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        Marketing Standardization and Firm Performance in International E-Commerce

        Wolfgang Fritz,Heiko Dees 한국마케팅과학회 2009 마케팅과학연구 Vol.19 No.3

        市场营销的标准化已经成为有关国际市场营销的硏究中最为关注的焦点之一。 全球营销这个术语常被定义为以国外市场的共同性为前提的国际标准化的营销战略。 营销标准化仅在传统的实体市场交易场所的背景中被讨论。 自从上个世纪90年大起, 联网上的电子市场交易场所开始兴起, 并成为全球化过程中为全球营销活动准化开拓新机会的最重要的动力之一。 另一方面, 消费者由于更大程度的接受互联网而可能产生与标准化相比更高水平的定制化和产品的差异化, 这样的观点也很流行。 考虑这个分歧, 在全球电子商务的背景下关注营销标淮化的 综合的硏究不能达到一定高度的这种情况值得注意。 在这个背 景下, 本硏究提出了两个基本硏究问题 : (1)在国际电子商务中公司多大程度标准化了他们的营销? (2)营销的标准化对公司的表现 (或成功) 有没有影响? 根据文献回顾提出了下列硏究假设 : H1 : 从事国际电子商务的公司为营销标准化做了更多的淮备。 H2 : 营销标准化在帮助公司在国际电子商务中获得成功的方面发挥积极的作用。 H3 : 在国际电子商务中, 营销组合标准化在公司获得经济的和非经济的成功方面比营销过程标准化发挥更积极的作用。 H4 : 国际电子商务公司获得非经济的成功越大, 获得经济的成功也越大。 本硏究的数据是通过在2005年2月到4月间进行问卷调查获得的。 本调查查包括了德国各种产业中的国际电子商务公司和国外电子商务公司驻德国的所有总部和分公司。 801 家公司中的 118 家回㚆了问卷。 本硏究了问卷为结构方程模型,使用PLS-Graph3.0版本中的偏最小二乘法。 数据分析结果支持所有的4个硏究假设。 结果表明, 从事国际电子商务的公司在商标, 网页设计, 产品定立和产品项目上的标准化很高。这些公司打算未来左营销组合标准化方面加大努力。 另外, 他们想提高营销控制程标准化的水平, 尤其是和信息系统, 企业语言和在线营销控制程序一起。 在本硏究中, 营销标准化对企业在国际电子商务中的表表现起了积极全面的影响。 营销组合的标准化对在非经济的成功方面比营销过程的标准化发挥更积极的影响。 相反, 营销过程的标准化在经济的功方面发挥了较积极的作用。 另外, 我们的结果明确的支持了在国际电子商务中非经济的成功和经济的成功是高度相关的这一假设。 实证结果表明, 国际电子商务公司的成功与营销标准化高度相关。 但营销组合和销售过程标准化以不同的方式帮助企业的经济和非经济的成功。 結果表明, 公司在互联网上使营销组合的众多因索标准化。 这种做法在一定程 The Standardization of marketing has been one of the most focused research topics in international marketing. The term "global marketing" was often used to mean an internationally standardized marketing strategy based on similarities between foreign markets. Marketing standardization was discussed only within the context of traditional physical marketplaces. Since then, the digital "marketspace" of the Internet had emerged in the 90's, and it became one of the most important drivers of the globalization process opening new opportunities for the standardization of global marketing activities. On the other hand, the opinion that a greater adoption of the Internet by customers may lead to a higher degree of customization and differentiation of products rather than standardization is also quite popular. Considering this disagreement, it is notable that comprehensive studies which focus upon the marketing standardization especially in the context of global e-commerce are missing to a high degree. On this background, the two basic research questions being addressed in this study are: (1) To what extent do companies standardize their marketing in international e-commerce? (2) Is there an impact of marketing standardization on the performance (or success) of these companies? Following research hypotheses were generated based upon literature review: H 1: Internationally engaged e-commerce firms show a growing readiness for marketing standardization. H 2: Marketing standardization exerts positive effects on the success of companies in international e-commerce. H 3: In international e-commerce, marketing mix standardization exerts a stronger positive effect on the economic as well as the non-economic success of companies than marketing process standardization. H 4: The higher the non-economic success in international e-commerce firms, the higher the economic success. The data for this research were obtained from a questionnaire survey conducted from February to April 2005. The international e-commerce companies of various industries in Germany and all subsidiaries or headquarters of foreign e-commerce companies based in Germany were included in the survey. 118 out of 801 companies responded to the questionnaire. For structural equation modelling (SEM), the Partial-Least-Squares (PLS) approach in the version PLS-Graph 3.0 was applied (Chin 1998a; 2001). All of four research hypotheses were supported by result of data analysis. The results show that companies engaged in international e-commerce standardize in particular brand name, web page design, product positioning, and the product program to a high degree. The companies intend to intensify their efforts for marketing mix standardization in the future. In addition they want to standardize their marketing processes also to a higher degree, especially within the range of information systems, corporate language and online marketing control procedures. In this study, marketing standardization exerts a positive overall impact on company performance in international e-commerce. Standardization of marketing mix exerts a stronger positive impact on the non-economic success than standardization of marketing processes, which in turn contributes slightly stronger to the economic success. Furthermore, our findings give clear support to the assumption that the non-economic success is highly relevant to the economic success of the firm in international e-commerce. The empirical findings indicate that marketing standardization is relevant to the companies' success in international e-commerce. But marketing mix and marketing process standardization contribute to the firms' economic and non-economic success in different ways. The findings indicate that companies do standardize numerous elements of their marketing mix on the Internet. This practice is in part contrary to the popular concept of a "differentiated standardization" which argues that come elements of the marketing mix

      • 旅游景区微博营销受众结构与行为优化研究

        吕汝健(Rujian Lv) 세계문화관광학회 2012 International Journal of Culture and tourism Resea Vol.5 No.2

        微博营销作为一种新兴的网络社会化媒体被应用于旅游营销中, 作用日益突显。回顾微博营销兴起的特点及发展轨迹, 分析微博与景区营销结合的意义, 并以中国浙江乌镇景区微博营销现状为3, 讨论景区优化微博营销受众结构和行为特征的途径。 The emergence of micro-blog has greatly changed the way that people conduct information dissemination. With micro-blog, tourism enterprises can get customers shopping experience and make it possible of word of mouth marketing. As a brand-new way for network marketing, the micro-blog has been applied on the marketing of tourism industry and played an important role in it. The paper analyzed the character of micro-blog and the great meaning of application on tourism attraction marketing. Took the practice of Zhejang Wuzhen Scenic Spot micro-blog marketing as an example, discussed its structure of potential goal customers and current efficiency of the spot micro-blog marketing. To explore tourism attraction micro-blog marketing strategies and its realization approach, bring out a new micro-blog marketing model.

      • KCI등재

        Transfer of Marketing Knowledge within Multinational Corporations and Its Impact on Performance

        Lee, Byung Hee(李秉熙) 한국마케팅과학회 2008 마케팅과학연구 Vol.18 No.4

        知识被认为是理解公司如何获得及保持竞争优势的一个重要因素.但是很少由公司有能力去创造需要的知识,而且,公司也应该通过知识传递过程学到并开发出新的知识.在阐述完知识的重要性后,本论文研究知识话应性、知识传递、市场营销三者的关系,以及检验知识吸收能力,社会化,本地知识三者的融合。 本研究的结构如下:(1)知识,知识转移和吸收能力的文献综述。紧随其后的是源于知识观和吸收能力的假设的提出。(2)用从跨国公司子公司在韩国执行营销活动收集的数据检验假设。本研究以发现,意义和结论结束。 以下的六个研究假设是来自于相关领域的文献回顾: H1从跨国公司总部及其他子公司的知识转移的适应性与知识流入接收到的子公司是正相关。 H2跨国公司总部及其他子公司的营销知识转移的水平与接受子公司的销售绩效是正相关。 H3潜在的吸收能力的提高将会增强知识的适应性和营销知识转移水平之间的关系。 H4现实的吸收能力的提高将会增强知识转移水平和接收子公司的销售绩效之间的关系。 H5总部和子公司之间社交活动的增多将会增强知识的适应性和营销知识转移水平之间的关系。 H6地方性发展的营销知识水平的提高将会增强知识转移水平和接收子公司的销售绩效之间的关系。 本研究的分析单位是从跨国公司的总部和其他子公司到他们在韩国的子公司的知识转移。自不同行业企业和商业协会的共603家外国公司。在通过个人接触,电话,传真和电子邮件要求完成问卷调查后,我们收集了133家初始样品公司的282份有效问卷。 实证分析的结果明显的支持了除了假设3以外的所有假设。外部知识的适应性促进知识转移,这种关系通过一个公司的潜在之知识的吸收能力被缓和。另一方面,知识转移促进了公司销售绩效和公司现实的知识吸收能力,同时地方营销知识减缓了这种关系。 本文研究结果的理论和实际意义如下:(1)公司必须认真思考寻求、转移、共享和利用外部知识,同时创造知识支持必要的经营,保持竞争力,使产品达到更高超的性能。(2)公司将不断寻求发展他们的知识的吸收能力(包括潜在的和现实的能力)吸收,学习和使用有价值的外部知识。(3)公司不仅要强调吸收能力,也要发展当地的知识。有着较好知识知识吸收能力和本地营销知识的公司能够得到更多的外在知识,这些知识能够在以后的更高层次的竞争及营销中得到运用。 Knowledgel is considered to be a key element of understanding how organizations gain and sustain competitive advantages. But very few firms are capable of creation the requisite knowledge and thus, firms should acquire and exploit new knowledge through knowledge transfer processes. The empirical part of this study involves examining relationships among adaptability of knowledge and knowledge transfer and marketing performance and testing the moderating roles of absorptive capacity, socialization and local marketing knowledge. This study is organized as follows: (1) Previous literature on knowledge, knowledge transfer and absorptive capacity is summarized, followed by the development of hypotheses derived from the knowledge-based view and absorptive capacity. (2) The hypotheses are tested with data collected from MNCs' subsidiaries performing marketing activities in Korea, The study is closed with findings, implications, and conclusions. Following six research hypotheses are drawn from literature review in related areas: H1: Adaptability of knowledge transferred from the MNCs' headquarters and other subsidiaries is positively associated with knowledge inflows into the receiving subsidiary. H2: The level of marketing knowledge transferred from the MNCs' headquarters and other subsidiaries is positively associated with marketing performance of the receiving subsidiary. H3: Increases in potential absorptive capacity will enhance the relationship between adaptability of knowledge and the level of marketing knowledge transfer. H4: Increases in realized absorptive capacity will enhance the relationship between the level of knowledge transfer and marketing performance of the receiving subsidiary. H5: Increases in socialization activity among the headquarters and subsidiaries will enhance the relationship between adaptability of knowledge and the level of marketing knowledge transfer. H6: Increases in the level of locally developed marketing knowledge will enhance the relationship between the level of knowledge transfer and marketing performance of the receiving subsidiary. The research framework that illustrates the proposed hypotheses is presented in figure 1. The unit of analysis for this study is knowledge transfer from the MNCs' headquarters and other subsidiaries to their subsidiaries operating in South Korea. The population for this study consists of subsidiaries established either as joint ventures or as wholly-owned subsidiaries. A group of 603 foreign firms were drawn from diverse industry organizations and business societies. After personal contact, telephons, fax, and e-mail to request that the respondents complete the questionnaire, 282 valid questionnaires from 133 initial sample companies were collected. The results of the empirical analyses significantly support all of the proposed hypotheses except hypothesis 3. Adaptability of external knowledge promotes knowledge transfer and the relationship is moderated by a firm's potential knowledge absorptive capacity. On the other hand, knowledge transfer improves a firm's marketing performance and a firm's realized knowledge absorptive capacity and local marketing knowledge moderate the relationship. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings in this study are as follows: (1) firms must take seeking, transferring, sharing and exploiting of external knowledge into serious consideration, while simultaneously creating knowledge to support the necessary business operations, remain competitive, and achieve superior performance. (2) Firms should continuously seek to develop their knowledge absorptive capacity (both potential and realized capacity) to absorb, learn and utilize valuable external knowledge. (3) Firms should emphasize not only absorptive capacity, but also development of local knowledge. Firms with strong absorptive capability and local knowledge can learn and transfer more external knowledge, which can be translated into greater l

      • KCI등재후보

        韓國企業의 中國 外食프랜차이즈市場 經營方案

        우덕호 대한중국학회 2009 중국학 Vol.33 No.-

        企业的全球化是一种普世性的潮流,餐饮业也不例外,以韩国的特许经营餐饮业为例,因着国内内需市场的饱和,促使餐饮业纷纷前往国外开拓海外市场以寻求出路。眼看中国的肯德基、麦当劳、必胜客等跨国特许经营餐饮企业在华的优异表现,韩资企业也期望着能够进入中国市场发展自身的品牌。韩资企业进入中国之前必须对于中国的特许经营餐饮市场环境有所深入了解,并且还要选择与已在中国快餐业先占市场的肯德基、麦当劳、必胜客等跨国企业的差异化策略。本论文就这样的观点研究而得的策略为一个企业要有独特又有实效性的管理创新与产品创新,并加大品牌营销,要拥有敏锐的市场嗅觉,而且要开拓销售渠道,要实行分权化管理,避开正面冲突,实行提高服务意识的彻底在职教育,职工薪资的合理化分配,引资上市,销售韩流,开发适合中国人口味的韩餐为韩国中小餐饮企业的在华经营策略。 企业的全球化是一种普世性的潮流,餐饮业也不例外,以韩国的特许经营餐饮业为例,因着国内内需市场的饱和,促使餐饮业纷纷前往国外开拓海外市场以寻求出路。眼看中国的肯德基、麦当劳、必胜客等跨国特许经营餐饮企业在华的优异表现,韩资企业也期望着能够进入中国市场发展自身的品牌。韩资企业进入中国之前必须对于中国的特许经营餐饮市场环境有所深入了解,并且还要选择与已在中国快餐业先占市场的肯德基、麦当劳、必胜客等跨国企业的差异化策略。本论文就这样的观点研究而得的策略为一个企业要有独特又有实效性的管理创新与产品创新,并加大品牌营销,要拥有敏锐的市场嗅觉,而且要开拓销售渠道,要实行分权化管理,避开正面冲突,实行提高服务意识的彻底在职教育,职工薪资的合理化分配,引资上市,销售韩流,开发适合中国人口味的韩餐为韩国中小餐饮企业的在华经营策略。

      • KCI등재


        Chen Nailiang(陈,乃良),Jin Hong(金虹) 글로벌경영학회 2011 글로벌경영학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        艺术和经营是伴随着人类成长的两个重要的部分, 且各自的特征也非常鲜明, 分别代表了人类世界的两端--精神世界和物质世界。随着时代的进步, 从物质消费发展到精神消费的出现, 使得原本看似互不相干的两者, 开始了历史性地碰撞且相互地延伸与渗透, 并形成了现代社会产业的一个重要分支, 即艺术市场。在越来越重视精神消费的今天, 艺术经营有着重要的意义。本论文希望通过分析和整理其现状, 从艺术经营学教育的视角出发, 来寻找两者最佳的结合点。同时结合国际大环境背景, 针对中国的具体情况进行分析整理, 探讨处于在经济增长饱和期和经济发展转型期的中国, 在经营专业和艺术专业两大基础之上, 如何有机地构建这一新兴学科。并对现有中国高校中艺术经营专业开设的现状, 进行分析和整理, 寻找更加合理实用的艺术经营专业设置, 以促进和完善艺术经营学的发展。 During the course of human growth, arts and management are two important parts. These distinctive two symbolize two ends of human world - Material World and Spiritual World. With the progress of era and the appearance of spirit consumption, arts and management, the two seemly irrelevant parts are beginning to react upon and interpenetrate into each other. Therefore a main branch of modern social field - the art market, is taking shape. Nowadays, more and more attention are paid on spirit consumption, thus art management carries on more significance. Via analyzing and sorting systematically art and management, this paper tends to explore their best integration point from the visual angle on art management education. At the same time, considering our international background and Chinese specific situation when china is undergoing economy growth saturation and economy developmental transformation, this paper tends to study how to construct a new subject effectively without ignoring art and management as independent one. With eyes on the present situation of art management majors in Chinese universities, this paper also seeks setting up this major more practically, which is of no-denying positive significance.

      • 현금흐름의 지속성 및 가치관련성

        홍영은(洪暎恩),한정희(韩,正姬),남화영(南花英) 한국회계정보학회 2013 한국회계정보학회 학술대회발표집 Vol.2013 No.1

        본 연구에서는 현금흐름의 발생원천에 따라서 발생액의 시장이상현상에 차이가 있는지를 분석하였다. 대부분의 선행연구들에서는 현금흐름을 동질적이라 가정하고 발생액의 시장이상현원인을 이익구성요소 중 발생에 주된 관심을 기울여왔다. 그러나, 최근 발생을 이용한 이익조정 뿐만 아니라 실제활동이익조정과 관련한 연구들이 활발하게 이루어짐에 따라 현금흐름과 관련한 관심도 증대되고 있는 실정이다. Roychowdhury(2006)에 따르면 영업현금흐름은 가격할인, 생산량 증대, 재량비용 삭감등을 통한 실제활동이익조정으로 인해 영향을 받을 수 있다. 일부 선행연구들에 따르면, 이로 인해 장기성과에도 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 논의를 바탕으로 영업현금흐름을 실제활동이익조정으로 인해 영향을 받은 부분(비정상영업현금흐름)과 정상적인 영업활동에 의한 현금흐름으로 구분할 수 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 현금흐름을 정상현금흐름과 비정상현금흐름으로 구분하여 이들 구성요소와 차기 영업이익 및 차기 주식수익률과의 관계를 추정하여 주식시장참여자들이 현금흐름 구성요소가 차기 영업이익에 미치는 영향을 적절히 평가하는지를 실증분석하였다. 분석결과, 정상영업현금흐름이 비정상영업현금흐름과 비교하여 지속성이 더 높게 나타났으나, 투자자들은 정상영업현금흐름과 비정상영업현금흐름간의 차별적인 지속성효과수준을 충분히 반영하지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 기존의 선행연구들에서 주장한 것처럼 투자자들이 영업이익에 기능적으로 고착화되어 있기 때문으로 판단된다. 그러나 이익배당에 관심이 높아 보고이익에 기능적으로 고착화될 수 있는 투자자들과는 달리 신용평가기관의 경우 원리금상환여부에 관심이 높아 영업이익보다는 현금흐름정보를 보다 더 중요한 정보로 활용하고 있고, 실제 신용등급을 결정함에 있어 질적 재무정보를 활용함으로서 비정상영업현금흐름과 정상영업현금흐름이 차기 영업이익에 미치는 영향을 적절히 평가할 수 있다. 실증분석 결과, 정상영업현금흐름이 차기영업이익에 미치는 영향을 적절히 평가하고 있는 것으로 나타난 반면, 비정상영업현금흐름의 경우엔 과소평가하고 있는 것으로 나타나 주식시장참여자들과는 달리 신용평가기관에서는 정상영업현금흐름과 비정상영업현금흐름이 차기영업이익에 미치는 영향을 차별적으로 적용하고 있음을 알 수 있다. This paper examines whether components of operating cash flows affect differentially persistence on future earnings and whether market participants and credit rating agencies evaluate their implications properly. Prior research has treated the cash component as homogenous. However, Roychowdhury(2006) shows that real earnings management activities affect operating cash flows. We decompose the cash component into two parts: abnormal operating cash flows related to real earnings management and normal operating cash flows, based on the abnormal cash flows measures developed by Roychowdhury(2006). We find that normal cash flows is more persistent than the abnormal cash flows. We investigate whether investors understand the implications of the differential persistence of the two components of operating cash flows. We find that stock prices act as if investors fixate on earnings, failing to correctly distinguish between the different levels of persistence of the abnormal and normal cash flows, indicating that investors misunderstand potential real earnings management. Furthermore, we examine whether credit rating agencies fully incorporate the information in normal cash flows and abnormal cash flows about future performance into their ratings. We find that rating agencies underestimate the abnormal cash flows relative to their actual persistence. 本文以实证方法研究了盈余中现金流成分的持续性及其价值关联性。具体包括三个研究问题:问题一,采用真实活动盈余管理实证模型[Roychodhury(2006)模型]验证现金流成分(正常/异常经营现金流)之间的持续性是否存在差异;问题二,验证韩国证券市场的价格是否充分反应了正常与异常经营现金流之间的持续性差异;问题三,验证韩国公司债信用评价机关的信用等级是否充分反应了正常与异常经营现金流之间的持续性差异。研究结果发现,正常经营现金流的持续性要高于异常经营现金流的持续性,但,韩国证券市场的价格并没有对正常与异常经营现金流之间的持续性差异作出合理的反映。这说明投资者容易对会计利润进行“功能锁定”,即存在所谓的“应计异象”。而且,韩国公司债信用评价机关也低估了异常经营现金流的持续性,从而产生对异常经营现金流的定价过低的现象,但对正常经营现金流并不存在定价过高/过低的现象。

      • KCI등재

        战略导向、营销能力和企业绩效:基于中国延边地区 旅行社的实证研究

        鱼文英(Yu, Wen-Ying),李龙振(Li, Long-Zhen) 글로벌경영학회 2015 글로벌경영학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        市场导向主要体现企业对市场环境变化做出反应的适应性能力,而服务导向在创造顾客价值,提升 顾客满意度和忠诚度方面有重要作用。这两种战略导向的有效协同帮助企业更好地理解目前和将来的 顾客、竞争者和其他环境条件,从而在满足顾客需求方面发挥更全面的适应能力和管理能力。本研究 基于中国延边地区的127家旅行社的问卷调查数据,实证考察了市场导向和服务导向对企业绩效的影 响,以及营销能力在战略导向和企业绩效关系中的中介作用。研究结果显示:(1)市场导向和服务 导向对营销传播能力和营销规划能力有显著的影响;(2)市场导向和服务导向对企业绩效有显著的 直接影响;(3)营销规划能力对企业绩效有显著的影响,但营销传播能力没有影响;(4)市场导向 和服务导向不仅直接影响企业绩效,而且还通过营销规划能力间接影响企业绩效。研究结果对服务型 企业改善企业绩效具有重要的启示意义。 This study develops and empirically tests a model that links strategic orientations (e.g. market orientation and service orientation) with firm performance, through the mediating effect of marketing capabilities. Using data collected from 127 travel agent managers, the authors find that (1) market orientation and service orientation have significant positive impact on marketing planning capability ; (2) market orientation and service orientation have significant positive impact on firm performance; (3) marketing planning capability has positive impact on firm performance, but marketing communication capability no impact on firm performance; (4) market orientation and service orientation have not only positive directly impact on firm performance, but also indirectly impact on firm performance through the marketing planning capability. The authors discuss the managerial implications of study findings and offer directions for future research.

      • KCI등재후보

        한ㆍ중 FTA의 배경 및 효과에 관한 연구

        문철주,김주원 한국중국문화학회 2011 中國學論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        本文是关于了解和掌握中国经营环境变化给在中国的韩国企业经营成果带来的影响。本文以韩ㆍ中FTA促进背景和现况,以及在中国的韩国企业为研究对象,通过调查在中国的韩国企业对韩ㆍ中FTA的看法来掌握在中国的韩国企业经营成果有什么样的影响,并以对在中国的韩国企业经营成果影响因素的实证分析提出韩国企业在中国的企业经营战略。 简单概括本文所得出的结论,第一,在中国的大多数韩国企业都赞同对韩ㆍ中FTA促成,第二,韩ㆍ中FTA促成会给在中国的韩国企业经营成果带来好的影响,第三,对在中国的韩国企业经营成果影响因素的实证分析得出降低关税,韩中两国企业合作交流,对非关税的降低,以及中国产品的低级进口等对在中国的韩国企业经营成果带来影响,而且这些影响因素对在中国的韩国企业经营成果有不同成度的影响。

      • 儒家思想对中国民营旅游企业内部建设及外部经营的影响

        Zhao Ming(赵,明) 세계문화관광학회 2007 Conference Proceedings Vol.8 No.0

        中国民营旅游企业正扮演着越来越重要的角色,其未来的竞争力将不仅取决于如何引进西方管理模式,更多的应考虑如何"软化"这些"硬件"模式,日本企业在这方面的成功,启发了人们对儒家思想的探讨及其在企业管理中应用的研究。针对中国民营旅游企业管理松散,自发性的弊病,本文探讨了儒家思想对企业内部建设及外部经营的指导性影响。 Chinese private tourism enterprises are playing more and more important part in economy, competitiveness in management would depend on not only how to bring in western management models but also adapt to these models. Success in Japanese enterprises lights up researches for the use of Confucianism III management. In the light of some flaws in Chinese private tourism enterprises, such as management inefficience and lack of disciplines, this thesis put attention on the guideness influence of Confucianism for internal construction and external operation in enterprises.

      • An Approach to Tourism Product Marketing

        Ye Xiushuang(叶,秀霜) 세계문화관광학회 2008 Conference Proceedings Vol.9 No.0

        The intelligence marketing is a new marketing activity that is a kind of characteristics and costliness value mode, and it is also an important change of an anti-traditional marketing mode. It is required to pay attention to the special need of women during every process about tourism operation such as designing, producing, serving and so on. 心智营销是目前阶段一种高价值、大作用的全新营销活动,足反传统营销模式的一次重大变革。而关于旅游产品女性市场的心智营销是心智营销的一个单独的、有明显特色的分支,是针对广泛存在的女性客源市场,采取心智营销的策略,使旅游企业在产品设计、生产、销售等环节更注重女性的特殊需求。

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