는 강한 태도를 가지고 있는 반면 그 필요성에 대해서는 상대적으로 강한 태도를 가지고 있지 않은 가능성이 지적되었다. This study examined Japanese parents’ attitudes toward bilingual education as one of the factors which would affect the education of Japanese as heritage language in the US. In the process of the study, their attitudes were compared with those of Korean parents, which seemed to have similar characteristics. The research question is as follows: (1) What factors compose the parents’ attitudes toward bilingual education? (2) How are the factors composing the Japanese parents’ attitudes characterized, comparing with those of Korean parents? The analysis was conducted by means of factor analysis and analysis of variance, based on the data of the questionnaire toward parents. First, as a result of the factor analysis, three factors including ‘importance’, ‘usefulness’, and ‘necessity’ of bilingual are detected. Second, as a result of the analysis of variance, both groups were found to have relatively strong attitudes toward the importance and the usefulness of bilingual. On the other hand, in terms of the necessity, the average value of the Japanese parents’ answers was significantly lower than that of Korean parents. Therefore it is assumed that Japanese parents do not have relatively stronger attitudes toward the necessity of bilingual education rather than Korean parents.

      • KCI등재

        繼承日本語における連體修飾節の習得樣相 - 韓日バイリンガル兒童を對象に-

        川口慶子 ( Kawaguchi Keiko ) 한국일어교육학회 2018 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.45

        本稿では、繼承語環境にいる韓日バイリンガル兒童を對象に、連體修飾節に注目して考察を行った。その習得樣相を統語的な面と意味的な面から分析し、またL1幼兒やL2學習者との習得樣相と比較することで、その特徵を明らかにしようとした。 まず、統語的な面からの考察では、被修飾名詞と修飾節の文法關係による連體節使用順序はNPAH(SU>DO>IO>OBL>GEN)に從うかという点について見た。その結果、SU(主語)の使用比率は子どもの年齡が低いほど高いというわけでもなく、また、日本語レベルが低いほど高いと斷定することもできなかった。また、SU(主語)/DO(直接目的語)/OBL(斜格)の中で最も難易度が高いとされているOBL(斜格)の習得が最も難しいという結果にはならなかった。從って、本稿の分析からは連體修飾節の習得難易はNPAHに沿うとは言えないという結果となった。 次に、意味的な面からの考察では、形容詞に近い「屬性·狀態」の修飾節が習得されやすいかという点について分析した。その結果、韓日バイリンガル兒童の場合は、L1幼兒や自然習得中心の學習者ほど「屬性·狀態」の連體修飾節の使用比率が高くなかった。また、低學年、あるいは日本語レベル1の子どもたちも狀態性が最も低い「過去·未來」の連體節を使用していることから見ても、「屬性·狀態」を表す修飾節が習得されやすいという結果は得られなかった。さらに、「屬性·狀態」と「過去·未來」の修飾節の習得には日本語レベルが影響している可能性を指摘した。反に日本語のインプット不足により習得が遲れているということであれば、その部分を中心に學習させたりすることで習得を促すことが求められる。 This study investigated on the acquisition of Japanese noun-modifying clauses by Korean-Japanese bilingual children who attend Korean elementary schools. Focusing on its forms and meanings, the acquisition of Japanese noun-modifying clauses was analyzed by comparing the data of L1 infants and adult learners of Japanese(L2 learners). By comparing these data, this study aims to clarify the characteristics of Japanese as a heritage language. This study analyzes noun-modifying clauses in an oral interview data from 62 speakers of Japanese at three different ages and levels of proficiency. First, this study analyzes whether the acquisition of noun-modifying clauses produced by Korean-Japanese bilingual children follows the Noun Phrase Accessibility hierarchy (NPAH), proposed by Keenan and Comrie(1977). The result revealed that even children of lower ages and lower proficiency used direct object(DO) and oblique(OBL) relatives, which suggests that subject relatives(SU) are not easier than DO or OBL relatives for the bilingual children. In result, the acquisition of noun-modifying clauses does not follow the NPAH. Second, this study analyzes whether adjective-like noun-modifying clauses are easier to be acquired than the other types of clauses. The result shows that even children of lower grades and lower proficiency of Japanese used not only adjective-like clauses but also non-adjective like clauses. In result, it can not be said that adjective-like noun-modifying clauses are easier to be acquired.

      • KCI등재


        이상미 한국일본학회 2009 日本學報 Vol.78 No.-


      • KCI등재후보

        韓日バイリンガルのコード·スイッチングに関する一考察 -バイリンガル集団別の形態的特徴を中心に-

        곽은심 한국일어교육학회 2012 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.24


      • KCI등재

        韓日バイリンガル児童による丁寧形の習得 ―動詞述語文における丁寧形を中心に―

        川口慶子(Keiko, Kawaguchi) 한국일본문화학회 2023 日本文化學報 Vol.- No.96

        This study investigated the acquisition of Japanese polite form as a heritage language by Korean-Japanese bilingual children. The patterns of acquisition were compared with those of native speakers, learners, and natural learners of Japanese. The results revealed the following regarding the use of the end-of-text format by Korean-Japanese bilingual children. 1) As the school year goes up, the usage rate of polite form increases. 2) A total of 361 polite forms were identified in noun sentences and 51 in i-adjective sentences, but masu form did not appear. 3) In verb sentences, 804 polite forms were identified. In the affirmative form, mashita and masu forms of “A series” accounted for most of the use, but 15 cases of ~tadesu and five of ~rudesu of “B series,” which are non-standard expressions, were confirmed. With regard to such non-standard expressions, Korean-Japanese bilingual children create their own grammar system by analyzing the input of Japanese language. 4) As for the negative form of the verb sentence, 99 cases of masen form of “A series” and 63 cases of naidesu form of “B series” (39% of the total) were confirmed. In terms of naidesu forms by Japanese level, unlike Japanese learners, who use naidesu forms more as the Japanese level increases, children with lower levels of Japanese use the word naidesu. In other words, it is very similar to the characteristics of natural learners.

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